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October 11, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?

Alright, last season there was a poll on whether bow-boosting should be enabled or disabled.
The latter won and it was disabled, and with that most of the fun in PvP was disabled with it.
The people that took the time to practice and learn how to properly bow-boost were rewarded for it, with being able to get out of hard situations.
Nowadays, if you've got 3 people on you, and they have eggs, you're pretty much good as dead unless you got a trap that you have to run to. It will be harder for the "New" players to get accustomed to rather than just throwing eggs and pearling, but once they learn how to properly do it, it's much more fun. It'd make it a lot more enjoyable to PvP. I mean, Sbd has bow-boosting, KitPvP has bow-boosting, why would you only take the bow-boosting mechanic out of Factions?

Custom Enchants
In my opinion, there are some "Broken" custom enchants:
1.Barbarian. The enchantment is supposed to be used on a sword against enemies that wield axes, but it might be bugged.
I haven't done enough testing but the enchant might work against swords aswell, which is not intended.
2.Enrage. The enchant basically works like this: "If you're at low hp, deal more damage to the enemy". In my opinion thats the stupidest enchant one could make. It rewards players for being bad at the game, getting constantly outhit, but STILL have the upper hand in damage. It deals WAY too much damage and should be outright removed from the game.
3.Implants. I don't think the enchant works. Nobody adds the enchant to the helmet cause it doesn't work. Fix it.
4.Souvenir. The enchant doesn't work at all. I've had the enchant on multiple sets, multiple times, never worked for me or anyone i know. It's a legendary enchant and a hard to get one at that. It should atleast work how it's supposed to.
5.Fast Turn V. Reduce the damage the enchant does by a slight amount.

New custom enchant:
Description - The more hits on an enemy you have "combo" deal 0.5 hearts of additional damage for each subsequential hit following the first.

Gsets are wayy to easy to obtain. They are special sets that give additional bonuses when wearing the full set, the whole server shouldn't be carrying one around. Make them more rare and harder to obtain.
The sets themselves, I don't neccessarily have an issue with, the only exception being BAPE which if made into a Protection 5 set is impossible to die in. Not even P5, P4 is way to hard to die in. I'd just scale down the % of damage reduced while wearing the set.

Speed 3 PvP. I don't know why it's a thing. Make it speed 2 PvP like it's supposed to be. It's a lot more skill dependant rather than everyone getting out of your comboes in a second, starting a 2-Hit combo and not being able to continue because of the high KB, which brings me to my next point.

The knockback on the server just isn't right. Everyone that actually knows anything about PvP knows this. Reduce the amount of KB taken. Flying over the map in one hit isn't necessary. If the speed recommendation and this KB recommendation were to get implemented it would make the PvP actually skill based and not luck based.

Right now as the koth is, there is no point in capping it. The only worthwile things you get from the koth are the Enchant Orbs, the additional power boosts and the Chunk busters. You should get permanent ranks, up to premium, but make it rarer to get them.
The koths are sometimes impossible to cap and drag on for hours on end because of the way that they're designed. Add corners to each koth, make each koth unique and not an open field.
Other stuff:
-Pearls sometimes just not working.
-Chugs doing no damage sometimes.
-Not being able to Creeper egg traps 1 block wide next to the warzone.


How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
More fun, more enjoyable, PvP​


January 22, 2019
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello Jirkaa,
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network.
I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted and it is going to be implemented in the next factions reset!

Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!

Bow boosting will not be added back, but enchants are now changed.

Good evening,
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