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What is the suggestion about?
How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
What is the suggestion about?
Party invites with reason (applicable only to staffs)
Sometimes, you might be in a situation in which you cannot record or either get evidence.
Also, some staffs are reluctant to join player's parties, anticipating they would warp them, or ask them to play, or something that they are not interested in.
So, we should tweak the party invite to staff members a little bit. In this suggestion we can do, /p invite <staff> Hacker
The same staff will receive and invite like this:
ABC has invited you to his/her party
Click here to join
Reason: Hacker
The reason can be maximum of 20 chars.
if you try to invite normal players with reason, no reason will be shown to the receiver even if the sender puts up a reason.
How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
This would help players to invite staff members for help with ease.
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