Why, ur weird fr (its a joke) on a rather serious note i don't think adding lucky block is gonna be beneficialwe have been playing bedwars in jartex for a year now and we wanted something different so we requset to add lucky blocks bedwars
sincerly ayan
remove the server name from your commentJartexNetwork is trying super hard to be as Original as it can, Not just a random copied over server. That's why there isn't every item and every feature as Hypixel and they are trying to be Original as possible.
would be cool rotation gamemode but idkwe have been playing bedwars in jartex for a year now and we wanted something different so we requset to add lucky blocks bedwars
sincerly ayan
Hello aYANKJ,
Thanks for your interest in trying to suggest a change to the server!
However, to make this visible to way more people, please do it here!
This is the official suggestions sub-forum, and will be seen by many people!
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