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- January 25, 2017
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What is the suggestion about?
What is the suggestion about?
Talent Slots & More
I have divided this suggestion into 3 parts :
1) Core Suggestion
2) Talents
3) Miscellaneous Ideas / Balances
The main point of this suggestion is to add more Talent slots so people have more choices for their own custom loadouts.
Simple, add another Talent slot for everyone.
Add more maps to the game, the ones we have right now are getting boring.
Have timed Contracts at an NPC which trade straight up money for EXP.
EXP now is so hard to come by, you can only grind Skywars right now to actually get EXP (Which is around 15 EXP / Win, 3 EXP / Kill, 3 EXP / Playtime every 5-10 minutes)
Make the Contractor feature TIMED missions of, for example :
- 150 Kills - 30 Minutes [SW]
- 25 Wins - 1 Hour 30 Minutes [SW]
- Open 100 Chests - 45 Minutes [SW]
- Get a Winstreak of 5 - 45 Minutes [SW]
- Throw 300 Projectiles - 30 Minutes [SW]
- Destroy 15 Beds - 1 Hour [BW]
- Get 5 Final Kills via Fireball Kills - 30 Minutes [BW]
Note that these missions will be of 3 level difficulties, Low Level, Medium Level, High Level (Pretty basic)
Now currency change for these Contracts will be as follows.
- High amount of coins required but the EXP output is high as-well.
For example :
- Low Level Contract : 750 Coins - 150 EXP [1D Cooldown]
- Medium Level Contract : 1,500 Coins - 250 EXP [2D Cooldown]
- High Level Contract : 4,000 Coins - 500 EXP [3D Cooldown]
Instead of having a direct cooldown on the contracts, allow us to find contracts in Brain Washer and randomly after games.
PS : Highest level is 67 and it has been roughly an year and 2 months since minigames came out.
Now what if you fail the contract and don't complete it in the given time? In this case, you can have a refund.
A higher Jartex Level gives you a much better refund for every time you ask for a refund from the Contract NPC. So if a Level 10 player gets 10% of their coins back, a Level 50 player would be getting a much higher amount back like 35% or 40%.
- Have a 5% [FOR LEVEL I] chance of finding treasures from Ores (% Goes up every level up)
- Diamond Ores : Change to receive Diamond Armour Piece with Protection. (Random)
- Gold Ores : Chance to receive a Golden Apple.
- Iron Ores : Chance to receive an Anvil.
- Lapiz Ores (Maybe?) : Chance to receive a random enchanted book.
- On every kill has a chance to give you 2 hearts of absorption for a minute.
- Has a chance of giving you an ender pearl after getting a kill.
- Sets up slot with items.
For example ; Assign "Wool" to slot 8 -> This way whenever you buy Wool, it will directly go to slot 8
Same for any other material like TNT - 4, Pickaxe - 5, Fireball - 2 and etc etc.
For Level I, allow 1 slot, Level II, 2 slots and so on.
- Completely revamp "Healer" kit as it's more than over-powered, there are instances where I'd prefer that kit over Gold Kit just because the amount of healing it gives you.
Present Kit : x3 Splash Potion Of Healing II
Revamped Kit : x2 Drinkable Potions Of Healing I, x1 Splash Potion Of Regeneration (33s)
Player Hook - Like a Fishing Rod with lets say 5 or 10 uses, when you hook a player to the rod, you have two options, left click or right click. Right Click ~ Player is hooked towards you (Comes to you) Left Click ~ You go towards the player.
Instead of Rage giving Strength 2 for x amount of seconds, can we make it properly customised. Like 25% increased damage for 7 seconds or even 10 seconds. And when the player has Rage enabled, flame particles occur near them in-game so players can see who has the talent ability on going.
Add rewards for linking your account to our Discord and verifying your E-mail.
Discord Link : 750 Coins [BW], x1 Common Loot Box.
E-mail Link : 750 Coins [SW], x1 Common Loot Box.
If your friend goes to another gamemode, you can ask them to come back to mini-games if you type /party warp. When a party warp is executed, instead of directly teleporting the player to the dedicated server, it would instead ask the player to join their friend back on minigames, omething like "Your friend Andeh wants you to join back! Click Here to go back"
After filling up all your brains, any additional brains will directly be converted to some amount of coins. [If this is already implement then I'm sorry to type it down here, never really got to test it]
It would be super great to add exclusive items which you can no longer get (Halloween Items, Christmas Items, Easter Items) in the "Special Item" slot in Voting Crystal Trades.
Remove the map "Paint" or re-add it / fix it, it's super buggy and small, you don't see join / leave player messages, you don't get to be in teams in duos (You just go in different teams) - And I think that map is partially the reason sometimes the items you get literally disappear out of nowhere (Gadgets etc)
Give everyone a player tracker when there are 3 players left in a Solo game within 20 seconds, or when there are 3 teams left in Doubles within 20 seconds.
Simple suggestion, add a command to disable all the party invites except STAFF MEMBERS (Such that only staff members can invite you)
Command : /party disable (We have /party disband for disbanding a party, hopefully this won't get confusing because /party invites disable doesn't seem right, just feeling like /party disable, /party enable) or just add /toggle invites to disable party invites.
SUBSTITUTE SUGGESTION : Add a do not disturb type of command which makes you not see any /msg you receive and don't see any party invites you're getting (/dnd)
Add Villager skins (Custom Villager Skins - Devil, Angel, Christmas, Summer, Winter, Autumn, Sexy, Broke, Prisoner, Rich etc)
Give more refund coins from Brain Washer if you receive an item / perk that you already own... Toxic Kill Message on SW gave me 21 coins for a refund.
Make it upto 250 for Common, 500 for Rare, 750 for Epic, 1,000 for Legendary and 2,000 for Mythical (For the amount of brains it took me to get Toxic Kill Messages, 2,000 is still way too less

Gold Kit as for now is way too broken for the game.
Remake it as Sharpness II Diamond Axe and Protection II Iron Set (Instead of Sharpness III - Something I'd get in EXTREME MODE and Protection III Iron Set - Almost equivalent to full Diamond Armour, again something I'd get in LUNATIC MODE)
Give players more EXP on Bedwars. Right now you get lower EXP on Bedwars than Skywars even though Bedwars game lasts much longer, I'd simply expect twice or x2.5 times more EXP on Bedwars than Skywars just because of the time taken and effort put in.
Add online leaderboards upto first 1,000 players (Good to know some good players at the game)
Add positions under leaderboards like Top 15 Kill Leaderboards, Your Position : #532.
Remove the Top Games Played leaderboards (Sort of a fun public shaming if you really think of it
) and add a "WinStreak" leaderboard instead - Or something unique like Most Bow Kills (Which is related to kills and is more useful than WinStreak Leaderboards even though we'd need that)

Add these SPECIFIC leaderboards online :
- Most Projectiles Thrown
- Most Ender Pearls Thrown
- Most Deaths ( Shoutout

- Most Games Played
- Highest Level (Arranged by EXP gained if same level)
Add Special Skywars Cages namely "Bronze Cage, Silver Cage, Gold Cage" corresponding to this pallet (Excuse the wool, it should be Iron and Gold instead) : https://prnt.sc/twx5at
When you land while wearing Bunny Boots, a small particle circle appears on the ground for 2 seconds.
When you are wearing Beast Boots, you will be chased with a slight fire Trial.
Allow players to set their Chat Level to whatever they want (Anything lower than their current Jartex Level)
Allow players to set their skins to a random skin / a specific username's skin (Inappropriate Skin - Permanent Ban)
Add all this in a "Nickname Settings" tab under Profile -> Lobby Settings (There are two slots free there, one will be "Nickname Settings" and other will be something I'll suggest later in this post)
Make the Quadruples Bedwars generator x1.25 times faster (Or even x1.3 times faster) because people absolutely LOVE to grind this one specific gamemode for faster exp + faster stats (Given that Bedwars already provides you with less EXP)
Instead of typing whole realname command (For staff) and then the nickname, allow us to use /who which would directly give us a player list of Donators and Players (Donators without a nick, so if
is nicked as ImAFatPanda and I type /who, it would come as Donators : Jax_God_1966 instead of Players : ImAFatPanda)

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Finally a small update for mini-games? :O
Extra Information:
This is a big community suggestion so be sure to read all of it or most of it to get a proper intuition, before giving reviews in comments.
And as always, more support directly means encouraging them to get the suggestion implemented.
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