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What is the suggestion about?
Suggestions for Next Season (SBD)
This is going to be suggestion board for next season, I will adding new ones here but this suggestion contains multiple additions for next season of SBD.
❖1st suggestion:❖
make all animal mobs spawn in air instead of needing grass to spawn on, This will unlock a whole potential of new farms with spawners since a big part of all spawners are friendly mobs.
❖2nd suggestion:❖
Add epic and legendary chests Mobchests, Epic Mobchest will have 2x more storage for loot and legendary Mobchest will have 3 to 10x more storage for loot, This will save space for big spawner farms and even expensive grinders. The cost for epic Mobchest can be $500,000 each and legendary can be $1,000,000 each.
Epic Mobchests and Legendary Mobchests can either be bought from /shop, where's Redstone section or they can be unlocked ingame, one idea is if you buy enough regular Mobchests, u can unlock epic Mobchests, then legendary Mobchests.
After doing a lot of calculations i've find out that 1000 epic spawners will fill you 1607 dubs of loot in a day, and I was able to calculate that there are total of 19,000 mobchests that you can fit in your chunk for every one of them to collect the loot, it could of been 20,000 but you need some space for mobs to die in, so 19,000x3456 (item limit in a single dubb) is a total of 65664000, if you make in a day and that's basically complete limit in jartex of any spawner farm that you AFK. You can make over like $30b with a day with a good strong farm sounds good right? well it will cost you definitely minimum like $300 billion to make the farm and you will most likely very definitely earn that long after the end of payouts, and you will find out that you will easily run out of resources such as boosters and sellwands, 20000 chests are 80x 250 sellwands literally per day and if you can sell 8x per second you can sell all chests in like 40 minutes, 11 chest sells per second is limit, but player could only do around 9, so you can sell all chests in around 40-45 minutes, no money booster above 2x lasts for an hour we can say, so we would have to use 2x cash booster to sell 20000 chests.
Basically my point here is that the season is getting more into gkits then any farming, and has no brain work and knowledge, as you can see top 3 islands this season gained all wealth basically from GKITS, because these gkits gave spawners to make strong epic ones.
IT'S literally impossible to make a 10,000 double mobchest farm without having hundreds of gkits that can give you all sellwands or boosters and that on it's own is worth thousands of euros.
The previous seasons with Ichest did not have any limits, Now this season has a huge one even with farming EPIC VILLAGERS you have limit, because previous seasons you were able to keep spawning them in, Nowdays all you do is AFK, making Gkits your only hope to give you enough spawners for more mobs.
I am currently lightly struggling with our 2160 double mobchest farm as we are running out of boosters and sellwands.
❖3rd suggestion:❖
Add Mobheads Chests, these chests will collect all heads dropped inside it's chunk, just like Mobchests collect all loot, it will be able to collect all sorts of heads.
4th suggestion:
Buff Rejuvination to activate 100% of the time you harvest your crops, now days you harvest all Lolipops and it has like 80% chance to replant and that creates a large mess in the farms, wasting players time and making it uncomfortable to farm custom crops.
5th suggestion:
Add even more OP crops, Lolipops go for $160 per item and per day you can make like $300,000,000 if you farm using fastest method ever for more than 20 hours and if you sell with max multiplier, Make new crop that players can sell for $250-$300 which will give unranked players way more boost to get to /is top.
6th suggestion:
Completely fix all mobsuits and test if it actually works. The 50% chance loot and double loot do not work, others are fine.
7th suggestion:
Buff supply crates drops, Now days all you can get from supply crates in terms of boosters is a 5 minute cash booster and 5 minute xp booster, rarely will you get a 30 minute one, Regular players need more chance for more good loot from drops, make cash and money boosters be personal or public at 50% chance, make them be minimum 30 minutes long and make them more common, Now days ranked players with gkits get tons of cash boosters like Hundreds at the end of season.
Make supply crates also have a good chance of dropping multiple spawners, from 1-10, mostly hostile mob spawners such as zombies, creepers, skeletons, spiders. Think about it how things are now, ranked players with gkits are now able to get at least 1 epic villager from just gkits, so give regular players chance to be set off better for income.
8th suggestion:
Completely buff all booster packages, make the GKIT booster give you 3 booster packages OR you can make it so you will only be able to at least get 3x cash booster, ALSO change the 2 personal XP and cash boosters you get for free from claiming gkits to public boosters, instead of how selfish it is now, you get things all for yourself and these personal boosters you will not going to be able to merge with other personal boosters.
I want the GKIT booster packages to have 50% chance to give you personal booster or public, instead of mostly personal nowdays.
Make the 5x cash booster and 3x cash booster up to 1 hour of length, this will not effect economy, as players with who saved all loot up from epic villager grinders usually use out their cash booster in few minutes, but farms that have a thousands of chests can take tens of minutes to sell out and by that time 5x 15 mins cash booster will run out easily.
Completely buff XP booster multipliers to be at least 30 minutes length instead of 15 minutes as of now.
9th suggestion:
This suggestion is to prevent all players winning without placing their full value, basically prevent them from hiding value, Now days things are so fucked up, you can have $100 billion worth of spawners in your PV'S and $100 billion worth of spawners placed while other island can have way more hidden value and they are richer but it then comes to who is last one to place more hidden value to win.
Disclaimer: I am saying that voodoo can add anyways to prevent value being placed only at the end, not how it is just on factions, but this needs to be done.
10th suggestion:
Make all epic mobs that give stars always give xp too everytime you kill them instead of the 50% chance and also make them give more XP then regular mobs since they are 100x rarer.
11th suggestion:
Make /shop allow you to buy 16x to 64x spawners at the time instead of the usual 1x, now days you will have to spam keyboard to buy a lot of spawners and then making them epic can take over an hour.
12th suggestion:
Buff the sellwands, make them be minimum to 1000x chests, as I added my new explanation and calculations at my 2nd suggestion, 2160 dubbs is enough to put all your sellwands at the end really soon, that's like 8 sellwands needed per day with also a 4x booster needed per day unless you got tens of gkit boosters ofcourse but that's like over 1k euro to pay for that amount of craps, sellwands need a huge buff as I am just at the start of my mass epic cave farm, just 1k spawners (BTW top islands have over 100 epic vills) so u can see im near start of the farm and i am already running out of sellwands and 4x boosters.
13th suggestion:
Buff Sellchest, sellchest signs take far to make, if you have thousands of chests or hundreds, it can take over 1 hour for hundreds and hours for thousands of chests to all have signs on them, you will have to type entire [sellchest] statement into signs to make your chest become sellable, how about already add signs as blocks that you can add way faster by simply right clicking on chests with it, it would instantly place the sellchest signs for you.
The sellchest signs that you bought can be claimed from /sellchest or it can be moved into /gkits, once you claim them, only you will be able to access to all the sellable chests where you placed your signs at, this would also prevent other players giving other players free sellchest signs because even if they could place, only the buyer of the command would be able to sell the loot.
14th suggestion:
Remove or nerf heads required to buy 100 spawners, this is really getting annoying, you need to have thousands of heads for just a little amount of spawners, this puts a strain on making big farms and even limits it more, players don't need any skill at all to grind those heads apart from maxed out axe and good ping which is advantage only half or less of server has.
Maybe instead of removing, nerf the amount of heads required to buy the 100x spawners, by 4-10X, this is getting ridiculous if you are going to make a big expensive farm and you would need to grind like 10m heads every day.
How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
This will help farming, gkits, grinding become way better than it is this season.
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