The Start
You've spawned in, New map? Full Inventory? The Following will explain everything you need to know in detail, (as much as can be explained) in the simplest of terms!
So, Let's Begin:

Once you've opened Tab, you'll see a bunch of Prefix's before the persons name, these usually are their Ranks/Classes
Each Rank has it's own benefits, the higher the rank, the better the perks!
Here's a list of all the available Ranks:
- GodFather
Access To /Compact
Access To /warp GodFather
Access To Once & Daily Kits
Access To The Prefix & More! - Murderer
Access To Invsee
Access To /warp Murderer
Access To Once & Daily Kits
Access To The Prefix & More - Lunatic
Access To /warp Lunatic
Access To Once & Daily Kits
Access To The Prefix & More - Blackhat
Access To /warp Blackhat
Access To Once & Daily Kits
Access To The Prefix & More - Criminal
Access To /warp Criminal
Access To Once & Daily Kits
Access To The Prefix & More - Thug
Access To /warp Thug
Access To Once & Daily Kits
Access To The Prefix & More
The higher your rank is, the more at advantage you are, Now you must be curious on how to obtain these? Well that's simple! Crates OR /goldshop (Explained Later)

Now comes the real deal, It's time to actually start playing, though I do encourage you to take a look around /spawn as it will give you a brief idea of what's to expect & the interesting mechanics that are present as spawn itself, Is a basic Guide!
Your main Goal is to gain as high of a prestige as you can & eventually escape this Prison!
Pickaxes & Backpacks
To Progress in this game, once you start off you'll acquire a Pickaxe, this is what you need to upgrade in order to really be making Cash & Tokens (The Primary Currencies in this Game-Mode)

These allow you to store items, So every time you sell at the golem you gain more cash
- To Upgrade them you require Tokens, which are obtained via Mining
- Each Backpack costs around 7m Tokens to max!
Pickaxes ⛏
These are what you use to mine blocks, & sell said blocks to the golems present in the mines, which is how you will be able to obtain cash
- Pickaxes have many enchantments to choose from, but only specific ones will get you the real gold!
- To upgrade pickaxe enchantments, You need to spend tokens which can be obtained while mining
- There's an enchantment Cap, once you have maxed the enchants you will need to prestige your pickaxe to exceed the level of enchantments
Prestige | Level Cap | Pickaxe Level Requirement & Blocks |
Prestige 1 | 1000 | Level 10 & 1m Blocks |
Prestige 2 | 3000 | Level 25 & 5m Blocks |
Prestige 3 | 4000 | Level 50 & 10m Blocks |
Prestige 4 | 5000 | Level 100 & 50m Blocks |
NOTE: For beginning levels use Explosive, once you have acquired a P3/P4 pickaxe with Soul Luck 35, Jackhammer/Squared are the better options to use instead of Explosive, Enchants like Purity also are a big help
How To Increase Cash Production?
To this, there's 3-4 simple methods that need to be elaborated, each having it's own ups & downs, & compatible with one another

Crowns are items obtained from the "Mystery Man", a stranger that appears on The Weekends! & changes everyday, he restocks every 2 hours & has the chance to have the item "Crown" which can be dragged & dropped onto an helmet giving it special Perks
- Soul Crown is the one you need to be looking for, as it boosts Gem Rates by 10.0 & Gives x1.5 The Money!
- Moon Stone Crown is for speed, as upon equipping it you get Speed 4
- Ruby Crown is the best for PvP, as once used It allows 15% More damage & More!
- There's more crowns but they are not worth mentioning at this time.
- This is a Suit that you obtain once you first log in, it's also in the Member kit from /kit
- This minesuit can be upgraded via a currency called Crystals which can be gradually obtained while mining or Prestiging, These upgrades that the helmet provides consists of Beacons, Money, Tokens, Drugs, Lucky Blocks etc.
Vitality & Drugs

This is basically selling drugs, after all you are in a Prison & what prison there is without some old fashion drugs

- There's 12 Types of drugs, that you are able to grow on your cell (Yes they're like normal crops & do need water)
- Each time you max out the daily limit of a Type of Crop you gain +5% Vitality
NOTE: Players with the GodFather rank can /compact these drugs to sell them quicker, & Vitality as it increases does NOT impact cash multiplied by boosters or pet activation, It only adds extra to raw & raw sell only.

Well, as the name suggests these are a need to have, especially for grinding Money/Tokens
- There's different types of boosters, & multiple ways to obtain them. They can be obtained from the Boosters G-kit (It's a class that's obtained via Seasonal Crates or the Goldshop/IRL money), or the Mystery Man who has x3 money boosters to offer from time to time
- Some can be obtained from /level as well (Explained Later On)
- You can use boosters through the /boosters menu & these range from x2 To x5, Personal To Global (x3 Global is the highest), These will basically give you more money every time you sell, Your Raw Sell + 2x The Sell

Every time you prestige, your sell multiplier increases by x0.1 which is a slow but great way to increase the amount of cash you obtain per sell
- Once you've passed Prestige 25-30, Every 5 prestiges will give you a Prestige Crate Key which can be used to open a crate at /warp Crates, & this crate will allow you to acquire the +1 Backpack & some other loot!
To give a Highlight, On every mine the block price increases by 100k, as it's 100k on p100 It'll be 200k on p200 & it goes on till the p1000, though in order to prestige you are required to have beacons which is a currency that can be obtained by mining. Donator Mines or Ranked mines may have Higher Beacon % which means you get more beacons & you can check this on the /warp menu
Calculating Prestige Cost
This process is a little more based on understanding, if you are familiar with the Terms Arithmetic & Geometric Progression this will be easier.
The Old Prestige System:
Basically the old system meant that the difference in each prestige was constant, as it increased by +50t each time (Arithmetic Progression) you Prestige & this basically meant, in order to calculate it you had to do the Following:
- Click On -> Arithmetic Progression Calculator
- The Initial Term is your current Prestige Cost
- The Common difference is the constant increase, in this case 50t
- The Number of terms is the amount of prestiges
This is the current system used to calculate the prestige cost, as every prestige increases by 1% (Geometric Progression), meaning every time you Prestige the cost will increase by1% of the last prestige (which makes prestiging later on significantly harder)
In order to calculate it you have to do the following.
- Click On -> Geometric Progression Calculator
- The Initial Term is your current Prestige Cost
- The Common Ratio is 1.01 (This means 1% of the last prestige)
- The Number of terms is the amount of Prestiges

These are obtained from the Prestige Crate or generally mining, these can also be purchased from the /soulshop
- Purpose of these is to Drag & Drop to apply on a Pickaxe to boost certain enchantment rates, for Example a Jackhammer Gem would improve the activation rate for the enchantment making it significantly better, the amount of Gems you can have depends on your pickaxe level with a cap of 5 Gems

Every 6 hours the server pops a global booster which can stack on to Globals popped by players
- You can check the timer by doing /booster & hovering over the clock
Days: | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Boosts: | 2x Beacon | 2x Money | 2x Token | 2x Crystal | 2x Treasure | 2x Money | 2x Token |
Treasure Events Take place on Weekends & last 30 Minutes, the events basically enable a x20 Treasure Booster which allows a significant gain in Crystals, Mining/Token/Rare keys, & some extra tokens to go alongside it (These work best with the Treasure Hunter & Treasure Seeker Enchantments)
NOTE: There's a Ping every time a Treasure Event Takes place (On The Jartex Discord) So make sure to Join there!
Types | Perks | Status |
Monkey | Boosts Money & Beacons | Available |
Tarantula | Boosts Tokens | Available |
Druglord | Boosts Drugs | Available |
Gladiator | Boosts PvP / Allows Insta Kills | Removed |
Capybara | Boosts Crate Rewards | Available (Nerfed) |
Wizard | Boosts Random Enchant | Available (Bugged atm) |
Ghost | Boosts Dark/Soul Gems Obtained | Available |
Golem | Boosts Crystals & Beacons |
NOTE: Following (above) is a chart of the pets that are present & their boosts
NOTE: Pets besides these do exist, /tokenshop & these pets boost Tokens/Cash/Drugs

You are entitled to carry out this journey all alone, but that doesn't mean you have to. This is where "Gangs" come in!
You are able to create your Own Gang or join a high level one, You will need this if you want to compete in the Payouts either way.
Each Gang can have upto 10 Members (This can be increased by Gang perks, /g perks) & these companions will help you throughout (unless you do something that offends them, people aren't that predictable)
Though, be careful who you invite to your gang, as trust shouldn't be handed out that easily & there's some people that are better off not being Trusted.

Though don't worry, The following rule prevents that from happening & if it does happen, then whoever commits such a foul act shall have to suffer the consequences.
Now comes the advantages of being in a Gang,, as you mine & so does your gang, The Gang itself gains EXP & grows closer to prestiging, once a certain amount of blocks have been broken then your gang Prestiges which provides mutual benefits to all the members like a small sell boost & cheaper cost in /g shop
- Every 100k Raw blocks that your gang has mined (These are blocks that are mined without enchantments or the ones you physically break), your gang earns a Minepoint & these minepoints can be spent (/g minepoints) to allow an increase in Gang Luck (The best perk to have, it boosts % proc chance) or an increase in sell multiplier!
- Gang members can't attack each other in PvP so it's good to have some friendlies to helpout in times of danger (in PvP)
- You are also able to ally 1 Gang which you can converse with in /g c a (ally chat) & can not damage them as well, but choose wisely!

By executing the command /c create, you will be able to create your very own Cell, or well Island since it's technically floating, This is where you can grow your own drugs, place your own Inmates, Invite others!
Inmates: These are obtained from /inmates & are basically Minions/Slaves that work for you while you AFK, though they were meant to work when the player wasn't Online (Can't say if it's Fixed)
Cell Upgrades: These are upgrades that can increase Drug Growth, Member Limit, Amount of inmates that can be placed in your cell at the expense of Crystals (Another currency obtained while mining & prestiging)
NOTE: Do not invite strangers to your cell since they can steal from you, & if you don't have any proof of it then there's nothing you can do to get them punished so i repeat, be careful while inviting people to your cell!

This, was an addition not that old, merely a few seasons but one that has impacted the game quite a lot as it allows access to certain enchantments that one might say are "Game Changing"
There's 2 Enchantments that need to be Focused on, although only one of them is useful and that's Soul Luck
This enchantment is able to boost the activation rates of enchantments which is what makes it so good & when combined with a Maxed out Pickaxe & Jackhammer, it's ready to create some CHAOS!
Some special Sets & Gem Boxes are also available in the /soulshop!
Though that's not everything there is to the Soul Cave, There's multiple layers each consisting of specific Mobs (Killing Some of them is a Task in Levels) & as we approach the last layers, We see the Introduction of "Dark Soul Gems"
Dark Soul Gems are very, Interesting as they are the currency you use to purchase from the /darksoulshop (This is a shop that allows 1 Trade per day) & these shops can contain some pretty good Loot, Ranging from uniqe pet eggs to sharpness 60 Swords & Boosters!
Types | Uses/Perks | Cost |
Capybara Pet Egg | Chance to hatch a Capybara pet which provides an increased reroll & extra reward chance | 500x Dark Soul Gems |
Golem Pet Egg | Chance to hatch a Golem pet which provides an increased amount of Crystals etc | 500x Dark Soul Gems |
Ghost Pet Egg | Chance to hatch a Ghost pet which provides an increased amount of soul gems while mining them in the soulcave & allows more damage to be dealt to the mobs | 500x Dark Soul Gems |
Wizard Pet Egg | Chance to hatch a Wizard pet which can boost any random enchant (pickaxe ones) | 500x Dark Soul Gems |
Sharpness 60 Sword | PvP Weapon | 750x Dark Soul Gems |
x3 15 Minutes Money | Personal Booster | 300x Dark Soul Gems |
Soul Crates

These crates allow some uniqe loot, such as mob drops & higher capacity backpacks for Soulgems & Drugs (Basic ones can be purchased from /tokenshop)

Now that you know how to get money, & level up in this Cruel prison, it's time to know what all that knowledge was for.
Every Season, a Competition takes place & it rewards significantly to those willing enough to place in the Top 3 (G-Top!)
Though, To talk about payouts, first I'll need to explain Iron & Gold
Iron Currency
- This Currency is obtained from Events OR G-Top/F-Top/Is-Top
- This Currency Can ONLY be used in the Game-Mode
- This Currency Expires in 7 days
- This Currency will usually Expire before the Season Resets.
- This Currency won't be discounted during sales in /buy (Meaning Sales won't apply to Iron)
- This Currency Can NOT be Obtained from Trading (You can't Trade Iron OR Purchase it)
- This Currency Can be obtained from voting (/vote)
- This Currency is obtained from buying on the Jartex Store!
- This Currency Can be used in EVERY Game-Mode
- This Currency Never Expires
- This Currency Can carry on To ALL Seasons (Never Expires)
- This Currency will be discounted during sales in /buy (Meaning Sales will apply to Gold)
- This Currency is obtained from Trading for BC / Gold (Buy-Craft is inclusive of Gold / Gift-Card)
Gang-Top Rewards & Competition
So, In order to compete in this contest, it's quite straightforward, You need to prestige as high as you can and place money in /g shop, Every 2 weeks there's a biweekly (2 Times in a season) & then there's a final payout, whoever's at any of the Top 3 position, gets rewarded
- First Position Bi-Weekly = 75e Iron / 7,500 Iron
- Second Position Bi-Weekly = 50e Iron / 5,000 Iron
- Third Position Bi-Weekly = 25e / 2,500 Iron
- First Position Final = 300e Iron / 30,000 Iron (Forums Post says 350e but that's most likely an error)
- Second Position Final = 250e Iron / 25,000 Iron
- Third Position Final = 150e Iron / 15,000 Iron
The Top 3 Gangs at the final payout also get rewarded with special Tags | #1 | #2 | #3 |
These can be previewed in the /tags menu & to acquire them you must contact the manager

NOTE: The Following (above) is a rule that should NOT be broken if you are to compete in Gang-Top
Now, You must be thinking to yourself, all this work to get what? Some Seasonal Keys or a Rank from the Goldshop? No. To that I suggest read on.

G-kits are Permanent items that stay even after the server has reset, & these are the real deal as they will provide you an advantage in any season you play, Yes ranks are cool but once kit is only once an ENTIRE Season? So what's better? G-kits? Or Ranks?

There's a vast variety of G-kits available in Prisons, & I'll highlight all the necessary ones to acquire & their uses but either way, whatever you choose depends on your need, You may PvP, or you may want to try your luck. In the end the choice is yours!
The Top 3:
Treasure, Boosters & Cratekeys
- These G-kits by far are are best to acquire, as Treasure G-kit gives you 3x Treasure Crates which are able to give you a vast variety of rewards Ranging from God-Keys to Booster Containers & even seasonal Ranks! How cool is that!
- Boosters on the other hand, Gives you a Boosters G-kit Container which consists of 2x 1hr Personal Money boosters & Token boosters, along with a Booster Package which can give you a random booster (Personal-Global)
- Crate keys G-kit as expected, Gives keys (1x God, 3x Ultras, 5x Rares, 10x Votes)
There's Some G-kits that come once in a while or at holidays, these would be the Santa / Summer & Santa is a must have for PvP, as it provides the best set & can be viewed within the gkit menu by typing /gkit & right clicking, as for summer, all those people that want to grind out & play should consider having one of these, as it gives a pickaxe that's almost INSANE at the start of a season (this will be the summer Pickaxe which has Fortune 2000+)
G-kits such as Scrolls, Kits, Pickaxe, Druglord & PvPing are not as good as the ones mentioned above, their use is mostly circumstantial & a better alternative for PvPing G-kit is the Brawler G-kit which provides much more stacked gear & an OP Sword to go along side it.
Explosive G-kit is also a bad choice to have as it's too costly for it's own usefulness but an Explo Box could go a long way during the season start!

Skills are a Major Factor in Obtaining either Tokens OR Generally Playing
The Following Explains why!
There's multiple Types of skills Present in Game & can be accessed via the Command /skills, These Skills will level up as You progress
in the game, To a Point where these Skills will be much harder to level up but still Provide a significant Boost.
(Currently there's 5 Skills Present)
The Gambling Skill
Double Crate Rewards (0.25 % Chance Per Level)
- This allows You to get twice the Drops from crates the higher your level, Good for opening keys Such as Ultra / God Though this is Considerably harder to level up as many keys are Required to get to a Reasonable Level
- This Skill is leveled up by Opening Keys.
Skull Splitter Boost (-1 Second per 10 levels)
- This allows you to reduce the Cooldown on your skull splitter ability which is your shift click ability whist in Pvp
- In Game Display - " Ability Activated! Your Skill Splitter will do 10% more damage to players for the next 20 seconds."
- This Provides a Damage Buff OF 10% (Shift + Right Click to activate)
- This Skill is leveled up by PvPing.
Replanting (+2% Chance per Level) & & Double Drops (+2% per Level)
- This ability is like Rejuvenate, it increases the rate at which Crops are Planted & Gives Extra Crops every time the ability is activated, Double the Crops to be Precise!
- This Skill is leveled up by Harvesting Drugs.
Extra Lucky (3% per Level) & Chance To Spawn More Lucky Blocks (0.5% per Level)
- This is by far one of the best Skills as it Provides a significant advantage by Boosting Tokens, For Example lucky Level 33 will Provide you with almost a Double boost in Tokens & More lucky blocks spawning is also Convenient!
- This Skill is leveled up by mining for Tokens OR Generally.
Drops Double Ores (+1.15% Chance per Level) & Breaks Ores Instantly For 5 Seconds (-1 Seconds every 5 Levels)
- This skill is Good but not all that useful as Progressively players have the ability to obtain much better Loot thus rendering these perks void as they have no practical use in mining, due to the way mining is Performed. These do need a Revamp / Change
- The Skill is leveled up by Exploring (Soul Cave especially!).
NOTE: Personally the gambling skill is one of the best as when opening keys, It allows a reroll chance & a chance to acquire Extra rewards, Isn't that OP? who wouldn't want extra rewards on keys such as Ultras & Gods!

Just like mining to compete in the Gang-Top competition, levels is a Side Task you can do to earn yourself Extra rewards including Global Boosters, Seasonal Keys, Permanent Ranks & More!
Seasonal Crate Keys

- These are the custom crates present in /warp Crates every season, with a different Team
- These crates have a chance of giving the "Kingpin" Rank which is the max rank on the Game-Mode
- These Crates provide G-kits & Permanent Ranks depending if you're lucky enough!

To best explain this, I'll Link you the following Guide:
This Guide will take you through all of your levels with certain Tips & Tricks that will smoothen your Journey
NOTE: Level skips do exist & are available from the Mystery Man when he shows, but they're extremely rare & valuable, they can skip any 1 level requirement Per level skip so use them wisely!

These are obtainable in the Jartex Store OR can be Purchased with Gold/Iron
- Private-Mines are Seasonal and will not carry along to another Reset like most of the stuff, as ONLY Ranks & G-kits/Commands carry over.
- Their size can also be upgraded from Size-Upgrades available in the /goldshop!
- Murderer Can't set a GodFather mine but they can set any mines below.
You can not grind Tax for yourself only other people can.
Tax Farming
Let's say You have 60% Tax, whilst other people are mining you will gain the amount Taxed but you can also Collect Tax with x2 thus Increasing the amount of money you obtain from Collecting Tax. This can be a very helpful method Start OF Season.
Tax can also be multiplied by Pet Proc's as when a Pet activates it has a Chance to multiply Tax by the amount (Mentioned on the Pet)
This is a rare Occurrence & usually high amounts of Tax are Claimed with a Level 100 OR above (Temporarily) Pet which has a chance to
Boost the money Obtained so Tax + Boosted + Pet Proc (IF Activated)

Trading for IRL money may not be allowed but Trading for Jartex Gold OR Gift-Cards is.
In Prison you can sell Prestige 4 Pickaxes, Tokens (Starting Price is 1m OR 2m = 1e Seasons START) & Money for Buycraft OR Jartex Gift-Cards
How Gift-Card Trades work? You simply have to Provide the party buying you the Gift-Card with Your Email & upon Receival you will give them the Items
- Scamming for Buycraft is a Strict Offense and will not be Taken lightly.

Major Note - Don't go First during buycraft Trades as the Person who will supply the Gift-Card / Buy-Craft / Gold must go first, due to scamming
Buy-Craft & Gold being bannable, but if you go first then the Person can get away with scamming (& in a Game-Mode such as Prison, Scamming is allowed), So always Go Second (IF You're the one Providing In-Game Items).
Remember Though, IF You scam then you will be able to be Punished (Via a Ban)

This is the highest rank obtainable in Prisons
- This can only be obtained from Seasonal Crates / Lootboxes & allows a lot of cosmetic advantages, on top of that the /warp Kingpin is one of the best mines to acquire Tokens
- This rank also allows Faster pet gain EXP, Extra Reroll Chances & More! For more info do /kingpin Ingame!
SIDENOTE: This post is due to the inaccuracy & expired data from the last one, lot has changed so this is a detailed Followup!
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