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Denied Skywars Tournament

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April 24, 2020
Hello today I am going to be suggesting my ideas to how jartex network could implement a skywars tournament effectively.
Basics: The event would take place for 24 hours and have a cap of 50 games played (to prevent people from playing for 24 hours straight). It would take place on the rotation gamemode in the skywars lobby. Each win would be worth 10 points while each kill would be worth 1 point.

Leaderboards: Temporarily replace the games played leaderboard with a leaderboard of tournament score which would update every couple of minutes.

Preventing Cheaters: Cheaters are a big issue in skywars. Unfortunately, a tournament like this would attract a lot of cheaters. The are many ways to decrease the amount of cheaters. Firstly, have a jartex minigames level 5 requirement to enter the tournament. This would prevent cheaters who have been banned to make a new account and play anyways. Secondly. if there are any cheaters banned after the tournament and they were on the leaderboards, have their name be removed and placement. Having a special /report feature for only players in the tournament to use and notify staff would be a good idea. Since there would likely be an increase in staff it would make it easier to identify the cheaters.

Prizes: I feel like a tournament like this should award more than just giftcards. There should be a 2x multiplier on jartex xp for any game in the tournament. The prizes could be as followed.

Top 1000-500: 1000 coins, 10 brains
Top 100-500: 2000 coins, 25 brains. 1 common loot box
Top 50-100: 5000 coins, 50 brains, 2 common loot boxes
Top 25-50: 10000 coins, 100 brains. 2 common, 1 epic loot box
Top 10-25: 25000 coins, 200 brains, 1 mythical, 2 epic, 2 common lootboxes
Top 3-10: 30000 coins, 250 brains, 1 mythical, 2 epic, 2 common lootboxes
3rd: 10 euro giftcard: 30000 coins, 250 brains, 2mythical, 2 epic, 2 common lootboxes: Special kill effect (ex. lightning)
2nd: 20 euro giftcard: 50000 coins, 300 brains, 3mythical, 2 epic, 2 common lootboxes Special kill effect (ex. lightning)
1st: 35 euro giftcard: 100000 coins. 500 brains, 5 mythical, 2 epic, 2common lootboxes Special kill effect (different from 2nd,3rd)

Since getting coins/brains is hard in skywars, this tournament would have unique and good rewards. (I just threw these numbers up here as an example and they can be tweaked.

Gameplay: All kits will be disabled, this will give an equal playing field and prevent players with ranks using their op donator kits. The game should also be played in one specific gamemode: Ex. Normal,, Lunatic, Extreme.

Maps: Making a special tournament map that is SMALL. Some maps are over 200x200 which means someone could just camp and the games could take forever. Having a smaller map would make things more chaotic and the games quicker preventing people from hiding. or just use tribal thats a good map to have a tournament on

Why we need this: Skywars is way to easy right now. If there isn't a cheater in my game I pretty much always win and if there is a cheater I win about 50% of my games. High level jartex players are very competitive and want this for the rewards, bragging rights, and the fun.

Extra notes: People who boost (team with cheater purposely to get wins) should be perm banned. Parties should be disabled from entering to prevent boosting and teamers.

Conclusion: If done right to prevent cheaters, this tournament can be really fun and competitive. If you have any questions or concerns as to how this works I will reply to you to your comment and sum things up. If i missed anything please let me know. If there are any event organizers interested in making a reality ;). I could help sort stuff out. Anyways thank you for reading my essay bye.


November 15, 2016
That's an amazing idea +1


August 27, 2019
w8 top 1k? where are you gonna get 1k players still good idea tho +1
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April 24, 2020
w8 top 1k? where are you gonna get 1k player still good idea tho +1
There are 300 players playing at a time. That means throughout the day there are 1000s of unique players playing in a day. So with a tournament this number would be increased. There would easily be at least 5000 unique players entering the tournament.


November 2, 2019
+1 I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, I'm gonna assume your idea is unique to Jartex forums.

The overall direction of this sounds great, with a few minor tweaks this could be better.

Cheater/Booster problem:
The only solution I see to this is having staff constantly spectate games, such that there are sufficient number of staff that are ip-banning cheaters and boosters.

However, you didn't address the closet cheating problems, the sigma users would now become ghost client users, and some (depends on final prize) will even purchase vape. 3.1-3.3 block reach is hard to tell from third person point of view, the only solution to this is having an anticheat. I imagine the top ~50 being filled with closet cheaters who use misplace and velocity unless an anticheat is worked on.
The game itself:
Current solo SW is not ready for a competitive playing. The loot in solo SW needs a thorough reworking for anything competitive. Winning without a chestplate in Normal SW is hard enough, let alone SW filled with sweats and tryhards. Everyone needs to spawn in with full iron armour or some sort of full armour to prevent this.

The island chests shouldn't be the mess that they currently are, you should get blocks, maybe xp, water bucket, some armour pieces, projectiles distributed in some fashion. You're going to want to remove as much RNG and luck as possible.
There needs to be a clear distinction between mid-loot and regular island loot, which is severely lacking in current solo SW, people should be encouraged to go to mid. Also, refills should be an important aspect for SW, loot should get better after refills, by the 3rd or so refill, pearls in every chest etc.

PLEASE disable hunger, do this in regular SW also.

There should be two types of healing, eatables/drinkables and splash healing. It's self explanatory. The splashables should be found at mid, you get the idea.

At no point in time should loot of island chest = loot of mid-chest. No one would come to mid then, as it'd be too risky.

REMOVE EVERYTHING KB RELATED. No punch bows, no kb-rods, they are broken and are impossible to balance when the fight takes place in the sky.

Map changes:
12 PLAYER GAMES WOULD BE DISASTROUS. The amount of cleaning that would happen is absurd. No one would fight anyone if they're smart, because cleaning would be a serious problem, this does mean more games, and well more need for staff.

NO RANDOM HOLES like in the map Pirate, Paint etc.
Maps should not be massive, medium sized preferably on the smaller side. None of the current SW maps fit this description.

Anvils, Enchanting tables and diamonds are absolutely cool. It adds a whole new aspect to the game and an entire new dynamic, it's a shame how only Paint has an anvil currently. (It's implied, but to state the obvious, xp would have to be fairly common for this).

I like how you've tried to level the playing field, that's the right way to go. It's impossible to have balanced kits when your creating a completely new game mode, so no kits.

Before someone points it out, yea, all the changes are very similar to Hypixel ranked skywars, why? Because if you try and balance any regular SW you will come to similar conclusions as Hypixel ranked skywars; the mode if balanced as a game (ignoring kits) and its hard for me atleast to make it better.

// Conclusion
A SW tournament would take a lot of effort to code, most notably the anti-cheat and the completely new game mode would take the most amount of time, not to mention new maps and so. A SW tournament could be held with regular solo SW, but this would be horrible and won't be enjoyable..
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April 24, 2020
+1 I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, I'm gonna assume your idea is unique to Jartex forums.

The overall direction of this sounds great, with a few minor tweaks this could be better.

Cheater/Booster problem:
The only solution I see to this is having staff constantly spectate games, such that there are sufficient number of staff that are ip-banning cheaters and boosters.

However, you didn't address the closet cheating problems, the sigma users would now become ghost client users, and some (depends on final prize) will even purchase vape. 3.1-3.3 block reach is hard to tell from third person point of view, the only solution to this is having an anticheat. I imagine the top ~50 being filled with closet cheaters who use misplace and velocity unless an anticheat is worked on.
The game itself:
Current solo SW is not ready for a competitive playing. The loot in solo SW needs a thorough reworking for anything competitive. Winning without a chestplate in Normal SW is hard enough, let alone SW filled with sweats and tryhards. Everyone needs to spawn in with full iron armour or some sort of full armour to prevent this.

The island chests shouldn't be the mess that they currently are, you should get blocks, maybe xp, water bucket, some armour pieces, projectiles distributed in some fashion. You're going to want to remove as much RNG and luck as possible.
There needs to be a clear distinction between mid-loot and regular island loot, which is severely lacking in current solo SW, people should be encouraged to go to mid. Also, refills should be an important aspect for SW, loot should get better after refills, by the 3rd or so refill, pearls in every chest etc.

PLEASE disable hunger, do this in regular SW also.

There should be two types of healing, eatables/drinkables and splash healing. It's self explanatory. The splashables should be found at mid, you get the idea.

At no point in time should loot of island chest = loot of mid-chest. No one would come to mid then, as it'd be too risky.

REMOVE EVERYTHING KB RELATED. No punch bows, no kb-rods, they are broken and are impossible to balance when the fight takes place in the sky.

Map changes:
12 PLAYER GAMES WOULD BE DISASTROUS. The amount of cleaning that would happen is absurd. No one would fight anyone if they're smart, because cleaning would be a serious problem, this does mean more games, and well more need for staff.

NO RANDOM HOLES like in the map Pirate, Paint etc.
Maps should not be massive, medium sized preferably on the smaller side. None of the current SW maps fit this description.

Anvils, Enchanting tables and diamonds are absolutely cool. It adds a whole new aspect to the game and an entire new dynamic, it's a shame how only Paint has an anvil currently. (It's implied, but to state the obvious, xp would have to be fairly common for this).

I like how you've tried to level the playing field, that's the right way to go. It's impossible to have balanced kits when your creating a completely new game mode, so no kits.

Before someone points it out, yea, all the changes are very similar to Hypixel ranked skywars, why? Because if you try and balance any regular SW you will come to similar conclusions as Hypixel ranked skywars; the mode if balanced as a game (ignoring kits) and its hard for me atleast to make it better.

// Conclusion


Addicted Member
November 24, 2019
Sounds great, and it would be cool if they did the same thing for bedwars.
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