I would like to take this moment to thank you all for your constant support and feedback on our KitPvP gamemode, we know it has been a while since it received an update so I will get right in to that with this post.
Please be aware, that this is not a regular we need your help post. We have plenty of suggestions already but we would like to let you guys know what direction we are going with KitPvP and getting your feedback based on that. KitPvP will not be resetted soon, this can be a timespan of a month, or maybe even 3, there is NO date for this yet.
With that being said, lets just get right to it. This is what we think of what KitPvP should be within the next reset.
Worth the grind
Right now KitPvP does not feel as rewarding for the grind, yes there are levels and prestiges, but they take quite a while to complete, that itself is not a problem, but it should be more rewarding, if you spend months to get to max level it should compensate you for spending the time with it, we will be looking in to rebalancing, and most likely revamping the current way prestiges work.
Automated Events
All the action there is, is from the KOTHs, this works fine but we like to add more automated events on to this. Think about a treasure hunt, a juggernaut event, last man standing, you name it. These events will be automatically hosted by the server and activated at certain times, no need for a staff or a player to activate this. This will make KitPvP feel more diversed and fun to play daily.
A new map
This has been suggested a lot, and we heard you. You do not enjoy the current map of KitPvP and we'd like to change that ofcourse. But what should the map be. Flatter? Less towers and bridges, more or less safe houses, more or less traps? When suggesting a new map please be as descriptive as possible so we know exactly what we should be looking in to.
Changes to Teams
Teams are a great addition to KitPvP and allow a better teamwork rather than just saying you'd like to team with players but we feel like this could be updated a bit more. Along with the worth to grind we think about adding team upgrades, to just improve your team in general. If you have any ideas to improve teams even more make sure to let us know.
This is something we are not sure whether we should add this or not. Besides the killmessages we could add things like projectile particles, victory messages for winning events, level colors, you name it, you get the idea. Cosmetics are a great way to show off, and we are thinking about adding this to KitPvP without ruining the PvP aspect of it, so don't be afraid, we are not planning on adding death effects, or kill effects. When we do add cosmetics we will only add ones that are for show-off without interfering with anything.
Thats all for what we have in mind!
Take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards! Please note: Stick to the topic! Any off-topic/non-related to this game mode comments will be deleted.
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
The JartexNetwork Staff Team
KitPvp reset is coming soon. This post will include some of the ideas we have came up with! Here are some of the contents there will be in the following text.
Map Changes
Special Sets
Team Shop
A word from the community!
➦ Map Changes Looking at how players liked the current and the old map, it is clear that we do not need any crowded spawns with a bunch of trees or tall traps or fallers. It was also noted that the users would much likely enjoy a different themed map.
Keeping everything in mind, here is a list dedicated for the next KitPvp map!
Less height - Trees on a lower Y level, traps or custom builds on a lower Y level
Wider staircases - Better PvP experience for KOTHs!
Less trees - As requested, a lesser crowded map
Smaller maps - Expected size to be 350x350 to 400x400, most of the map is unexplored by a lot of people, current map is 500x500
More themes - A specific game related, Space / Futuristic, Atlantic / Ruins, Temple / Sea Temple
More water and lava - For fishing and perhaps more traps including lava
More parkour - Adds a newer element to the map, challenging yet fun!
➦ Special Sets Expecting more custom sets, last season, a lot of players were disappointed. Matter of fact, this season we thought of coming up with newer and better sets. You can review the sets in the list below.
➤ Demon Set
Every 5th hit on the enemy will deal 10% more damage and this damage will increase consequently, i.e, 10th hit will deal 20% more damage, 15th hit will take 30% more damage. This set's passive ability is capped at 50% damage
Active ability : 10% less damage from enemies
Enchants : Protection IV
➤ Souvenir Set
This set will have a 0.5% chance to strike lightning on nearby enemies that will deal 3-4 hearts (does not stack with any damage bonus) in exchange for 15% of your set durability
Active ability : 5% less damage from enemies
Enchants : Protection IV
➤ Poseidon Set
This set is only obtainable by fishing, which will have, a 1/100 chance per piece (you may get any piece at a time). This set will also be capable of running 50% faster in water than on land. (If not possible then the set will have Depth Strider III)
Enchants : Protection II
➤ Kronos Set (
IceBlizzard__ )
This set will have the capability to slow down time by giving all the enemies in a 10 block radius slowness I for 3 seconds and mining fatigue I for 3 seconds and giving you speed III for 3 seconds! This set ability will prock by itself after you're hit every 50 times.
Active ability : 5% less damage from enemies
Enchants : Protection IV
NOTICE : All the custom sets will not be able to combine with any other armour!
NOTICE : You will get your speed II back once your speed III goes out!
➦ Events
➤ Moshpit
When this event will start, you will be able to kill players for a 50% increased reward for 12 minutes! The event will change it's regions 4 times for 4 different directions we're presented with, North, East, West and South. That means, the event will last 3 minutes in each direction! Event Schedule
Every 12 hours (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
➤Apocalypse [CONTROVERSIAL!] The sun goes down, the moon rises, zombies arouse from their graves and start the mass destruction.
When this event starts, sky will turn dark (Night time) and zombies will spawn in waves around the map for 5 minutes. (30 seconds wave, 40 zombies each wave)
Zombie HP : 100 HP.
These zombies will drop rewards.
After we kill the zombies (After the 5 minutes duration is over), a Zombie Boss will spawn named "Apocalypse" which will have 3,000HP. It will teleport around the map every minute or every 60 seconds (So it's hard to kill him, people have to find him first and then start hitting him) Boss Dialogues : Apocalypse has spawned! You have 10 minutes to kill it
NOTE : The Boss will only teleport after players start hitting it. (So if it's teleported to a remote location no one can find, the boss will stay there till someone hits it, and after 45-60 seconds it will teleport again)
The boss will automatically despawn after 10 minutes.
After despawning or after getting killed, the boss will drop rewards aswell which will go into your inventory (Dropped if inventory is full) Zombie Rewards :
200$ Cash - 50%.
20 Points - 20%.
Vote Key - 10%.
1,000$ Cash -
10%. Rare Key -
Survivor Helmet - 1%.
Survivor Chestplate - 1%.
Survivor Leggings - 1%.
Survivor Boots - 1%.
Warrior Kit - 1%. Survivor Set : Protection II Unbreaking III Speed II Feather Falling IV Diamond Set. (Nothing special) Apocalypse Rewards
10,000$ - 50%.
Ultra Key - 10%.
Yijiki Set - 10%.
God Key - 5%.
Apocalypse Helmet - 5%.
Apocalypse Chestplate - 5%.
Apocalypse Leggings - 5%.
Apocalypse Boots - 5%.
x3 Chugs - 5%.
Final Blow (The player who kills the boss) :
Survivor Tag. (ALTERNATIVE : 10,000$ Cash) Survivor Of The Graveyard Set : Protection III Unbreaking III Feather Falling IV Speed II Diamond Se
Active Ability : 10% Damage Reductio
Active Ability : 10% Damage Increas
Active Ability : 30% More Damage to Zombies. Boss Effects
- The boss will strike a row of lightning around itself 1 by 1 which will deal 1-2 hearts of damage (5 strikes)
- Spawns 10 Zombies (300HP) every 25% Health Reduction (75%, 50%, 25%), these zombies will not drop any rewards and will deal 2 hearts of damage every hit
- Fire Flare ; Will move in a radius of 5 blocks making a circle of fire (particles), if anyone walks into it they will get Weakness I for 5 seconds and will take 1 heart of damage every second. This fire flare will stay for 15 seconds Event Schedule
9PM GMT every weekend (Sunday)
NOTICE : KitPvp is not supposed to be a PvE game-mode, this event was only suggested because it's only 15 minutes long and adds a nice weekly element to the game. I would like the community to give feedback on this idea.
NOTICE : There were more events that were dropped after discussing internally, however, if you guys have any suggestions about any custom events, please do suggest!
➦ Team Shop
- Fix Orb- 300 TC: Fixes all of your gear and weapons in your inventory when right clicked; works in combat (also creates a small green particle cloud so players know if it's been used) (you cannot stack this item in your inventory, this way players will not over-use it)
KOTH Loot Booster - 750 TC: Your next KOTH reward will give you an extra reward!
1x Team Point Booster for 15 minutes - 1,000 TC: Boosts the Points obtained from kills and streaks for all members of the team.
1x Team Money Booster for 15 minutes - 1,000 TC: Boosts the Money obtained from kills and streaks for all members of the team.
3x Team Coin Booster for 20 minutes - 1,000 TC: Boosts the Team Coins obtained from all sources for all members of the team.
+1 Extra Member Slot - 1,000TC: Unlocks another slot for a team player to invite (Capped at 10)
KOTH Starter - 1,500 TC: An item (paper) that starts a random KOTH.
1 Team Vault - 2,000 TC: Accessible with /t vault number.
Random Special Set Box - 2,500 TC: An item that has a chance to give you any one of the present special sets. Yijki Set will be the most common, then Yeti, then Phantom and then the remaining special sets (Excluding Water Set)
God Key - 2,500 TC: x1 God Key, access to God Crate.
Gkit Potion Container - 3,000 TC: Access to once gkit potions.
➦ A word from the community
It was requested by a lot of helping players from KitPvp to allow them into a test server for future KitPvp reset so they all can test the items, check for balances over items, try to find bugs, etc. Hopefully this call will be listened and some importance will be given to players who are non-toxic, chill with the server, want the server to grow regardless of the state and many more things!
Remember that this is a suggestion list, all sections of the list may not get implemented in KitPvp.
This is just a brainstorm of ideas, which I've thought of in a small time spam. For KitPvP to be successful it needs lots of tweaking and changing, for it to be balanced. Also, credits / shout outs at the end.
• Economy •
There needs to be a balanced economy, in which the best method to obtain money is from *killing*, not from gkits or voting. There can also be alternative method such as fishing, and add fishing into the twist by adding *only* mcmmo for fishing, so you can obtain special items or simply make custom fishing for special items that can later be forged into weapons enchants armor etc.
An example of how you could be able to obtain money is...
• Crate keys
The full suggestion for rewards about crates is explained later, this is just the money portion of it.
Vote: $100, $250, $500
- Average of $100 obtained on each key Rare: $500, $1,000, $2,500
- Average of $250 obtained on each key Ultra: $1,000, $2,500, $5,000
- Average of $500 obtained on each key God: $2,000, $5,000 $10,000
- Average of $1,000 obtained on each key
• Kills & Streaks
Kills will now reward with $10 and 2 points BASE Kill reward, which can be increased with boosters (personal, global and team), prestige perks, team perks and your donator rank.
Here are the new and Improved streaks: Kills → Money Reward | Point Reward | EXP Reward
3 → $15 | 15 P |
5 → $25 | 25 P |
10 → $50 | 50 P | 50 exp
25 → $250 | 100 P |
50 → $750 | 250 P |
100 → $1,500 | 500 P | 200 exp
200 → $3,000 | 750 P |
300 → $5,000 | 1,000 P |
400 → $7,500 | 2,000 P |
500 → $12,500 | 4,000 P | 1,000 exp
750 → $20,000 | 8,000 P |
1000 → $30,000 | 12,500 P | 2,000 exp
1500 → $50,000 | 20,000 P | 3,000 exp
2500 → $75,000 | 30,000 P | 5,000 exp
5000 → $100,000 | 50,000 P | 10,000 exp
Warrior → 1.025x base money and 1.05x base point multiplier Gladiator → 1.05x base money and 1.1x base point multiplier. Hero → 1.1x base money and 1.15x base point multiplier. Immortal → 1.15x base money and 1.25x base point multiplier.
• NOTE!It's crucial that this only increases the base money and point that a player obtains and not the rewards from streaks, since that would become extremely unbalanced and unfair for players that don't have the top rank.
•*NEW!* Fishing
To add something new and unique, there can be custom fishing or simply rewards from fishing, both point wise and more so money wise. There can be a simple shop added that opened every weekend where you can sell your loot you obtain from fishing either for money or sometimes for special items; kind of how the black market works on survival but with a smaller scale of items.
Normal fish → $3
Salmon → $8
Pufferfish → $15
Clownfish → $75
Name tag → $300
Saddle → $300
Lily Pad → $200
Bowl → $200
Rotten Flesh → $250
Leather → $500
Stick → $200
String → $300
Bone → $1,000
Ink Sac → $100 (since you get 10)
Tripwire Hook → $1,500
• NOTE!These prices might be extremely high or they could also be so low that it doesn't impact in any way. It needs balancing, as I've just thought of what a fair price could be without testing it in depth.
Apart from these prices, there can also be some special items in rotation in which you can trade for example 10 bones and 5 string for a special Punch II bow, or 20 ink sacs and 10 rotten flesh for a Sharpness V Fire aspect IV sword, or even a better Fishing Rod, which has Lure V and Luck of the Sea V for example.
• *NEW!* Quests
Quests can be personal or for your team, and will reward you with things such as money, points, small personal and team boosters, and even custom items. Some examples of quests can be obtain x kills, reach x kill streak, capture x koths, fish x items, land x shots on players, kill x players from fall damage. Some other alternatives can be to complete some of these quests in 5 or 10 minutes since you've accepted it, or they can be active for an entire week.
• Prestige & Leveling system •
At the moment, the entire prestige mechanic is absolutely useless. You get a worse kit than immortal every hour just for the first prestige, which people spend hundreds of hours killing naked players, archers and p1s. Not only that, but the amount of kills (points) needed to even reach level 100 is absurd. Without using boosters, you need around 25k kills to reach level 100.
A small but simple improvement to make actually grinding kills more useful is to lower the amount of kills / points needed to level up, along with the rewards of the prestiges.
• Level and Prestige Colors
Regarding the colors for the prestige brackets and the levels, how I see it, they need a little bit of tweaking as some colors don't look as nice as others.
Before the numbers, something that needs to change is the current system that is used to level up, as if you obtain extra points above what you need for the level up, they're just wasted and gone. (Explination: you need 100 points for the next level up, and you have 90. If you obtain 50, 10 will be used to level you up and the extra 40 simply go to waste. They should be counted in towards the next level too!)
Now, for an equation that could function as the required points for each level, here is one I found could work well: (you can plot it somewhere like in GeoGebra to see the values that it would have) View attachment 14225
log(x, 25 x^2) + x^1.77
Some examples of level requirements with this equation are:
As for the prestige mechanics, there should be a 10% increase in ALL PvP level requirements (this can be tweaked to be 10% increase from prestige I to II, 20% from II to III, 40% III to IV, etc), meaning it will be harder to obtain level 100 again. However, in return, you'll get 3 prestige tokens for your first prestige, which you can spend in the prestige shop explained further below. Each prestige you obtain 3*prestige prestige tokens (so 6 for Prestige II, 9 for Prestige III etc). The prestige shop offers multiple buffs and perks, which are:
•*NEW!* Prestige Shop
These new perks that you're able to obtain through the prestige, will help you on your quest to become the best on the server!
Money Boost: Increase your base money kill reward. ! Requires prestige 1
Level 1 - 2 PT → Increases base kill reward from $10 to $15
Level 2 - 3 PT → Increases base kill reward from $20 to $25
Level 3 - 4 PT → Increases base kill reward from $25 to $40
Level 4 - 7 PT → Increases base kill reward from $40 to $65
Level 5 - 10 PT → Increases base kill reward from $65 to $90
• Point Boost: Increase your base point kill reward. ! Requires prestige 1
Level 1 - 2 PT → Increases base kill reward from 2 to 3
Level 2 - 3 PT → Increases base kill reward from 3 to 5
Level 3 - 4 PT → Increases base kill reward from 5 to 8
Level 4 - 7 PT → Increases base kill reward from 8 to 13
Level 5 - 10 PT → Increases base kill reward from 13 to 20
• Fisher: Increases the sell price for fishing loot. ! Requires prestige 1
Level 1 - 1 PT → Increase the sell price for fishing loot by 20%
Level 2 - 2 PT → Increase the sell price for fishing loot by 50%
Level 3 - 3 PT → Increase the sell price for fishing loot by 100%
Level 4 - 4 PT → Increase the sell price for fishing loot by 250%
Level 5 - 5 PT → Increase the sell price for fishing loot by 500%
• Bloodthirsty: You obtain strength I when killing a player. ! Requires prestige 2
Level 1 - 10 PT → Obtain Strength I for 0:05 once you kill a player
Level 2 - 20 PT → Obtain Strength I for 0:10 once you kill a player
Level 3 - 30 PT → Obtain Strength I for 0:15 once you kill a player
• Streaker: Increases the rewards you obtain from each kill streak milestone. ! Requires prestige 2
Level 1 - 5 PT → Increases all kill streak rewards by 10%
Level 2 - 10 PT → Increases all kill streak rewards by 25%
Level 3 - 20 PT → Increases all kill streak rewards by 40%
Level 4 - 50 PT → Increases all kill streak rewards by 75%
• Warlock: You unlock the access to receive 1 prestige token as a reward when you reach a certain kill streak. ! Requires prestige 2
Level 1 - 5 PT → Obtain 1 prestige token at a 5,000 kill streak
Level 2 - 15 PT → Obtain 1 prestige token at a 4,000 kill streak
Level 3 - 30 PT → Obtain 1 prestige token at a 3,000 kill streak
• Extra Hearts: Obtain extra hearts at all times. ! Requires prestige 2
Level 1 - 5 PT → Adds 1 full heart to your total health.
Level 2 - 15 PT → Adds 2 full hearts to your total health.
Level 3 - 30 PT → Adds 3 full hearts to your total health.
• Titan: You unlock permanent Resistance I. It's a one time purchase. ! Requires prestige 4
Level 1 - 20 PT → Obtain permanent Resistance I.
• Merchant: Lowers the cost of all items in the shop. ! Requires prestige 3
Level 1 - 8 PT → Lower the cost of all the items in the shop by 5%
Level 2 - 12 PT → Lower the cost of all the items in the shop by 10%
Level 3 - 18 PT → Lower the cost of all the items in the shop by 15%
• Mastery: Increase how many prestige tokens you obtain from each prestige. ! Requires prestige 4
Level 1 - 10 PT → Increase the base prestige tokens reward from 3 to 4
Level 2 - 20 PT → Increase the base prestige tokens reward from 4 to 5
Level 3 - 30 PT → Increase the base prestige tokens reward from 5 to 6
• Super Boost: Add a permanent multiplier to both your money and point rewards from all sources (kills, streaks, crates, etc) ! Requires prestige 5
Level 1 | Cost: 25 PT | Obtain 1.1x more money and points from all sources
Level 2 | Cost: 50 PT | Obtain 1.2x more money and points from all sources
Level 3 | Cost: 100 PT | Obtain 1.3x more money and points from all sources
• NOTE!These prices and boosts could be extremely expensive, or they could also super easy to obtain. It needs to be tested and more so balancing (same as everything).
• Crates •
The loot needs to be updated to better fit the new economy and server in general. This previous map, the crates either gave you insanely good items or just useless items. You were able to obtain Hero ranks in just a couple of keys, and permanent GKit keys in double or triple that amount. Here's what I feel a fair crate system would be:
• Voting Crate
- $100 $250,$500 (Average of $100 obtained on each key) - 5, 10 & 15 Points - x3 Golden Apple (Normal) - Common
- Item Renames - Common
- Protection II Pieces - Common
- Sharpness II Sword - Rare - Sharpness III Axe - Epic - Warrior Kit Voucher - Rare - Gladiator Kit Voucher - Epic - x5 Vote Keys - Epic - x2 Rare Keys - Epic - +1 Extra Team Slot - Epic - Feed command Voucher - Epic - Nick Command Voucher - Epic -Fix Command Voucher - Legendary (0.3%) -+1 Vault Voucher - Legendary (0.1%) -x1 Super Golden Apple - Legendary (0.5%) -Warrior Rank Voucher - Legendary (0.05%)
• Rare Crate
- $500 $1,000 $2,500 (Average of $250 obtained on each key) - 15, 25 & 50 Points - x8 Golden Apple (Normal) - Common - x3 Item Renames - Common - Protection II Pieces - Common - Sharpness II Sword - Common - Sharpness III Axe - Rare
- Warrior Kit Voucher - Common - Gladiator Kit Voucher - Rare
- Hero Kit Voucher - Rare
- x8 Vote Keys - Rare
- x3 Rare Keys - Epic - x1 Ultra Key - Epic - +1 Extra Team Slot - Epic - Yijki Helmet - Epic - Yijki Chestplate - Epic - Yijki Leggings - Epic - Yijki Boots - Epic - Feed command Voucher - Rare
- Nick Command Voucher - Rare - Mystery Gkit Potions Voucher - 5% To obtain the gkit, if not x3 Rare keys - Legendary (1%) - Fix Command Voucher - Legendary (0.4%) - +1 Vault Voucher - Legendary (0.15%) - x1 Super Golden Apple - Legendary (0.5%) -Warrior Rank Voucher - Legendary (0.1%) -Gladiator Rank Voucher - Legendary (0.05%)
• Ultra Crate
- $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 (Average of $500 obtained on each key) - 50, 75 & 150 Points - x16 Golden Apple (Normal) - Common - x5 Item Renames - Common - Protection III Pieces - Common - Sharpness III Sword - Common - Sharpness IV Axe - Rare - Gladiator Kit Voucher - Common - Hero Kit Voucher - Rare - Immortal Kit Voucher - Rare - x8 Rare Keys - Rare - x3 Ultra Key - Epic - x1 God Key - Epic - +1 Extra Team Slot - Rare - +2 Extra Team Slots - Epic - Feed command Voucher - Rare - Nick Command Voucher - Rare - Exp Bottle command Voucher - Epic - x0,5 Personal Money Booster for 5 minutes (Redeemable voucher) - Epic - x0,5 Personal Point Booster for 5 minutes (Redeemable voucher) - Epic - Mystery Gkit Potions Voucher - 5% To obtain the permanent gkit, if not x2 Ultra Keys - Legendary (3%) - Gkit Potions Voucher - Legendary (0.15%) - Fix Command Voucher - Legendary (0.5%) - +1 Vault Voucher - Legendary (0.3%) - x3 Super Golden Apple - Legendary (0.5%) - Yijki Special Set - Legendary (1%) - Yeti Special Set - Legendary (0.5%) -Warrior Rank Voucher - Legendary (0.25%) -Gladiator Rank Voucher - Legendary (0.1%) -Hero Rank Voucher - Legendary (0.05%)
• God Crate
- $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 (Average of $1,000 obtained on each key) - 150, 250 & 500 Points - x32 Golden Apple (Normal) - Common - x8 Item Renames - Common - Protection IV Pieces - Common - Sharpness IV Sword - Common - Sharpness V Axe - Rare - Immortal Kit Voucher - Rare - x16 Rare Keys - Rare - x5 Ultra Key - Epic - x3 God Key - Epic - +1 Extra Team Slot - Rare - +2 Extra Team Slot - Epic - Exp Bottle command Voucher - Rare - x0,5 Personal Money Booster for 5 minutes (Redeemable voucher) - Rare - x0,5 Personal Point Booster for 5 minutes (Redeemable voucher) - Rare - Booster Package (from booster Gkit) - Epic - GKit Potions Container - Epic - GKit Keys Container - Epic - GKit Enchanter Container - Epic - Mystery Gkit Potions Voucher - 10% To obtain the permanent gkit, if not x2 God Keys - Legendary (3%) - Mystery Gkit Keys Voucher - 5% To obtain the permanent gkit, if not x2 God Keys - Legendary (2%) - Gkit Potions Voucher - Legendary (0.25%) - Gkit Keys Voucher - Legendary (0.1%) - Fix Command Voucher - Legendary (1%) - Invsee Command Voucher - Legendary (0.02%) - +1 Vault Voucher - Legendary (0.5%) - +2 Vaults Voucher - Legendary (0.3%) - x5 Super Golden Apple - Legendary (2%) - Yijki Special Set - Legendary (1.5%) - Yeti Special Set - Legendary (1%) - Phantom Special Set - Legendary (0.25%) - Silver Special Set - Legendary (0.25%) - Wild Special Set - Legendary (0.25%) - Mystery Special Set Crate (All sets available) - Legendary (1%) - Mystery GKit Crate (Potions, Keys, Booster and Enchanter) - Legendary (0.1%) - Mystery Rank Crate (Warrior, Gladiator and Hero) - Legendary (0.1%) -Warrior Rank Voucher - Legendary (0.5%) -Gladiator Rank Voucher - Legendary (0.15%) -Hero Rank Voucher - Legendary (0.1%)
While there isn't much to say about this other than it needds to be balanced correctly, it would be wonderful if we could not make certain gkit vouchers, command vouchers, perks, or ranks seasonal. It just does not fit the theme of KitPvP whatsoever.
• Shop •
The current shop is very outdated and offers items that don't even add anything to the gameplay. The shop should be completely reworked, both with new items and with better pricing.
The shop will be split into 5 categories...
• Potions - Normal portions: You can buy potions such as Strength, Fire resistance, invisibility, and regeneration. - Strength I (3:00) - $2,000 - Fire resistance I (3:00) - $500 - Invisibility (3:00) - $800
- Super potions: These potions cost much more, but for what it's worth, it's worth the hefty price. - Super Strength I (10:00) - $7,500 - Super Fire resistance (10:00) - $1,500 - Super Invisibility (10:00) - $2,000 - Super Speed II (10:00) - $500 - Super Healing (Instant Healing III ) - $5,000
• Enchanting -Armor and weapons: You're able to buy all sort of weapons and armor, for you to enchant them and obtain better gear than others. - Diamond armor pieces: $250 each - Diamond sword: $100 - Diamond axe: $50 - Bow: $250 - Fishing rod: $5,000 - x64 Ender Pearls (Stacked up in one item): $15,000
-Enchants & Bottles: You will also be able to purchase xp bottles to enchant these items, or buy - x8 Enchanting Bottle: $300 - Sharpness III: $1,000 - Sharpness IV: $2,000 - Protection II: $750 - Protection III: $1,500 - Power V: $500 - Unbreaking II: $2,000 - Unbreaking III: $5,000 - Feather Falling III: $500 - Feather Falling IV: $1,000 - Punch I: $15,000 - Fire Aspect I: $8,000 - Swiftness I: $30,000 - Swiftness II: $60,000
• Commands & Vouchers
Here you will be able to purchase expensive but useful perks, which might seem over priced but the intention of the section is not for it to be the main source of these vouchers, rather a way for players that haven't been lucky or can't obtain higher tier keys to have a chance at gathering these perks. - /feed Command Voucher: $3,000 - /nick Command Voucher: $10,000 - /pv Command Voucher: $15,000 - /xpbottle Command Voucher: $25,000 - /fix Command Voucher: $50,000 - /invsee Command Voucher: $100,000
• Fishing
Here you'll be able to sell your loot from fishing, and even trade in multiple items from fishing for special weapons, armor sets and other items (only during a limited time)
• Team Shop
While it's further explained in detail in the Team section of the suggestion, it's still a category in the shop, which you can use team points, obtained by killing other players, to gather special items that help you out.
• Favorites
Now this isn't much of a category, as it isn't an "option" for you to access, rather a section of the /shop GUI where you'll be able to favorite items in a similar fashion how you can favorite items on bedwars, without having to click anything else or go through more GUIs.
• GKits •
Currently the Gkits are absurdly overpowered, more especially Gkit potions. While keys should get a indirect nerf by simply nerfing the crates in general, potions, summer and boostershould have a slight change.
Here are some changes to the current gkits:
• GKit Potions (3 day cooldown) x5 Super fire resistance potions (10:00) x2 Strength I potions (3:00) x1 Strength II potion (0:30) x3 Minis (Same effects as this map but add strength I for 0:10) x1 ChugJug (Same effects as this map but add slowness II for 0:10) *NEW!* x2 Slurp: - Jump Boost V (0:10) - Speed V (0:03) - Resistance V (0:10) - Weakness III (0:15)
• GKit Summer (7 day cooldown) x1 Summer Set (Packaged): - Protection VII Unbreaking XX Iron Set (Probably needs balancing!) - 25% chance to not take fall damage (Needs fixing) x1 Sharpness III Fire Aspect IV Sword x1 Magic Melon: Obtain between 250 and 750 EXP. *NEW!* x1 Magmatic Potion: When consumed you obtain 1 hour of Fire resistance.
• GKit Boosters (7 day cooldown) x1 +1.0x Personal Money Booster 30:00 (Expires in 7 days) x1 +1.0x Personal Point Booster 30:00 (Expires in 7 days) x1 Booster Pack
Now, time for the *NEW* GKits! • GKit Enchants (7 day cooldown) x1 Protection IV Book x1 Unbreaking III Book x1 Sharpness V Book x1 Fire Aspect I Book x1 Depth Strider I Book x1 Punch I Book x1 Swiftness I Book (Custom enchant)
• GKit Enchanter (5 day cooldown) x128 (2 stacks) of EXP Bottles x1 Wizard's Orb (Right click to obtain from 1000 to 2500 exp)
• GKit God (14 day cooldown) - Protection IV Unbreaking VI Diamond set, with Feather Falling VII and Depth Strider III Boots. - Sharpness V Fire Aspect III Diamond Sword - Punch II Unbreaking V Infinity Bow
• Armor & Weapons •
So in this season, the whole armor and weapons side of things has been incredibly unbalanced, to the point where a big majority of players did not feel that any sets were even good at all for them to care about obtaining or losing them. Protection 4 was the trashy set to go in when you didn't want to pvp that much or maybe go to sky, sky1 or elevator. Special sets were so common that they were sold for pennies. Fire swords were super easy to obtain as well, making them even more common than kb2.
• Donator Kits
PvP Kits - To make Protection IV sets useful and rare again, the donator kits need some tweaking. -Warrior PvP Kit: Sharpness II with Protection I Unbreaking I Diamond set. -Gladiator PvP Kit: Sharpness II with Protection II Unbreaking I Diamond set. -Hero PvP Kit: Sharpness III with Protection II Unbreaking II Diamond set. -Immortal PvP Kit: Sharpness IV with Protection III Unbreaking II Diamond set.
*NEW!* Once kits - I'm Ranks are some what useless now that you can obtain multiple vauls, unlike season two, in which only your rank gave you extra vauls. To make ranks more worth it to purchase, a nice adition would be to add once kits so you start off with a slight boost. -Warrior Once Kit: $1,000, x8 Vote Keys, x4 Rare Keys & x1 Ultra Key -Gladiator Once Kit: $2,000, x16 Vote Keys, x8 Rare Keys & x3 Ultra Keys -Hero Once Kit: $3,000, x16 Vote Keys, x16 Rare Keys, x3 Ultra Keys & x1 God Key -Immortal Once Kit: $5,000, x32 Vote Keys, x16 Rare Keys, x5 Ultra Keys & x2 God Keys
• Special Sets
-Yijki Set: Protection IV with 15% less damage received. - Yeti Set: Protection IV with 5% more damage dealt and 10% less damage received. -Phantom Set: Protection IV with 15% More Damage Dealt. - *NEW!*Silver Set: Protection III that gives you permanent Speed III when worn. Important to make this set not be able to be combined with others, like protection IV, so you have worse protection in return of being faster. - *NEW!*Wild Set: Protection IV which, when worn, inflicts a poison effect to the opponent for 2 seconds if they are hit 5 times.
• Custom Enchants
- Swiftness (Boots): This enchant is meant to be hard to obtain, so players have to use speed II potions for a period of time until they obtain this enchant. It can only go up to level two. This means you can use anvils to combine two swiftness I boots to get swiftness II, but not III, which can only be obtained by using the archer kit.
These enchant should be extremely hard to obtain, and require you to be a certain prestige for them to work. They should not be able to be obtained in any crates, and could only be obtained 3 or 5 times for the entire server, every month or two, only via special means, such as being #1 or other high positions in /team top, fishing lots of items or purchasable in the /shop for insane prices. For players that have played this to compare how rare these should be, think about the last time you saw a /fix Command Voucher. You can only apply one of these rare enchants to the same item.
- Strength (Sword): Requires prestige 5 to purchase and use. Obtain permanentStrength I when holding your sword. - Thunder (Sword): Requires prestige 10 to purchase and use. Strikes players with a thunder strike every 10 hits, which deals 2 full hearts of damage. - Glacial (Sword): Requires prestige 15 to purchase and use. Applies Slowness I for 0:01 to the player every 5 hits and Blindness I for 0:03 every 15 hits.
• Teams •
Teams right now seem a bit dull, they're lacking something to motivate players to actually form a strong team and compete against others. While it's most likely not going to happen, I'm sure everyone in the KitPvP community can agree that we want payouts. It doesn't matter which type, we just want some kind of reward for being on the top. (More about that later). There's also lots of things that can be added to teams to make it more worth the while.
• Team Honor
Team Honor is the score that your team obtains when capturing KOTHs, outpost, qualifying in a high position in possible events, and mainly killing other players (just a name change from Team Brains). Team Honor can not be spent, as it only counts towards the score of each team, seen in /team top.
• *NEW!* Team Coins
Team Coins are obtained the same ways as Honor, but you can spend them on special items on the team shop and to purchase perks.
• *NEW!* Team Perks
Team perks are special abilities that you can activate and take effect to players in your team. You may only have up to three perks active at a time; you start with one and have the ability to purchase a second and third active perk. There is a 4 hour cool-down between switching which perks are active, so choose wisely before activating one. Here's a list of perks and their costs to unlock: - Visionary Bows 500 TC: If you land a shot with any bow on a invisible player, this player will have their invisibility removed for a few seconds. - Extra KOTH loot - 2,000 TC: Obtain one extra reward from the normal loot list. - Leadership - 3,000 TC: Deal up to 5% more damage for having teammates in a 15 block radius (+1% for each teammate) - TeamShield - 1,500 TC: Receive up to 8% less damage for having teammates in a 15 block radius (3% for each teammate) - Potionextender 3,000 TC: Self explanatory; extends healing potion are of effect by 25% or so. - SecondPerkSlot - 5,000 TC: Unlock another slot to have an active perk. - Third PerkSlot - 15,000 TC: Unlock another slot to have an active perk.
• *NEW!* Team Shop
In the team shop you can purchase special items, boosters for your team, perks and other cool things in return for team coins. Example of times and their prices: - Fix Orb - 300 TC: Fixes all of your gear and weapons in your inventory when right clicked; works in combat (also creates a small green particle cloud so players know if it's been used) - +1x Team Point Booster for 15 minutes - 1,000 TC: Boosts the Points obtained from kills and streaks for all members of the team. - +1x Team Money Booster for 15 minutes - 1,000 TC: Boosts the Money obtained from kills and streaks for all members of the team. - +3x Team Coin Booster for 20 minutes - 1,000 TC: Boosts the Team Coints obtained from all sources for all members of the team. - +1 Team Vault - 2,000 TC: Accessible with /t vault number
• Team Top & Payouts
While I'm sure its going ot be nearly imposible to get this added, it would actually be amazing if we, the KitPvP community, could have proper competition among us (funny pun), in which every two week, month or ever longer, the top teams on even top players in certain categories would get a small reward in compensation for being on the leaderboards. Even 25€ store giftcard for the #1 team over a period of two months is fine, as long as it's something! Here's some examples:
- Top Teams in /team top (score counted with team honor) in a month: 25€ Store Giftcard 15€ Store Giftcard 10€ Store Giftcard
There can be a lifetime leader-board and a monthly leader-board, to keep competition constant and the same teams won't always be winning.
- Top player in prestige (and levels) every month: 10€ Store Giftcard
This leaderboard won't be updated as it's taking the life-time leaderboard into account.
- Top player with the most kills over a period of a month: 10€ Store Giftcard
Same as the top teams, this reward is only for the player with the most kills in a month, not life-time.
- Top player with the highest kill streak every month: 10€ Store Giftcard
This leaderboard won't be updated as it's taking the life-time leaderboard into account.
• Map •
While it's a bit to difficult explain how the map should be, it should be updated to one which is more flat, in which there aren't as many places to go up in (less trees and mountains), more koths, more variety, more grass, and more specifically; there *needs* to be some sort of map rotation every, let's say 3 or 4 months. Having the same map, no matter how good it is, gets boring. Once people get used to it, it's no fun and a change in maps every so often would be an awesome addition. Now, some neet ideas for map themes I've came up with are:
- Underground / Caves: The entire map is underground, and the spawn is a small mining site with it's small houses etc. KOTHs can be on top of lava lakes, water lakes, on a small opening to the surface, etc. (If this is added there needs to be lots of lighting or give everyone night vision permanently.
- Beach Resort / Islands: The spawn can be a small beach resort, or a shopping mall and there's KOTHs on other buildings, houses, on the beach, or on a small island in the ocean!
- Medieval City: You're in a medieval town in which you can fight over the different parts of the city, or capture the KOTHs at the castle, farmland, river, forest and more!
- Underwater city (Like the Atlantis): You're in a underwater city, full of water and quartz sculptures everywhere! Would you rather stay safe inside of the submarine, or go and fight others in the city and conquer it, becoming Poseidon himself!
• Other Changes & Bug Fixes •
• Vaults
The current state of vaults is somewhat overpowered. You should be able to unlock more space by teacher certain PvP levels, and the vouchers from the crates should be +1 or +2 at max, so that you can obtain an entire vault easily but obtain dozens harder.
While it has a lot to do with the map as well, they really need improvements. EVERY KOTH needs to have corners. There could also be an outpost similar to how there is on skyblock and prison, but instead of island members or gangs capturing it would be teams, and can reward with even more loot than regular koths or even team boosters (only 1 a week, during the weekend). There also needs to be a chest where items are stored and only the player that captured the koth or his team can obtain the items, to prevent people from simply critting out someone that caps and stealing the loot. KOTHs should also be active more often, and more variety from sky based koths, which feel are the only ones that activate when there's more players active (at least this map).
• KOTH loot rework
You will now be able to obtain two regular rewards and one special reward form the KOTHs.
Normal rewards: - $1,000 Banknote -$1,500 Banknote - x16 EXP Bottles - x32 EXP Bottles - x16 Vote Keys - x4 Rare Keys - x8 Super Invisibility Potions (10:00) - x8 Super Fire Resistance Potions (10:00) - x15 Super Speed II Potions (10:00) - x5 Instant Healing IV Potions - x1 Super Golden Apples - x32 Golden Apples - x64 Golden Apples - Sharpness IV Sword - x1 Immortal Kit Voucher
Special Rewards: - $10,000 Banknote - x64 EXP Bottles - x2 Ultra Keys - x1 God Key - Sharpness V Sword - +0.75x Team Point Booster for 5:00 - +0.75x Team Money Booster for 5:00 - x1 Mystery Koth Starter (Starts any random koth, however it does not say in public chat which is activated, only to the player that uses it) - x3 Super Golden Apples - x2 Super Stenght Potions (10:00) - x3 Strength II Potions (1:00) - Swiftness I Book (Custom Enchant)
• *NEW!* Loot Protection
Currently, there's (for some reason) no protection for the loot you have when you kill somebody. While it's useless for killing people in bad / free gear, it's needed for fighting agaisnt people with better items. I'm sure it's not just me who has one or up to five (yes five) people around you, with their inventory nearly empty and their pearls on their hand when I'm fighting someone, just to come in and steal all the loot when someone dies. It's something simple to add, maybe a 5 or 15 second cooldown for others to pickup the loot. Now some optional things to add are to have the ability to set your own loot protection timer (5, 10 or 15) and even have the ability to let the players in your team pick up the loot as well.
• Bug Fixes & other
- Add [inventory] and the ability to, along with [item] and [ah], work in team chats and /msg - Remove the players name tag (if he isn't in your team) when drinking an invisibility potion. - Remove all donation effects (fireworks are fine) - Be able to type @ or ! Before a message and it sends in team chat or ally chat. - You should be able to bow boost in teams. - Fix the anticheat rubber banding you if you fall off for some time or pearl sometimes. - Fix the /itemfilter not working properly, since lost of the toggles do nothing and you can still pickup some items after toggling it on. (Also add /if toggle) - You're able to make items vanish / disappear sometimes after dropping something and trying to pickup loot. It's hard to replicate, and happens randomly at certain times, but it's obvious why it needs fixing. - Change pearl cool-down from 10 to 16 - Add some sort of symbol or check mark before someone's name tag if they're in your team or are allied. - While it's probably hard to figure out why, the damage on KitPvP (and Jartex in general) is extremely RNG based or weird. You can take damage with the same gear and weapons from 0.5 hearts, to 5 hearts, and sometimes (for some reason) even HEAL when being hit. - Fix fall damage / feather falling (you can either take damage as if you didn't have feather falling or take as if you did) - Better enchanting section. (Make level 5, 15 and 30 enchanting tables reach those levels) • Volume 2 of suggestions / changes - Fix bow boosting not working while in a team. - Add an icon for when you've unlocked a GKit (Similar to how it is on Factions and SBD at the moment, and for boosters on KitPvP right now) - Add a cool-down on how often people can /bounty others, as people often spam this command (5 seconds between bounties - Add a /leaderboard command in which we can see all types of leaderboards for all time periods and more stuff. (All time, weekly, monthly - Kills, Deaths, Level & Prestige, Team Honor, Active Streaks, Active Bounties, All Time Streaks, Playtime, KDR (Only for players with 1 death or higher)) - Please do not add any more "un-skippable" mystery items like on other modes, or at least make it so you can escape out of the GUI - -
Anything interesting you comment, I'll make sure to add!
Looking at how players liked the current and the old map, it is clear that we do not need any crowded spawns with a bunch of trees or tall traps or fallers. It was also noted that the users would much likely enjoy a different themed map.
➤ Demon Set
Every 5th hit on the enemy will deal 10% more damage and this damage will increase consequently, i.e, 10th hit will deal 20% more damage, 15th hit will take 30% more damage. This set's passive ability is capped at 50% damage
Active ability : 10% less damage from enemies
Enchants : Protection IV
If this is a combo, sure it could work out. If it doesn't matter if you're not, absolute NO. We don't need 50% more damage from simply getting 50 hits on someone, which could be done in simply some minutes. Also, would this be in the 5th hit landed you deal 10% more than usual, or the next hits after the 5th are all increased by 10%
➤ Souvenir Set
This set will have a 0.5% chance to strike lightning on nearby enemies that will deal 3-4 hearts (does not stack with any damage bonus) in exchange for 15% of your set durability
Active ability : 5% less damage from enemies
Enchants : Protection IV
Honestly, sounds too hard to implement and I don't think there should be an extreme amount of effort out into such a small event that doesn't improve the pvp it self that much.
- Fix Orb- 300 TC: Fixes all of your gear and weapons in your inventory when right clicked; works in combat (also creates a small green particle cloud so players know if it's been used) (you cannot stack this item in your inventory, this way players will not over-use it)
➦ A word from the community
It was requested by a lot of helping players from KitPvp to allow them into a test server for future KitPvp reset so they all can test the items, check for balances over items, try to find bugs, etc. Hopefully this call will be listened and some importance will be given to players who are non-toxic, chill with the server, want the server to grow regardless of the state and many more things!
KitPvp reset is coming soon. This post will include some of the ideas we have came up with! Here are some of the contents there will be in the following text.
Map Changes
Special Sets
Team Shop
A word from the community!
➦ Map Changes Looking at how players liked the current and the old map, it is clear that we do not need any crowded spawns with a bunch of trees or tall traps or fallers. It was also noted that the users would much likely enjoy a different themed map.
Keeping everything in mind, here is a list dedicated for the next KitPvp map!
Less height - Trees on a lower Y level, traps or custom builds on a lower Y level
Wider staircases - Better PvP experience for KOTHs!
Less trees - As requested, a lesser crowded map
Smaller maps - Expected size to be 350x350 to 400x400, most of the map is unexplored by a lot of people, current map is 500x500
More themes - A specific game related, Space / Futuristic, Atlantic / Ruins, Temple / Sea Temple
More water and lava - For fishing and perhaps more traps including lava
More parkour - Adds a newer element to the map, challenging yet fun!
➦ Special Sets Expecting more custom sets, last season, a lot of players were disappointed. Matter of fact, this season we thought of coming up with newer and better sets. You can review the sets in the list below.
➤ Demon Set
Every 5th hit on the enemy will deal 10% more damage and this damage will increase consequently, i.e, 10th hit will deal 20% more damage, 15th hit will take 30% more damage. This set's passive ability is capped at 50% damage
Active ability : 10% less damage from enemies
Enchants : Protection IV
➤ Souvenir Set
This set will have a 0.5% chance to strike lightning on nearby enemies that will deal 3-4 hearts (does not stack with any damage bonus) in exchange for 15% of your set durability
Active ability : 5% less damage from enemies
Enchants : Protection IV
➤ Poseidon Set
This set is only obtainable by fishing, which will have, a 1/100 chance per piece (you may get any piece at a time). This set will also be capable of running 50% faster in water than on land. (If not possible then the set will have Depth Strider III)
Enchants : Protection II
➤ Kronos Set (
IceBlizzard__ )
This set will have the capability to slow down time by giving all the enemies in a 10 block radius slowness I for 3 seconds and mining fatigue I for 3 seconds and giving you speed III for 3 seconds! This set ability will prock by itself after you're hit every 50 times.
Active ability : 5% less damage from enemies
Enchants : Protection IV
NOTICE : All the custom sets will not be able to combine with any other armour!
NOTICE : You will get your speed II back once your speed III goes out!
➦ Events
➤ Moshpit
When this event will start, you will be able to kill players for a 50% increased reward for 12 minutes! The event will change it's regions 4 times for 4 different directions we're presented with, North, East, West and South. That means, the event will last 3 minutes in each direction! Event Schedule
Every 12 hours (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
➤Apocalypse [CONTROVERSIAL!] The sun goes down, the moon rises, zombies arouse from their graves and start the mass destruction.
When this event starts, sky will turn dark (Night time) and zombies will spawn in waves around the map for 5 minutes. (30 seconds wave, 40 zombies each wave)
Zombie HP : 100 HP.
These zombies will drop rewards.
After we kill the zombies (After the 5 minutes duration is over), a Zombie Boss will spawn named "Apocalypse" which will have 3,000HP. It will teleport around the map every minute or every 60 seconds (So it's hard to kill him, people have to find him first and then start hitting him) Boss Dialogues : Apocalypse has spawned! You have 10 minutes to kill it
NOTE : The Boss will only teleport after players start hitting it. (So if it's teleported to a remote location no one can find, the boss will stay there till someone hits it, and after 45-60 seconds it will teleport again)
The boss will automatically despawn after 10 minutes.
After despawning or after getting killed, the boss will drop rewards aswell which will go into your inventory (Dropped if inventory is full) Zombie Rewards :
200$ Cash - 50%.
20 Points - 20%.
Vote Key - 10%.
1,000$ Cash -
10%. Rare Key -
Survivor Helmet - 1%.
Survivor Chestplate - 1%.
Survivor Leggings - 1%.
Survivor Boots - 1%.
Warrior Kit - 1%. Survivor Set : Protection II Unbreaking III Speed II Feather Falling IV Diamond Set. (Nothing special) Apocalypse Rewards
10,000$ - 50%.
Ultra Key - 10%.
Yijiki Set - 10%.
God Key - 5%.
Apocalypse Helmet - 5%.
Apocalypse Chestplate - 5%.
Apocalypse Leggings - 5%.
Apocalypse Boots - 5%.
x3 Chugs - 5%.
Final Blow (The player who kills the boss) :
Survivor Tag. (ALTERNATIVE : 10,000$ Cash) Survivor Of The Graveyard Set : Protection III Unbreaking III Feather Falling IV Speed II Diamond Se
Active Ability : 10% Damage Reductio
Active Ability : 10% Damage Increas
Active Ability : 30% More Damage to Zombies. Boss Effects
- The boss will strike a row of lightning around itself 1 by 1 which will deal 1-2 hearts of damage (5 strikes)
- Spawns 10 Zombies (300HP) every 25% Health Reduction (75%, 50%, 25%), these zombies will not drop any rewards and will deal 2 hearts of damage every hit
- Fire Flare ; Will move in a radius of 5 blocks making a circle of fire (particles), if anyone walks into it they will get Weakness I for 5 seconds and will take 1 heart of damage every second. This fire flare will stay for 15 seconds Event Schedule
9PM GMT every weekend (Sunday)
NOTICE : KitPvp is not supposed to be a PvE game-mode, this event was only suggested because it's only 15 minutes long and adds a nice weekly element to the game. I would like the community to give feedback on this idea.
NOTICE : There were more events that were dropped after discussing internally, however, if you guys have any suggestions about any custom events, please do suggest!
➦ Team Shop
- Fix Orb- 300 TC: Fixes all of your gear and weapons in your inventory when right clicked; works in combat (also creates a small green particle cloud so players know if it's been used) (you cannot stack this item in your inventory, this way players will not over-use it)
KOTH Loot Booster - 750 TC: Your next KOTH reward will give you an extra reward!
1x Team Point Booster for 15 minutes - 1,000 TC: Boosts the Points obtained from kills and streaks for all members of the team.
1x Team Money Booster for 15 minutes - 1,000 TC: Boosts the Money obtained from kills and streaks for all members of the team.
3x Team Coin Booster for 20 minutes - 1,000 TC: Boosts the Team Coins obtained from all sources for all members of the team.
+1 Extra Member Slot - 1,000TC: Unlocks another slot for a team player to invite (Capped at 10)
KOTH Starter - 1,500 TC: An item (paper) that starts a random KOTH.
1 Team Vault - 2,000 TC: Accessible with /t vault number.
Random Special Set Box - 2,500 TC: An item that has a chance to give you any one of the present special sets. Yijki Set will be the most common, then Yeti, then Phantom and then the remaining special sets (Excluding Water Set)
God Key - 2,500 TC: x1 God Key, access to God Crate.
Gkit Potion Container - 3,000 TC: Access to once gkit potions.
➦ A word from the community
It was requested by a lot of helping players from KitPvp to allow them into a test server for future KitPvp reset so they all can test the items, check for balances over items, try to find bugs, etc. Hopefully this call will be listened and some importance will be given to players who are non-toxic, chill with the server, want the server to grow regardless of the state and many more things!
Remember that this is a suggestion list, all sections of the list may not get implemented in KitPvp.
I would like to take this moment to thank you all for your constant support and feedback on our KitPvP gamemode, we know it has been a while since it received an update so I will get right in to that with this post.
Please be aware, that this is not a regular we need your help post. We have plenty of suggestions already but we would like to let you guys know what direction we are going with KitPvP and getting your feedback based on that. KitPvP will not be resetted soon, this can be a timespan of a month, or maybe even 3, there is NO date for this yet.
With that being said, lets just get right to it. This is what we think of what KitPvP should be within the next reset.
Worth the grind
Right now KitPvP does not feel as rewarding for the grind, yes there are levels and prestiges, but they take quite a while to complete, that itself is not a problem, but it should be more rewarding, if you spend months to get to max level it should compensate you for spending the time with it, we will be looking in to rebalancing, and most likely revamping the current way prestiges work.
Automated Events
All the action there is, is from the KOTHs, this works fine but we like to add more automated events on to this. Think about a treasure hunt, a juggernaut event, last man standing, you name it. These events will be automatically hosted by the server and activated at certain times, no need for a staff or a player to activate this. This will make KitPvP feel more diversed and fun to play daily.
A new map
This has been suggested a lot, and we heard you. You do not enjoy the current map of KitPvP and we'd like to change that ofcourse. But what should the map be. Flatter? Less towers and bridges, more or less safe houses, more or less traps? When suggesting a new map please be as descriptive as possible so we know exactly what we should be looking in to.
Changes to Teams
Teams are a great addition to KitPvP and allow a better teamwork rather than just saying you'd like to team with players but we feel like this could be updated a bit more. Along with the worth to grind we think about adding team upgrades, to just improve your team in general. If you have any ideas to improve teams even more make sure to let us know.
This is something we are not sure whether we should add this or not. Besides the killmessages we could add things like projectile particles, victory messages for winning events, level colors, you name it, you get the idea. Cosmetics are a great way to show off, and we are thinking about adding this to KitPvP without ruining the PvP aspect of it, so don't be afraid, we are not planning on adding death effects, or kill effects. When we do add cosmetics we will only add ones that are for show-off without interfering with anything.
Thats all for what we have in mind!
Take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards! Please note: Stick to the topic! Any off-topic/non-related to this game mode comments will be deleted.
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
The JartexNetwork Staff Team
I am here as well to make a big suggestion about KitPvp; though my ideas are not specialized for KitPvp they would bring something new to the server that I would consider playing it.
Big WoW to
ovq &
Andeh | As always their ideas impress me and they give me the motivation to keep playing the server.
(quick note: I will not make that complicated ideas, these 2 big men already pointed out enough ideas to go through and they are in my likes so it is better to let the developer team go through fewer ideas and suggestions.)
Ancient spells/potions
This is all about bringing new potions to the game for more fun.
The spells could be containing special abilities, such as swiftness, strength, invisibility, and much more the Devs can decide.
Guilds | Teleportation Card | Pets
The guild is basically a warp, where people can warp, with the teleportation card. The card is a 1 time-used-card that can teleport you to the guild at any time; this means while in combat too. This is mostly for saving yourself from hackers or when you do not want to lose your items and loot. The Guild pets are all about working for you to obtain team boosters, money bundles, and much more. They can be upgradable to do less time to finish the work
/t-team vault
The command will be mainly used to access the team's vault, where you can share items with your team.
Team Levels
I am not aware of this getting suggested but to bring another challenge to the game you should add levels with rewards to make it funnier for the players, as well as making it not boring [having only to kill people].
if I read correctly Ovq suggested adding more custom enchants in the game. To make it more challenging you should make it so when you reach a certain Team Level you can use the custom enchants.
Outpost It will be giving boosters of (team killing experience and other factors you may choose), it will be a 1-time outpost with the boosters added in /booster. You also can choose the duration of it.
Pushing ideas made by
ovq &
Andeh to something cooler.
➤Apocalypse | this idea seems very cool and it brings new challenges. Though, making the bosses give more complicated stuff would be more awesome for people to kill and not just get some armor they can get free anyways.
The Survivor set should be "special" giving an +10% hardened armor. As I understand people will be getting random items and not a full "bundle" so it getting a random piece of it would not work on its own. Getting the full set will be hard.
The Apocalypse should be a pattern of waves; Skeleton, Zombie, Creeper, Bear, and so on. Each of these waves should contain its own Surviving Set which means very little specialty in it. It would be fun to have a pattern of bosses instead of having the Zombie one every time.
Something additional about the events is that you should make a plugin when on our screen a message would pop up 1 minute | 60 seconds before the event start so we can possibly know the event will start.
➦ A word from the community
I would like to be a part of it and give my feedback If this gets added.
- Underground / Caves:
I like this idea and this gives an opportunity for more fun. The idea of having an underworld does not sit right with me according to the ideas I have seen. I would say to add a cave with wild and random mobs u can kill to get their loot ~Ancient loot~ which can be sold for money.
The Koth down to the caves should have protecting bosses to prevent people from getting the Koth. Those bosses can give the Ancient potions, cards, spells I mentioned in my personal list of ideas. This could also give Koth starters a GUI popping up to start a Koth you would like (by clicking it).
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