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Recruiting members for our island after reset


Addicted Member
September 26, 2016
Hello people of Jartex Network,

In this post I want to recruit new members for our island team when the reset happen! When? I do NOT know yet, but it will NOT take long.
I will mark few questions I want you to answer ONLY if you are interested in joining in a serious team!
Here are the questions...

  • What is your In-game name?
  • How old are you?
  • Do you have discord account?
  • Have you ever played skyblock server?
    (do not say server names!)
  • Are you active?
    (how many hours can you dedicate per week?)
  • Do you have in-game rank?
  • Do you have fly command?
  • Why do you want to join us?
    (the most important question!)
  • Are you good at crop farms?
    (I am talking about cactus,pumpkin automatic etc.)
  • Are you dedicated to grinding?
  • Do you have sell chest command?
  • Do you have any g-kits in-game?
  • What is your time zone?
  • Are you fluent at English?
    (Do you speak English on good level?)
So those are the questions and I want you to answer HONEST and put as much effort as possible!
We are currently looking for 2 or 3 INSURED players who will JOIN US under any circumstances!
I just want to say that if WE have serious team we can have chance to win ISLAND TOP competition!
Thanks for your time reading it,
good luck!

Contact me in-game if you have any questions about this post!
IGN: Yoguan
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Addicted Member
September 26, 2016
What is your In-game name?
A: _narciarz
How old are you?
A: 13
Do you have discord account?
A: Yes, I have - Narciarz#1273
Have you ever played skyblock server?
A: Yes, I have.
Are you active?
A: Sometimes I will be offline, but most times I'll be online for at least 4 hours. So
I think I'll dedicate 14 hours a week.
Do you have in-game rank?
A: Yes. I have a skydonor rank.
Do you have fly command?
A: No, but I do have the hat, bench, and nick command.
Why do you want to join us?
A: Most times when I played skyblock with other people. They are most of the time offline or they just straight-up leave.
It makes me sad because playing alone on an island full of people is very boring. I try to contact them, but they don't answer.
So I'm contacting you Yoguan wanting to join your island. I will help with building our island and help financially. I will donate spawners and
do anything to help our island through the season.
Are you good at crop farms?
A: Yes, I have experience with automated farms in JartexNetwork skyblock.
Are you dedicated to grinding?
A: Yes, I am dedicated to grinding, but take some breaks to help my island with building and donating to the island.
Do you have sell chest command?
A: I don't have the sell chest command.
Do you have any g-kits in-game?
A: Yes, I do, but I have only 1 g-set and I'm still working on it.
What is your time zone?
A: GMT+3
Are you fluent at English?
A: I'm very fluent in English, even though English is my second language.

If you want more questions ask me on forums conversations for more information.

When i said g-kits i meant Gkits. Go in-game and type /gkit
All in all your application seem good. I will contact you when I decide.
