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Accepted Several Suggestions for Prison

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Addicted Member
January 2, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Several Suggestions for Prison

Suggestion Details:
1. Soul Cave: Expand its size so there is more room to explore and run around, with more places to mine soul gems like 3-4 different sections to run between. It could even include some parkour like the PvP mine does to reach large ore deposits. Also add more mob variants in the soul cave to enhance the PvE experience, like creepers, skeletons and silverfish or blazes, to make it more challenging. (The soul zombies were cool at first but as we got used to seeing them, they were so slow and weak that people can just ignore them). They could either spawn anywhere in the caves or only spawn in their dedicated themed section of the soul cave, either one is cool.​
2. Soul Shop: Include the Key Finder and Crystal Digger gems in the soul shop, of course set a price that takes a considerable amount of work to afford them. Not an impossible to reach high price, but 2304 soul gems (equals a full inventory of soul gems) for these enchant gems should be accurate, that way everyone has the opportunity to obtain these special enchantments. Add in-game descriptions for the soul enchantments and soul crystal items (more so specify what they actually give) because those who bought the enchantments have to look on the website's news forum to see what each enchant does, not everybody knows how to do that and we don't want to look there every time when it can just tell us as we browse the enchantments.​
3. Crystal Enchantments: Some people have been curious about the implementation of the crystal enchantments made specifically for PvP via /enchanter, but they are nearly impossible to access because of the insane price, drop the price of the crystal enchantments to an affordable number (like 500 crystals or so).​
4. Scrolls Gkit: At the moment, the scrolls gkit is the weakest gkit and is really lacking, so add more scrolls to the gkit that people won't find elsewhere: crop counter, gem box counter, star crate counter, token and crystal counters exist but now have another source, treasure counter (for the sea lanterns), soul gem counter, and kill counter. Also maybe include a scroll that hides (not disable) the numerous enchantments flooding the pickaxe(or just simply add an option to /settings or something). I'm not sure how many people are aware of it, but some of the above scrolls are listed in the scroll toggle menu. So as well as adding more scrolls, implement the ones that are unobtainable at the moment.​
5. Bombs: We have had the same bomb variety for an eternity, add more bomb variants to make throwing bombs more fun and more helpful. Some of the enchantments on the pickaxe would work better as throwables, such as drill hammer, cosmic blast, and laser. Some new types could be a bouncing bomb that hops around exploding as it lands for 5 seconds, a filter bomb that destroys all regular blocks in its radius except lucky blocks, beacons and sea lantern treasures, and a scatter bomb that explodes into smaller bombs that land around it in 4 to 6 directions. Give all of the bombs, including the current ones, a description that explains what effects each bomb has. Also make it so that these bombs are buyable with the ores like rubies, sapphires, opals, citrines, and moonstones to provide another use for them(buyable in /minesuits and balanced based on the ore's rarity and the bomb type).​

6. Pet Milestone: While most of the milestones are possible, the pet milestone is actually impossible. There is no way for everybody on the server to get a pet and nobody can convince every player on the server to participate in leveling up their pet. 200 levels is way too high for a requirement. Because the milestone's runtime is 5 hours long, we miss out on at least 1-2 hours of the soul cave. Either lower the requirement to 20-30 levels and reduce the runtime to 1-2 hours or remove the milestone entirely.

7. Hitman Special Set: This special set has become very useless as per the bow banning, since bows can't be used anymore, the perk for this set needs to be adjusted. Like it has a 7% chance to land a critical hit, gives haste 2 as a set bonus, or a small chance to inflict slowness on opponents, something like that.

8. Prestige up Voucher: This is a very rare voucher that works the same as the rankup voucher that exists for the A-Z mines, except it can either raise your prestige up by 1 or it can lower your prestige by 1. It can be found via treasure gkit and/or ultra/god crates. Either do this or make it so the current rank up vouchers(plural because there are two types) also work for prestiges.

9. PvPing Gkit Books: These slimeballs that come with the PvPing gkit are long outdated, the books dont apply to any sword, and the enchantment levels are way lower than any of the PvP kits on Prison as of now. They need to be adjusted to either have the same enchantment levels as the sword itself or they turn into 1 or 2 random crystal enchantment books that can be found from the crystal enchanter.

10. More Kill Message and Chat Color Vouchers: There is limited variety with the kill messages that we see when we slay somebody in PvP, both in color and text. Also a majority of the chat colors in the /chatcolors menu are not possible to unlock without upgrading to a higher donor rank, at which we don't know exactly when we can unlock it or what the cost will be. Add more Chat Color Vouchers and Kill Message Vouchers to the drop tables of either the treasure gkit, the rankup crate, treasure loots while mining, the mysteryman, or some of the missions in /level.

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
1. To make the Soul Cave more fun, more rewarding, and more challenging.​
2. To allow everyone the opportunity to obtain the Key Finder & Crystal Digger enchantments, and to make it easier to understand the contents of the soul shop.​
3. Allows for more experimentation with the crystal enchantments to see how compatible they are with Prison PvP.​
4. Gives the scrolls gkit a long needed upgrade and adds a lot more scroll variety, each with different purposes.​
5. Provides more bomb variety, another use for the ores, and a different way to use the enchantments that nobody uses on a grander scale.​
6. Save 5 hours because of an unfair milestone.​
7. Repurpose the hitman set now that bows are banned.​
8. Another way to go up in prestige and provide another variation of the rankup voucher that it useful to those past the A-Z mines.​
9. To recalibrate the PvP gkit books voucher to fit with the current balance of Prison PvP.​
10. To add more variety with kill texts, and to provide more ways to unlock other chat colors besides white and aqua.(I know that the yellow and pink chat color vouchers exist but they're only obtainable from the mysteryman which is both random and very rare.)​
Last edited:


December 11, 2019
+1, need to do something about pvp aswel to make it more interesting and to get more players to come.


November 14, 2021
SuperMariobrine i saw your suggestions although there is a drawback which is about pvp and the crystal enchantments.You see crystal enchantments give random enchants but they give OP enchantments for pvp and every1 will have maxed out sets and the people that dont have that much crystals wont so i believe thats a drawback but ill give it a +1 too because i agree with all the other suggestions


March 4, 2021
SuperMariobrine i saw your suggestions although there is a drawback which is about pvp and the crystal enchantments.You see crystal enchantments give random enchants but they give OP enchantments for pvp and every1 will have maxed out sets and the people that dont have that much crystals wont so i believe thats a drawback but ill give it a +1 too because i agree with all the other suggestions
Nah, Crystals are rare and 500 is alr hard to get and the current price of Crystal Enchantments are 15k crystals per book with a chance you can get a 99% destroy chance.

I didn't even see someone who bought one of those when it's released 2 or 3 ssns ago.


November 5, 2021
Nice suggestion for prison game-mode
I'm going to agree too in this suggestion to make prison better it more wonderful and enjoyable game and server


January 3, 2022
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Several Suggestions for Prison

Suggestion Details:
1. Soul Cave: Expand its size so there is more room to explore and run around, with more places to mine soul gems like 3-4 different sections to run between. It could even include some parkour like the PvP mine does to reach large ore deposits. Also add more mob variants in the soul cave to enhance the PvE experience, like creepers, skeletons and silverfish or blazes, to make it more challenging. (The soul zombies were cool at first but as we got used to seeing them, they were so slow and weak that people can just ignore them). They could either spawn anywhere in the caves or only spawn in their dedicated themed section of the soul cave, either one is cool.​
2. Soul Shop: Include the Key Finder and Crystal Digger gems in the soul shop, of course set a price that takes a considerable amount of work to afford them. Not an impossible to reach high price, but 2304 soul gems (equals a full inventory of soul gems) for these enchant gems should be accurate, that way everyone has the opportunity to obtain these special enchantments. Add in-game descriptions for the soul enchantments and soul crystal items (more so specify what they actually give) because those who bought the enchantments have to look on the website's news forum to see what each enchant does, not everybody knows how to do that and we don't want to look there every time when it can just tell us as we browse the enchantments.​
3. Crystal Enchantments: Some people have been curious about the implementation of the crystal enchantments made specifically for PvP via /enchanter, but they are nearly impossible to access because of the insane price, drop the price of the crystal enchantments to an affordable number (like 500 crystals or so).​
4. Scrolls Gkit: At the moment, the scrolls gkit is the weakest gkit and is really lacking, so add more scrolls to the gkit that people won't find elsewhere: crop counter, gem box counter, star crate counter, token and crystal counters exist but now have another source, treasure counter (for the sea lanterns), soul gem counter, and kill counter. Also maybe include a scroll that hides (not disable) the numerous enchantments flooding the pickaxe(or just simply add an option to /settings or something). I'm not sure how many people are aware of it, but some of the above scrolls are listed in the scroll toggle menu. So as well as adding more scrolls, implement the ones that are unobtainable at the moment.​
5. Bombs: We have had the same bomb variety for an eternity, add more bomb variants to make throwing bombs more fun and more helpful. Some of the enchantments on the pickaxe would work better as throwables, such as drill hammer, cosmic blast, and laser. Some new types could be a bouncing bomb that hops around exploding as it lands for 5 seconds, a filter bomb that destroys all regular blocks in its radius except lucky blocks, beacons and sea lantern treasures, and a scatter bomb that explodes into smaller bombs that land around it in 4 to 6 directions. Give all of the bombs, including the current ones, a description that explains what effects each bomb has. Also make it so that these bombs are buyable with the ores like rubies, sapphires, opals, citrines, and moonstones to provide another use for them(buyable in /minesuits and balanced based on the ore's rarity and the bomb type).​

6. Pet Milestone: While most of the milestones are possible, the pet milestone is actually impossible. There is no way for everybody on the server to get a pet and nobody can convince every player on the server to participate in leveling up their pet. 200 levels is way too high for a requirement. Because the milestone's runtime is 5 hours long, we miss out on at least 1-2 hours of the soul cave. Either lower the requirement to 20-30 levels and reduce the runtime to 1-2 hours or remove the milestone entirely.

7. Hitman Special Set: This special set has become very useless as per the bow banning, since bows can't be used anymore, the perk for this set needs to be adjusted. Like it has a 7% chance to land a critical hit, gives haste 2 as a set bonus, or a small chance to inflict slowness on opponents, something like that.

8. Prestige up Voucher: This is a very rare voucher that works the same as the rankup voucher that exists for the A-Z mines, except it can either raise your prestige up by 1 or it can lower your prestige by 1. It can be found via treasure gkit and/or ultra/god crates. Either do this or make it so the current rank up vouchers(plural because there are two types) also work for prestiges.

9. PvPing Gkit Books: These slimeballs that come with the PvPing gkit are long outdated, the books dont apply to any sword, and the enchantment levels are way lower than any of the PvP kits on Prison as of now. They need to be adjusted to either have the same enchantment levels as the sword itself or they turn into 1 or 2 random crystal enchantment books that can be found from the crystal enchanter.

10. More Kill Message and Chat Color Vouchers: There is limited variety with the kill messages that we see when we slay somebody in PvP, both in color and text. Also a majority of the chat colors in the /chatcolors menu are not possible to unlock without upgrading to a higher donor rank, at which we don't know exactly when we can unlock it or what the cost will be. Add more Chat Color Vouchers and Kill Message Vouchers to the drop tables of either the treasure gkit, the rankup crate, treasure loots while mining, the mysteryman, or some of the missions in /level.

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
1. To make the Soul Cave more fun, more rewarding, and more challenging.​
2. To allow everyone the opportunity to obtain the Key Finder & Crystal Digger enchantments, and to make it easier to understand the contents of the soul shop.​
3. Allows for more experimentation with the crystal enchantments to see how compatible they are with Prison PvP.​
4. Gives the scrolls gkit a long needed upgrade and adds a lot more scroll variety, each with different purposes.​
5. Provides more bomb variety, another use for the ores, and a different way to use the enchantments that nobody uses on a grander scale.​
6. Save 5 hours because of an unfair milestone.​
7. Repurpose the hitman set now that bows are banned.​
8. Another way to go up in prestige and provide another variation of the rankup voucher that it useful to those past the A-Z mines.​
9. To recalibrate the PvP gkit books voucher to fit with the current balance of Prison PvP.​
10. To add more variety with kill texts, and to provide more ways to unlock other chat colors besides white and aqua.(I know that the yellow and pink chat color vouchers exist but they're only obtainable from the mysteryman which is both random and very rare.)​
This Is A Very Good Suggestion Tough The Soul Cave Is The Problem Because Even If It Expands And All PvP Is On And Players Have Fun Killing Others In It Meaning That The Key Finder And Crystal Digger Gems Are Way To Hard For Starters Because There Easy Prey From Pvper That Feeds On Other And Wont Let Them Alone Long Story Short Soul Cave Should Have More Mobs And PvP Off.


January 3, 2022
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Several Suggestions for Prison

Suggestion Details:
1. Soul Cave: Expand its size so there is more room to explore and run around, with more places to mine soul gems like 3-4 different sections to run between. It could even include some parkour like the PvP mine does to reach large ore deposits. Also add more mob variants in the soul cave to enhance the PvE experience, like creepers, skeletons and silverfish or blazes, to make it more challenging. (The soul zombies were cool at first but as we got used to seeing them, they were so slow and weak that people can just ignore them). They could either spawn anywhere in the caves or only spawn in their dedicated themed section of the soul cave, either one is cool.​
2. Soul Shop: Include the Key Finder and Crystal Digger gems in the soul shop, of course set a price that takes a considerable amount of work to afford them. Not an impossible to reach high price, but 2304 soul gems (equals a full inventory of soul gems) for these enchant gems should be accurate, that way everyone has the opportunity to obtain these special enchantments. Add in-game descriptions for the soul enchantments and soul crystal items (more so specify what they actually give) because those who bought the enchantments have to look on the website's news forum to see what each enchant does, not everybody knows how to do that and we don't want to look there every time when it can just tell us as we browse the enchantments.​
3. Crystal Enchantments: Some people have been curious about the implementation of the crystal enchantments made specifically for PvP via /enchanter, but they are nearly impossible to access because of the insane price, drop the price of the crystal enchantments to an affordable number (like 500 crystals or so).​
4. Scrolls Gkit: At the moment, the scrolls gkit is the weakest gkit and is really lacking, so add more scrolls to the gkit that people won't find elsewhere: crop counter, gem box counter, star crate counter, token and crystal counters exist but now have another source, treasure counter (for the sea lanterns), soul gem counter, and kill counter. Also maybe include a scroll that hides (not disable) the numerous enchantments flooding the pickaxe(or just simply add an option to /settings or something). I'm not sure how many people are aware of it, but some of the above scrolls are listed in the scroll toggle menu. So as well as adding more scrolls, implement the ones that are unobtainable at the moment.​
5. Bombs: We have had the same bomb variety for an eternity, add more bomb variants to make throwing bombs more fun and more helpful. Some of the enchantments on the pickaxe would work better as throwables, such as drill hammer, cosmic blast, and laser. Some new types could be a bouncing bomb that hops around exploding as it lands for 5 seconds, a filter bomb that destroys all regular blocks in its radius except lucky blocks, beacons and sea lantern treasures, and a scatter bomb that explodes into smaller bombs that land around it in 4 to 6 directions. Give all of the bombs, including the current ones, a description that explains what effects each bomb has. Also make it so that these bombs are buyable with the ores like rubies, sapphires, opals, citrines, and moonstones to provide another use for them(buyable in /minesuits and balanced based on the ore's rarity and the bomb type).​

6. Pet Milestone: While most of the milestones are possible, the pet milestone is actually impossible. There is no way for everybody on the server to get a pet and nobody can convince every player on the server to participate in leveling up their pet. 200 levels is way too high for a requirement. Because the milestone's runtime is 5 hours long, we miss out on at least 1-2 hours of the soul cave. Either lower the requirement to 20-30 levels and reduce the runtime to 1-2 hours or remove the milestone entirely.

7. Hitman Special Set: This special set has become very useless as per the bow banning, since bows can't be used anymore, the perk for this set needs to be adjusted. Like it has a 7% chance to land a critical hit, gives haste 2 as a set bonus, or a small chance to inflict slowness on opponents, something like that.

8. Prestige up Voucher: This is a very rare voucher that works the same as the rankup voucher that exists for the A-Z mines, except it can either raise your prestige up by 1 or it can lower your prestige by 1. It can be found via treasure gkit and/or ultra/god crates. Either do this or make it so the current rank up vouchers(plural because there are two types) also work for prestiges.

9. PvPing Gkit Books: These slimeballs that come with the PvPing gkit are long outdated, the books dont apply to any sword, and the enchantment levels are way lower than any of the PvP kits on Prison as of now. They need to be adjusted to either have the same enchantment levels as the sword itself or they turn into 1 or 2 random crystal enchantment books that can be found from the crystal enchanter.

10. More Kill Message and Chat Color Vouchers: There is limited variety with the kill messages that we see when we slay somebody in PvP, both in color and text. Also a majority of the chat colors in the /chatcolors menu are not possible to unlock without upgrading to a higher donor rank, at which we don't know exactly when we can unlock it or what the cost will be. Add more Chat Color Vouchers and Kill Message Vouchers to the drop tables of either the treasure gkit, the rankup crate, treasure loots while mining, the mysteryman, or some of the missions in /level.

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
1. To make the Soul Cave more fun, more rewarding, and more challenging.​
2. To allow everyone the opportunity to obtain the Key Finder & Crystal Digger enchantments, and to make it easier to understand the contents of the soul shop.​
3. Allows for more experimentation with the crystal enchantments to see how compatible they are with Prison PvP.​
4. Gives the scrolls gkit a long needed upgrade and adds a lot more scroll variety, each with different purposes.​
5. Provides more bomb variety, another use for the ores, and a different way to use the enchantments that nobody uses on a grander scale.​
6. Save 5 hours because of an unfair milestone.​
7. Repurpose the hitman set now that bows are banned.​
8. Another way to go up in prestige and provide another variation of the rankup voucher that it useful to those past the A-Z mines.​
9. To recalibrate the PvP gkit books voucher to fit with the current balance of Prison PvP.​
10. To add more variety with kill texts, and to provide more ways to unlock other chat colors besides white and aqua.(I know that the yellow and pink chat color vouchers exist but they're only obtainable from the mysteryman which is both random and very rare.)​
Simply Gonna Give It A +1


Staff member
January 28, 2019
Suggestion - ACCEPTED
Hello, SuperMariobrine​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted and it is going to be implemented very soon!​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind Regards,​
~ Rodagave
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