Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion's title?
Pearl time decrease and CPVP
Suggestion Details:
So basicly you know when you pearl and u have that cooldown for 15 seconds? So basicly I want to make it less, lets say 5seconds, in case u cant run and ur getting 2v1 or 3v1 or more, elytra is disabled in combat, u dont have a trident, u dont have anything besides pearls, it could help escape easier. I know alot of people dont want this because of escaping, if ur 1v1'ing someone and they just run yeah i know that feeling, but what if u get betrayed or even someone hacking? Thats what I am saying, the pearls should be 5 seconds or even 10, just because of the pearl glitches sometime etc. Also i want to add that when u rtp or u r 1k blocks away from spawn, that cooldown on pearls is vanilla cooldown(normal cooldown on pearls). Thats where ill add that there is alot of people who crystal pvp, but now they cant, why? Because the crystals dont do damage. I dont know why someone changed that because u got warp pvp if u dont want to run, u got warzon if u want to pvp with friends only sword(nethpot/smp) and then u got crystal area, some people are better at sword then crystal, so it would be nice if we could all agree what i said. The crystals doing vanilla damage(normal) is much better, it would be more competitive and not so much, how do i say... anchor spamming competition? Basicly my point is that I would suggest to make a change to a pearl cooldown lower, and in rtp normal cooldown, and also bring back crystal pvp. Thats it, I hope you enjoy my suggestion and we could make this real. See you in jartex!
How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
This would add more PVP fun to the server, since there is no cpvp practice in the server or such thing. It would be good change for people who crystal pvp more. Then the pearls would be one of the best running things to use, if u are getting killed by a hacker or 2v1/3v1 the time on the cooldown would help us run away easier, and people would have a chance to not die. This would also attract more people to the server since its a Lifesteal/crystal pvp server. There isn't much of good Lifesteal servers that have crystal pvp enabled.