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Prison - JartexNetwork 2020
September 26th 2020, 17:00 GMT / 13:00 EST / 12:00 CST / 11:00 MT / 10:00 PST
Hello, players of JartexNetwork,
We would like to announce a brand new reset for Prison! It will be released this up and coming Saturday, September 26th, at 7:00 PM CET.
Thank you for all your feedback with regards to the Prison suggestion post. We always try our best to update our gamemodes with given feedback.
Based on the feedback that we received, have we tweaked prison to make an experience that everyone can hopefully enjoy.
Within this forum post will all the changes we made and plan to make be listed. If there is still something you want changing, feel free to reply to this thread before its release, if there is enough support for it, we will consider making the change.
If you want to learn more about the updates, fixes, and new features, read below!
It's with great pleasure that we can announce that this all will be released this Saturday (September 26, 2020) we are expecting the release around 7 PM CET.
Saturday 26th September 2020
17:00 GMT / 13:00 EST / 12:00 CST / 11:00 MT / 10:00 PST
Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 7 PM CET.
Prison Reset
itsalmo.st is a snazzy free countdown tool designed and developed by Type/Code. Create and share your own countdown to anything.itsalmo.st
You would like to start the season well? With a free rank or some free store credit?
A twitter and Instagram giveaway is here below
http://instagr.am/p/CFem9u3pIs5/ View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFem9u3pIs5/
If you do encounter any bugs or any issues be sure to make a bug report as we shall be closely looking at that section to fix things as soon as possible on the new reset!
BlockTop event
There will be a blocktop event on prison. Lets quickly explain what this event is about; Block top is a new start of the map event we will be running! The more blocks you mine the higher you will be on block top. To check what position you are on block top you can use /blockstop The top three people on block top at the end of the second week will win the following rewards.
- First Place
- €50 PayPal Money
- Second Place
- €50 Store Coupon for Prison
- Third Place
- €20 Store Coupon for Prison
Gang Top Rewards
Every 2 weeks Rewards: #1, #2, & #3
End of the Season Reward:
- First Place
- €75 Store Coupon for Prison
- Second Place
- €50 Store Coupon for Prison
- Third Place
- €20 Store Coupon for Prison
The end of the season rewards will be paid out after 70 days of the release!
- First Place
- €250 PayPal Money + €250 Store Coupon for Prison
- Second Place
- €100 PayPal Money + €150 Store Coupon for Prison
- Third Place
- €150 Store Coupon for Prison
There may be additions to this over the next few days, or there may be things we've forgotten to add. So, let's not make it longer and go straight to what we have updated:
Please note: Any suggestions for changes feel free to leave them in the comments.
- NEW! Builds
The new map will feature a brand new spawn with a disco-themed pvp mine
- A robbery area for the new robberies feature
- A couple of new mines
- UPDATED! Enchantments
The custom enchantments for prison have been updated some necessary changes have been made.
- Fixed the bug Rejuvenate enchantment
- Removed the charge enchantment
- Added the auto sell enchantment
- A brand new enchantment called purity it has the chance to give you a sell multiplier based on its level.
- Key finder enchantment buffed.
- Added an AFK check for auto sell and purity enchantment.
- NEW! Gang and cell chat update
You will now be able to use the [item] and [inventory] command for the gang chat and cell chat, this way you can show off your items to only your teammates!- UPDATED! Auctionhouse
Alot of our gamemodes already have this future, but prison now also will have the bidding option within this new reset!
- We have also updated the auction house so it will show the full number or a formatted version (K, Million, Billion, Trillion, etc) You can change these settings within /settings
- NEW! Stats command
We saw you are interested in getting more information about you as a player or other players, this is why we will introduce the /stats command this can be used on your self or use /stats <username> to get information about a player.
The following information will be displayed
- The prestige
- Balance
- Multipliers
- Rank
- Pvp stats
- Lucky blocks found
- and much more!
- UPDATED! Drugs
The drugs have been recoded to be smoother, less buggy. We have found the problem causing the drugs to render improperly, this should no longer happen! This will also be updated on any other server using the custom crops!
- Reloging bug with drugs disappearing is also fixed now!
- You can no longer harvest drugs in other people their cells without their permission.
- NEW! Token Banknotes
We have now updated and upgraded the token withdraw command, from now on you can use the command to create token cheques.
If you use /tokens withdraw x it will create a cheque with the amount you put in there, this will hopefully prevent scamming and make your life a little bit easier.- UPDATED! Prestiges
- You are now able to see your prestige within the tab list!
- The prestiges will be colorful, within the tablist.
- The prestige colors are customizable with each prestige.
- UPDATED! Settings
- Added the settings to disable kill messages ( Updated version)
- You now can turn on or off ROBBERIES messages
- Option to make auction house differently formated
- Setting to disable or enable afk messages
- Setting to toggle prestige announcements
- Added the option to make the selling message less intrusive
- NEW! Robberies
This feature is similar to the outpost on factions, controlling the capping area will reward you and your gang.- NEW! Kill Messages
Hunt down your opponents in style. Choose from a variety of unlockable kill messages. After unlocking a kill message you will also be able to change the primary and secondary color of it! (If you don't like the kill messages do you always have the option to disable them inside /settings!)- UPDATED! All vouchers
We decided to redo all vouchers update them and make them more up to date, with little extras and changes. We also added some new vouchers and updated all plugins using/rewarding you with those vouchers, think of crates, etc. We also decided to go with seasonal vouchers, those won vouchers will only be there for that one season, the seasonal vouchers have a lot higher chance to be won, but we will still have the lifetime vouchers!
- Redid all vouchers
- Added animations
- New vouchers added
- Seasonal voucher
- Seasonal vouchers are easier to be obtained.
- Auto miner timer vouchers
- Made the % rank up within the crates a voucher instead of being added on to the player.
- Misc Changes
- Added more stats within the tab list such as server tps, server time, and the uptime of the server.
- Added the setting to let members claim the tax from your private mine.
- Fixed grammar issues within the broadcasts
- Redid the gkit pvping / gkit kits and the gkit treasure.
- Updated the auction house messages
- Insiding will no longer be allowed and a rule with its punishments will be made for this.
- Added a little particle effect whenever jackhammer gets activated.
- Enabled keep inventory for the cell's world, so when you fall out of the world you will no longer lose your items!
- This season /c lock will work the way it always should be working
- Removed the special sets from the ultra & god crates
- Updated the prison bombs so it will no longer leave TNT in the maps.
- Changed the prisoner set into chain-mail armor
- Fixed gkit pvping enchantments
- Completely redid the treasure gkit rewards.
- Auctionhouse will no longer have its items removed on a reboot.
- Improved all the crates and their rewards.
- Added support for autominer being used within private mines
- Upgraded the % of the mine that is lucky blocks in the private mines.
- Color codes will be ignored in nickname lengths
- Updated the anti-cheat
- Updated all plugins so it's up to date
- Updated the /activeboosters command, its no longer hoverable but will say the active boosters within the chat.
- Added the twitch rank within the tablist
- Fixed a few problems with support for 1.13/1.14/1.15
- Removed the pickaxe energy and charge enchantment
- Disabled the following 2 commands while being muted
- You can no longer use /nick while being muted
- You can no longer use /afk while being muted.
- Fixed ipmutes not being global but only for the prison gamemode.
- Added 1 seasonal key to the godfather once kit
- Improved the treasurehunt event.
- Updated how backpacks work behind the scenes.
- Improved the bonus sets.
- Removed wood mine from warp a, you can get wood only from /shop
- Redid the mystery-man it will reset its stock every 2 hours at the weekend, a lot of new items have also be added!
- Added some lore onto the pickaxes and backpacks to show who was the original owner.
- Added the /compact command so 100 drugs will be compacted to 1 block.
- Removed the bustop autominer time.
- And much more!
This is only a few of the additions we will be implementing into the new server. You'll need to play to find out more! Stay tuned for some upcoming Sales. Soon to be announced!
That's about it from our end, and a big thanks to you all for being so patient!
Questions & Answers
Q: Why does prison reset?
A: Prison is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with lots of excellent new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
Q: What will happen to the current prison server?
A: It will still stay online until this reset is entirely done and ready to play.
Q: What will be kept after the reset?
A: Ranks, /gkits, Purchase or won out of crates commands
Q: What will be lost with the reset?
A: Cash, Plots, Prestiges, Items
This means all plots, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kind of gameplay, and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Too much information? Ready to play Jartex?!
Log onto play.jartexnetwork.com and just select your gamemode and PLAY!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
JartexNetwork is one of the largest Minecraft servers!
JartexNetwork was formed in 2015, and has developed its own plugins ever since!
We count with Factions, SkyBlock, Prison, Survival, Lifesteal, KitPvP, Gens,
Bedwars, and TheBridge!
Come join us now at: play.jartexnetwork.com
If you enjoy playing, feel free to support us by purchasing some packages, ranging from crate keys, to permanent ranks.