Hi saiworldearth,
i feel like even though your using
5G internet connections your experiencing the lag... its actually not lag but its the problem is with connections with the server. commonly if the ping is higher than 800ms or goes like that your packets will be delayed to server and u see people teleporting around getting stuck up in mid-air....
since the jartex servers are based in europe you need to find an optimal ip to connect..
finding a best low-latency ip that suits you using cmd prompt:-
1. open cmd prompt using windows key + r type cmd in the box and hit enter
2. type "ping [that ip address]"
list of ip address that are associated with jartexnetwork:-
1. play.jartexnetwork.com
2. mpl.jartex.fun
3. smp.jartex.fun
4. smu.jartex.fun
5. topr.jartex.fun
6. bestu.jartex.fun
7. buzzu.jartex.fun
8. mpu.jartex.fun
9. mcslr.jartex.fun
proxy servers:-
1. proxy001.jartexsys.net
2. proxy002.jartexsys.net
3. proxy003.jartexsys.net (sometimes this addr doesnt work)
4. proxy004.jartexsys.net
5. proxy005.jartexsys.net
6. proxy006.jartexsys.net
ip on a player name!!:-
lets say you have a username(in-game name) as "simple", then the server addr can also be like
3. if u see 0% loss then that ip is better compared to your previous one.
4. now choose the ip that have low ping and try to connect if the issue still alive then contact jartex support, in most scenarios it will be the problem from player side connections..
best regards,
Simple :>.