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- August 11, 2020
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How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
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Punishments lookup command
Suggestion Details:
Add an alternative way to lookup player punishments.
For a few weeks now, the punishment page has been giving time out errors ALOT more often than usual. I wouldn't usually care about it but, this causes a massive inconvenience when you're just someone trying to check if a player is actually banned or has just encountered an ip conflict, which is for whatever reason extremely common.
So, I had an idea that could fix this. ( maybe not an easy one )
+ Add a command to the JartexNetwork discord bot that allows members to lookup the 3 ( or 1 ) Latest
punishment(s) a player has received In-game. ( Including duration , reason )
! (Important) !
A downside to this maybe that the discord bot can lag alot more than it already does IF many people run the command at the same time. So a fairly simple way to help reduce that would be to only allow SELECT members from the community to have access to the command.
Example : Someone who is active on discord could ask a Sr.Mod if they meet Set requirements to have access to this command.
How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
Would help people who might have encountered an issue as common as Ip conflicts to know if they're actually banned or let others check it for them.
Extra Information:
I have only recently started to get into programming and Don't know nor claim to know how difficult this would be to implement.
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