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Update SkyBlock Dream - Reset | May The 5th 2023

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Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016

SkyBlock Dream - JartexNetwork 2022
May 5th, 2023, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Hello, dear JartexNetwork players!

The conclusion of the island top marks the beginning of a new season of SkyBlock Dream.
In this season, we aim to refine and enhance the existing features of the game while introducing new elements.
Our objective is to provide the best gameplay experience possible, and we have been diligently addressing bugs, making improvements, and adding fresh content.
We are thrilled to unveil our new features this season and cannot wait for players to experience them. Stay tuned for an exciting and engaging SkyBlock Dream experience!

We happily and proudly announce that the official new Skyblock Dream season will be launching on:
Friday, May 5th, 2023
19:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 14:00 CST / 13:00 MT / 12:00 PST

Please note:
The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.


๐ŸŽ‰ Giveaways

Would you like to give this new season a boosted start? With a free rank and/or free store coupons? Awesome! We are running an Instagram and Twitter give-away for free ranks and store credits, make sure to get yourself involved!​

๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ End of the world
To celebrate the end of the season, we will be hosting an end of season event. At around 3 days before the release, we will be placing reset signs at spawn which you can click and claim a number of rewards; Free items, Free gkits, Millions of in-game money, Tons of free experience to level up your overpowered armor. Everyone will be able to finish their rankups because you can get everything for free. You can fight with everyone without the fear of losing your gear you have weeks to gather. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on SkyBlock Dream and have fun!​


๐Ÿ“ Changelog
Here is the list of the changes made for this reset. I highly suggest you give a good read over all of these to make sure you are familiar with the most recent updates and are not missing out on important details.​

๐Ÿ† Payouts! Island Top Rewards

Gather up, recruit only the best SkyBlock players out there and start the grind for another season of SkyBlock.​
In this new season of SkyBlock, we will have biweekly rewards for the top islands! This will go on until the end of the season which will last exactly 8 weeks or 56 days.​
Every bi-weekly payout will end on a Saturday, but the announcement and paying of Iron might be a day or two after that, the island top will automatically be taken each Saturday at 8 PM CET.​
View times of all payouts in the /payouts menu.​
This season we decided because the seasons take a bit longer to increase the final payouts for iron by quite a lot!​
End-of-the-season rewards
๐Ÿฅ‡ First place: โ‚ฌ500 worth of Iron currency.​
๐Ÿฅˆ Second place: โ‚ฌ350 worth of Iron currency.​
๐Ÿฅ‰ Third place: โ‚ฌ200 worth of Iron currency.​
Bi-weekly rewards
๐Ÿฅ‡ First place: โ‚ฌ75 worth of Iron currency.​
๐Ÿฅˆ Second place: โ‚ฌ50 worth of Iron currency.​
๐Ÿฅ‰ Third place: โ‚ฌ25 worth of Iron currency.​

๐Ÿ›๏ธ New! Spawn

The pirate spent his days scouring the high seas and tropical islands, hunting for valuable treasures and ancient maps. Along the way, he forged alliances with a cunning parrot, a weathered sea turtle, and a crew of loyal pirates. Would you like to join the pirate in this exciting new world of adventure on the open seas?​
๐Ÿฆœ A new spawn & warzone with a Pirate theme.​
โ“ Looking for some help? There are plenty of NPCs explaining all the features.​
๐Ÿ“ฆ The Jartex Drops will be summoned all across the warzone.​
๐Ÿ”‘ A new seasonal crate has been added.​
๐Ÿ”ฎ New! Island Crystal
Your island just does not feel like home without a core of your island. Starting from this season we will be adding the Island Power Crystal.​
The Island Power Crystal is the beating heart of your island and requires to be taken care of in order to progress beyond the limits.​
๐ŸŒŸ Crystal Points
We want to reward grinding, which is why this new Island Power Crystal can help you out with Island Value as well. You can now choose to store your Enchanted ores, instead of selling them. Your Island Power Crystal will work as storage holding these materials together and forging them straight into Crystal Points.​
These Crystal Points will then be converted into straight island value.​
This will add a whole new level of going for island top, as there is no limit on how much you can store within this Power Crystal.​

๐Ÿ‘œ New! Boss World Backpacks
We are happy to announce a new item that will be added to SkyBlockDream, Boss World Backpacks.​
These new backpacks come in two types: the mining backpack and the farming backpack.​
They all come in four tiers, each with varying storage capacity to make your adventures in the Boss World even more efficient.​
โ›๏ธ The Mining Backpack
Say goodbye to the tedious task of manually collecting ores as we introduce the incredible Mining Backpack.​
This game-changing item automatically collects all enchanted ores mined in the Boss World directly into it, making your mining expeditions smoother and more efficient than ever before.​
๐ŸŒฟ The Farming Backpack
Same as the mining backpack the farming backpack serves the same purpose. Upon harvesting within the Boss World the resources gathered will be automatically added to your farming backpacks.​

๐Ÿ’พ New! Infinite Chests

Each island is filled with thousands of chests to maintain the amount of items being produced by the amount of spawners it has. In order to make things easier to maintain we will be adding an infinite chest.​
The Infinite Chest can pick up a select amount of items per chunk. These items will be stored within the Infinite Chest and are ready to be sold from the GUI within.​
You can place 1 Infinite Chest per chunk, and this chest can be upgraded with in-game money. Purchasing an infinite chest is not like other gamemodes, the infinite chest is a chest that you bought from the /shop with in-game money as well. This should make it a bit more fun to play, and encourage people to do other things as well, like capturing outposts, as you now will not lose that much time on selling chests anymore. In the Infinite Chest you will have to select which items it will pickup, and after selecting the chest will collect all drops in that chunk.​
However, to make things not too easy for everyone we decided that this Infinite Chest (or iChest for short) should have some upgrades, to make it better the more you progress.​

The following things can be upgraded:​
โฐ Sell Timer - The time you need to wait between selling from this ichest. The higher the Sell Timer level, the lower the wait between selling.​
๐Ÿ“ฆ Storage - The maximum amount of items being able to be stored in the ichest. Starting at 30,000 at level 1.​
๐Ÿ“ฎ Slots - The maximum amount of items this ichest can pickup. Starting at 4 at level 1.​
๐Ÿ’ฐ Sell Multiplier - The maximum amount of sell multiplier able to be applied. Starting at 1 with a maximum of 8.​
๐Ÿ“ Holograms above Infinite Chests
Now, every chest comes equipped with its very own hologram display, giving you instant access to the number of items stored inside and their corresponding value. This update is especially useful for players with big bases needing to view what is inside their Infinite Chests with ease.​
With the hologram display, you can easily identify which chests contain enough items and are ready to be sold. No more tedious searching through endless chests - the hologram display ensures that you always know when it's time to sell.​

๐ŸŽญNew! Chat Games

Prepare to put your linguistic and numerical aptitude to the ultimate test with the latest addition to the SkyBlock Dream server.​
Introducing Chat Games, a thrilling new feature that runs every 30 minutes. With every successful win, you'll earn a valuable Chat Games Point that can be traded in for some exciting rewards at our brand-new /chatgames shop.​
Don't hesitate to join the fray and test your wits against our two exciting challenges: Unscramble and Math. With your brainpower and quick thinking, you can emerge as the ultimate victor and earn some serious bragging rights.​
โœ๏ธ Unscramble
In the Unscramble game, players will need to unscramble a Minecraft-related word within 20 seconds.​
๐Ÿงฎ Math
In the Math game, players will be given a mathematical equation to solve within 20 seconds.​
The fastest player to correctly answer each game will win a Chat Games Point and earn their place on the leaderboard.​
Don't let this opportunity slip by, test your skills and have a blast competing against other players!​

๐Ÿง‘ New! Player Profiles

Introducing the all-new Player Profiles feature!​
Say goodbye to the old /stats menu and hello to a wealth of information about every player on SkyBlock Dream.​
With Player Profiles, you can view an array of statistics, including all the required statistics to prove yourself.​
Additionally, you can filter these profiles by weekly, lifetime, and monthly stats. To access your own profile or someone else's, simply run /profile or /profile <playername>.​
This is your chance to see how you stack up against the competition and track your progress over time.​
So, get ready to dive into the new Player Profiles and see where you stand in the world of SkyBlock Dream!​

๐Ÿค New! Trading

Our server now has a brand new custom trade plugin, and trading is finally back in the game!​
With this new plugin, players can now easily and safely trade items with each other in-game.​
We've designed it to be user-friendly, making it easy for players to navigate and make trades with ease.​
This plugin is the perfect solution for those looking to trade rare or hard-to-find items with other players.​
We know how important trading is in many games, and we're thrilled to bring it back to our community.​
We've made sure that this plugin is secure and free from any exploits, making it a safe option for players who want to trade.​

๐Ÿ‘ฎ New! Anti Cheat

At JartexNetwork, we're committed to providing our players with the ultimate gaming experience.​
After extensive testing, we're thrilled to introduce our latest and greatest anti-cheat system.​

This upgraded mechanism is a significant improvement over the previous version, ensuring a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players.​
With enhanced functionality and efficiency, cheating and exploiting will be eliminated, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the game.​

We've searched high and low to find an anti-cheat that works best for our game modes, and we're confident that we've found the perfect fit for SkyBlock Dream.​

๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ New! Bounties
Have you already made enemies? That was quick! This Bounty system is a great feature for all of you guys looking to get your worst enemies slaughtered by the bravest warriors at our SkyBlock Dream server.​
Put a bounty on someone's head and make it profitable to kill that person. You can choose any amount of money you want to put on that player as a bounty.​
Let's say you want Gunfire to be killed, all you have to do is put a big bounty on his head and the bounty hunters on the server will start looking for him for money.​

Once you have placed the bounty using /bounty Gunfire 1000 then the server will take away $1,000 from your balance and will give it to the player that manages to kill Gunfire first.​

๐Ÿ”ง New! Island Player Permissions
We are excited to introduce a new feature to SkyBlock Dream - Island Player Permissions. This latest addition allows players to assign specific permissions to other players on their island. Similar to assigning permissions to roles, island player permissions can now be assigned to individual players.​
๐Ÿ™‹ What are player permissions?
The difference is that these permissions will overwrite any role permissions previously assigned. This feature provides greater flexibility and customization in managing an island, giving players more control over who has access to specific features and functions. Now, players can better collaborate and assign roles to others with ease, making island management more efficient than ever before.​
๐Ÿ“š Updated! Custom Enchantments

We have made changes to our custom enchantments to balance out PvP gameplay in SkyBlock Dream. These changes are designed to provide a more fair and balanced experience for all players, making PvP combat more challenging and exciting.​
With these new changes, players will have to think more critically about their enchantment choices, creating a more dynamic and engaging PvP environment.​
We have implemented the following changes:​

Removed! Purge Enchantment - We feel like it's for the best to remove this enchantment from the gamemode.​
Removed! Tank Enchantment - We feel like it's for the best to remove this enchantment from the gamemode.​
Nerfed! Snare Enchantment - Lowered the seconds of being slowed to 15 seconds (previously 40).​
Changed! Hulk Enchantment - Hulk enchantment will now give Strength depending on the level, and resistance I on level 1 and 2, and resistance 2 on level 3.​
Changed! Drunk Enchantment - Max level has been reduced to level 3 to be balanced out with Hulk.​

๐Ÿฅธ Updated! Masks

Prepare for a game-changing update to our mask system that will take your PvP battles to the next level!​

๐Ÿ”Ž A display for your opponent's masks
We understand the importance of masks in combat, and we're proud to announce that we've made them even better with an exciting new feature. With our latest update, you'll be able to see which masks your opponents are wearing in real-time, as the skull of their mask is displayed on their character instead of their helmet.​
This update is purely for display purposes and is only visible to your opponents. It adds an extra layer of strategy to battles, allowing players to assess their opponents' mask choices and adjust their tactics accordingly. With this new feature, you'll have even more ways to outsmart and outplay your opponents in the intense world of PvP.​
๐Ÿฑ Obtaining Masks
We will also be changing the way you can obtain masks. We have removed the shop to purchase masks and have added them in all types of different places where you can find them. These places are crates, envoys, and the transfer shop. With this change, we make the value of masks a bit more, as they give you all unique powerful abilities. The Boss Masks are still available from the boss upon killing them.​

๐Ÿฅข Updated! Sell Wands
Sell wands have become an adored tool amongst players, and we are thrilled to declare that we have enhanced them even further!​
From the consolidation of Sellwands to the enhancement of the visual presentation, here's a summary of the latest improvements made to the Sellwand experience on SkyBlock Dream​
๐Ÿค Merging Sell wands
Good news for Sellwand fans! You can now merge Sellwands with the same multiplier to combine their uses into one Sellwand. Simply drag them on top of each other for an easier and more convenient experience. Make the most out of your Sellwands and streamline your inventory with this new feature.​
๐Ÿคฉ Visual Display
The visual display of Sellwands has been updated to a golden hoe to make them stand out more when you're searching for them in chests or vaults. With this new design, you'll never have to search for your Sellwands again.​
โ›” Uses Warning
We've added a new low-uses warning for Sellwands to keep you informed when your Sellwand is low on uses. This feature can be easily toggled in /settings, giving you greater control over your Sellwand experience.​
๐Ÿ“„ Sell Summary
Another new setting has been added to disable the sell summary of a Sellwand when it's used. This gives you the option to use Sellwands without the distracting sell summaries, allowing for a smoother and more efficient experience.​

๐Ÿ“Š Updated! Leaderboards

We've added more leaderboards to our server, and we now have daily leaderboards too!​
Leaderboards track different aspects of gameplay, including player stats and more. With these leaderboards, you can see how you stack up against other players in various categories, and track your progress over time.​
We're also excited to introduce our new daily leaderboards. These leaderboards refresh every day and track the top players in various categories for that day.​
This means that players have a chance to see their names on the leaderboard every day and compete for daily rewards.​
We believe that these new leaderboards will add a new level of competition to our server and give players even more reasons to play and improve their skills. It's also a great way to track your progress and see how you're improving over time.​

๐Ÿง  Updated! Mob Mastery

An essential update that will enhance your gameplay experience is an update to Mob Masteries, adding more value to it. Our team has invested substantial effort in making significant changes to the masteries, rendering them more advantageous and rewarding for players.​
In this update, we have eliminated one of the masteries entirely to simplify the system, making it more straightforward for players to upgrade the two remaining ones. This modification implies that players can now concentrate their efforts on improving the two revamped Mob Masteries, which provide even greater rewards and benefits than ever before.​
๐Ÿ“‰ Decreased mob kills needed
The amount of mobs needed to be killed to earn a mastery point has been reduced to 2,000 instead of 3,000. Making it a bit easier to earn these mastery points for everyone.​
๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Removed Mob Strife Mastery
We feel like Mob Strife currently in its state has no extra value to offer for players to be upgraded, so in order not to make people waste their precious mastery points on something that isn't helping at all we have decided to remove this mastery for now.​
๐ŸงฎLevel and price changes
We also have changed the prices for the other 2 masteries and ensured that they are worth your price. The maximum levels have also been reduced to 4 instead of 5.​
The new mob masteries are the following:​
๐ŸŽฉ Mob Mafia
โš”๏ธ Multi Killer
Max Level: 4
Costs: 6 - 10 - 14 - 18 Points

Level I: 2% chance to drop x3 mob loot.
Level II: 4% chance to drop x3 mob loot.
Level III: 6% chance to drop x3 mob loot.
Level IV: 8% chance to drop x3 mob loot.​
Max Level: 4
Costs: 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 Points

Level I: 4% chance to double kill, 2% chance to triple kill, 1.5% chance to penta kill.
Level II: 6% chance to double kill, 4% chance to triple kill, 2.5% chance to penta kill.
Level III: 8% chance to double kill, 6% chance to triple kill, 3% chance to penta kill.
Level IV: 10% chance to double kill, 8% chance to triple kill, 4% chance to penta kill.​

๐Ÿšฎ Updated! Item Filter

We are excited to announce that our item filter has received a significant update, featuring more categories and newly added items that perfectly match the current and latest items available in-game.​
With this update, players can now more easily and accurately sort their inventory, making gameplay more seamless and enjoyable than ever before.​
Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, the updated item filter will help you keep track of all your valuable items with ease.​

โš™๏ธ Fixed! Bug Fixes
We did our best to polish and fix as many existing bugs inside the SkyBlock Dream server. We have looked through all the bug reports and managed to fix them. If you encounter any bugs with the new release, report them at our forums under the bug reports section.​
Here are a few of the bugs we squished out:​
  • Fixed skills damaging island members.
  • Fixed minions being able to break bedrock.
  • Fixed killmessages bought from /transfer.
  • Fixed custom crops not displaying sometimes.
  • Fixed crop hoes losing enchantments on leveling up.
  • Fixed crop hoes losing item name on leveling up.
  • Fixed being able to access containers in boss world.
  • Fixed items not dropping in boss world zones where it should.
  • Fixed fragment booster from traders not being given.
  • Fixed bosses dying from bleeding not giving loot.
  • Fixed minion fuel resetting.
  • Fixed bananas not being picked up by infinite chests.
  • Fixed masks being able to be stacked to infinity.
  • Fixed Boss Leggings being a helmet.
  • Fixed /warp pets.
  • Fixed being able to get hunter experience on bosses that have despawned.
๐Ÿ“ฌ Misc. Updates & Changes
Multiple small changes have been made, some of these small changes are the following:​
  • Updated all plugins.
  • Updated payouts menu.
  • Removed Sentinel Pet
  • Disabled default killmessages.
  • Reduced the amount of colors in killmessages.
  • Tweaked percentages for boss drops.
  • Tweaked spawn rates for crop mobs.
And much more!​


๐Ÿ“ฌ Question and Answers

Why does Skyblock Dream reset?

SkyBlock Dream is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with lots of excellent new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you, the players, to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.​

This means all cells, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kinds of gameplay, and the style provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!​

Below you can find what you will lose and for what you will keep​

What will I lose?
  • Your island.
  • All items in your inventory and player vaults.
  • Any currencies such as money and exp.
  • Player level & premium level pass
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks.
  • Island statistics.
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades.
  • Purchased Perks.
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks.


Too much information? Ready to play Jartex?!
Log onto and just select your game mode and PLAY!

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
Thank you


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
October 23, 2021
FINALLY a SBD reset! Took longer than expected ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
August 19, 2020
that one guy who was complaining to thiemo for a sbd reset in donators chat when it happensimage_2023-05-01_161436437.png


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February 3, 2018
Hey everyone! As we dive into the exciting season of Skyblock Dream, I wanted to take a moment to extend my best wishes to each and every one of you. May this season bring you endless joy, thrilling adventures, and extraordinary success. Let's aim high and strive for the top spots, but remember, it's not just about the ranks. Let's embrace the spirit of fair play, respect, and camaraderie as we compete. I genuinely hope that this season remains drama-free, allowing us to fully enjoy the game and create lasting memories. Good luck to everyone aiming for the top 1, 2, or 3 spots! Let's make this season unforgettable together. Cheers!


April 11, 2021
Wouldn't a chest that collects Costum Enchanted books be usefull? in 3 years i've noticed that chest are being used mainly for Costum crops and Costum Enchantment books.


May 5, 2023
yaay! a reset I hope its interesting.


January 4, 2022
god i hope this shit is better
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