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Accepted Denied SBD Suggestions for Next Season (SBD) (Resuggested because of late suggest)

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January 19, 2017
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Suggestions for Next Season (SBD) (Resuggested because of late suggest)

I am making this suggestion again, to basically get the attention again, last suggestion was too late so owners only had time to implement few things, I don't want the developing time to be big but it's basically suggestions that only takes you to edit values of things of this season into next season or if possible you can change it this season, If owners already have considered my accepted suggestion for next season, they can ignore the ideas that were suggested before.

Green Coloured text = Edited

1st suggestion:

Add epic and legendary mobchests, basically just like infinity chest but infinity chest requires no work and farming knowledge, all you do with ichest farm is basically not that much, it takes no brain work on that path and I am happy that it's removed.

But another problem is that farming in this season has a big strain and a huge limit, making the epic villager grinders which players got from gkits a big deal compared to afk farms, yes we do need effort to make cash with villagers but do you really think there's skill in that? not really, all players do now is kill epic vills to make cash, seasons ago we had some competition with epic villager farms when we were able to spawn them in every second but now since it took the toll, we can allow more focus on other streams of income.

Unique or mythical mobchests can store 2.5x more loot, Epic mobchests can store 5x more loot, Legendary mobchests can store 10x more loot compared to regular mobchests that we have ingame, there will be still same amount of brain work as there is this season and it will allow every random island with bigger possibilities on winning the competitions and allow them to get bigger incomes then just relying on villagers/ghasts/igs/blazes.

The mythical mobchests can cost up to 250k each, epic mobchests = 500k each, legendary mobchests can cost $1 million each, we have thousands of them and there would be no point spending like more than $1 million each for thousands of legendary mobchests, that's billions of dollars cost.

Yes we clearly need boss world loot to allow us to prestige the spawners but as I said before, fragment requirements to buy spawners need to be removed unless it's spawners that can give stars.

2nd suggestion:

buff supply crate drop numbers or change the dropping areas, players these days that don't know where stuff are get screwed so fast, I was with my fastest special god set armor, 30 seconds into the supply drop event and everyone already picked up all the crates.

Also buff the mystery sellwand uses, it's garbage for it to be so rare and only 140 uses being max, I suggest it needs to be up to 1500 uses, players need to work and compete for something unique, players will build big farms and the current wands will run out really quick.

❖ 3rd suggestion: ❖

Buff the booster packs, make it so you get 2x booster packs in the gkit boosters or make it so you have 50% chance to get a public or personal, now days it's like 20% chance you will get a public booster, most things are personal now days.

Also, increase the length of all cash boosters from booster container, 15 minutes for big farms is no longer enough, we need 1 hour booster because cash booster multiplier is only 4x anyways so no point in getting 5x cash booster that lasts 15 mins.

4th suggestion:

Make it so we can buy 16x to 64x spawners at the time, now days it can take so long to buy regular spawners with billions of cash, if you can buy 16x or 64x more spawners at the time, your cash will run out anyways so there will be no spam in the server, these type of activities happen really rarely so it will cause no problem for the server.

5th suggestion:

Buff sellchest, now days it can take many hours for you to place thousands of them for massive farms, we need to have a way to instantly place them on the chests.

6th suggestion:

make all epic mobs that have 50% chance to give stars, have 100% chance to give you XP, last suggestion I made them both be at 100%, but with stars it's already okay, but throughout seasons with epic spawners we still have 50% chance every mob kill to receive the XP, with regular spawners it's 100% of the time.

7th suggestion:

I've already made this suggestion about nerfing fragment requirements to purchase spawners, basically remove the fragment requirements for all spawners in the server that includes gold fragment spawners, even now days it's hard to get a lot of epic villagers considering how rare gold fragments are, players sell you way more bronze fragments then gold.

8th suggestion:

Increase Owl, Dragon, Snowman pets level cap to 250, players get level 100 too early with these pets and the benefit overall with these pets is not that big even if they were fully fixed to work with boosters.

Their boost is totally 1.45x more overall when the level is capped to 100, I did the maths and now lets say you grind 10,000,000 XP an hour, your pet will boost it by 2.5x more on 30% chance, meaning every 10 mob kills you get boosted 3 times, 3 of those times your 1 million XP will be boosted to 2.5 million, so if that happens 3 times, you will get 7.5 million xp (Not extra) meaning another 7 million xp is earned from grinding without booster, these statistics are showing how much you will earn on average with max pet, it's 1.45x more than you do without any pet.

The Owl, Dragon, snowman pets need to be capped at level 250.

Level 100 is overall 30% chance, another level 100 will add up to 55% chance, another level 50 will be 12.5% extra chance leaving us with 67.5% chance at level 250 to give 2.5x more xp/ stars or both at the time.

that's basically 2/3 of the time you kill mobs you get boosted with xp or stars, lets do the math.

lets say you earn 100,000,000 xp without pet your first week, the 66 million xp you earned without pet, With pet would be 2.5x more, meaning that it would be 165,000,000 XP, the other 33 million XP earned without pet would just stay at 33 million xp, so add the numbers and you would get 198 million XP, meaning with pet you overall earn double.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
it will help all possibilities with farming overall and making it more competitive then it is now, allowing players to exceed finally up to $1 trillion probably at the end of the season.

Extra Information:
Please read through fully before voting.
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February 3, 2018
Suggestion - ACCEPTED
Hello, T0m45_ T0m45_
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted and it is going to be implemented very soon!​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​
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