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Update SkyBlock Dream - We Need Your Help! | January The 4th 2022

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August 9, 2022
Masks. A great addition that should be taken care of in my opinion. Possibly making a variation of masks, with more requirements to them, for instance getting multiple items - almost like a recipe - rather than having one thing to collect, would be far more interesting. They should also appear as heads instead, which would make them even cooler!


July 17, 2021
Balance Changes:
  • lowering drop rates of Dungeon keys from Mini-boss
  • Lowering the price of spawners in /transfer or highering in the shop
Adding more enchantments like :
  • RUSH (Chance to rush toward the enemy when they are low)
  • Auto-feed (Keeps hunger full by taking edible food)


Addicted Member
December 22, 2020
Alright i'm gonna try to write down the stuff that would seem like good changes to me.

1. Starting off with the gkit treasure and special. Remove the "island member upgrade". They are absolutely useless and I assume for the price of 25$+ you wouldn't want those things to take up 3/9 rewards with every crate you open. I think it has been a solid 6-8 seasons that people have been saying this and there is still no change.
Maybe it's possible to have some physical boosters in there (Star booster/boss damage booster). These crates are very good in early season but late season basically useless.

2. On the physical boosters note, being able to have the boss damage booster and star booster as a physical item, getting them as rewards from the level pass would be better too, you wouldn't be forced to use the boosters within a certain amount of time and you could even sell them or trade them with other players.

On the boosters note, what happened to the "fragment booster" and "boss spawn booster" in bossworld? they have been added since the beginning of the boss world era, and they're impossible to get. Either add them and make them work, or remove them from the UI.

3. A very obvious note, do something about the anticheat, getting kicked for walking in bossworld or simply existing and then not being able to log on for 20 minutes otherwise you'd get kicked instantly/banned is ridiculous.

4. Do something about the weather system, IMO the weather system WOULD have been a great feature if it wasn't so unclear/not working. I have made a bug report already a while back about the weather system simply not working and i got the reply "it is". I have thoroughly checked and tested the weather system and the "sunny weather, whereas you're supposed to do more damage to bosses", is definetly not working. The "snowy, whereas minions are supposed to spawn quicker"definetly doesn't work. And the other ones are hard to test but I assume they wont work either. Make them work, properly, and make it clear what they do, maybe when you get a drop from a boss through the rainy weather (more chance for bossdrops) a little message in chat confirming it or something.

5. For the love of god, bring back the PVP in bossworld, it was quite literally one of the only good and working features in bossworld making it fun rather than only grindy. I understand you implemented the keepinventory to remove a dupe that was happening this season, but this isn't the way. Not being able to pvp with a reason in bossworld makes it fairly useless. Bring back the old way where you lose stuff in gold zone. Obviously fixing the anticheat goes hand in hand with this change.

6. Then we have arrived at the level pass, my god are the level pass levels incredibly boring. Seriously who thought of having to sit at one spot and kill watermelon melons, a whole 600 of them. The minion levels need a hard change. They are incredibly boring and a big waste of your time. 600 wouldn't be a crazy amount, if there wasn't 3 of them spawning every 5 minutes, you can do the math. With that, please fix the watermelon whale minion spawnrate. It spawns incredibly slow, like, ridiculously slow. Not sure if its the spawner or maybe they are spawning inside the building or something where players can't reach them. Either reduce the minion level kill count, or increase ALL the minion spawn rate by a significant amount. It's not fun sitting with 6 other people at a tree waiting for lollipop lions to spawn. Then there is the mining levels, the mining levels need to be reduced a little bit too. It's too much. With a special note to level 65, where you need to break quartz ore. To break quartz ore you need to be level 75. When you reach this level, only having mined by doing levels, you will be level 60. The levels 60-75 PURELY to be ABLE to start breaking quartz ore, takes HOURS of constant mining. And then you still need to mine the quartz ore. Maybe move this level requirement up in the ranks a little bit.
Then there is the rewards, i understand that there needs to be a balance in rewards between people without a rank, and people with the highest ranks already having alot of stuff. But some of the rewards are so not worth it, its crazy, hell some levels dont even have a reward lol. I will give a couple of examples, level 97. You get a damn pet package, you dont think that people that are at the end of the level pass already have pets? lol.
The most useful stuff to get are the seasonal keys (good addition cuz it gives you a reason to complete the level pass, a chance for permanent stuff), and mystery gkit crates, which ill go into in a second. Maybe make the level pass give a competitive edge, like the sellwand (2x) that you were able to get 3 seasons ago, no idea why you removed that. It gives top island a reason to do the level pass, there is alot of people, island leaders, that simply dont level up because it doesn't give them much. Maybe add more seasonal key rewards, more boosters (hopefully physical, ones you can redeem). And then we haven't even started about the mystery gkits. You (thiemo i assume) and me know the only 5 gkits you can get are tools (useless), mob eggs (useless), scrolls (decent), scrolls v2 (decent), and pvping. After having done many many seasons i have multiple alts with all these gkits. ADD SOME MORE, add better gkits, even if its a low chance. Add better gkits, treasure/special/slaughter etc etc. It won't kill your servers income, trust me. And then you have level 100 reward, the "admin" item, Wooptiedoo makes people jump from joy. Seriously people get them and trash them because its useless. You could've made it an instant tp to the bossworld or something. Or maybe add a tag at level 100, for every season a different tag, like idk, "Season 11 champion". You will figure out a good name, not hard. Make it something permanent. Then level 51,52,60,77 dont even have rewards at all. I mean come on.
Other then all this stuff, maybe switch up the levels, different bossdrops, make it a little bit new, refreshing. (because not people are simply looking at previous season requirements and working forward, preparing for next levels, it makes it a bit too easy).

7. Right, then zookeeper, I think you hit the nail on the head with this bastard, fun addition, but make it maybe 2 times a week, having to wait a whole week if youre not available simply sucks. Maybe add 5 pets available rather than 3. Some of the costs to buy a pet dont even work by the way, aka you cant buy that certain pet. Simply test all of the available purchasable pets please. I know one of them costs enchanted lapis lazuli and it doesn't work. Then we have the boss dusts, you used to be able to buy pets with that back in the day but you also changed that, making boss dust useless, well, the diamond and bronze ones, because you can still buy eternal enchantments with the silver and gold.
Then we have the "wandering trader" NPC's. Completely useless, give it better rewards, or competitive edge rewards, other then the one in diamond zone, because it can give you a level skip pass, which btw needs rework too. Make the level skip pass purchasable through other drops rather than just 1. Now you can buy a level skip pass for 16 ghoul auras, which is ALOT by the way. Make it 12, and rotate the cost of it, 12 ghoul aura, the next day it could be 12 taurus eye, next day it could be 12 lucky coin/12 urisine hides. This gives bossdrops value. Currently after like level 50, bronze and silver bossdrops become useless and they get dumped into AH and no one buys them. Make the bossdrops a little bit of an economy, the bossworld is your biggest asset in SBD. Make it so it can give a competitive edge towards is top, so everyone starts doing bossworld. Hell, make an NPC where you can SELL your bossdrops for money, proper money. So it can help towards island top. Watch all the big islands start killing bosses.

8. Then we have arrived at the recipes, the incredibly small amount of chance to get one. Maybe make a small change to it, maybe make an enchantment that boosts your chance to get a recipe ( not sure if this is even makeable, would be a cool feature), make it an immortal enchant, hard to get. I-V. Or after 500-750 kills on a certain minion you're guaranteed the recipe?

9. Then pets, a quick change that would be nice, pig pet, pretty sure its impossible to level up. Wizard pet, make it level up by opening or buying books, the higher the book level the more exp obviously. Since the little pvp there is, is about breaking armor (how its always been), maybe make the sentinel pet useful by having a chance to do more damage to armor. And giving it a thorns like ability, getting hit has a chance to do damage to enemies armor.
In the pvp's aspect, maybe add a potion that can give you speed IV (rather than the speed 3 you get and use from gears enchantment), for like 5 seconds. So when you're chasing someone in pvp, you can catch up, maybe give it blindness as a counteract or something. And remove bowboosting in bossworld, i know ill get alot of hate for this, but being able to bowboost in bossworld is not healthy for the pvp IMO. (and otherwise this speed potion addon wouldn't be useful anyway). This comes from someone that is able to bowboost pretty well btw..

10. I know this is a big addon so im not neccesarily expecting it for next season but, add new zones, emerald zone, obsidian stone. Idk. (you have the space for it, see picture View:
) Something new again, new bosses, i know they aren't too hard to make since most stuff in jartex is copy paste lol. ANOTHER big thing that would be dope, is make a special dedicated zone, world boss. Every 2-4 hours (times are subject to change depending on the loot), where in every zone a "world" boss would spawn, GENUINELY hard to kill, having like 150k hp, (ONLY if youre gonna disable to hit register for this boss, aka so multiple people can hit it at the same time, otherwise it'd take too long to kill). (but also giving it enough damage itll be challenging with gapples on). And giving it good rewards (this idea stems from the Santa boss that you used to deploy in christmas 2 years ago), give it your own twist. A good reward to add into the loot pool is a big amount of fragments (since you need that to win island top, plunder wont work on these bosses) dedicated to the zone. Bronze zone will give mountain clay(bronze fragments), silver zone will give viking stones (silver fragments) so on so forth. Making it actually worth killing these bosses (maybe like 30 fragments per boss or something like that).

11. Enchantments, very simply said, add more enchantments and rework the ones that are available right now. If you want more enchantments go take some inspiration from other servers. Regarding the reworks, some enchantments have the same effect, think of "hex" and "blindness". "viper" and "assassin". Change guardian (dont quote me on that), fairly sure it doesn't work. Change hulk again, hulk is the same as drunk, drunk gives you mining fatigue which doesn't actually negatively affect you in pvp, making hulk useless. Or make it so hulk goes up to 3, giving strength 3. (it used to be drunk 3 and hulk IV). Make "disarmor" better by giving "anti disarmor" (which is extremely easy to get FYI), a CHANCE to block the disarmor enchantment, rather than guaranteed.

12. Maybe try to implement a different eco, or rather, multiple ecos. The eco in skyblock has really changed over the years, it used to (from when i started playing, 2 years ago), be prestiged spawner loot. Which was very pay2win, people *cough* (moud), with the most gkits would win. It switched to mining/minions, onto minions/farming (current state). Maybe find a way to bring back the first eco (along with the current one). The competitiveness of skyblock was the sole reason it was so popular, find a way to bring it back, people are willing to help with that..
because currently, to be quite honest, prestiged spawners are lowkey useless, only thing they give is stars. You added a pretty nice feature where you can upgrade spawners with heads, but currently they only give minerals, like 1 mineral per 20 mobs killed. It simply is not enough, add other stuff, maybe keys, ultra keys as the max. Give it like a 3% for vote key, 2% for rare, 0.5% for ultra key type of beat, which indirectly gives the "noobs" a reason to grind, for the high rankeds it gives it a little bit more fun, and it indirectly helps with the levels where you need to open keys.

13. Maybe make it possible to remove the bedrock block you start with, maybe for like $25m or something.

14. The masks, currently the masks don't really give you much value for the amount you have to grind for it, I think its fair to say 97% of the community hasn't touched the masks. Maybe give it more damage to the bosses in the dedicated zone. Or give it a pvp advantage that is useful.

15. Then we have mob slayer, sometimes when you kill a stack of mobs when on an exp booster, it doesn't always give the appropiate exp youre supposed to get. This goes with the appropiate star boost pet, and star booster aswell. Im not sure the exact maths behind it but, it doesn't work 100% properly.

16. Make a change to bossworld, change it up a little bit, doesn't have to be a complete new bossworld ( would be cool if so) like you did 2-3 seasons ago, but make it a bit refreshing.

17. Make purity (if possible) persist after relogging. E.A been grinding for 10 minutes having the max purity boost, relogging for a second, then losing the whole buff. Also regarding purity, ive tested purity, it messes up with a booster/pet. Purity didnt work this season the way it did last season.

18. Either remove the gold nugget (shop advertisement coins) you get from *every* boss you kill, or make them useful. Its insanely annoying seeing golden nuggets scattered around the bossworld because everyone just throws them on the ground because they have no use.

19. Onto the last topic. Skills, man I don't know why you (or andeh) absolutely butchered/changed the skills this season but please change it back. Starting on the most important one: the Hunter skill. You changed the ability we used to have (the level 25 one) (deal a certain amount of damage to a boss skill) to a skill that randomly happens and can only work once per boss. You used to be able to use the ability on the boss, and then for example let another player do it on the boss and do alot of damage. Now only 1 player can "use" the ability on a boss. Then we have the level 50 ability (more chance for a bossdrop), fairly sure it doesn't work, alongside the fact you get the skill on level FIFTY, im currently level 100, having killed 1100 bosses, im hunter level 60. You'd think that after nolifing the bossworld for 2 weeks only killing bosses, being the maximum level there is (level pass), you'd at least unlock the third ability for the hunter skill lol. Change the amount of experience you need to level up the hunter skill or reduce the levels needed for it. And please make the level 25 skill an ability like 2 seasons ago, it was really nice. The gambler skill, im currently gambling level 16. SIXTEEN, i have opened THOUSANDS of keys and im only level 16, that is simply a joke. Not to mention I haven't seen the ability you get with the skill activate ONCE. Meaning it probably doesnt work, fix it.
The miner skill ability "excavate eject" very simply doesn't work.

20. The crates in bossworld, especially the very hard to get boss crate. Yeah the rewards are very bad. Add some stuff to it, better stuff.

21. Maybe give the message that gets put in chat when you spawn a boss through a totem, give it coordinates, or it tells you which zone its being spawned in. Im apart one of the groups that spawns totem in secret so other players cant get rewards but I think this would be a nice feature.

If you read it all, you can tell its all mostly focused on reworking rather than adding. I think reworking small things/freshing things up rather than adding alot of new stuff that probably ends up not working, should be the focus on this season. I know you have another full week to work on it so, time enough. Surprise us. Only reason why skyblock is still standing is because we are all monkeys that continue playing every season regardless of the massive amount of bugs and repetitiveness. Dont take your community for granted <3.

I hope you actually take some of these suggestions and do something with it, I have probably missed alot more but if I come up with more ill add it later on in another post. :)



Staff member
Team Reports
Staff Member
December 30, 2020
I think the player levels should be completely remade, as having the same player levels, doing the same thing every season is repetitive and boring.

Add a new boss or two?

Add pets that benefit the skill upgrades (like mining skill, swords skill and so on), make it so the pets give you a 15%-30% skill exp boost depending on the rarity.


March 24, 2021
Alright i'm gonna try to write down the stuff that would seem like good changes to me.

1. Starting off with the gkit treasure and special. Remove the "island member upgrade". They are absolutely useless and I assume for the price of 25$+ you wouldn't want those things to take up 3/9 rewards with every crate you open. I think it has been a solid 6-8 seasons that people have been saying this and there is still no change.
Maybe it's possible to have some physical boosters in there (Star booster/boss damage booster). These crates are very good in early season but late season basically useless.

2. On the physical boosters note, being able to have the boss damage booster and star booster as a physical item, getting them as rewards from the level pass would be better too, you wouldn't be forced to use the boosters within a certain amount of time and you could even sell them or trade them with other players.

On the boosters note, what happened to the "fragment booster" and "boss spawn booster" in bossworld? they have been added since the beginning of the boss world era, and they're impossible to get. Either add them and make them work, or remove them from the UI.

3. A very obvious note, do something about the anticheat, getting kicked for walking in bossworld or simply existing and then not being able to log on for 20 minutes otherwise you'd get kicked instantly/banned is ridiculous.

4. Do something about the weather system, IMO the weather system WOULD have been a great feature if it wasn't so unclear/not working. I have made a bug report already a while back about the weather system simply not working and i got the reply "it is". I have thoroughly checked and tested the weather system and the "sunny weather, whereas you're supposed to do more damage to bosses", is definetly not working. The "snowy, whereas minions are supposed to spawn quicker"definetly doesn't work. And the other ones are hard to test but I assume they wont work either. Make them work, properly, and make it clear what they do, maybe when you get a drop from a boss through the rainy weather (more chance for bossdrops) a little message in chat confirming it or something.

5. For the love of god, bring back the PVP in bossworld, it was quite literally one of the only good and working features in bossworld making it fun rather than only grindy. I understand you implemented the keepinventory to remove a dupe that was happening this season, but this isn't the way. Not being able to pvp with a reason in bossworld makes it fairly useless. Bring back the old way where you lose stuff in gold zone. Obviously fixing the anticheat goes hand in hand with this change.

6. Then we have arrived at the level pass, my god are the level pass levels incredibly boring. Seriously who thought of having to sit at one spot and kill watermelon melons, a whole 600 of them. The minion levels need a hard change. They are incredibly boring and a big waste of your time. 600 wouldn't be a crazy amount, if there wasn't 3 of them spawning every 5 minutes, you can do the math. With that, please fix the watermelon whale minion spawnrate. It spawns incredibly slow, like, ridiculously slow. Not sure if its the spawner or maybe they are spawning inside the building or something where players can't reach them. Either reduce the minion level kill count, or increase ALL the minion spawn rate by a significant amount. It's not fun sitting with 6 other people at a tree waiting for lollipop lions to spawn. Then there is the mining levels, the mining levels need to be reduced a little bit too. It's too much. With a special note to level 65, where you need to break quartz ore. To break quartz ore you need to be level 75. When you reach this level, only having mined by doing levels, you will be level 60. The levels 60-75 PURELY to be ABLE to start breaking quartz ore, takes HOURS of constant mining. And then you still need to mine the quartz ore. Maybe move this level requirement up in the ranks a little bit.
Then there is the rewards, i understand that there needs to be a balance in rewards between people without a rank, and people with the highest ranks already having alot of stuff. But some of the rewards are so not worth it, its crazy, hell some levels dont even have a reward lol. I will give a couple of examples, level 97. You get a damn pet package, you dont think that people that are at the end of the level pass already have pets? lol.
The most useful stuff to get are the seasonal keys (good addition cuz it gives you a reason to complete the level pass, a chance for permanent stuff), and mystery gkit crates, which ill go into in a second. Maybe make the level pass give a competitive edge, like the sellwand (2x) that you were able to get 3 seasons ago, no idea why you removed that. It gives top island a reason to do the level pass, there is alot of people, island leaders, that simply dont level up because it doesn't give them much. Maybe add more seasonal key rewards, more boosters (hopefully physical, ones you can redeem). And then we haven't even started about the mystery gkits. You (thiemo i assume) and me know the only 5 gkits you can get are tools (useless), mob eggs (useless), scrolls (decent), scrolls v2 (decent), and pvping. After having done many many seasons i have multiple alts with all these gkits. ADD SOME MORE, add better gkits, even if its a low chance. Add better gkits, treasure/special/slaughter etc etc. It won't kill your servers income, trust me. And then you have level 100 reward, the "admin" item, Wooptiedoo makes people jump from joy. Seriously people get them and trash them because its useless. You could've made it an instant tp to the bossworld or something. Or maybe add a tag at level 100, for every season a different tag, like idk, "Season 11 champion". You will figure out a good name, not hard. Make it something permanent. Then level 51,52,60,77 dont even have rewards at all. I mean come on.
Other then all this stuff, maybe switch up the levels, different bossdrops, make it a little bit new, refreshing. (because not people are simply looking at previous season requirements and working forward, preparing for next levels, it makes it a bit too easy).

7. Right, then zookeeper, I think you hit the nail on the head with this bastard, fun addition, but make it maybe 2 times a week, having to wait a whole week if youre not available simply sucks. Maybe add 5 pets available rather than 3. Some of the costs to buy a pet dont even work by the way, aka you cant buy that certain pet. Simply test all of the available purchasable pets please. I know one of them costs enchanted lapis lazuli and it doesn't work. Then we have the boss dusts, you used to be able to buy pets with that back in the day but you also changed that, making boss dust useless, well, the diamond and bronze ones, because you can still buy eternal enchantments with the silver and gold.
Then we have the "wandering trader" NPC's. Completely useless, give it better rewards, or competitive edge rewards, other then the one in diamond zone, because it can give you a level skip pass, which btw needs rework too. Make the level skip pass purchasable through other drops rather than just 1. Now you can buy a level skip pass for 16 ghoul auras, which is ALOT by the way. Make it 12, and rotate the cost of it, 12 ghoul aura, the next day it could be 12 taurus eye, next day it could be 12 lucky coin/12 urisine hides. This gives bossdrops value. Currently after like level 50, bronze and silver bossdrops become useless and they get dumped into AH and no one buys them. Make the bossdrops a little bit of an economy, the bossworld is your biggest asset in SBD. Make it so it can give a competitive edge towards is top, so everyone starts doing bossworld. Hell, make an NPC where you can SELL your bossdrops for money, proper money. So it can help towards island top. Watch all the big islands start killing bosses.

8. Then we have arrived at the recipes, the incredibly small amount of chance to get one. Maybe make a small change to it, maybe make an enchantment that boosts your chance to get a recipe ( not sure if this is even makeable, would be a cool feature), make it an immortal enchant, hard to get. I-V. Or after 500-750 kills on a certain minion you're guaranteed the recipe?

9. Then pets, a quick change that would be nice, pig pet, pretty sure its impossible to level up. Wizard pet, make it level up by opening or buying books, the higher the book level the more exp obviously. Since the little pvp there is, is about breaking armor (how its always been), maybe make the sentinel pet useful by having a chance to do more damage to armor. And giving it a thorns like ability, getting hit has a chance to do damage to enemies armor.
In the pvp's aspect, maybe add a potion that can give you speed IV (rather than the speed 3 you get and use from gears enchantment), for like 5 seconds. So when you're chasing someone in pvp, you can catch up, maybe give it blindness as a counteract or something. And remove bowboosting in bossworld, i know ill get alot of hate for this, but being able to bowboost in bossworld is not healthy for the pvp IMO. (and otherwise this speed potion addon wouldn't be useful anyway). This comes from someone that is able to bowboost pretty well btw..

10. I know this is a big addon so im not neccesarily expecting it for next season but, add new zones, emerald zone, obsidian stone. Idk. (you have the space for it, see picture View:
) Something new again, new bosses, i know they aren't too hard to make since most stuff in jartex is copy paste lol. ANOTHER big thing that would be dope, is make a special dedicated zone, world boss. Every 2-4 hours (times are subject to change depending on the loot), where in every zone a "world" boss would spawn, GENUINELY hard to kill, having like 150k hp, (ONLY if youre gonna disable to hit register for this boss, aka so multiple people can hit it at the same time, otherwise it'd take too long to kill). (but also giving it enough damage itll be challenging with gapples on). And giving it good rewards (this idea stems from the Santa boss that you used to deploy in christmas 2 years ago), give it your own twist. A good reward to add into the loot pool is a big amount of fragments (since you need that to win island top, plunder wont work on these bosses) dedicated to the zone. Bronze zone will give mountain clay(bronze fragments), silver zone will give viking stones (silver fragments) so on so forth. Making it actually worth killing these bosses (maybe like 30 fragments per boss or something like that).

11. Enchantments, very simply said, add more enchantments and rework the ones that are available right now. If you want more enchantments go take some inspiration from other servers. Regarding the reworks, some enchantments have the same effect, think of "hex" and "blindness". "viper" and "assassin". Change guardian (dont quote me on that), fairly sure it doesn't work. Change hulk again, hulk is the same as drunk, drunk gives you mining fatigue which doesn't actually negatively affect you in pvp, making hulk useless. Or make it so hulk goes up to 3, giving strength 3. (it used to be drunk 3 and hulk IV). Make "disarmor" better by giving "anti disarmor" (which is extremely easy to get FYI), a CHANCE to block the disarmor enchantment, rather than guaranteed.

12. Maybe try to implement a different eco, or rather, multiple ecos. The eco in skyblock has really changed over the years, it used to (from when i started playing, 2 years ago), be prestiged spawner loot. Which was very pay2win, people *cough* (moud), with the most gkits would win. It switched to mining/minions, onto minions/farming (current state). Maybe find a way to bring back the first eco (along with the current one). The competitiveness of skyblock was the sole reason it was so popular, find a way to bring it back, people are willing to help with that..
because currently, to be quite honest, prestiged spawners are lowkey useless, only thing they give is stars. You added a pretty nice feature where you can upgrade spawners with heads, but currently they only give minerals, like 1 mineral per 20 mobs killed. It simply is not enough, add other stuff, maybe keys, ultra keys as the max. Give it like a 3% for vote key, 2% for rare, 0.5% for ultra key type of beat, which indirectly gives the "noobs" a reason to grind, for the high rankeds it gives it a little bit more fun, and it indirectly helps with the levels where you need to open keys.

13. Maybe make it possible to remove the bedrock block you start with, maybe for like $25m or something.

14. The masks, currently the masks don't really give you much value for the amount you have to grind for it, I think its fair to say 97% of the community hasn't touched the masks. Maybe give it more damage to the bosses in the dedicated zone. Or give it a pvp advantage that is useful.

15. Then we have mob slayer, sometimes when you kill a stack of mobs when on an exp booster, it doesn't always give the appropiate exp youre supposed to get. This goes with the appropiate star boost pet, and star booster aswell. Im not sure the exact maths behind it but, it doesn't work 100% properly.

16. Make a change to bossworld, change it up a little bit, doesn't have to be a complete new bossworld ( would be cool if so) like you did 2-3 seasons ago, but make it a bit refreshing.

17. Make purity (if possible) persist after relogging. E.A been grinding for 10 minutes having the max purity boost, relogging for a second, then losing the whole buff. Also regarding purity, ive tested purity, it messes up with a booster/pet. Purity didnt work this season the way it did last season.

18. Either remove the gold nugget (shop advertisement coins) you get from *every* boss you kill, or make them useful. Its insanely annoying seeing golden nuggets scattered around the bossworld because everyone just throws them on the ground because they have no use.

19. Onto the last topic. Skills, man I don't know why you (or andeh) absolutely butchered/changed the skills this season but please change it back. Starting on the most important one: the Hunter skill. You changed the ability we used to have (the level 25 one) (deal a certain amount of damage to a boss skill) to a skill that randomly happens and can only work once per boss. You used to be able to use the ability on the boss, and then for example let another player do it on the boss and do alot of damage. Now only 1 player can "use" the ability on a boss. Then we have the level 50 ability (more chance for a bossdrop), fairly sure it doesn't work, alongside the fact you get the skill on level FIFTY, im currently level 100, having killed 1100 bosses, im hunter level 60. You'd think that after nolifing the bossworld for 2 weeks only killing bosses, being the maximum level there is (level pass), you'd at least unlock the third ability for the hunter skill lol. Change the amount of experience you need to level up the hunter skill or reduce the levels needed for it. And please make the level 25 skill an ability like 2 seasons ago, it was really nice. The gambler skill, im currently gambling level 16. SIXTEEN, i have opened THOUSANDS of keys and im only level 16, that is simply a joke. Not to mention I haven't seen the ability you get with the skill activate ONCE. Meaning it probably doesnt work, fix it.
The miner skill ability "excavate eject" very simply doesn't work.

20. The crates in bossworld, especially the very hard to get boss crate. Yeah the rewards are very bad. Add some stuff to it, better stuff.

21. Maybe give the message that gets put in chat when you spawn a boss through a totem, give it coordinates, or it tells you which zone its being spawned in. Im apart one of the groups that spawns totem in secret so other players cant get rewards but I think this would be a nice feature.

If you read it all, you can tell its all mostly focused on reworking rather than adding. I think reworking small things/freshing things up rather than adding alot of new stuff that probably ends up not working, should be the focus on this season. I know you have another full week to work on it so, time enough. Surprise us. Only reason why skyblock is still standing is because we are all monkeys that continue playing every season regardless of the massive amount of bugs and repetitiveness. Dont take your community for granted <3.

I hope you actually take some of these suggestions and do something with it, I have probably missed alot more but if I come up with more ill add it later on in another post. :)

dankjewel voor je presentatie mijn tip is maak het volgende keer wat kleiner (samenvatten enz) en als top vind ik dat je het goed uit je hoofd hebt gedaan!
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