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Denied Other This suggestion is to eliminate those who are abusing votes

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May 4, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
This suggestion is to eliminate those who are abusing votes​

First of all, you can only vote 8 times in a days since vote link #2 and vote link #5 reset every 12 hrs. In addition, This is the screenshot taken in September 8, 2020 in 12:11 AM Philippines Time / 6:11 PM Europe Time

As what can you see ,
1st pogiikaw got 60 votes
2nd fatelss got 60 votes
3rd fightfire got 60votes
4th Alperz got 60 votes
5th TheskywarsGods got 57 votes
6th vruh got 57 votes

supposedly, the max votes for now will be 56 votes since 7 days x 8 votes = 56 votes in total

The question is how did they gain more votes?
-If they were in Philippines, their votes must be still 56 since our time here in Philippines is 12:11 AM but they will gain more votes later maybe around 8:00 AM Philippines Time​

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
This Idea can help improve Jartex Network since this suggestion can lead to Equality where no player will abuse votes . In addition, the people who didn't abuse votes will not lose hope in winning the top vote since their effort will be greatly paid off but to those who abuse in voting will be eliminated.​

Extra Information:
For additional information:

I made this suggestion since there are people who doesn't sleep well since they wanted to win top votes and to receive a reward which is Gift Card. It's unfair for those people who wake up early to vote but doesn't win the top vote since there are players who abused votes. Lastly , There are other players who have online classes and busy working but they will make a way to vote in Jartex since they want to win top votes and receive a reward of Gift Cards.

Feel free to comment down regarding into this situation and don't forget to give Positive /Negative
Feedback as well as feel free to as me some questions .​


September 1, 2018
The voting system is the only excuse you are trying to complain with , I saw you getting 10 votes in 24h after the reset in somehow , don't tell me about voting system cause it does not work after 8h of reset , you have abused the votes along side top 4 ppl .
Since most of people have not noticed that before , it is our time to take this to higher level and open a debate about it , people have no chance to win vote top even if they vote 8 times daily just because people like you "know how voting system works " .

" Moudtage is dominating the vote top, no one cares about it but when other dominate the votetop, you think its abusing votes"

I am pretty sure MoudTage has abused the votes before , but it does not give you the right to do the same, and idk what kind of brain you have to think that " No one cares about it before " , cause we do care but we waited a staff to talk about it. Now , it is time for us to talk about
10 votes on 24hr mark after reset?its so easy to get it. Lmfao if you dont know how to do it. Maybe try asking moud or any og players out there some tips on how voting system works. Rather than accusing of someone. Complaining about how they cant get #1 votetop when they dont even know how voting system works 👏 👏
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