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Helpful Skyblock Fantasy Tips

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August 31, 2016
Hey, hey!
this thread will not perfectly explain the gamemode but more the new updates, theire use and how to perfectly use it.

A new season has appeared and almost everything is new here in Skyblock Fantasy. So I made myself a promise; that I will try to help others in the way to build their farms or explain the standard things about Skyblock and the use of this Gamemode.

First things first: What exactly is Skyblock Fantasy and what's the kick behind it ?

Skyblock Fantasy is an almost vanilla based Skyblock server in which u can build your own island and grind mobs via spawners, interact with NPC's or trade with other players.
The main thing, why many people love Skyblock Fantasy is about the new Level UP system behind spawners. Not that only the Mobcoin system got refreshed, but also the use of Mobheads got very much extended with a small change:

+ Mobheads are now used to gain the access to higher rated spawners
+ Mobs drop their heads to a chance of 25%
+ Exchanging Mobheads to Mobcoins got easier
+ Mobcoins have a real use and are easier to get
+ Transfer uses a time cycle for new items
+ Spawners now can be upgraded to have a 50% chance on double loot like on SBD
- Spawner upgrades cost XP every 4 levels

Beginning Gameplay:

As you join Skyblock Fantasy u ask yourself many questions like how to create an Island, what to do or the most likely question: How do you even gain money? Of course there are answers and tricks for these questions!

Let's say u just want an Island: U just have to type /is create and a gui will pop up which shows u the individually islands you can pick.
Once u have an island you can start extending it already! U just need to get your cobble gen working on and expand the island to a solid 12x12 blocks ( only if u choosed standard island )
If not u can go ahead and rightclick your axe on a tree to activate a McMMO skill which will one hit the tree you pointing on.
U can resell the logs u gained and save some saplings and replant the tree(s) till u got a little farm. The best thing will be if u plant a 2x2 spruce sapling area with 2 blocks space each time.
Spruces grow the highest and so will give u the most money in the begin.
Once u got a little bit advanced on woodcutting u mostlikely can travel to the next step; Buying and reselling on peoples profit shops OR making a second money farm: Netherwarts.

To give the new players a little showcase on how it will look in the end and how much money u actually can gain with wood after u cut some trees and gained higher Woodcutting skills:
This screenshot shows u how to start your tree farm. In the begin it will only slowly rise but soon, after u hit level 50 - 200 in woodcutting u will gain more and more money.
(Every 50th level in McMMO gains u +1 second of the specific skill u have the level on)


Mobcoins are a solid way to make money especially, when u on low spawners. A Mobcoin can be sold up to 3k /ea and the lowest spawner just cost 25,000$
To redeem your Mobheads into Mobcoins u just need to rightclick the heads u have farmed (any mob) and u need to have 10 heads of one mob to claim the heads in the end in /heads. Simple click on the head and it will exchange your heads to Mobcoins.
Now you just have to do
/mobcoins withdraw and the amount u want.


McMMO is a massive RPG plugin, that gives you abilities with which u can gain more items out of one Item / make things faster and / or reduce your damage to others. It is used in most common servers nowaday and keeps growing.
With /mcmmo u can check all the most important commands.
U can use /redeem to redeem your available credits on a certain skill by clicking on it and typing the amount you want in chat.
You also can trade McMMO XP in /trade by clicking on the diamond boots.

Mining, Fishing, Woodcutting, Herbalism and Excavation are the skills for gathering.

Mining and Woodcutting have the ability to let u give double up to tripple the loot when activating theire skill.
The % on how often you get double the loot is capped on your current Level in that specific skill.


With every extra level in herbalism your chance on getting double loot + finding rare loot for Vanilla MC increases.
To gatter that loot u have to attack grass with a sword.
When the herbalism level increases farmed food will fill you more hunger bars.

If a carrot gives u 2,5 bars on herbalism lvl 0 it will give u 4,0 bars on level 1,000. That skill is perfect for people that love their vitamines and don't want to eat steak.


Fishing gives u the ability to gatter more loot out of the water as diamonds, gold, enchanted items music discs etc.
once hitting level 125 in fishing your chance on finding fish while it rains has doubled. This skill is mostly used in vanilla Minecraft only.


Excavation is a skill which gives u the ability to find cakes, music dics, diamonds, glowstone and other crazy items when digging down the earth.
This skill can't really be used on Skyblock duo to the lack of grass / sand tho.

Unarmed, Archery, Swords, Axes and Taming are the Combat skills.


Archery is a pretty useful skill in any PvP based server. You can grind this skill by shooting at mobs recommended: Creepers.

Daze: Daze is a skill based on your level. At level 1,000 Archery daze will cap itself on 50% prock.
Daze does 2 extra hearts damage and will give the opponent a nausea effect.
Every level will increase the standard damage u make with the bow. ( +10% per 50 levels. )


Swords is a very underrated skill if McMMO is capped on a certain amount of level per skill.
When right clicking the sword u can activate the Skill and let your opponent take bleeding damage.
The damage is controlled by your current swords level.


When blocking with the sword u can reflect have of the taken damage and sent it back to your enemy (player and mob.) On level 1.000 Sword the skill auto locks itself on 30%


Axes is one of the most if not the most OP combat skill out there. Axes has the ability to shredder down armor, let people in a radius get hurt and lighting others with thunders.
Every 50 Levels you gain +0.5 hearts attack damage with an axe, this goes up to level 250 where it will cap on +2,0 hearts damage (Better than a sword)

Armor impact:

Every level your damage to armor increases by 0.05% and is not capped until the server requested it.
Having +20 Damage meaning every hit you do will approximately take 20 durability of someones armor.

Critial chance:

Your critital chance increases by 0.02% per level and is capped at 37.5%
Critital hits do double the damage than standard hits.

Greater Impact:

Greater impact is a passive skill which does +1 heart damage and triggers to a 25% per hit.
It acts like knockback on a sword and works on players/mobs.


Taming is a skill which gives you the ability to spawn wolves, Horses and ocelots. Wolf = 10 bones, Horse = 10 apples, Ocelot = 10 raw fish
U can get a wolf and let him attack mobs to increase your XP on taming.
When your taming level got a certain amount your wolves will be able to perform certain skills and be stronger.

Your wolves will be immune against fire and only take 1/6 damage from explosions
When your taming level hits 1,000 wolves do 5(!) hearts damage per hit.

Sadly taming and unarmed are either disabled or useless to the none free PvP area in Skyblock.

Repair, Acrobatics, Alchemy, Salvage and Smelting are the Manufacturing skills.


With repair u can fix your Armor without paying diamonds / iron / gold etc. By simply clicking on a iron block and holding the item u want to repair it takes the item and repairs it.

It can also repair magical items (enchanted) but the chance, that u will lose certain / the whole enchantments is pretty risky and shouldn't be done without a high level.

Repair on rank 1 has a 10% on keeping enchants on the armor while rank 8 will have a 80%.

Diamond boots give the most xp to level up repair.
The first 50 levels can only be made with bows, armor / equip with the rarity iron or lower.


With acrobatics u reduce the damage u take when falling from objects and or getting hit by players / mobs.
There are 2 variants of rolls.

Grateful roll and roll. With the grateful roll u reduce the taken damage almost full while the roll only reduces the damage taken by half.
To perform a grateful roll u just have to sneak while landing.

The chances for the rolls:

Grateful roll: 0.02% per level ( 100% max on level 500 )
roll: 0,01% per level ( 100% max on level 1,000 )


Dodgeing is another good point for PvP or PvE. Each level increases your chance to dodge when being hit. Each level increases the chance by 0.025% and is capped on 20% at level 800. It reduces the taken damage by half.

If hit by someone and u block with a sword, dodge and counterblock u take almost zero damage.


Alchemy is a helpful and troll bases skill for anyone. With certain levels in alchemy u can unlock certain potions.

When hitting level 125 on alchemy u will be able to produce Haste, mining fatigue potions.
While on level 750 you can brew wither potions and let others suffer.

With higher level the brewing takes less and less till you reached 4x the standard speed at level 1,000.


Salvage is the same skill as Repair, just that u have to use gold blocks.
After hitting level 25 in salvageing u can tinker not only full items but also used armor.
Depending on the durability the item will give u more or less items.
with each level the chance on getting enchants from enchanted item pieces back is increasing.


Smelting is an awesome skill for singleplayer and for cooking chefs!
With every smelting level u gain u get 0,04x more fueltime with your coal, stick, magmas etc.
This is capped at level 1,000 with 4x the standard burntime, meaning 1 coal can burn up to 32 items

While smelting u have get a 0,1% per level to smelt 2 items at a time.
Also per smelting level u can gain more and more xp gathered from the furnace.

While in vanilla 1 stack of gold maybe gives u 8 or 9 levels having smelting level at 1,000 u will gain 33 levels for the whole stack.

Also: After reaching smelting level 250 u can put diamond pickaxes in a furnace and u will gain a flux pick. This pick has a auto 33% chance on melting the ore when you mine it.

Salvage, Smelting

Salvage is a child skill from Fishing and repair, meaning: Gaining 1 level in Repair and 1 level in Fishing will give u 1 level in salvageing. It is splitted by 2.
But u can also have repair on level 2000 and fishing level 0 and still get salvage to level 1,000.

Smelting is a child skill from Mining and Repair, meaning: Both skills share the levels they gatter and divide it by 2.

Grinding McMMO is hard ? Ill give u a little easy guide and a schematic on how to make McMMO a little easier.

U want to gain a lot and fast McMMO ? Simple and easy: Get your alts online invite them to your party (party should have at least level 8 /party to look it up )
and do /party xpshare equal. That means all xp gained from McMMO will splitt equal to every person BUT u still make way more xp than normal.

If u would get 20 XP for cutting a certain block and u have one alt account in your party with the share everyone will gain 15 XP meaning if u put it together u gained an easy +10 XP.

Mining, Woodcutting, Excavation, Repair, Fishing, Acrobatics, Axes, Archery

on all these 8 skills u can use this tactic with sharing xp. When done with leveling trade your alt and change the McMMO xp you want to trade to the skill u want and all the xp from your alt will be going to yourself. It helps on leveling easier ( Tip for beginners: use alts and woodcutting(!!) easy money for the begin. )

Although on repair and acrobatics there are even better tactics to level up.
You guys all know the way with repair.. Getting armor and standing half an hour next to a cactus to let the armor down, right ? Almost!
U will still be standing next to a cactus but your armor will go down with double the speed duo to this trick: Click Here

Acrobatics.. Having enough from breaking your bones on concret ? Same.
To perform this simple trick give your alt level 1 in acrobatics and get some magmas / slimes to stand in your alt. Since this player isnt cooped to your island he will not take any damage but the McMMO skills will still prock. Meaning his dodge chance will activate itself and gain XP for the player and others. You can get some slimes afk your alt in there and gain free AFK able acrobatics.

Mid Gameplay:

Right now u should have a grinder already and be able to make decent money ( ~500k - 2m / day )
Sounds much ? Not if u grinded enough before. Let's go straight in the new Mobhead system:

As u might have noticed already, the only spawners u can purchase right now are Pig spawners, you wonder why?
That's one of the new updates. You need to grind every single mob to gain access to the next level. There are 27 different levels but u only have to do 26.
Every level will increase the price and head consume it wants from you, so you better stock up your money or wait for people on auction to sell cheap spawners.

A list of all spawners u need to purchase, the amount of heads u need to farm and the spawner cost in /rankup/shop (accurate not like ingame)
Each spoiler shows a farm and the mobs which can be farmed in that specific grinder so u dont have to think about which grinder would be the best.

To perform the fastest mobkills you can do (13/ sec) change your minecraft version to 1.8.9 as this is the recommended version and the only one with which u can fast kill mobs while standing in them.

Before we go straight in the Pricelist:

If u want to prevent the moblimit (~25000 mobs with x999 stack and 1x mobs respawning when hitting one )
let the mobs stock up to x999 via cobwebs and transport them 2 chunks away ( 1 diagonal 1 down )
This will prevent the spawners to add x amount to the mobs and since the spawning chunk is counted as empty it keeps spawning mobs and u can gather an unlimited supply of mobs for grind purposes.

Level #1 1200 Heads
Level #2 1500 Heads 15,000$
Level #3 2000 Heads 15,000$
Level #4 2500 Heads 20,000$
Level #5 3000 Heads 22,500$
Level #6 3500 Heads 25,000$
Level #7 4000 Heads 32,500$
Level #8 4500 Heads 35,250$
Level #9 5000 Heads 42,500$

Info: Ocelots only spawn in Jungle / ocean height ( Y63 - 80 )

Every one of these spawners can be placed like this and are relatively easy to grind this way:
Level #10 5500 Heads 50,000$
Level #25 9000 Heads 3,500.000$

Info: Endermites can act like laying items and can despawn once they hit a certain amount of mobs. To prevent it make sure to always be near the endermites and kill them asap.
Level #11 6000 Heads 75,000$
Level #12 6500 Heads 75,000$

Level #13 7000 Heads 75,000$
Level #16 8000 Heads 175,000$

Info: Guardians will hurt you so the schem was made so u take the lowest knockback and have an anvil to repair your items behind a door. It's also useful to use Prot IV armor and a Resistance II beacon.
You may only place those 2 spawners on ocean height ( 40 - 65 ) or it will not work.

Level #14 7500 Heads 150,000$
Zombie Pigman:
Level #24 8500 Heads 2,500.000$

Info: Zombies and Pigmans can change to baby zombies / pigmans and so don't have a solid grinder like skeletons etc.
Level #15 8000 Heads 150,000$
Level #17 8000 Heads 200,000$
Level #20 9000 Heads 300,000$
Level #21 9000 Heads 400,000$
Level #22 9000 Heads 750,000$
Level #26 9500 Heads 5,000,000$

Level #18 8500 Heads 250,000$
Level #19 8500 Heads 250,000$

Info: Little slimes will drown in water, so this farm / schem pretens it almost 100% to let them not drown within the first 4000 spawned slimes.
For slimes u need to find a slime chunk ortherwise they wont spawn.
Also: On full moon slimes spawn with the double speed.
*Magmas do not need slime chunks

Iron Golem:
Level #23 8000 Heads 1,250,000$
Iron Golems.png

50 Levels: 5,345 XP
75 Levels: 15,345 XP
100 Levels: 30,970 XP
125 Levels: 52,220 XP
150 Levels: 79,100 XP
175 Levels: 111,595 XP
200 Levels: 149,720 XP

For the Schematic grinder downloads click Here


There are 2 ways to play the endgame:
You either be a nice player and help others to proceed in the ranking up and supporting them, building grinders and increase your daily income via a profit shop with no work, sell other players the spawners they can't achieve right now.


You trying to be a savage and rich player with all the money base on the server and extend your farms so, that u only have villagers on your island. The main fact about only villagers is, that u dont really have to AFK anything, u can grind villagers / get drop loot from the mob and gatter even more money.
Using a looting IV sword (Grinder GKIT) will expand the drops from mobs which are on 50% double loot ( Level 24 Mob ) even higher to 1 - 5x the loot per kill.

Outro: This thread was made in a little rush duo to some people wanting those informations asap.
I will add more on it and change grammar error when having time for it.
This thread was never made to be a "how to play skyblock" guide, but a guide on how to master the updates.
Last edited:


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September 6, 2017
Good guide for the new players.


November 20, 2016
Hey, hey!
this thread will not perfectly explain the gamemode but more the new updates, theire use and how to perfectly use it.

A new season has appeared and almost everything is new here in Skyblock Fantasy. So I made myself a promise; that I will try to help others in the way to build their farms or explain the standard things about Skyblock and the use of this Gamemode.

First things first: What exactly is Skyblock Fantasy and what's the kick behind it ?

Skyblock Fantasy is an almost vanilla based Skyblock server in which u can build your own island and grind mobs via spawners, interact with NPC's or trade with other players.
The main thing, why many people love Skyblock Fantasy is about the new Level UP system behind spawners. Not that only the Mobcoin system got refreshed, but also the use of Mobheads got very much extended with a small change:

+ Mobheads are now used to gain the access to higher rated spawners
+ Mobs drop their heads to a chance of 25%
+ Exchanging Mobheads to Mobcoins got easier
+ Mobcoins have a real use and are easier to get
+ Transfer uses a time cycle for new items
+ Spawners now can be upgraded to have a 50% chance on double loot like on SBD
- Spawner upgrades cost XP every 4 levels

Beginning Gameplay:

As you join Skyblock Fantasy u ask yourself many questions like how to create an Island, what to do or the most likely question: How do you even gain money? Of course there are answers and tricks for these questions!

Let's say u just want an Island: U just have to type /is create and a gui will pop up which shows u the individually islands you can pick.
Once u have an island you can start extending it already! U just need to get your cobble gen working on and expand the island to a solid 12x12 blocks ( only if u choosed standard island )
If not u can go ahead and rightclick your axe on a tree to activate a McMMO skill which will one hit the tree you pointing on.
U can resell the logs u gained and save some saplings and replant the tree(s) till u got a little farm. The best thing will be if u plant a 2x2 spruce sapling area with 2 blocks space each time.
Spruces grow the highest and so will give u the most money in the begin.
Once u got a little bit advanced on woodcutting u mostlikely can travel to the next step; Buying and reselling on peoples profit shops OR making a second money farm: Netherwarts.

To give the new players a little showcase on how it will look in the end and how much money u actually can gain with wood after u cut some trees and gained higher Woodcutting skills:
View attachment 5773
This screenshot shows u how to start your tree farm. In the begin it will only slowly rise but soon, after u hit level 50 - 200 in woodcutting u will gain more and more money.
(Every 50th level in McMMO gains u +1 second of the specific skill u have the level on)


Mobcoins are a solid way to make money especially, when u on low spawners. A Mobcoin can be sold up to 3k /ea and the lowest spawner just cost 25,000$
To redeem your Mobheads into Mobcoins u just need to rightclick the heads u have farmed (any mob) and u need to have 10 heads of one mob to claim the heads in the end in /heads. Simple click on the head and it will exchange your heads to Mobcoins.
Now you just have to do
/mobcoins withdraw and the amount u want.


McMMO is a massive RPG plugin, that gives you abilities with which u can gain more items out of one Item / make things faster and / or reduce your damage to others. It is used in most common servers nowaday and keeps growing.
With /mcmmo u can check all the most important commands.
U can use /redeem to redeem your available credits on a certain skill by clicking on it and typing the amount you want in chat.
You also can trade McMMO XP in /trade by clicking on the diamond boots.

Mining, Fishing, Woodcutting, Herbalism and Excavation are the skills for gathering.

Mining and Woodcutting have the ability to let u give double up to tripple the loot when activating theire skill.
The % on how often you get double the loot is capped on your current Level in that specific skill.


With every extra level in herbalism your chance on getting double loot + finding rare loot for Vanilla MC increases.
To gatter that loot u have to attack grass with a sword.
When the herbalism level increases farmed food will fill you more hunger bars.

If a carrot gives u 2,5 bars on herbalism lvl 0 it will give u 4,0 bars on level 1,000. That skill is perfect for people that love their vitamines and don't want to eat steak.


Fishing gives u the ability to gatter more loot out of the water as diamonds, gold, enchanted items music discs etc.
once hitting level 125 in fishing your chance on finding fish while it rains has doubled. This skill is mostly used in vanilla Minecraft only.


Excavation is a skill which gives u the ability to find cakes, music dics, diamonds, glowstone and other crazy items when digging down the earth.
This skill can't really be used on Skyblock duo to the lack of grass / sand tho.

Unarmed, Archery, Swords, Axes and Taming are the Combat skills.


Archery is a pretty useful skill in any PvP based server. You can grind this skill by shooting at mobs recommended: Creepers.

Daze: Daze is a skill based on your level. At level 1,000 Archery daze will cap itself on 50% prock.
Daze does 2 extra hearts damage and will give the opponent a nausea effect.
Every level will increase the standard damage u make with the bow. ( +10% per 50 levels. )


Swords is a very underrated skill if McMMO is capped on a certain amount of level per skill.
When right clicking the sword u can activate the Skill and let your opponent take bleeding damage.
The damage is controlled by your current swords level.


When blocking with the sword u can reflect have of the taken damage and sent it back to your enemy (player and mob.) On level 1.000 Sword the skill auto locks itself on 30%


Axes is one of the most if not the most OP combat skill out there. Axes has the ability to shredder down armor, let people in a radius get hurt and lighting others with thunders.
Every 50 Levels you gain +0.5 hearts attack damage with an axe, this goes up to level 250 where it will cap on +2,0 hearts damage (Better than a sword)

Armor impact:

Every level your damage to armor increases by 0.05% and is not capped until the server requested it.
Having +20 Damage meaning every hit you do will approximately take 20 durability of someones armor.

Critial chance:

Your critital chance increases by 0.02% per level and is capped at 37.5%
Critital hits do double the damage than standard hits.

Greater Impact:

Greater impact is a passive skill which does +1 heart damage and triggers to a 25% per hit.
It acts like knockback on a sword and works on players/mobs.


Taming is a skill which gives you the ability to spawn wolves, Horses and ocelots. Wolf = 10 bones, Horse = 10 apples, Ocelot = 10 raw fish
U can get a wolf and let him attack mobs to increase your XP on taming.
When your taming level got a certain amount your wolves will be able to perform certain skills and be stronger.

Your wolves will be immune against fire and only take 1/6 damage from explosions
When your taming level hits 1,000 wolves do 5(!) hearts damage per hit.

Sadly taming and unarmed are either disabled or useless to the none free PvP area in Skyblock.

Comming soon

Mid Gameplay:

Right now u should have a grinder already and be able to make decent money ( ~500k - 2m / day )
Sounds much ? Not if u grinded enough before. Let's go straight in the new Mobhead system:

As u might have noticed already, the only spawners u can purchase right now are Pig spawners, you wonder why?
That's one of the new updates. You need to grind every single mob to gain access to the next level. There are 27 different levels but u only have to do 26.
Every level will increase the price and head consume it wants from you, so you better stock up your money or wait for people on auction to sell cheap spawners.

A list of all spawners u need to purchase, the amount of heads u need to farm and the spawner cost in /rankup/shop (accurate not like ingame)
Each spoiler shows a farm and the mobs which can be farmed in that specific grinder so u dont have to think about which grinder would be the best.

To perform the fastest mobkills you can do (13/ sec) change your minecraft version to 1.8.9 as this is the recommended version and the only one with which u can fast kill mobs while standing in them.

Before we go straight in the Pricelist:

If u want to prevent the moblimit (~25000 mobs with x999 stack and 1x mobs respawning when hitting one )
let the mobs stock up to x999 via cobwebs and transport them 2 chunks away ( 1 diagonal 1 down )
This will prevent the spawners to add x amount to the mobs and since the spawning chunk is counted as empty it keeps spawning mobs and u can gather an unlimited supply of mobs for grind purposes.

Level #1 1200 Heads
Level #2 1500 Heads 15,000$
Level #3 2000 Heads 15,000$
Level #4 2500 Heads 20,000$
Level #5 3000 Heads 22,500$
Level #6 3500 Heads 25,000$
Level #7 4000 Heads 32,500$
Level #8 4500 Heads 35,250$
Level #9 5000 Heads 42,500$

Info: Ocelots only spawn in Jungle / ocean height ( Y63 - 80 )

Every one of these spawners can be placed like this and are relatively easy to grind this way:
View attachment 5774
Level #10 5500 Heads 50,000$
Level #25 9000 Heads 3,500.000$

Info: Endermites can act like laying items and can despawn once they hit a certain amount of mobs. To prevent it make sure to always be near the endermites and kill them asap.
View attachment 5775
Level #11 6000 Heads 75,000$
Level #12 6500 Heads 75,000$

View attachment 5776
View attachment 5777
Level #13 7000 Heads 75,000$
Level #16 8000 Heads 175,000$

Info: Guardians will hurt you so the schem was made so u take the lowest knockback and have an anvil to repair your items behind a door. It's also useful to use Prot IV armor and a Resistance II beacon.
You may only place those 2 spawners on ocean height ( 40 - 65 ) or it will not work.

View attachment 5778
View attachment 5780

Level #14 7500 Heads 150,000$
Zombie Pigman:
Level #24 8500 Heads 2,500.000$

Info: Zombies and Pigmans can change to baby zombies / pigmans and so don't have a solid grinder like skeletons etc.
View attachment 5781
Level #15 8000 Heads 150,000$
Level #17 8000 Heads 200,000$
Level #20 9000 Heads 300,000$
Level #21 9000 Heads 400,000$
Level #22 9000 Heads 750,000$
Level #26 9500 Heads 5,000,000$

View attachment 5782
View attachment 5783
Level #18 8500 Heads 250,000$
Level #19 8500 Heads 250,000$

Info: Little slimes will drown in water, so this farm / schem pretens it almost 100% to let them not drown within the first 4000 spawned slimes.
For slimes u need to find a slime chunk ortherwise they wont spawn.
Also: On full moon slimes spawn with the double speed.
*Magmas do not need slime chunks

View attachment 5784
Iron Golem:
Level #23 8000 Heads 1,250,000$
View attachment 5785

50 Levels: 5,345 XP
75 Levels: 15,345 XP
100 Levels: 30,970 XP
125 Levels: 52,220 XP
150 Levels: 79,100 XP
175 Levels: 111,595 XP
200 Levels: 149,720 XP

For the Schematic grinder downloads click Here


There are 2 ways to play the endgame:
You either be a nice player and help others to proceed in the ranking up and supporting them, building grinders and increase your daily income via a profit shop with no work, sell other players the spawners they can't achieve right now.


You trying to be a savage and rich player with all the money base on the server and extend your farms so, that u only have villagers on your island. The main fact about only villagers is, that u dont really have to AFK anything, u can grind villagers / get drop loot from the mob and gatter even more money.
Using a looting IV sword (Grinder GKIT) will expand the drops from mobs which are on 50% double loot ( Level 24 Mob ) even higher to 1 - 5x the loot per kill.

Outro: This thread was made in a little rush duo to some people wanting those informations asap.
I will add more on it and change grammar error when having time for it.
This thread was never made to be a "how to play skyblock" guide, but a guide on how to master the updates.
Amazing and a lot of hard work for sure but the only reason i love Skyblock Fantasy because it is the only server i got RANK. XD
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