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Accepted Global Treating everything the way it should be Treated.

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Known Member
February 3, 2018
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Treating everything the way it should be Treated.​

As a lot of you players of the community know, jartex is a server that's full of game modes/minigames, our main subject in this suggestion is the Game modes.
Jartex has 4 game modes:
  1. Factions: Which is Jartex's main income server.
  2. Skyblock Dream: One of the most populated game modes.
  3. Prison: Semi-active game mode.
  4. Skyblock Fantasy: The least active game mode.
So today I'm going to talk about how Owners/Devs take care of these game modes.
When we talk about a Minecraft server we talk about 2 things, The game modes and the gameplay quality that the server offers, and the community and players that make that server something known.
But let's not forget to mention that these 2 elements are the main base of a server and they can't be established without one another.
In our situation we're talking about jartex, The gameplay quality is within the game modes and the community is the players that are on those game modes and you can't keep a server running without keeping the players satisfied but that sadly is not the case on jartex.

Lately, a lot of things happened in jartex that made a GOOD amount of players unpleased/sad about what the server current situation is and it's the Updates/bug fixing.
In jartex every few months every game mode resets depending on the popularity of that server and here its Factions and SBD, but the problem is with the After reset updates.

  • Factions: When this game mode resets everything is CLOSE to perfect, Owners try their best to add what the players suggested so the game mode runs in their favour, they try to add a new type of competition considering spawner values etc and they make sure that the game mode resets ONLY when there is A small number if not 0 bugs happening and everyone lives happily ever after.
    I personally saw a lot of new updates that made me proud of the jartex working team.
  • Skyblock Dream: This game mode resets same as factions but is it same quality? Lately, a lot of things happened in skyblock that made players wonder why? I can give you a few examples. Infinite chest not being infinite anymore and can hold only a limited number of loot that you can upgrade later on in the season with the in-game money plus you have to spend 60€ to get the infinite chest. Gkits aren't what they're promised to be in the store and we have to spend in-game money to get them to their final LEVEL after spending weeks of opening aswell, ALOT of bugs that until today even after the season ended they're not fixed yet.
Some of you may understand the reason behind these updates, When I asked about this update when Skyblock just released I understood from the owners/Devs that the goal behind these nerfs is to lower the pay to win in the server since that Jartex Offers a lot of Discounts during the year and a lot of events/payouts such as Karaoke/Payout/Christmas.. that makes players stack gkits on alts and carry on winning seasons over and over, then I understood and I found it a fair reason, BUT THEN 6 Weeks later Factions reset and it was a shock.
All the Factions Gkits being the same, IChests being the same, Updates being added to that game mode that was added to SBD aswell but still not working in SBD for over 3 seasons now 'Ex: [inventory]', Suggestions that were DENIED on one game mode and added to factions 'Like the auctions updates' etc.
When this happened it made a lot of players furious as that wasn't what the owners promised at the beginning of the Skyblock Dream reset so We had to contact them all over again and this is the answer that we got.

Me: Why is the faction's update Way better than the Skyblocks and why do they have access to the kits and not on SBD?
Staff: When one big faction quits jartex another one will, but if 20 skyblock players quit, tomorrow we get another 20.
Me: So the owners only care about the income?
Staff: no they care about what's the best for jartex.

This left me speechless, about how One game mode is given more attention to than another one that is just as important when we talk about the player base, given the argument that its the best for jartex.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Jartex wouldn't have reached what it is today without the player base, the donations and the work of the owners/devs.
What makes a server are the two elements I talked about in the beginning, If I'm correct factions also get payouts and players there CAN stack gkits on alts, Factions can get raided and lose spawners, they're not indeed of an Infinite chest as much as an Island where there is no risk of being raided and the spawners just keep spawning 24/7.

I may sound like I'm hating on the server, but no, I've been around this since 2017 and I've seen some glory days where everything is just fine, a lot of players are way older than me in this server and it makes me sad to see them quit because of some UNFAIR updates, it's true that there is a HUGE percentage of Skyblock players that do play Factions aswell including myself, but its just not fair that one game mode gets more attention than others just because it generates more income.
How would you make a game mode generate more income if you won't make it as interesting as the other one is?
My suggestion is nothing hard, Skyblock Dream is in need of the owners and the developers, all that the players are asking for is to listen, people want to enter a game mode where they will have fun and enjoy playing their favourite game mode with a little bit of their personal touch if couple suggestions get accepted, we want a place where we can enjoy new competition every now and then before it was nice where there was a season about Spawners and blocks together then it was blocks based, then it became spawners for 3 seasons and when we were waiting for something ORIGINAL to release it was just a copy of OLD factions heads based copy.

We are all grateful for what the owners are giving to us and all that we want is them to listen to us and see what we're missing on and what we're in need of so we can make this game mode great again.​

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Everything explained above.​

Extra Information:
If you do have some points that you agree or disagree on, comment below to discuss if you have other points to add aswell.​


April 22, 2018
And that's why I said suggestion should've been straight up "Adding necessary things to Skyblock", can already see where people are gonna go with this "Suggestion" posted very kind heartedly.
We are not talking only about the necessary things can't u see ?


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
October 30, 2018
Nice to see kitpvp wasn't even included, Hmm.... Kitpvp hasn't reset in 2 years didn't know it took 2 years to develop something new for kitpvp. Very interesting and enlightening indeed!


April 19, 2020
As an SBD player, I have faced these issues and have been very irritated,
Thank you so much for bringing this forward +1


April 6, 2018
Big +1

Imo the owners care about factions the most because the owners earn a lot of money from that game mode


Known Member
Known Member
February 3, 2018
Nice to see kitpvp wasn't even included, Hmm.... Kitpvp hasn't reset in 2 years didn't know it took 2 years to develop something new for kitpvp. Very interesting and enlightening indeed!
kpvp suggestions are still going on, because its more like a minigame rn as there is no payouts, but hopefully in near future it will be something more, A gamemode let's say.
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