I think the issues could be resolved if they bothered to look at the gamemode. However, I think they do not think TheBridge is as worth as Bedwars/Skywars.
1. Unbalanced Teams, nothing much you can do if people leave in the middle of the game expect cut down their stats they earnt throughout the half the game they played.
2. I am pretty sure there are many maps that they already have. They just need to add them in-game. I wish they would do it before the game completely dies.
3. I agree, kit cooldown is annoying. Specially when you selected a kit by mistake. I accidently selected teleport kit instead of swapper and I lost the game because I couldn't do anything to swap the players off. It is annoying to wait 5 minutes. I think 1 minute would be a perfect cooldown.
I believe that TB (TheBridge) has a lot of potential if it receives frequent updates and if new maps are being added to the game.