Let me make it easy
Quads was the first game i played when i was introduced to bedwars
U meet lb players with full party there every day once in a while so it's rlly fun going against them all alone just today i defeated sm party frm lb in the game
Quads is longer as compared to solos and duos
U meet new and interesting ppl everyday there
Hackers prefer joining quads as u can see more number of cheaters there thus making reporting easier xD.
Quads is a lot of fun if u use your brain and come up with new ideas u can just move arround annoy ppl try something new without wrrying bout that bed cus it takes time to break beds.... for eg filling mid with water , stealing other teams Obby xD without Letting em know.
Ik solos is fun too I do play solos but only to improve my game sense and PvP ....quads is basically for fun and other stuffs mentioned above ...also in quads i did met sm rlly intresting ppl so far ...so yea that's a good enough reason for me to solo queue quads (~‾▿‾)~