Name : Skies Are Blazed and/or Raining Crisis
Time : 5-10 min approx
Content : the skies will be raining with fireballs in a antarctic research centre where you have to dodge multiple fireballs , to help you survive u will have to seek out gadgets with special powers throughout the facility gadgets explained in next part. To make it more challenging there are ancient alien structures which spit out zombies and skeletons with special gear.
Abilities : 2nd Chance , its an golden apple and will grand u ability to live a second life.
: Only 1 , a bow that can kill other players its a 1 shot weapon and it will be given to those who spawn near the research facility,
: friendly attackers , this ability spawns 1 skeleton and 2 zombies they attack enemy zombies but they do self destruct after killing 2 mobs
Map : the map is a antartic themed map with a research facility there are weird alien structures , the map also must have a lore to make it more exciting to play
Lore : The Researchers are from earth they travelled through space and wandered to multiple planets rest of the lore i will say as i need to structure it more.
Notes : This is a semi PvE and PvP Game. There are quests that focus on lore in itself not in game achievements