There are a lot of ways to win Bedwars consistently but personally for me, I like my games quick and efficient. This strategy is a mix of playing safe while prominently Controlling the game I will Categorize this into 3 parts, Early Game, Mid Game and End Game.
Early Game
Now what do you do when you first get plopped into a bedwars game, Collect resources right? Precisely. Normally I would wait for the amount of resources it takes to buy the most efficient amount of wool needed to bridge across to my first rush, Normally this would be
8 Iron, 12 or even 4 in some cases while you are collecting you will get at least 1
gold ingot or 2 if you wait for 13 iron. What I do is throw them out separately next to my generator, This will make sense in a minute.
After I buy my wool I start bridging as fast as possible, Now when you bridge, it is important to be consistent while also being fast. If slowing down means you are more consistent, then do it. Another common misconception I see when I watch people play (yes I'm weird

), is how much they build upwards when they bridge. Yes, it gives you high ground, But would you rather be at sky limit with no blocks to get down with or be at a decent height over your opponent to not only where you have a chance at beating, them but also extra blocks to use. Back to the First rush, once you are almost at the other persons island always stop bridging to look where your opponent is. For all you care they could be waiting patiently for you to knock you off and snag your bed.
Once you have made sure your opponent is not in a position to get your bed you go for their bed and kill them. if you are confident in your PvP ability then it should be easy for you to kill them. After this what I do is I quickly buy more wool And Put all the extra gold I get in my ender chest
(If I got any that is) and go back to my base. Why? you might ask. As said below This strategy is a mix of playing safe while also controlling the game. Keep in mind While we are doing all of this, Everyone else is still fighting each other therefore ending the game quicker which is what we want.
Now once I reach my base i collect the resources at my generator. If you did not know every Generator is Capped at 32 iron and 6 gold ingots. remember the 1 gold we threw out earlier? Yes, This will be added to the gen cap and give us extra resources. We will end up with 7 or 8 gold and a lot of iron. With the iron I buy a Stone Sword, Pickaxe, Wool and ladders. And with the Gold I buy 16 wood And a gap Which costs 7 gold but if I have 8 then I buy wood and TNT. And then place a weird version on the butterfly defense I made myself with the wood and wool.
It looks like this:
Mid Game
Once I've finished my first rush and my bed defense I work on getting my armor and Protection level upgraded, To do this I bridge to the diamond generator Perpendicular to my Base, I get the diamonds and go right back to my base to buy the necessary upgrades, Normally by this time at least 2-5 diamonds are sure to spawn. If I had 2 diamonds The obvious thing to buy would be Protection 1. If I had 3 I would Buy Protection and a Blindness Trap, Now this is very controversial but its my Strat so deal with it, But if I have 4 diamonds I would buy Protection 1 and Heal Pool and then Chest the last diamond And my reason for this is still a secret to this very day. After I buy the upgrades I quickly snag my generator and E chest All the items and start rushing the rest of the game.
If I'm lucky enough some people would have killed each other by now, Which would also make some of these people weak and vulnerable, Whereas we have protection, a trap and a better sword. Now, Before I start rushing I take a quick glance at the situation at the other side of the map to make sure I wont get rushed from the other side, Because the last thing we need is losing our bed while rushing someone.
Once I've confirmed my safety from other players, We continue on endangering the safety of the rest of the players (A.K.A rushing) I bridge from my diamond generator, or from middle to the next person that is left alive. If I do go through Middle, I will make sure you snag a few emeralds as they always prove useful in tough situations.
Always make sure you have the upper hand while going into fights, Take a glance at the gear the other person has and compare it to yours, Check if they have sharp and what sword they have etc. There is also a bedwars overlay I always use while playing which displays the protection level of other players on their chest plate which really helps me with this tip, especially if I know they are a hard opponent to beat,
I will provide the link to download this overlay at the end of this post.
Keep in mind while rushing, you cant spend too much time away from your base as it could means you could lose your bed, but if you buy a trap you can be warned in advance before you lose your bed and since we placed the bed defense you have some time to get yourself into a situation where you can escape and get stacked. Also make sure you slowly upgrade your gear after every rush it helps improve your chances at having a more smooth win, I always make sure I secure a stone sword and Iron armor after my second or third rush.
End Game
Alright now that we have cleared out the game a bit we have come to the last stages of the game. I usually classify "End Game" as the last 2 teams in the game (including us), I always like to first see where they are in the map. Its always good to know where your opponents are at all times because you never know where they could rush you from, Be ready for everything. Now when you go rush them, make sure you don't go guns blazing in with all the stuff you have if you have extra resources and emeralds make sure to either store them or spend them. As mentioned above make sure you compare your gear with that of your opponents. and then rush them. If you did everything correctly you should have the upper hand against the last players and Hope fully win the game.
I hope this Guide gave you a better understanding of my Playstyle and how I think while I play solo bedwars, Please feel free to share your opinions on my Strategy and I'm always happy to be open to constructive criticism, And hey, What's your Solo bedwars Strategy? I would love to see all the different Variations of my strategy. and after all there isn't a way to never lose bedwars, Besides the game would be way too boring if all we did was win. #CheatersOnTop But yeah!
Thanks for Reading, I hope to share some more of the tips I've picked up about bedwars from my many years of playing it 
~~ SoenceGam3ing (Network Level 91)