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Denied Reduce hackers number


July 9, 2019
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Reduce hackers number

Well , we used to see hackers daily in mini-games (sky-wars and bed-wars ) , also we used to get killed by them in each game and this starts to be annoying that you have to see hackers daily who ruins the entire game's fun , some of you might say that we do one of the following to play normally :

  • do /staff and if there is an online staff , contact with him or invite him to party then tell him to ban the hacker (rarely happens as they might be busy )
  • Record them then submit a report and wait (well this is being useless as we can see the hacker almost in every game for another 4 hours till he got banned )

Now the above solutions are cool but NOT ENOUGH , the only thing we can do to reduce hackers number is to prevent them from playing in mini-games .

how we are going to reduce hackers?

first you should know the following points :

  • Ip-Bans are useless for 90% of hackers and you know what I mean.
  • banning usernames are useless in your thoughts .
  • each username has its own status and you can't change your username otherwise you will lose your status including your level and playtime.

Well , if we can't prevent the 90% of hackers from hacking , at least lets keep them away from legit users , and the way we can do that is :

We will set a requirement in order to play in mini-games for each new member , and the requirement will be a certain amount of playtime ; like you must have more than 24 hours playtime to play in mini-games , in this way , when we ban hackers next time , they will have to play for 24 hours in other gamemodes to access mini-games again , and every time they get ban , they will have to wait another 24 hours to play again , the playtime requirement should be longer than 24 hours to prevent seeing the same hacker with different name again , the hacker after the ban , he will quiet the server forever(most of them I believe will do the same after 3 or 4 bans ) or at least he will back legit (with 10% of them ).

how can we separate between new legit members and hackers ?

Well , to be honest , we can't do that ,but we can do something else :

  1. When a new member joins the server , and he wants to play in mini-games , he will have to gain the requirement to play in mini-games , but this will affect on new legit members , as they want to play in mini-games , which means they will leave the server if they couldn't play ,so here are 2 solutions if you care about this :
  • when someone joins the server and clicks on the NPC to join a game (bed-wars or sky-wars ) , a small plugin will work in background to check if he/she meets the requirement to play normally or not , if not , he/she will join certain games separated from the normal games for those who have not meet the requirement then he can play with those who have not meet the requirement , and for those who meet the requirement , they will join a normal game like as they do now , so my idea here , is to give new members ability to join games , but not our games , special games for them , so in this way , they still able to play , and we still able to play with normal players .
  • Another solution is that we add an option called "Buy requirement" , so the new member can buy it and play in normal games or in mini-games (if you won't do the first solution )
2. My friend Loakie Loakie has suggested this , so I would like to point it as well :

+1 making more different servers would make the Jartex team buy more servers , I recommend to add an email requirement when you join it would tell you to register then and when you have logged in , you can't leave the lobby , if you try to join a server it will say please connect your email through /link email and when the guy does that it will send a code to the email , he would have to make an email account get the code , one email per username , so if you are a hacker I am pretty sure you won't make a different email every-time you would get banned by a staff member just really annoying.

Note : The above suggestion for Loakie Loakie Not mine.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Reducing hackers number , improving the server quality , giving the server more money to improve and give the , increase players number , giving more positive opinions/reviews about the server and more votes and finally giving new members best experience

Extra Information:
Please before you give your opinion , think about it calmly and slowly , think about the possibilities
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everyone who replied to my post the pros of implementing this system is resetting passwords will get a whole lot easier people who will forget their password will just make a password reset application and they will already have their emails connected meaning staff will have more time on their hands to monitor games and not check every single log of the guy the cons are the 5 year olds joining wont know what an email is probably cause their mom says not to use facebook :) ps: u toxic people can count this as a pro not as a con
make a suggestion and write pros about it, I think that this is the best idea I have ever heard ;)


Staff member
April 26, 2016
Suggestion - DENIED

Hello norking,​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network.​
Unfortunately, I will be denying your suggestion.​

Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind regards,
