as a hardened world war 2 veteran, ive seen my entire city of addis ababa fall. every friend of mine dropping to the bullets of the unknown enemy and all my family disappearing one by one due to the heartlessness of the partakers of the war. any emotion ive had vested in me was lost throughout the years of the battles. even when my daughter shot herself in the knee by accident i failed to show any empathy and out of instinct of the war chants i uttered 'skill issue'. today, my human state was brought back by this incredible narrative. my heart, mind, soul and body were all awakened by the beauty of this earth and the god that made the writer of this tale. this pulchritudinous, nay, this heart wrenching, NAY, this unimaginable masterpiece that brings our true souls down to its knees to appreciate its pure nature, has taken me to a higher spirit. i have nothing to give in my life but the utmost thanks to you, CaRPlayZ. with that being said, it is a fantastic reasoning you've provided, however unfortunately, 47.61160731215463, -93.62004220104848