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Update Prison - Reset | April The 9th 2022

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Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016

Prison - JartexNetwork 2022
April 9th 2022, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Hello, dear JartexNetwork players!

A new prison season is right around the corner filled with a ton of good changes. We will be expanding up-on minesuits, and making some required balance changes.
The Prison gamemode is currently in a good state, and we are happy with the content currently available, so for this season we decided to focus on enhancing the already existing features to polish the gamemode as a whole.

Below you can find most of the changes we have made and what has been added.
If there is however still something you want changing, feel free to mention it on this thread before its release, we can still consider making the change.

We happily and proudly announce that the official new Prison season will be launching on Saturday, April 9th, 2022.

Saturday, April 9th, 2022
19:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Please note:
The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.


๐ŸŽ‰ Giveaways

Would you like to give this new season a boosted start? With a free rank and/or free store coupons? Awesome! We are running an Instagram and Twitter give-away for free ranks and store credits, make sure to get yourself involved!​

๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ End of the world
To celebrate the end of the season, we will be hosting an end of season event. At around 3 days before the release, we will be placing reset signs at spawn which you can click and claim a number of rewards; Free items, Free gkits, Millions of in-game money, Tons of free experience to level up your overpowered armor. Everyone will be able to finish their rankups because you can get everything for free. You can fight with everyone without the fear of losing your gear you have weeks to gather. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on prison and have fun!​


๐Ÿ“ Changelog
Here is the list of the changes made for this reset. I highly suggest you give a good read over all of these to make sure you are familiar with the most recent updates and are not missing out on important details.​

๐Ÿ›๏ธ New! Spawn
A new season means a new spawn. You will find yourself in a cell, where you belong as a real prisoner. Get some fresh air in the outside playground where you will find the new Soul Cave & PvP-Arena.​
๐Ÿ€ A new spawn with a prison cell theme.​
๐Ÿ”‹ The pvp-arena contains an outpost again that you can capture with your gang.​
โ“ Looking for some help? There are plenty of NPCs explaining all the features.​
๐Ÿ“ฆ Supply drops will spawn all around the Pvp-Arena​
๐Ÿ”‘ A new seasonal crate has been added again.​
๐Ÿฆ New! Gang Bank
The Gang Bank is a new feature making it easier to work together with a gang. We have had the question to add a way to transfer Crystals to eachother, we are not a fan of this idea, however we will be adding something to make it possible to share crystals, and more, with your Gang; The Gang Bank.​
This bank is a virtual storage place for you and your gang, where you can store all sorts of currencies. Each transaction will be logged as well, so you will never have to be scared that some gang member can secretly rob your bank.​
The following currencies can be stored in your gang bank:​
You can simply withdraw or deposit any of those 3 currencies to your gang bank using the /gang bank command.​
๐Ÿ“š New! Spell Books

Introducing a brand new feature to improve your Mine Suits; Spell Books. Spell Books are magical books containing enchantments that you can put on your minesuit. A spell book will be active upon your Mine Suit once it has been applied to all the pieces of your suit.​
These spell books will make your mine suit even better.​
The enchants that can be applied from the Mine Suit are:​
Spreading - Increases the chance of receiving your Mine Suit drop or boost.​
Duplex - A chance to double the drops from your Mine Suit.​
Gemable - Chance to randomly find extra gem boxes while mining with your Mine Suit.​
๐ŸŽˆ New! Tags

For this season we will be revamping the chat layout, and add tags to them as well. A tag allows you to show off in chat with style. Collect all the tags and select your favorite one to be displayed while chatting.​
The following has been changed about the chat layout:​
Removed A-Z Rank from chat - Will still be visible in tab.​
Removed Prestige from chat - Will still be visible in tab.​
Added tag as chat suffix - Select a tag using /tags​
Added player level as chat prefix - Your /level with the color & bracket color that you selected.​
Here is how the new chat will look like:​

๐Ÿ”‘ Updated! Crates
Crates are an important part of the Prison Economy, so that is why we are giving them a quality of life change within this reset as well.​
One Time Reward
The seasonal crate will have a reward that you can unlock once each season. This reward will be a good & special reward that can be unlocked once per player from the crate. After obtaining the reward you will no longer be able to obtain it.​
The suit that allows you to obtain a re-roll has been fixed, and the rates have been increased. On top of that we will be adding a re-roll token that you can obtain from loot boxes. Voting will now also increase your chance of obtaining a re-roll for every crate!​
Full Inventory
Hate it when players will up your inventory with cakes while opening a key? Say no more. As we implemented a delivery system last season we will now be sending the rewards right in to your delivery inbox once your inventory was full.​
๐ŸŒฟ Updated! Drugs

The shady drug dealer has also received a change that has been suggested by the community.​
Warp Drugs
We will be adding a warp to directly warp you to the Drug Dealer in the spawn.​
Buying in bulk
You can now purchase drug seeds in bulk, meaning you will be able to purchase them in more amounts rather than 1 by 1.​
High Demand
Each day drug dealer William will require more drugs than the regular amount due to a high demand. You will be able to sell more of that drug for a day to get more money as a reward.​
๐Ÿ˜๏ธ Updated! Private Mines
3 new upgrades for your private mines have been added as well, those 3 upgrades are:​
Beacon Finder
You can upgrade the Beacon Finder to allow more beacons to be spawned within your private mine​
Reset Percentage
You can upgrade the Reset Percentage to make your private mine reset faster, with a decreased needed percentage.​
Sell Multiplier
You can upgrade the Sell Multiplier to get an extra small boost when selling in your private mine. This boost will not be added on top to the taxes.​
๐Ÿ‰ Updated! Crystal Enchantments
A small update for the Crystal Enchantments has been implemented for this season, and we added a much needed enchantment that has been suggested by the community as well.​
Hardened Enchantment - This enchant will make your armor lose less durability.​
The Crystal Enchantment prices have also been tweaked to be a bit more realistic.​
Inside the menu you will now find a button to list all the available enchantments as well.​
โš’๏ธ Updated! Pickaxe Prestiges
We have tweaked the amount of enchants you can obtain per pickaxe prestige. This makes prestiging pickaxes more worth it. We also fixed the issue of pickaxes randomly losing their prestige levels. On top of that soul enchants will no longer be removed upon prestiging your pickaxe.​
Reduced prestiges to 3 at the maximum.
We have decided to make things more balanced to reduce the maximum prestige to prestige 3 for a pickaxe. This allows for a better and more equal split for levels per prestige.​
The following enchantment level cap has been implemented per pickaxe prestige.​
Prestige 0Prestige 1Prestige 2Prestige 3
Enchants that cap at 50001250250037505000
Enchants that cap at 2500625125018752500
Enchants that cap at 2000500100015002000
Enchants that cap at 180045090013501800
Enchants that cap at 10002505007501000
Enchants that cap at 100255075100
๐Ÿ†™ Updated! Player Levels

We are constantly trying to make the player levels feel more fun to do, and more rewarding as well. For this season we will be approaching player levels in a more 'Battle Pass' type of style.​
An aesthetic overhaul.
The menu has received a full overhaul, and we added a fun little feature that allows people that have obtained the Premium Level Pass to change their level bracket colors.​
You can obtain the Premium Level Pass from the /goldshop from 2,500 Jartex Gold.​
New bracket colors
Show off in style with some brand new bracket colors, only obtained each 7 levels from the Premium Rewards​

๐Ÿ“ฌ Misc. Updates & Changes
Multiple small changes have been made, some of these small changes are the following:​
  • Fixed all player levels.
  • Fixed enchant toggle pages.
  • Fixed not being able to enter some mines & private mines.
  • Disable beacon effects in pvp.
  • Tweaked adventurer skill exp & updated ability.
  • Give all kits as a voucher.
And much more!​


๐Ÿ“•Questions & Answers
Why does prison reset?
Prison is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with lots of excellent new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
This means all cells, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kinds of gameplay, and style is provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!​
Below you can find what you will lose and one for what you will keep​
What will I lose?
  • Your cells.
  • All items in your inventory and ender chest.
  • Any currencies such as money and exp
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks.
  • Premium Level Pass & Player Levels
  • Prestiges.
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades.
  • Purchased Perks.
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks.

Too much information? Ready to play Jartex?!
Log onto and just select your game-mode and PLAY!

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know, we'd love to make this as good as we can.


May 21, 2021
Hopefully staff didn't forget that players still haven't recieved payouts which have not been announced in the payouts forums nor given even though they claim they have. Also good that crate keys have been updated cuz they are pretty mediocare for how limited they are to get.


Addicted Member
August 6, 2021
Man the update is kinda disappointing
Not gonna lie
expect way more update
But i will take new season new spawn
Kinda refreshing


Addicted Member
January 2, 2020
Man the update is kinda disappointing
Not gonna lie
expect way more update
But i will take new season new spawn
Kinda refreshing
Idk about you but I'm actually very happy with an update like this, yes it may not add many new things to Prison, but this update finally focuses on patching and updating what we already have so every feature runs smoothly. A fix and balance update was long due. (On a side note, I'm happy that not just some of my suggestions were accepted again, but also Sixez's.)


Active Member
September 26, 2021
hey dont forget about payouts! nobody received them yet


Addicted Member
August 6, 2021
Idk about you but I'm actually very happy with an update like this, yes it may not add many new things to Prison, but this update finally focuses on patching and updating what we already have so every feature runs smoothly. A fix and balance update was long due. (On a side note, I'm happy that not just some of my suggestions were accepted again, but also Sixez's.)
I know but don't you think that 2 month wait for just quality life changes eeee
But i still accept it better then just staying in same position for 7 month


Addicted Member
July 23, 2021
Idk about you but I'm actually very happy with an update like this, yes it may not add many new things to Prison, but this update finally focuses on patching and updating what we already have so every feature runs smoothly. A fix and balance update was long due. (On a side note, I'm happy that not just some of my suggestions were accepted again, but also Sixez's.)
Yep, 100%
Them actually making an effort is, Refreshing nonetheless
Hopefully this season will Turn out much better & entertaining then the Previous

Really hyped overall
The Changes are most def +1


Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016
Man the update is kinda disappointing
Not gonna lie
expect way more update
But i will take new season new spawn
Kinda refreshing
We decided to keep it a bit smaller with the new features to fix and tweak the existing ones. Prison has been filled up with so many features the past few resets and it is time to take a step back and see what is actually needed and what needs changing. We just want to make sure everything is in a spot where it should be :)
March 29, 2022
nice and, God luck for all for new season but i have probleme why dont fix pvping set? its a murderer sword
but the good pvping gkit is from last 2 years ago sharpnes 119 this is Pvping Gkit for real who with me prees Like
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