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Accepted Denied Immortal Factions Suggestions for the upcoming factions map in Jartex

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February 11, 2019
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What is the suggestion about?
Suggestions for the upcoming factions map in Jartex

-Raiding outpost - the raiding outpost will be a 10x10 base with a 12 chunks buffer(add slabs at ocean and finnsters to make it more op), once the faction breaches the raiding outpost they will get spawner drop booster like 2x tnt drop rates, emerald drop rates and stuff like that. The claims in the world of the raiding outpost will reset every 2/3 hours, The base will be 4 sided in the middle of the world to make it even harder. The raiding outpost wont have build in counters to make it even more fun, they can only use a side counter to counter their box, In my opinion the raiding outpost will make the christmas map in jartex more fun and also the raiding outpost will be enabled on the middle of the grace period. In the world of the raiding outpost the players won't have access to /invsee,/bal & /near so you can make the buffer checking even harder.(FORGOT TO MENTION THAT WHEN THE FACTION CLAIMS THE RAIDING OUTPOST THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DEFEND IT/patch)
- Enable koth during grace.
- Make the koth loot better.
- Add infinite water buckets
- For the first 48 hours, make the /transfer to only have Jartex/Desert sets so people can grind out sets faster.
- Add /printer and make the printer more flawless.
- Add in f perks option to upgrade shields like from 8Hrs,10Hrs,12 or 16 hours because not everyone can be non stop on during the holidays and etc NOTE that the server will not die because the raiding outpost wont have shield so it wont kill the server with having more then 10 hours shields.
- Make the faction tnt bank bigger (upgradeable in f perks)
- Allow 2x fly boosting
- Make the TNT limit to 3.5k since it's not the same jar anymore
- Return the gkits back to normal, don't make them upgradeable.
- remove /bal, First of all its useless, 2nd of all if someone is printing you can /invsee him, there won't be any cannon items in the inventory but if you spam /bal on him and you see that his balance is decreasing that will obviously put you in alert you will go to check buffers.
- Allow us to use more then one raid claim or make counter claims during raids.
- Disable the timer on the raid claims during grace period.
- You can have maximum 2 buffer counters per side and you can have maximum 9 chunks off walls per counter.
- Make the back counters illegal PLEASE
- Add a raid timer : once you start shooting the raid timer will start going down from 30 to 0 and if it goes to 0 and you are still shooting, the raid timer will reset back to 30 and if you stop shooting for more then 5 min the raid timer will be set back to 30 and after that timer expires other factions will be able to shoot at you again.
- Once a faction stops shooting at you, they will have a 30 min grace to patch walls.
- Make teaming in pvp illegal to make the map even more fun and harder PLEASE
- Once a counter gets breached you will have to wait X amount of time between using the other counter or making one (The staff team will obviously decide the time)
- Add bigger radius of trench pickaxes in the shop and lower the price for the first 24 hours on the Level III shockwave pickaxes.
How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
It will make jartex more exciting and better for the community

Extra Information:
if ur a random that's commenting just to get staff and doesnt have clue about factions, just leave the thread.
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August 11, 2018
Move tnt limit from 3k to 2.5k dont add /printer,this arry random imbecil aint worth your time mex, he wants to make a premium server out of your server,keep the stuff that it is and fix minor issues,server is doing great as it is!

Get raided scrubs!


Addicted Member
February 11, 2019
Move tnt limit from 3k to 2.5k dont add /printer,this arry random imbecil aint worth your time mex, he wants to make a premium server out of your server,keep the stuff that it is and fix minor issues,server is doing great as it is!

Get raided scrubs!
LOOL comedian the jihad monkeys giving -1 because they dont want new factions to come here


October 11, 2020
first of all removing /bal would only affect you cause you abuse it to the maximum
second /printer isnt needed u get cannons up in 10 minutes anyway
third why would you have a need for 2 raid claims


May 29, 2020
-1 16 hour shield is probably the most stupid idea i have ever heard for a 35 man roster, like its actually hilarious. but other than that the raiding outpost is an amazing idea and so is koth during grace


September 4, 2019
well that shit is great +1 voodootje0 hopefully u give this suggestion look


March 1, 2020
cant say +1 or -1 because there is to many things so ill go trough all of them separately.
- Rpost should be added 100% they got it with the jar and its so fun.
- Koth should be enabled in grace and they should add like a mega koth once every 2 weeks w/ a faction cap and super good loot
- Koth loot is fine from last update, loot on weekends is decent ( plus there is so many koths, if they add better loot lower the ammount of koths )
- Dont see point of infinit water bucket legit usless u lazy fuck
- Why would you need to grind sets faster on a 7 week map ?
- Why would they add /printer you allready get oceaned fast want it faster?
- DO NOT INCREASE F SHIELD ARE YOU STOOPID ITS 35MAN NO ROSTER ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
- I agree on tnt bank bigger 500k is nothing but on a 35 man 1 guy filling bank wont be a problem ( Doesnt matter if it changes )
- Why do u want 2x fly boost? Most usless suggesten almost must usless then you.
- Why would canons be 3.5k ? They are 3k on most servers go skid new canons that are less then 3k.
- Gkits should stay like this, I dont ike them too but it helps with balancing the eco
- I agree with the balance thing its usless anyways
- U can counter with normal claims are you stoopid?
- "Disable the timer on the raid claims during grace period." please read that sentence again i lost 10 brain cells
- "You can have maximum 2 buffer counters per side and you can have maximum 9 chunks off walls per counter." - AGREED
- Why would back counters be illegal worlds are too big ( Solution : make world smallers and then ake them illegal )
- Its simpler if you just make the raid claim cd on 30 minutes after it gets unclaimed , no point in adding the plugins for timers walls are easily fixable.
- Agreed remove teaming in pvp
- Why would they add cd on counters you guys cant even breach them LOL.
- Why would u need bigger range on shockwave picks dont be lazy.

sorry for bad grammar wrote in 7 min


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January 25, 2017
Doing longer post over everything you covered:
- Raiding outpost, I don't really have an opinion on this, this seems like too much of a change so I doubt this will happen at all.
- Enable Koth during Grace. No, because it is not necessary at all, it is simply a fun pvp event for during the map, your focuses during grace should be on making a base and preparing the map.
- Koth loot better, I agree on this one, it is joke loot which is why we barely even participated this map.
- 48 hours making /transfer only Jartex/Desert sets, this is dumb and should not happen. I speak as someone who gets like 15k mobcoins from gkits, this is not a good idea. It will most likely ruin economy slowly and is not a good idea, it will unbalance the gamemode Day 1.
- Add /printer, don't have an opinion personally, but do agree it needs to be worked on.
- Adding more f perks I do agree should happen but the f shield does not need to change, it is fine how it is, 10 hours is ok, but in a 24 hour day, if you can't cover atleast 14 hours with a 35 man faction, then you don't need to be playing.
- Making the bank bigger is a good idea, even though this is gonna be impossible to get that upgrade because right now level 9 is the maximum, and it usually takes you all map to get to level 10, and if it doesnt then level 11, so you can't go much farther, therefore you'll need to work on upgrade levels.
- Allowing fly boosting, I have nothing wrong with this personally but it still poses a problem with pvp, and how if I get out of combat I can just fly boost away whenever I want, which shouldn't be allowed because thats not fair. So I'll say this shouldn't be allowed.
- Limiting the tnt 3.5k, don't have an opinion on this, don't care.
- Remove /bal. This is dumb and unnecessary. You are writing this as if we were finding you based on /bal. We did not find you from this. We found you from /invsee and constantly checking previous raid claims and buffer.
- Having more than one raid claim is also very unnecessary and a bad idea. It is not fair to have more than one raid claim at once because you could be raiding all over at once and would be impossible to keep track of any faction's raids. It is fine how it is now.
- Disabling timer on raid claims during grace, don't care, have no opinion on this.
- 2 buffer counters limit is stupid because whatever a faction wishes to have in there walls is there choice. If another faction wants to raid them, they have to just raid them or deal with it. Most factions only ever have 3, and usually only use 2.
- Making back counters illegal is extremely stupid and ruins the game. If you want to add this rule, then you also must make it a rule that if you don't make the cannon extremely close to the base or a certain amount away so that the buffer counters can still hit it, then you are making illegal cannons, because like factions have done before, they tend to setup on the very ends of the buffer, too far for the buffer counters to reach and still can hit the walls and the back counters purpose is to counter them even that far out, removing them is a giving the raiders a godly advantage.
- Don't have an opinion on the raid timer, 30min grace idea, don't care about either.
- Making teaming in pvp illegal is stupid. Because if you are friends with someone else in another faction and you aren't aware of this rule and get punished for it, it won't be fair at all. Along with this having no impact on the ftop competition at all. Since pvp teaming at raids is extremely not allowed.
- Counter breach time limits, this is not even close to a good idea. It would basically make 2 counters into 1, meaning if 1 got breached you'd basically lose both for a certain amount of time, which could result in you getting breached. If a faction wants to raid another faction, they should have to deal with any type of counter and adapt along the way, not want these unfair rules to give them an advantage.
- Shockwave pickaxe changes. I don't care about this, but lowering price is dumb because it was added to give help but it also will make the summer gkit absolutely useless if you do this. Not necessary, I personally think the price should be increased, since the entire purpose of the summer gkit was to make people buy it for a cheaper price, but now its going to become utterly useless if this is added.
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Staff member
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January 25, 2017
Doing longer post over everything you covered:
- Raiding outpost, I don't really have an opinion on this, this seems like too much of a change so I doubt this will happen at all.
- Enable Koth during Grace. No, because it is not necessary at all, it is simply a fun pvp event for during the map, your focuses during grace should be on making a base and preparing the map.
- Koth loot better, I agree on this one, it is joke loot which is why we barely even participated this map.
- 48 hours making /transfer only Jartex/Desert sets, this is dumb and should not happen. I speak as someone who gets like 15k mobcoins from gkits, this is not a good idea. It will most likely ruin economy slowly and is not a good idea, it will unbalance the gamemode Day 1.
- Add /printer, don't have an opinion personally, but do agree it needs to be worked on.
- Adding more f perks I do agree should happen but the f shield does not need to change, it is fine how it is, 10 hours is ok, but in a 24 hour day, if you can't cover atleast 14 hours with a 35 man faction, then you don't need to be playing.
- Making the bank bigger is a good idea, even though this is gonna be impossible to get that upgrade because right now level 9 is the maximum, and it usually takes you all map to get to level 10, and if it doesnt then level 11, so you can't go much farther, therefore you'll need to work on upgrade levels.
- Allowing fly boosting, I have nothing wrong with this personally but it still poses a problem with pvp, and how if I get out of combat I can just fly boost away whenever I want, which shouldn't be allowed because thats not fair. So I'll say this shouldn't be allowed.
- Limiting the tnt 3.5k, don't have an opinion on this, don't care.
- Remove /bal. This is dumb and unnecessary. You are writing this as if we were finding you based on /bal. We did not find you from this. We found you from /invsee and constantly checking previous raid claims and buffer.
- Having more than one raid claim is also very unnecessary and a bad idea. It is not fair to have more than one raid claim at once because you could be raiding all over at once and would be impossible to keep track of any faction's raids. It is fine how it is now.
- Disabling timer on raid claims during grace, don't care, have no opinion on this.
- 2 buffer counters limit is stupid because whatever a faction wishes to have in there walls is there choice. If another faction wants to raid them, they have to just raid them or deal with it. Most factions only ever have 3, and usually only use 2.
- Making back counters illegal is extremely stupid and ruins the game. If you want to add this rule, then you also must make it a rule that if you don't make the cannon extremely close to the base or a certain amount away so that the buffer counters can still hit it, then you are making illegal cannons, because like factions have done before, they tend to setup on the very ends of the buffer, too far for the buffer counters to reach and still can hit the walls and the back counters purpose is to counter them even that far out, removing them is a giving the raiders a godly advantage.
- Don't have an opinion on the raid timer, 30min grace idea, don't care about either.
- Making teaming in pvp illegal is stupid. Because if you are friends with someone else in another faction and you aren't aware of this rule and get punished for it, it won't be fair at all. Along with this having no impact on the ftop competition at all. Since pvp teaming at raids is extremely not allowed.
- Counter beach time limits, this is not even close to a good idea. It would basically make 2 counters into 1, meaning if 1 got breached you'd basically lose both for a certain amount of time, which could result in you getting breached. If a faction wants to raid another faction, they should have to deal with any type of counter and adapt along the way, not want these unfair rules to give them an advantage.
- Shockwave pickaxe changes. I don't care about this, but lowering price is dumb because it was added to give help but it also will make the summer gkit absolutely useless if you do this. Not necessary, I personally think the price should be increased, since the entire purpose of the summer gkit was to make people buy it for a cheaper pickaxe but now its going to become utterly useless if this is added.
Sorry so long, went on a long rant (;


August 17, 2016
suck my cock dog you would still be in ICU with 24 hour shield get cactus
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