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Old [SkyBlock Dream] Remove Hulk, SBD


January 19, 2017
Your In-Game Name:
What is your suggestion about?:
Remove Hulk, SBD
What game-mode is this suggestion for?:
SkyBlock Dream
Describe your suggestion:
My suggestion is based around a enchantment and that is Hulk.
Hulk is a popular enchantment in jartex that was used in factions 2 seasons ago and is now being used at skyblock dream, there are 4 levels to hulk and each level gives you more strength and resistance and sadly, slowness.

The reason why I am suggesting to remove hulk is because it makes game too easy for other players, resistance is the effect that protects you too much from all sorts of damage that is coming from your opponent, I have PVP'ed with Hulk IV and i didn't need to heal for 20 secs when I was attacked by a guy with strength II and god sword.

Hulk IV gives too much luck to anyone in this game when it comes to being disarmored, even chestplate can get disarmored and you can live for like 5 seconds with that.

You don't even need to wear helmet and boots when you are pvping because you are not taking a lot of damage.

I know what you will all be saying "It's effort to get this enchantment" in my opinion it doesn't matter, it still makes game too easy for other players. Maybe it will make it more difficult if u get disarmor X or something like that with like enchant that does 3x more damage. Or make enchants that help fight hulk players but I doubt that that's going to happen.

Hulk IV is cool enchant on the outside if you look at it, slowness, resistance, strength really reminds you of hulk but it just makes surviving game too easy for other opponents and even you.

Removing hulk makes surviving game more harder and that's what I want, I don't want players outhitting my gapple, ofc it's bad.

Maybe there must be resistance II enchant but resistance III and IV is too much.
How could this help to improve JartexNetwork?:
This would make PVP more difficult since you take more damage without hulk and you won't survive it as easy as you did with hulk.
This would also help quality against quantity because now you can't quickdrop a player because he's wearing hulk.
Is there anything else we should know?:
IF you don't want hulk IV removed then nerf it to resistance I or II.
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Staff member
January 25, 2017
Maybe if you were able to experiment or really understand how damage and hulk IV works you would then start to think great.
What ever you say about quickdrop is non-sense in my opinion, you cannot quickdrop guy with hulk IV if even you disarmour his chestplate and keep crit hitting him.
First of all you really need to find out more information about resistance effect instead of posting invalid information here, Resistance IV gives you 5x more protection from damage than without it which means that if you dealt 5 hearts to regular p4 player which i can say is the most damage that has been dealt to regular full p4 player you would only deal 1 hear to hulk IV player.

You only post this cause you think you are good, when Hulk IV is easy game but you would not survive easily without resistance.
Add new healing enchantments on my sword? that even helps hulk IV players to survive easier, lifesteal and vampire are both healing enchantments that mostly help you in potpvp but are a lot less useful in gapple pvp since gapple does the healing job for you.

Add damage custom enchants and get strength IV? that doesn't help to destroy hulk IV player quickly.
"Dude go home cuz you ... are ... dumb.
You making complete non-sense suggestion won't get you favoured so go type something useful." what a complete non-sense and calls my topic non-sense, dude how can I go home when i am posting this while im in my house, other relates? no how can I go anywhere after this topic.
"Complete non-sense"? how is it a complete non-sense since you are clearly talking about my suggestion and it's contents and understand it perfectly.
If you'll remove Hulk 4 then it won't work on ANY piece of gear ... Meaning rip-off every set you've ever had with Hulk. They can do this in the next reset OR make the Resistance 4 ---> Resistance 2 for better PvP experience as you say that you can't QUICKDROP players.
