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- April 26, 2016
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- 23

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,
We're back, and it's time for the new awaited Skyblock Dream reset! Over the past weeks, we worked on this update, which contains brand new things.
For this reset, are we mainly focusing on the server economy, skyblock plugin improvements, custom enchantments and server performance as this was an issue last season.
For this reset we’ve once again listened to the community, we hope that your suggestions/ideas/or bug reports are now fixed and or added within this reset.
Let's not make it longer and go straight to the details since that's what people are interested in.
It's with great pleasure that we can announce that this all will be released this Saturday (July 13, 2019) we are expecting the release around 20:00 (8 PM) CEST
Saturday 13th July 2019
18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST
Saturday 13th July 2019
18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST
Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET
If you do encounter any bugs or any issues be sure to make a bug report as we shall be closely looking at that section to fix things as soon as possible on the new reset!
End of the world event
As several of you guys requested it, there will be an end of the world event on skyblock dream. Lets quickly explain what this event is about; to celebrate the coming reset we will put around 3 days before the reset signs at spawn, if you click those signs there will open a menu and you can get tons of free items, think about free gkits, millions of in-game money, tons of free experience to make the overpowerest armor ever! Everyone will be able to finish their islands because you can get everyone for free, you can finally pvp to everyone without the fear of losing your gear, you have worked weeks for. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on skyblock dream and have fun!
Island Top Rewards
Just like last season, we will have each 2 weeks payouts for the top islands, this will go on till the end of the season. This should increase competition throughout the entirety of the season rather than allow the winning island to be the only people left competing after the first week or two. This way, multiple islands can win over the course of the season, and competition will stay fresh!
Every 2 weeks Rewards: #1, #2, & #3
- First Place
- €75 Store Gift Card
- Second Place
- €50 Store Gift Card
- Third Place
- €20 Store Gift Card
- First Place
- €250 PayPal Money + €250 Store Gift Card
- Second Place
- €100 PayPal Money + €150 Store Gift Card
- Third Place
- €150 Store Gift Card
There may be additions to this over the next few days, or there may be things we've forgotten to add.
- UPDATED! Economy
- All mob drops will have a balanced price compared with the spawner cost.
- Grinding mobs will give more valuable loot.
- New custom mob drops with higher sell prices.
- NEW! Builds
- The new map will feature a brand new pirate-themed spawn!
- New warps and NPCs around spawn for easy access.
- UPDATED! Island Perks
- The system behind island perks is improved;
- You no longer have to relog for certain perks.
- The island leader does not require to be online to unlock perks.
- Instead of in-game cash you now need island shards to unlock perks.
- Several more island perk levels are added.
- The system behind island perks is improved;
- NEW! Island missions
- Added more island missions.
- Fixed some broken island missions.
- Missions will now give better rewards.
- Increased performance for the traveler missions.
- The layout is improved a lot, it looks smoother.
- Should load faster now.
- More go back buttons.
- NEW! Island Roles, Island Members, and Island Permissions
- Complete revamped island permissions and roles.
- You can now customize the following permissions;
- Place blocks
- Break blocks
- Upgrade spawners
- Place spawners
- Break spawners
- manage permissions
- Shop signs (Ability to break/use all shop signs, no matter the shop owner!)
- Ban players
- Invite Members
- Kick Members
- Manage members (promote/demote members)
- Deposit money (to island bank)
- Withdraw money (from island bank)
- The available island roles to change permissions for;
- Co-opped
- Members
- Moderator
- Admin
- Owner
- NEW! Island Banks
- You can deposit and withdraw money from and to your island.
- Complete withdraw and deposit history.
- Role-based permissions for both deposit and withdraw.
- UPDATED! Crates
- New and amazing rewards
- Made some crates more balanced.
- UPDATED! Updated Transfer Shop
- Better prices for some items.
- /transfer will now automatically with new items each other day.
- There will be specially limited-time rewards only available for a day
- Several new and improved items available!
- NEW! Custom enchantments
- Removed throttle cancellation -> IMPROVED HIT REGISTRATION
- Make sure enchants will work on mobs on islands.
- Telepathy will work on all tools and weapons.
- Telepathy will now automatically put loot and mob heads of killed mobs in your inventory.
- New custom enchantments;
- Mobsweep (Weapons)
- Headset (Bow)
- Tank (Chestplate)
- Swordsman (Chestplate)
- Escapist (Helmet)
- Virus (Bow)
- Fixed the following enchantments;
- Rage
- Nutrition
- Trap
- Clarity
- Buffed the following enchants;
- Snipe
- Devour
- Block
- Hardened
- Angelic
- NEW! SkyGod Improvements
- Transfer all heads at once. (/heads)
- Way more PlayerVaults.
- See armor of other players in /invsee
- UPDATED! Island Top
- Island top is heavily improved in performance.
- Island top will now keep track of all island places.
- Island top will update way more often, instead of each 24 hours, we will try to run it each hour.
- This value might change depending on the results of performance.
- Heads should render faster.
- UPDATED! Aesthetic Changes
- We've worked on a bunch of aesthetic changes to things such as a new spawn, messages, vouchers, scoreboard, and announcements. In general, we've made things a bit more easy to understand and read, and made things look a bit more modern.
- Misc Changes
- Finally, after a year, coinflip is back!
- Improved auction house performance
- UPDATED! Removed some typos in broadcast
- Island saving is now faster.
- FIX! Mobaura check will check less often and more accurate for real abusers.
- Remove shop signs from islands, no matter or you are the sign shop owner.
- Fixed sign shop with telepathy.
- NEW! Key all vouchers
- Changed mob coins & head drop rates
- NEW! Improved island warps menu.
- Fixed issue with fly at spawn
- Adjustments to Island block values
- Fixed bug with rename tags
- FIX! Fixed issues with wrong rewards in monthly rates.
- Chat will now show island top place instead of island level.
- Playervaults are completely recoded and should be less CPU consuming.
- NEW! Added /tc <msg>, shortcut for sending messages to your island chat.
- NEW! Added new Enchantment Orb item to increase the enchantment limit.
- Several fixes to timings in server jar, should improve redstone and entity performance.
- Fixed lore issue that causes conflicts with special sets.
- Hit registration is improved.
- FIX! Less rubberbanding when running on carpets.
- Fixed issue with cooped players not removed on logout.
- UPDATED! Rene got a new car at spawn
This is only a few of the additions we will be implementing into the new server. You'll need to play to find out more! Stay tuned for some upcoming Sales. Soon to be announced!
That's about it from our end, and a big thanks to you all for being so patient!

Questions & Answers
Q: What will be kept after the reset?
A: Skyblock just needed a reset, it wasn't updated for months. So to make skyblock great again was a reset required. So here it is a fresh new skyblock with updates!
This means all islands, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kind of gameplay and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
- Purchased ranks from our store
- /gkits
- Purchase or won out of crates commands/ranks
- Cash
- Islands
- Items
A: Skyblock just needed a reset, it wasn't updated for months. So to make skyblock great again was a reset required. So here it is a fresh new skyblock with updates!
This means all islands, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kind of gameplay and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Too much information? Ready to play Jartex?!
Log onto play.jartexnetwork.com and just select your gamemode and PLAY!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
Voodootje0, Gunfire
Log onto play.jartexnetwork.com and just select your gamemode and PLAY!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
Voodootje0, Gunfire