erm, i dont think you'll know whether they making str or no. also, once they rush with strength, you got no time to make because they will target gold mine to destroy counters.
only way to counter strength is by using kits like pyro, swapper, even stopper. in mcgamerzone, they had a very balanced coin (token) system that makes it easy for you to get kits. Anyone strength rushing? swap him, burn him, stop him, poison him, make him dizzy, knock him off void. there were many ideas to counter strength rushing.
tho here they have no coin system. win = 25 coins and lose = 0.
it is very hard for us to get kits to play/counter strength rushers.
many people already suggested to add a good coin system, yet their requests are still pending.
I hope staff will do this sometime soon, because TheBridge is already dying.
Though im hoping with a pinch of salt, since not many staff play this mode.