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BedWars The Guide To Bedwars Perfection [Solo]

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November 16, 2018
yeah and im still top 5 on this server believe it or not, so you basically said youre better than anyone lol
You highly overestimate yourself, sir you should visit a psychologist for ego problems


Addicted Member
May 12, 2020
Hey guys, I have been playing Bedwars for over 4 years now, I am minigames level 56 and at this point, I find it easy to get a solo win streak higher than 15 [I get 30+ win streaks in quads but I will talk about that in another thread] today I am going to share al of the experience I have gotten and all the tricks you can use to have a positive win/lose ratio in solo Bedwars.

•︎ Beginners
-Ninja bridge
-Basic fall damage reduction
-Basic rushing
-Beginner rushing strategy

•︎ Intermediate
-Bridge fights
-Map movement
-Game sense
-Jitter bridging

•︎ Advanced
-Advanced map movement
-Block clutches
-Advanced fall damage reduction
-Chasing or running away
-Bed trades
-Tnt jumps and when you should do them
-How to break obsidian

•︎ Tryhard [Most of this is really unnecessary unless you are in a 4v1 If you do not have some experience in Minecraft it's going to be a pain]
-Advanced block parkour
-Tryhard Pvp
-Advanced rushing techniques

•︎ Tips
-Ninja Bridge
Ninja bridging has been in Bedwars for a long time, to be able to this you will have to create muscle memory, you have to click shift and RMB at the same time at the edge of the block that you are currently on, repeating this process until you finish your bridge.
I had to practice for 4 hours before I got the hang of Ninja bridging, it might take you a lot less or a lot longer but it's not very difficult at all!

Alternately, you can search on youtube to learn how to ninja bridge there are some really good tutorials out there!

Fireballs are an inseparable part of Bedwars, many players say that they are annoying [I'll not give my opinion on this] but if used correctly can win you the game.

Fireballs are tools that can turn a completely losing game into a win (12 fireballs can kill a person with protection 4 diamond armor) they are really simple and even someone with only 2 hours of experience can use them perfectly.

For a fireball to deal damage or knockback it needs to hit within 3 blocks of a player(This is not difficult) although most players use fireballs for dealing damage I like to use them for knockback(You will learn more in Advanced rushing) as, after the new minigames update, fireballs deal an extremely high amount of knockback you can use them to make players take fall damage and also knock them over an edge!

-Basic fall damage reduction

This is mostly unnecessary unless you are fighting someone who is good at PVP.

Basically what you have to do is to place a block under you (2 blocks if you are a tryhard) when you fall down a bridge or a part of the map to another, this will reduce half-a-heart to 1 heart of fall damage that you take.

-Basic rushing
Rushing is what makes Bedwars exciting, you have to travel to an enemy's base, break or blast their defense and break their bed, better Pvpers can also kill the person in the same rush!

To rush you will need TNT and/or tools such as an axe and pickaxe (shears are unnecessary), wooden tools work well and you will not need anything more than stone tools unless you have to break obsidian in which case you have to buy a diamond pickaxe, taking only TNT used to be a good strategy before clay became TNT proof.

(More on this topic in Beginner rushing strategy)

-Beginner rushing strategy
If you have read everything I have said under beginner you will be able to follow this strategy pretty easily.

First of all I would like to mention that certain parts of this strategy can change according to the map you are on (You have to improvise)

First of all, you should get 12 iron and place a layer of sandstone over your bed (Make sure it is completely covered) Then you have to use 8 iron to buy wool and cover the bed with it(This stops someone from getting instant access to your bed using a pickaxe) You can increase the defense of your bed later in your game but for now, you need to get 8 more iron and rush the opponent's base.

: Do not wait for 28 iron or else your bed will get destroyed.
If your opponent rushes while you are doing this, kill them, they do not have TNT yet.

In order to rush you need to build up at least 5 blocks (Stack 1 block up after every 5 blocks till you do it) and then jump down (use fall damage reduction), kill your opponent and break their bed, if they have sandstone or wood you can break it with your fist.

After your first rush is successful you have to get tools and TNT and keep rushing the other bases (You can get diamond upgrades too)
until you win the game.


There are dozens of PVP tutorials out which will be helpful for you here, I will tell you about w tapping and s tapping.

If you have played sumo and sometimes it seems that you are taking a lot more knockback than your opponent, it might be because he/she is sprint resetting.

Sprint resetting is a method to deal more knockback.
To do so you will have to release your w key after every single hit, if done properly you will deal up to 3 blocks of knockback per hit (s tap is the same but takes a lot more time to practice and is more effective in Potpvp than Bedwars)

-Bridge Fights
Bridge fighting is a form of PVP which is exclusive to Bedwars and Skywars.

In this, blocks are used a lot and are sometimes even more important than a sword!
The main objective is the knock your enemy into the void, there are a few ways to do this.

1] Punching: You just have to use the sprint resetting technique you learned earlier and knock your enemy in the void using knockback from your punches.

2] Trapping: There are hundreds of videos available on youtube showing you different block traps you can use in bridge PVP, my favorite is the one where you place 2 blocks on top of each other on a diagonal bridge, and a sprinting enemy that touching these blocks will fall.

3] Spleefing: Another form of trapping, the name says it all.

-Map movement

[I will be updating this one later as I will have to make a video to show this technique.]

-Game Sense
Game sense is one of the most important aspects you will need to learn in order to attain a winstreak as you can be the best PVPer in the world and still lose your bed because you were half a map away from it when you were needed to defend it.

To have a good game sense you will first have to have experience playing Bedwars for some time as you need to properly understand the game and the maps (I cannot make a 20-page guide)

Game sense is all about when to do something, you should know when to intentionally jump in the void to save your bed and when you can risk leaving your base open and rushing someone else.

TIP: Zoom into your base every 30 seconds and see if there are any blocks that you do not recognize on the way to your base, even if you cannot see invaders from such a distance you can see the blocks that they have placed.

-Jitter Bridging
Jitter bridging is a bridging method that can help you out of a tricky situation because if done properly it is very hard for someone to hit you and you can run away easily, this is also very useful in rushing.

There are 2 ways of jitter bridging, one is called one stack jitter and the other is more like Godbridging,

NOTE: These bridging methods are very hard and you certainly do not NEED them in order to win the game, I did not know if I should put this in the tryhard section so I put it here.

There are a few talents in Jartex Bedwars and most of them are useless, I personally use the Guardian angel talent, Respawn timer talent, and the Regeneration talent, other talents like Emerald hoarder and Diamond hoarder are cool too, rusher used to be a good talent but they nerfed it, you should not bother with any of the other talents as they are mostly useless.

I will be updating this guide regularly I have completed the index to let you know about everything that you can expect from this guide.
Please DM me on forums or discord ItsFabrixPlayz#7416 if you feel like I have missed something, Thank you.

Last updated: 18/12/2020
I can’t really agree with sandstone since it is so easy to break with a pickaxe and sometimes you don’t even need it if you have a stone sword. But you make a good point that you probably need tnt so you probably shouldn’t get wood then


November 16, 2018
I can’t really agree with sandstone since it is so easy to break with a pickaxe and sometimes you don’t even need it if you have a stone sword. But you make a good point that you probably need tnt so you probably shouldn’t get wood then
True, but you cannot get a pic and rush that fast in the game (that's 18 iron) and another layer of wool will solve that problem for you


Known Member
Known Member
July 2, 2019
True, but you cannot get a pic and rush that fast in the game (that's 18 iron) and another layer of wool will solve that problem for you
my guy by the time you get sandstone someone already at your base probably
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