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KitPvP - We Need Your Help! | 10th May 2021

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Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016
Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

I would like to take this moment to thank you all for your constant support and feedback on our KitPvP gamemode, we know it has been a while since it received an update so I will get right in to that with this post.

Please be aware, that this is not a regular we need your help post. We have plenty of suggestions already but we would like to let you guys know what direction we are going with KitPvP and getting your feedback based on that. KitPvP will not be resetted soon, this can be a timespan of a month, or maybe even 3, there is NO date for this yet.

With that being said, lets just get right to it. This is what we think of what KitPvP should be within the next reset.

💎 Worth the grind
Right now KitPvP does not feel as rewarding for the grind, yes there are levels and prestiges, but they take quite a while to complete, that itself is not a problem, but it should be more rewarding, if you spend months to get to max level it should compensate you for spending the time with it, we will be looking in to rebalancing, and most likely revamping the current way prestiges work.
🧭 Automated Events
All the action there is, is from the KOTHs, this works fine but we like to add more automated events on to this. Think about a treasure hunt, a juggernaut event, last man standing, you name it. These events will be automatically hosted by the server and activated at certain times, no need for a staff or a player to activate this. This will make KitPvP feel more diversed and fun to play daily.
🌍 A new map
This has been suggested a lot, and we heard you. You do not enjoy the current map of KitPvP and we'd like to change that ofcourse. But what should the map be. Flatter? Less towers and bridges, more or less safe houses, more or less traps? When suggesting a new map please be as descriptive as possible so we know exactly what we should be looking in to.​
✨ Changes to Teams
Teams are a great addition to KitPvP and allow a better teamwork rather than just saying you'd like to team with players but we feel like this could be updated a bit more. Along with the worth to grind we think about adding team upgrades, to just improve your team in general. If you have any ideas to improve teams even more make sure to let us know.​

🔫 Cosmetics
This is something we are not sure whether we should add this or not. Besides the killmessages we could add things like projectile particles, victory messages for winning events, level colors, you name it, you get the idea. Cosmetics are a great way to show off, and we are thinking about adding this to KitPvP without ruining the PvP aspect of it, so don't be afraid, we are not planning on adding death effects, or kill effects. When we do add cosmetics we will only add ones that are for show-off without interfering with anything.​

Thats all for what we have in mind!
Take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
Please note: Stick to the topic! Any off-topic/non-related to this game mode comments will be deleted.

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
The JartexNetwork Staff Team​


Addicted Member
Known Member
September 17, 2018
Hello R rLilJesus ,

After reviewing your suggestion, I have decided to strongly vote with a -1 for the following reasons:

📜 Ancient spells/potions
This is all about bringing new potions to the game for more fun.

The spells could be containing special abilities, such as swiftness, strength, invisibility, and much more the Devs can decide.
You can just drink a potion of strength, swiftness, or invisibility to obtain these effects.

🎪 Guilds | Teleportation Card | Pets
The guild is basically a warp, where people can warp, with the teleportation card. The card is a 1 time-used-card that can teleport you to the guild at any time; this means while in combat too. This is mostly for saving yourself from hackers or when you do not want to lose your items and loot. The Guild pets are all about working for you to obtain team boosters, money bundles, and much more. They can be upgradable to do less time to finish the work
No. You should not be allowed to simply right click and item and instantly be teleported to safety, no matter what the occasion is. If you don't want to risk dying and losing your items, stay in spawn where there is no PvP. If you go out, it means you're up for the risk of being able to die.
As for pets, there's already plenty of ways to boost your income, and the whole concept of making this more "skyblock dream" like is something I feel the grand majority of the KitPvP community wouldn't agree with.

🧰 /t-team vault
The command will be mainly used to access the team's vault, where you can share items with your team.
1621188577544.png +1

📚 Team Levels
I am not aware of this getting suggested but to bring another challenge to the game you should add levels with rewards to make it funnier for the players, as well as making it not boring [having only to kill people].

if I read correctly Ovq suggested adding more custom enchants in the game. To make it more challenging you should make it so when you reach a certain Team Level you can use the custom enchants.
I don't feel there's any need for any Team Levels, as there's your own level to take care of, and we've also got team score, that will put you above other teams and can give you a reward.

It will be giving boosters of (team killing experience and other factors you may choose), it will be a 1-time outpost with the boosters added in /booster. You also can choose the duration of it.

Apocalypse | this idea seems very cool and it brings new challenges. Though, making the bosses give more complicated stuff would be more awesome for people to kill and not just get some armor they can get free anyways.
Kit PvP, not Kit PvE.

➦ A word from the community
I would like to be a part of it and give my feedback If this gets added.
Sure, I'm sure you want to want to be part of it, but it should only be for people that actually play the gamemode.

The Koth down to the caves should have protecting bosses to prevent people from getting the Koth. Those bosses can give the Ancient potions, cards, spells I mentioned in my personal list of ideas. This could also give Koth starters a GUI popping up to start a Koth you would like (by clicking it).

Kind Regards,
~ ovq


Known Member
Known Member
March 29, 2018
didnt read a thing but ovq wrote it so +1
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Addicted Member
November 12, 2020
-/near command wich shows you that how far are ur enemys / closest person, and /near command vaucher or just give this command access to ----immortal rank.
This is not needed, would remove the factor of getting suddenly jumped, along with who are those exact "enemies", how will they be specified as enemies. -1
-special 1v1 duel where U can /duel [name] with anything what U want and when U lose U not gona lose ur items, if they not gona broke in fight, and the chugs wich they will spend they cant get it back, but they can bet money on duel like that.
You can just duel a person in practice since it's KitPvP and not a duel game mode. Along with you can just set up a place to fight were usually players are not there. -1

Overall, your suggestion is not explained enough
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Addicted Member
Known Member
September 17, 2018
-/near command wich shows you that how far are ur enemys / closest person, and /near command vaucher or just give this command access to ----immortal rank.
Look around you to see if players are nearby.

/team vault it will have same rarity as normal player vaults, and you can get them from god / ultra keys.
They should NOT be as common as player vaults, as they're more useful since everyone in your team can access them and be used to share items, or even a faster /trade. Also suggested here:
- +1 Team Vault - 2,000 TC: Accessible with /t vault number

-outpost wich will give you team boosters
Already suggested here:
There could also be an outpost similar to how there is on skyblock and prison, but instead of island members or gangs capturing it would be teams, and can reward with even more loot than regular koths or even team boosters (only 1 a week, during the weekend).

-rn there are lot koths, but for 12 hours active is just 3 koths wich is sky sky1 elivator, and on another 12 hours there are other koths just like hill, I would like to koths go on circle evere 1.3H
Already suggested here:
KOTHs should also be active more often, and more variety from sky based koths, which feel are the only ones that activate when there's more players active (at least this map).

-Cosmetics on 50 and 100 killstreak, smth like fire works, Lightning, Lucky block falling or smth like that
Neutral; there could be some sort of, either streak animation (only for super high streaks) or death animation for the people that want something extra once these things occur, however, it could easily be annoying for some players, as they might not be able to handle all of the extra particles going on.

-if your team is on top 5 or 3 U get special bonus weekly/motnly like money, brains, keys, exp and only team leader can select people who will claim it, and they will share items with team ofc.
Already suggested here:
• Team Top & Payouts
While [...]

-special 1v1 duel where U can /duel [name] with anything what U want and when U lose U not gona lose ur items, if they not gona broke in fight, and the chugs wich they will spend they cant get it back, but they can bet money on duel like that.

Kind regards,
~ ovq


Known Member
Known Member
July 8, 2019
Hi Hi Hi !!!

I am here as well to make a big suggestion about KitPvp; though my ideas are not specialized for KitPvp they would bring something new to the server that I would consider playing it.

Big WoW to ovq ovq & Andeh Andeh | As always their ideas impress me and they give me the motivation to keep playing the server.
(quick note: I will not make that complicated ideas, these 2 big men already pointed out enough ideas to go through and they are in my likes so it is better to let the developer team go through fewer ideas and suggestions.)

📜 Ancient spells/potions
This is all about bringing new potions to the game for more fun.

The spells could be containing special abilities, such as swiftness, strength, invisibility, and much more the Devs can decide.

🎪 Guilds | Teleportation Card | Pets
The guild is basically a warp, where people can warp, with the teleportation card. The card is a 1 time-used-card that can teleport you to the guild at any time; this means while in combat too. This is mostly for saving yourself from hackers or when you do not want to lose your items and loot. The Guild pets are all about working for you to obtain team boosters, money bundles, and much more. They can be upgradable to do less time to finish the work

🧰 /t-team vault
The command will be mainly used to access the team's vault, where you can share items with your team.

📚 Team Levels
I am not aware of this getting suggested but to bring another challenge to the game you should add levels with rewards to make it funnier for the players, as well as making it not boring [having only to kill people].

if I read correctly Ovq suggested adding more custom enchants in the game. To make it more challenging you should make it so when you reach a certain Team Level you can use the custom enchants.

It will be giving boosters of (team killing experience and other factors you may choose), it will be a 1-time outpost with the boosters added in /booster. You also can choose the duration of it.

⁉️ Pushing ideas made by ovq ovq & Andeh Andeh to something cooler.
Apocalypse | this idea seems very cool and it brings new challenges. Though, making the bosses give more complicated stuff would be more awesome for people to kill and not just get some armor they can get free anyways.

The Survivor set should be "special" giving an +10% hardened armor. As I understand people will be getting random items and not a full "bundle" so it getting a random piece of it would not work on its own. Getting the full set will be hard.

The Apocalypse should be a pattern of waves; Skeleton, Zombie, Creeper, Bear, and so on. Each of these waves should contain its own Surviving Set which means very little specialty in it. It would be fun to have a pattern of bosses instead of having the Zombie one every time.

Something additional about the events is that you should make a plugin when on our screen a message would pop up 1 minute | 60 seconds before the event start so we can possibly know the event will start.

➦ A word from the community
I would like to be a part of it and give my feedback If this gets added.

- Underground / Caves:

I like this idea and this gives an opportunity for more fun. The idea of having an underworld does not sit right with me according to the ideas I have seen. I would say to add a cave with wild and random mobs u can kill to get their loot ~Ancient loot~ which can be sold for money.

The Koth down to the caves should have protecting bosses to prevent people from getting the Koth. Those bosses can give the Ancient potions, cards, spells I mentioned in my personal list of ideas. This could also give Koth starters a GUI popping up to start a Koth you would like (by clicking it).

That's all for now.

no no no no no no stop this


May 19, 2021
Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

I would like to take this moment to thank you all for your constant support and feedback on our KitPvP gamemode, we know it has been a while since it received an update so I will get right in to that with this post.

Please be aware, that this is not a regular we need your help post. We have plenty of suggestions already but we would like to let you guys know what direction we are going with KitPvP and getting your feedback based on that. KitPvP will not be resetted soon, this can be a timespan of a month, or maybe even 3, there is NO date for this yet.

With that being said, lets just get right to it. This is what we think of what KitPvP should be within the next reset.

💎 Worth the grind
Right now KitPvP does not feel as rewarding for the grind, yes there are levels and prestiges, but they take quite a while to complete, that itself is not a problem, but it should be more rewarding, if you spend months to get to max level it should compensate you for spending the time with it, we will be looking in to rebalancing, and most likely revamping the current way prestiges work.
🧭 Automated Events
All the action there is, is from the KOTHs, this works fine but we like to add more automated events on to this. Think about a treasure hunt, a juggernaut event, last man standing, you name it. These events will be automatically hosted by the server and activated at certain times, no need for a staff or a player to activate this. This will make KitPvP feel more diversed and fun to play daily.
🌍 A new map
This has been suggested a lot, and we heard you. You do not enjoy the current map of KitPvP and we'd like to change that ofcourse. But what should the map be. Flatter? Less towers and bridges, more or less safe houses, more or less traps? When suggesting a new map please be as descriptive as possible so we know exactly what we should be looking in to.​
✨ Changes to Teams
Teams are a great addition to KitPvP and allow a better teamwork rather than just saying you'd like to team with players but we feel like this could be updated a bit more. Along with the worth to grind we think about adding team upgrades, to just improve your team in general. If you have any ideas to improve teams even more make sure to let us know.​

🔫 Cosmetics
This is something we are not sure whether we should add this or not. Besides the killmessages we could add things like projectile particles, victory messages for winning events, level colors, you name it, you get the idea. Cosmetics are a great way to show off, and we are thinking about adding this to KitPvP without ruining the PvP aspect of it, so don't be afraid, we are not planning on adding death effects, or kill effects. When we do add cosmetics we will only add ones that are for show-off without interfering with anything.​

Thats all for what we have in mind!
Take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
Please note: Stick to the topic! Any off-topic/non-related to this game mode comments will be deleted.

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
The JartexNetwork Staff Team​
Ur idea is great but in KitPvp it's just like come in arena and get cross teamed from all the sides and die and the process repeats again and again , plzz add buyable cosmetics and kits , keep it's price less


May 21, 2021
Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

I would like to take this moment to thank you all for your constant support and feedback on our KitPvP gamemode, we know it has been a while since it received an update so I will get right in to that with this post.

Please be aware, that this is not a regular we need your help post. We have plenty of suggestions already but we would like to let you guys know what direction we are going with KitPvP and getting your feedback based on that. KitPvP will not be resetted soon, this can be a timespan of a month, or maybe even 3, there is NO date for this yet.

With that being said, lets just get right to it. This is what we think of what KitPvP should be within the next reset.

💎 Worth the grind
Right now KitPvP does not feel as rewarding for the grind, yes there are levels and prestiges, but they take quite a while to complete, that itself is not a problem, but it should be more rewarding, if you spend months to get to max level it should compensate you for spending the time with it, we will be looking in to rebalancing, and most likely revamping the current way prestiges work.
🧭 Automated Events
All the action there is, is from the KOTHs, this works fine but we like to add more automated events on to this. Think about a treasure hunt, a juggernaut event, last man standing, you name it. These events will be automatically hosted by the server and activated at certain times, no need for a staff or a player to activate this. This will make KitPvP feel more diversed and fun to play daily.
🌍 A new map
This has been suggested a lot, and we heard you. You do not enjoy the current map of KitPvP and we'd like to change that ofcourse. But what should the map be. Flatter? Less towers and bridges, more or less safe houses, more or less traps? When suggesting a new map please be as descriptive as possible so we know exactly what we should be looking in to.​
✨ Changes to Teams
Teams are a great addition to KitPvP and allow a better teamwork rather than just saying you'd like to team with players but we feel like this could be updated a bit more. Along with the worth to grind we think about adding team upgrades, to just improve your team in general. If you have any ideas to improve teams even more make sure to let us know.​

🔫 Cosmetics
This is something we are not sure whether we should add this or not. Besides the killmessages we could add things like projectile particles, victory messages for winning events, level colors, you name it, you get the idea. Cosmetics are a great way to show off, and we are thinking about adding this to KitPvP without ruining the PvP aspect of it, so don't be afraid, we are not planning on adding death effects, or kill effects. When we do add cosmetics we will only add ones that are for show-off without interfering with anything.​

Thats all for what we have in mind!
Take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
Please note: Stick to the topic! Any off-topic/non-related to this game mode comments will be deleted.

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
The JartexNetwork Staff Team​
I would like that the map is changed bcs it looks like skeppy worldedited a challenge on there and make it similar to practice pvp maps, just bigger of course
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