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Prison - JartexNetwork 2020
June 6th 2020, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST
Hello, players of JartexNetwork,
After a significant delay, our exceptionally foreseen Prison reset is at long last here! Go along with us this Saturday, June The 6TH 2020/8 PM CET!
Prison is a gamemode that needs much development, this why we took as much time as is needed for this reset, to include however many suggestions as could reasonably be expected. With this reset, we will attempt to go for a somewhat more overpowered prison-style, while as yet attempting to keep everything balanced.
We did this by including lucky blocks, new enchantments, token/mining crates, treasure events, and more. With those updates/events,it will be simpler to get tokens and give you a more overpowerd feeling while we have rebalanced the enchantment/upgrade cost.
Close to this, have we made the update dependent on your, the community, suggested changes! The reset contains requested features and patches being added, just as certain changes!
Everything depends on what is suggested in the suggestions post. We, be that as it may, have chosen to keep the cells, this is for the most part done because of performance reasons and us having the option to update it rapidly since it's our own custom plugin, plots isn't. So cells received a big new update, we hope you will appreciate the refreshed cells
But that isn't all! A full rundown of fixes and new features is underneath, so let's not make it any longer and go straight to the details since that's what people are interested in.
You would like to start the season well? With a free rank or some free store credit?
A twitter and instagram giveaway is here below
http://instagr.am/p/CA4ymXSpfMF/ View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA4ymXSpfMF/
It's with great pleasure that we can announce that this all will be released this Saturday (June 6, 2020) we are expecting the release around 8 PM CET.
Saturday 6h June 2020
18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST
Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.
Prison Reset
itsalmo.st is a snazzy free countdown tool designed and developed by Type/Code. Create and share your own countdown to anything.

If you do encounter any bugs or any issues be sure to make a bug report as we shall be closely looking at that section to fix things as soon as possible on the new reset!
BlockTop event
There will be a blocktop event on prison. Lets quickly explain what this event is about; Block top is a new start of the map event we will be running! The more blocks you mine the higher you will be on block top. To check what position you are on block top you can use /blockstop The top three people on block top at the end of the second week will win the following rewards.
- First Place
- €50 PayPal Money
- Second Place
- €50 Store Coupon for Prison
- Third Place
- €20 Store Coupon for Prison
Gang Top Rewards
This new season of prison, will we have each 2 weeks payouts for the top gangs, this will go on till the end of the season. This should increase competition throughout the entirety of the season rather than allow the winning gang to be the only people left competing after the first week or two. This way, multiple gangs can win over the course of the season, and competition will stay fresh!Every 2 weeks Rewards: #1, #2, & #3
- First Place
- €75 Store Coupon for Prison
- Second Place
- €50 Store Coupon for Prison
- Third Place
- €20 Store Coupon for Prison
- First Place
- €250 PayPal Money + €250 Store Coupon for Prison
- Second Place
- €100 PayPal Money + €150 Store Coupon for Prison
- Third Place
- €150 Store Coupon for Prison
There may be additions to this over the next few days, or there may be things we've forgotten to add. So, let's not make it longer and go straight to what we have updated:
- NEW! Builds
- The new map will feature a brand new spawn city themed, you bring forth outside of a jail and a bank toward the end of the road is the pvpmine! Would you be able to ransack the bank and securely sell your things?
- New warps and NPCs around spawn for easy access.
- UPDATED! Mines
- All the borders of the mines are now bedrock
- Added lucky blocks to all mines
- Fixed bug with being in combat and mine resetting.
- Added a warp command to set a location when the mine resets.
- Decreased the percentage for a mine to reset to 60%
- The mine will now only reset if it's needed, this will improve performance. Before it reset all the mines following 15 minutes regardless of whether the mine wasn't utilized.
- Fixed mine W not resettings
- Redid the following mines with the blocks inside them
- Mine W | Redstone block + red clay
- Mine X | Lapis block + blue clay
- Mine Y | Diamond block + light blue clay
- Mine Z | Emerald block + lime clay
- NEW! Coinflip is back, once again.
- UPDATED! Crates
- Added rank up crate back instead of the boxes
- Added 2 new crates mining crate and token crate
- Removed emerald and diamond blocks in ultra and god crates
- Updated the armor from voting & rare keys
- Updated the rewards.
- NEW! Customenchantments
- JackHammer
- Veinminer
- Treasure Seeker
- Treasure Hunter
- Buffed key finder
- Updated the max levels for enchantments
- Rebalanced the enchantments.
- UPDATED! Cells Cells received a big update with a lot of new features.
- /c ban now fully works, when you ban the player he/she can no longer come back
- Added /c kick command
- Limited trusted Coops
- Mute command added
- Unmute command added
- Different chat channels added for your cell
- Added more roles for cell members
- You can edit permission for each cell member
- The starter cell size is now bigger and can be upgraded.
- You can no only use cell commands when you are inside a cell.
- New cell home option, people said that plots had the ability to be added to multiple plots, this was not possible with cells. We however have now added a feature that you can be added to multiple cells, you can access all cells you have been added on with /cell homes.
- NEW! warp shortcuts
- All donater mines have a now a shorter warp command being added, for simple and speedy access..
- Thug mine is still the same as before /warp thug
- Criminal mine can be accessed with /warp criminal and the new shortcut /warp crim
- Blackhat mine can be accessed with /warp blackhat and the new shortcut /warp bh
- Lunatic mine can be accessed with /warp lunatic and the new shortcut /warp luna
- Murderer mine can be accessed with /warp murderer and the new shortcut /warp murd
- Godfather mine can be accessed with /warp godfather and the new shortcut /warp gf
- All donater mines have a now a shorter warp command being added, for simple and speedy access..
- Rebalanced all donater kits to be more in offset with all starters and their starter kit, have all donater pvp kits been nerfed. All store depictions for those kits have additionally be refreshed.
- Thug kit | Sword: Sharp: 15 Fire: 1 / Armor Prot: 8 Unbr: 5
- Criminal | Sword: Sharp: 20 Fire: 2 / Armor Prot: 10 Unbr: 8
- Blackhat | Sword: Sharp: 25 Fire: 3 / Armor Prot: 15 Unbr: 10
- Lunatic | Sword: Sharp: 30 Fire: 4 / Armor Prot: 18 Unbr: 13
- Murderer | Sword: Sharp: 35 Fire: 5 / Armor Prot: 20 Unbr: 15
- Godfather | Sword: Sharp: 40 Fire: 5 / Armor Prot: 25 Unbr: 20
- NEW! Treasure chest event Lets quickly explain what this event is about; A treasure chest event is an event that is hosted every Saturday and Sunday at 6 pm CET. Around then a the chance of treasure chest is boosted by 50%, the mine will then be loaded up with unique treasure boxes that you can discover, the loot inside is more overpowered. The event will stop after following 30 minutes and the event will be shut. There are 2 custom enchants added for better rewards within this event.
- UPDATED! Auto miner
- Updated the auto miner plugin with new and more features, this is currently still being made and hopefully ready on release.
- NEW! Private Mines You can purchase a private mine, there are a lot of perks and benefits to be aware of. It will be your choice on whether or not you would like to open your private mine up to others or just keep it to yourself. Private mines are extremely customizable. You can change the block type in the mine, invite players, and apply custom taxes you can claim. Additional information is listed below.
- /pm | Opens the main menu
- /pm visit <name> | Teleport to mines, when there are more, opens a select menu.
- /pm invite <name> - Invite players to your own mine, permanently
- /pm public/private - Make mine public or privately available
- /pm list - Show menu with 2 options, display all public mines and display all mines you're invited on
- /pm settax <tax>% - Set your tax you want to get.
- /pm claimtax - private mine owners can claim their tax this way.
- /pm kick <name> - Kick player on your mine
- /pm resettax - Removes any currently active tax
- /pm home - Teleport to own mine.
- UPDATED! Gang features
- Gang vaults added
- Increased gang starter size, and can be upgraded.
- NEW! Blocks mined information Mining blocks is what prison is generally about, this is the reason the statics of mined blocks are significant. We added new features to get more data about what you mined, where you mined it, and its amount. The commands additionally deal with different players, so you can look at their insights.
- /blocks | Displayed your total blocks broken with a chat message
- /blocks <username> | Displayed the blocks broken of the player in a chat message
- /blocks menu | Displayed the blocks you have mined, where you mined them all nicely inside a GUI
- /blocks <username> menu | Displayed the blocks the player has mined, where he mined them.
- NEW! LuckyBlocks Lucky blocks are sponges inside the mine, you just have to mine the lucky block to get some additional prize. Here is a rundown of potential prizes
- Tokens
- Minebombs
- Auto miner time
- Keys
- UPDATED! warp GUI updated with more information
- warp GUI has been refreshed, new warps have been for the easy routes, it additionally got an update with the accompanying data.
- You can see how many players are inside the mine
- The reset timer is now displayed inside the GUI
- You can see the blocks inside the mine and the % of the blocks
- warp GUI has been refreshed, new warps have been for the easy routes, it additionally got an update with the accompanying data.
- NEW! leaderboards with also in-game commands
- /tokentop | Players with the most tokens
- /blockstop | Players with the most blocks broken
- /topkills | Players with the most kills
- /baltop | Players with the most money (Its recoded for better performance.)
- Misc Changes
- FIX! Drugs visibly bug, you no longer have to relog to see your drugs if they disappeared.
- NEW! /tokens pay one player can give tokens to another just like money or the /pay method.
- You will get a notification if a booster is active on login.
- New information announcements
- Added chat color command
- New and more help messages.
- Speed 5 enchantment will no longer work within the pvpmine in all other mines it will still work.
- Updated server MOTD
- UPDATED! pickaxe crate with higher levels and new enchantments
- FIX! The booster package.
- Fixed unset command inside the mines
- Added /freeze command for staff.
- Fixed typo in cells.
- Updated permissions
- Removed mob drops inside the shop
- Added new blocks to the shop
- New vouchers
- Removed the charge enchantment
- Updated anti-cheat fly checks.
- Added a time command
- Updated the holograms to give more information
- Updated all plugins so it's up to date
- FIX! Certain players showing a skyvip rank instead of criminal rank in the chat.
- Added xpbottle command.
- Higher server render distance
- And much more!
This is only a few of the additions we will be implementing into the new server. You'll need to play to find out more! Stay tuned for some upcoming Sales. Soon to be announced!
That's about it from our end, and a big thanks to you all for being so patient!

Questions & Answers
Q: Why does prison reset?
A: Prison is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with lots of excellent new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
Q: What will happen to the current prison server?
A: It will still stay online until this reset is entirely done and ready to play.
Q: What will be kept after the reset?
A: Ranks, /gkits, Purchase or won out of crates commands
Q: What will be lost with the reset?
A: Cash, Plots, Prestiges, Items
This means all plots, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kind of gameplay, and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
A: Prison is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with lots of excellent new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
Q: What will happen to the current prison server?
A: It will still stay online until this reset is entirely done and ready to play.
Q: What will be kept after the reset?
A: Ranks, /gkits, Purchase or won out of crates commands
Q: What will be lost with the reset?
A: Cash, Plots, Prestiges, Items
This means all plots, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kind of gameplay, and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Too much information? Ready to play Jartex?!
Log onto play.jartexnetwork.com and just select your gamemode and PLAY!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
Voodootje0, Gunfire
Log onto play.jartexnetwork.com and just select your gamemode and PLAY!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
Voodootje0, Gunfire