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Solo Rushing Guide


Addicted Member
May 20, 2020

Hello Gamer guys & gurls,​

In this thread, I'll be looking at ways to rush in Solo Bedwars
! Important !
  • This guide is for Intermediate (Can speed bridge).
  • I cannot guarantee that this has a 100% win rate.

Let's break-up the game into 3 different sections,
  1. Start-game (First opponent).
  2. Mid-game (Rest of the opponents).
  3. End-game (Last one/two opponent(s)).

Start-Game rushing.

There are many, many methods to start your game(Start rushing):
Here I have brought together the 3 most common ways,

  • 8 Iron Rush (Some maps only).
  • 12 Iron Rush.
  • TNT Rush.
8 Iron Rush.
This strategy is all about being quicker than your opponent.
!! You do not defend the bed except your opponent is coming near you !!

  1. Wait until 8 Iron.
  2. Get 32 wool.
  3. Speed Bridge to your opponent. (Go about 6 blocks high & try not to fall)
  4. Break bed & get the final
  5. !! Hopefully, you use your brain and PVP skills, you win against your opponent !!

12 Iron Rush.
To perform this tactic, you need to be decent @ Speed bridging.

  1. Wait until 12 Iron.
  2. Get 48 wool.
  3. Speed Bridge to your opponent. (Go about 12 blocks high & try not to fall)
  4. Break bed & get the final.

TNT Rush.
To use this strategy you must be sure that your opponent is not coming towards you,
Instead, he/she is defending their bed.
You can defend your bed if you want to.

  1. Wait until 4 Gold & 16 Iron.
  2. Get 64 wool & 1 TNT
  3. Speed Bridge to your opponent. (Go to your opponents roof & try not to fall with the TNT)
  4. Place the TNT.
  5. Wait 3 seconds, and jump.
  6. Break bed & get the final.

Mid Game Rushing.

For a successful Mid-game rush, I have got you 3 ways,

  • Old-School Rush.
  • Creeper.
  • ModernRush.

Old-School Rush.
This Method is for bases with 1-3 Layer Defences.

  1. Collect 28/18 Iron & 3 Gold
  2. Get 32 Wool, a Golden_apple and a tool of your choice (Pick_axe or Axe, Can take both if you want to).
  3. Speed Bridge to your opponent.
  4. If the opponent is at their base, Kill him/her first. and Before he/she respawns break the bed.
  5. After breaking the bed, Do eat your tasty apple.
  6. Make sure to wait until spawn protection of him/her is gone.

This Method is for bases with More than 2 Layer Defences.
For 2-3 layer defences, 1
TNT is enough.
For 4-6 layer defences, you'll need 2

  1. Collect 12/16 Iron and 4/8 Gold (Depending on how much TNT you want).
  2. Get 48/64 Wool, 1/2 TNT.
  3. Speed Bridge to your opponent (Go 7 blocks above their base).
  4. Place the TNT.
  5. After TNT explodes & bed is open, Jump.
  6. After breaking the bed, Kill the opponent.

Modern Rush
This Method is for bases with More than 2 Layer Defences.
This Rush is only possible if you have access to
emeralds. (2 Will be enough).
For 2-3 layer defences, 1
TNT is enough.
For 4-6 layer defences, you'll need 2

  1. Collect 12/16 Iron, 2 emeralds and 4/8 Gold (Depending on how much TNT you want).
  2. Get 48/64 Wool, 1/2 TNT & 1 jump and speed Potion.
  3. Go near their base.
  4. Drink the Potions.
  5. Go to their base.
  6. Place 1 TNT at a time.
  7. After TNT explodes & bed is open. Break the bed.
  8. After breaking the bed, Kill the opponent.

End-Game Rushing.

There is only 1 method for this, which I can guarantee
98% of winning.

This Method Can be used for opponents with/without a bed
For 2-3 layer defences, 1 TNT is enough.
For 4-6 layer defences, you'll need 2 TNT.

Collect as many resources as you can.

Must Buy items & upgrades.

  1. 2+ stacks of wool.
  2. 3+ Gapples*.
  3. Iron Armour.
  4. Sharpness.
  5. Protection 2+.
  6. Haste.
Not that important (If you have resources. Buy these),

  1. Diamond armour.
  2. Bow & arrows.
  3. Fireballs.
  4. Potions.
  5. Haste 2.
  6. Heal Pool.

What not to buy,

  1. Diamond Swords.

  2. Iron forge/Any Generator upgrades.

* Gapple = Golden Apple.

For anyone reading this, I hope you have a great day & GL on your Games.


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