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Denied Prison Rewriting Prison


January 3, 2021
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Rewriting Prison

Hello Jartex community, as the Prison season nears its end due to the recent final payout, here are the suggestions I have for next season:

1. The act of sharing accounts should not be allowed (mainly for Prison) because it creates unfairness and manipulation within the community. Not everyone can trust others access to their accounts. Furthermore, if sharing accounts will still be allowed in following seasons, there is an opportunity for manipulation. For instance, a player can offer another player some type of reward, whether it's a portion of the money (essentially a bribe) from the rewards (assuming they win G top, blockstop, etc), in return for helping them mine blocks, etc. Personally, I believe that this creates inconvenience and inequality in the Jartex community.

2. Treasure Crates, which are obtained from Gkit Treasure, should be improved. I am fully aware that the server has nerfed the Gkit several times (as mentioned to me by several players) in the past several seasons. Truthfully, looking at the price of Gkit Treasure, the current rewards do not really seem worth the value. *This statement is not intended to discourage any players from purchasing but it is solely what I think*. I strongly believe that the crates should be revamped and potentially add better items to it (possibly with a lower rarity). For example, Gkit Scrolls should be removed because there is a lack of significance of the items. Rather, other gkits such as PvPing, Santa (maybe), Kits, etc. should be included.

3. Speaking of crates, there should be a quicker method in opening the Treasure Crates, Token Bowls, etc., because it doesn't allow players to press "Esc" to automatically "roll" the items. Contrarily, the "Esc" button works for the regular crates at /warp crates. This is to create convenience for players if they are opening many crates in a period of time.

4. There should be a system in which a certain amount of seasonal ranks can be traded in (possibly with a fee of some tokens or money) for a permanent rank. *This is a completely random example: 1 million tokens + 16 Thug Ranks can be traded into 1 permanent Thug Rank*. The purpose of this is to allow players, who do not have money to spend on Jartex store, a chance at a permanent rank. This system should also be allowed for Gkits.

5. As next season is getting closer, I think the "feel" or environment of Prison should be altered. Honestly, most players have been consistently playing Jartex Prisons for the past several seasons and things feel very repetitive. I would like to suggest that the currency system change. Specifically, rather than dealing with enormous amounts of money such as trillions, quadrillions, quintillions, etc., I think it would bring a different "feel" if the currency was deflated (thousands, millions, billions, etc). Additionally, rather than using the term "gang", the theme should be replaced with terms like "empires", "realm", "province", etc.

6. Speed/haste pickaxes should either be removed or made forbidden in PvP. Recently, there have been many hackers and their usage of speed picks makes it very difficult to detect blatant speed hacks, or any other type of hacks. Rather than giving average players an advantage via the speed pickaxes, it provides hackers greater benefits. If speed is something that is maintained on Prison, I would suggest adding beacons or developing some method in which it allows speed/haste in mines but not in PvP. However, I would suggest removing it altogether because it may stimulate pickaxe glitching.

7. This may sound contradictory to Suggestion #6, but I promise it isn't. In order to achieve a different atmosphere for future Prisons, I would suggest adding special enchantments to swords and armor like in SBD and Factions. These special enchantments should be made available via Treasure Crates or upper class crates (rare, ultra, god, miner).

8. Another addition to Suggestion #5. The armor and sword enchantments should be "deflated" or nerfed because it is quite insane to think of "Sharpness 30, 50, 60, etc". It should be lower and easier to comprehend the differences in the enchantments of the armor/weapon.

9. Another addition to Suggestion #4. I'd like to suggest a system where armor can be "merged" or "compacted" into stronger armor. For instance, several thug armor can be turned into criminal and so forth. By doing so, this'll skew the attention toward lower kits rather than the stronger ones. Moreover, this can narrow the "strong people gap" and allow lower ranks to achieve better armor or weapon without having to purchase it from higher ranked people.

10. Higher ranked players should be allowed to redeem the kits of lower ranks. I do not understand why this is not the case. For instance, GodFathers should not be constrained to Godfather kits. They should gain access to lower kits such as Thug, Criminal, etc.

11. During /invsee, ranked players with access to this command should be able to view the armor of other players. Currently, players with this command can only see whatever is in the inventory but not what armor other players are wearing. By adding this command, this will allow some players to gain some knowledge on whether one is hacking or not based on what they're wearing. (This is possible because it's very unlikely for a beginner to suddenly have, lets say, Santa set.) This will not allow people who are hacking conceal what they're wearing.

12. Crystals should be made where it can be withdraw just like tokens and money.

13. I'd like to suggest a sorting system for boosters. For example, boosters should be sort into their type and multiplier. This will make it more convenient to select boosters.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
As implied by the title of my suggestions, this is to ensure the safety and equality of players on Jartex. Furthermore, it is to create a different and better atmosphere for Prison players.

Extra Information:
I was informed by staff via the Jartex discord assistance chat to write all my suggestions in one posts since it's for the same game mode.
Last edited:


Staff member
January 25, 2017
Agree / Disagree with the account sharing.
Obviously it is risky to share your account but from their instructions you can share your account on your own risk, any damage, hacking or loss of items, you'll be held responsible. People are usually sharing accounts to have a main account with preferably higher prestige in order to get more money. (So they can boost 1 main account and grind with that)
That sounds like a strategy to me (If people are covering multiple time zones with this), technically it's only your gang doing the mining work and no one outside your gang so that should be okay. (If someone else is using your account they can't use their account to grind)
The rule should be reframed like so ; Any foreign gang's member if caught mining on your account for your gang will be punished accordingly.

Disagree on the gkit part.
Reason : At this point in the game, there are so many players who have so many of these gkits on their main accounts & alt accounts (Like I'm talking 15 Gkits / Gang when it comes to numbers, that's 45 Crates * ovq ovq * )
So "buffing" these gkits would just cause more chaos to players who are ;
1) Not playing in a STACKED gang.
2) Are unranked / Basically don't spend money on the game.
Whereas, crates can always be improved :D

Agreed for 3rd suggestion.

Agreed on 4th suggestion (Although it's easy to get a Seasonal Rank so you don't really need a permanent rank :D )

5th suggestion 100% agreed.
They can always add a system where instead of getting 50 tokens you'd only get 5, instead of getting 1 token you'd get 0.1, instead of getting 500B / inventory you'd only get 50M, change currencies entirely, for example instead of money they can use tokens and instead of tokens they can use gemstones.

6th suggestion agreed, always wanted the pvp to feel normal, more like Protection II - Protection VIII instead of Protection 60 and Speed 6.

7th suggestion, we can always add custom enchants on armour (Since there already are custom enchants on Pickaxes so it hardly makes a difference) but using only Crates to get the enchants is kind of a bummer.

8th 9th agreed.

10th lukewarm (If you're containing Once Kits then 100% no but even for kits, the market will be flooded and armour won't really have a value since GodFathers get like 7 sets a day)

11th agreed.

12th ; Crystals need a revamp, the economy for Crystal is so dry in common players.
Only place where you can actually use Crystals is your Private Mine update (Which is just paying to be able to use the Crystals in a valid place, Mystery Man doesn't really do a lot)

13th +1


January 3, 2021
Agree / Disagree with the account sharing.
Obviously it is risky to share your account but from their instructions you can share your account on your own risk, any damage, hacking or loss of items, you'll be held responsible. People are usually sharing accounts to have a main account with preferably higher prestige in order to get more money. (So they can boost 1 main account and grind with that)
That sounds like a strategy to me (If people are covering multiple time zones with this), technically it's only your gang doing the mining work and no one outside your gang so that should be okay. (If someone else is using your account they can't use their account to grind)
The rule should be reframed like so ; Any foreign gang's member if caught mining on your account for your gang will be punished accordingly.

Disagree on the gkit part.
Reason : At this point in the game, there are so many players who have so many of these gkits on their main accounts & alt accounts (Like I'm talking 15 Gkits / Gang when it comes to numbers, that's 45 Crates * ovq ovq * )
So "buffing" these gkits would just cause more chaos to players who are ;
1) Not playing in a STACKED gang.
2) Are unranked / Basically don't spend money on the game.
Whereas, crates can always be improved :D

Agreed for 3rd suggestion.

Agreed on 4th suggestion (Although it's easy to get a Seasonal Rank so you don't really need a permanent rank :D )

5th suggestion 100% agreed.
They can always add a system where instead of getting 50 tokens you'd only get 5, instead of getting 1 token you'd get 0.1, instead of getting 500B / inventory you'd only get 50M, change currencies entirely, for example instead of money they can use tokens and instead of tokens they can use gemstones.

6th suggestion agreed, always wanted the pvp to feel normal, more like Protection II - Protection VIII instead of Protection 60 and Speed 6.

7th suggestion, we can always add custom enchants on armour (Since there already are custom enchants on Pickaxes so it hardly makes a difference) but using only Crates to get the enchants is kind of a bummer.

8th 9th agreed.

10th lukewarm (If you're containing Once Kits then 100% no but even for kits, the market will be flooded and armour won't really have a value since GodFathers get like 7 sets a day)

11th agreed.

12th ; Crystals need a revamp, the economy for Crystal is so dry in common players.
Only place where you can actually use Crystals is your Private Mine update (Which is just paying to be able to use the Crystals in a valid place, Mystery Man doesn't really do a lot)

13th +1
Hi Andeh,

I certainly agree that you have some logical arguments. For instance, I understand the pros of account sharing and I do not have an counterargument for that. However, the reason I am suggesting that account sharing be made forbidden is for the safety and convenience of the server if there appears to be any complications/troubles. Also, my biggest concern is about manipulation. I've stated it numerous times in previous replies to other players.

Secondly, I know that the permanent Gkit idea seems to be "too overpowered". I do not want to reiterate myself because I have stated my point of view in my original post and replies to other players.

Overall, I appreciate your feedback!




Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016
Suggestion - DENIED

Hello qwedsdnjcf,​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion!​
However, I have decided to deny your suggestion, due to the following reason(s):​
  • Some of the suggestions have been implemented.
    However, withdrawing crystals will not be added. Armor will not be able to be combined. Enchantments levels will not be lowered.
    We will also not remove or disallow pickaxe enchants in pvp mines.
Have a great time playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind Regards,​
~ JustThiemo
