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Recent content by RedLemonMC

  1. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge Reduce the amount of players needed for a match to start

    Nice solution. Instead of fixing it, completely dumping it into the trash. Hooray..
  2. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge im not blind unlike most of tb community

    The best part is when a invis pot user accuses you. And the invis pot has additional particles xD Karma was like mad at me every time I could spot them and ablaze them with pyro
  3. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge Balance kits

    I agree on everything with you mate except the swapper. Swapper as it is, balances the game. If someone is hella stacked , swapper is the only way to counter them since poisonman rarely poisons the enemy. These guys cry for swapper because they spent 20-30 minutes to prepare this armor and pots...
  4. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge remove frost

    theyre obviously trolling, why even answer them
  5. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge remove frost

    frost is top tier map. Long games=intriga and time to make the base as attack-proof as you want. You can easily fight, burn, swap, trap, hide etc. Its a challenge for each team to attack the enemy nexus, and its the only map that nobody complains about the fact that nobody defends. In frost...
  6. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge Reduce the amount of players needed for a match to start

    Minecraft Username: RedLemonMC What platform or game mode is this suggestion for? TheBridge What is your suggestion's title? Reduce the amount of players needed for a match to start Suggestion Details: Hello there. Intro: We all know that, nowadays TheBridge, as a minecraft...
  7. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge remove frost

    oh we're deleting maps? Please delete castle then, it lags a bit and theres no counter for juggernauts since the void is only at the edges. You cannot make swaphole etc
  8. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge Starting a new game

    Hello there. Intro: We all know that, nowadays TheBridge, as a minecraft gamemode, isn't really popular and only some old players, or new og players, that like nexuses and stuff, are playing this gamemode to that day. And if you take into consideration that this moment, Jartex is the only...
  9. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge old maps

    Exactly. Because if we have the ability to vote for any map, then some maps will never show up (like castle) and most of the times its going to be cliffs or pirates.
  10. RedLemonMC

    Accepted Everything wrong with this gamemode

    Ender_Sheep they dont even provide proof for that. I recommend you to appeal for its obviation. The staff has time to ban without proof (And when Im reporting hackers, it says "insufficient evidence"), but they dont have time to activate a single command or just change the average numbers of...
  11. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge Ingame Kit changer

    You are absolutely right. I couldnt use the English language better than you did, to express this opinion.
  12. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge old maps

    We should get the ability to choose teams (for example 13v13, you should be able to choose blue or red), and we should get the ability to vote between 2 maps everytime so that we dont play the same maps over and over again. As regards cliffs, the bad thing about this map, is that the nexus roof...
  13. RedLemonMC

    Accepted Everything wrong with this gamemode

    Absprache, man I have no words.. You are into my brain. You are so correct. Upvote until the sun collapses! Jartex mods are going to say something like "You can buy boosters and ranks". Thats "pay to win" mayne.... Like come on now. Neither the boosts, nor the ranks are helping you to get coins...
  14. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge Pots are gonna kill Thebridge's playerbase

    I agree with everything you guys wrote. They should remove strengh II or fix the coin system. Or both :)
  15. RedLemonMC

    TheBridge Ingame Kit changer

    Older players are already in advantage. It was never a bug. Its just that the staff dont care about it. There are more serious bugs. They wouldn't have fix that first.. hnd