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Accepted Immortal Factions New suggestions for the next map


Addicted Member
February 11, 2019
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
New suggestions for the next map

- It's been maps and I really think that E/W patch should be added.

- Improve the cannon jar or get a new one because it's not really good and nukes above 8/9gt won't nuke lol

- Improve the printer.

- Make a rule about Anti-raid claims or allow us to extend the barrel because it's annoying when a faction bitch claims your barrel just so they can stop the raid easy, and no the raid claims are not enough for adjustment since there are cannons that float more than 25 chunks.

- Add a limit for back counters and side if e/w is fixed for the next map.

- Bring the explosions during raids and add an option where you can disable them in /settings.

- Don't put the price for the harvester sell hoe at 7Mil, It's just stupid and it really ruins the eco. Put it in the kit instead.

- have a small grace during the raid events where PVP won't be allowed because raid events are for who will first set up their cannon and breach and not about having enemy faction to camp your platform so that you can't gen up box and walls, countering shouldn't also be allowed at all during raid events.

- add a countdown on the scoreboard that will show how much is left from grace and also add a server time clock on the scoreboard.

- add sets and swords p5/s4or5 in /transfer during the entire grace so people can grind out because not everyone has gkits or ranks at the beginning.

- Please make a rule about teaming in PVP and having people to team against you and camp you during the grace because this literally will make the grace useless because it won't be easy to set up everything if you have the entire server targeting you.

- Make the gen buckets to be buyable as a command what I mean is when u go in /gen and you buy a vertical bucket you won't need to fill your inventory with gen buckets and instead of that you will be able to right-click spam on one bucket and it will charge you for each pillar that you have genned.

- Make the sand gen buckets gennable from 255 instead of genning from Y0

- Tray pickaxes with multiple levels, It's the same concept as a trench pick but instead of that it will remove your trays on your base in a radius on what the pickaxe is.

- Enable koth's during grace.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
It will really improve jartex factions a lot and it might bring new factions which jihad obviously dont want LOL so that's why they will E Everyone in their announcement and tell to give bad rates on this suggestion
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March 5, 2017
also .avatar--xss { width: 21px; height: 21px; line-height: 21px !important; margin-right: 2px; } Depthstrider4 Depthstrider4 @Depthstrider4 tell me a server that allows camping enemies during a raid event
thats the point? not to skid other servers


September 21, 2016
Okay so i am going to go over everything in here about which i agree or disagree

1. E/W needs to be patched it gives more chances for raiding or just messing with someone and you don't have to check just 1 side.
2. Cannoning jar needs improvement yes.
3. Printer can't be improved unless they add /printer and i agree it needs to be added so it improves the printing.
4. Raid claims should have adjustment claims yes completely agree.
5. Why would u want limit to back counters that's just stupid or is it that you want a handicap on people who make long range ones ? šŸ¤”
6. Why would u want them back ? And no i don't agree with this one.
7. You already get a harvester hoe for free in the starter kits, the sell harvester hoe is just an advantage for people who have enough money to buy it and don't waste 5 seconds on selling the loot the price is good for it as it is.
8. Its called a raid event for a reason and you are trying to be the winner, meaning teamwork and sabotaging the other teams is the point of the whole event to let your team be first to breach.
9. That's just pointless when you can simply type /grace but whatever.
10. That there is just dumb and the people who have mobcoins will never run out of p4 sets which is stupid, first of all if you want to get p4 and s5 you can simply grind exp and make armor sets like every other person or quickdrop people in p4 sets which is not really hard.
11. Well can't you do the same thing ? You have said it multiple times that you can get over 50 people so why don't you just do it or team in pvp with another faction and focus the others, this is clearly just another try to handicap Jihad and LilPonies for you to gain more advantage its no ones fault that people genuinely don't like you and don't want to team in pvp with you šŸ¤£ .
12. I mean the buying doesn't really matter its just 3 clicks to buy 16, but then i agree with buying 1 block/bucket and using it forever instead of having to buy a full inventory would be really nice.
13. Well they can make that or make them stop at Y255 instead of Y256 ether way its whatever
14. Tray pickaxes aren't needed on jartex, i mean you said it yourself it makes stuff more challenging if they don't make them easy and i think mining the trays actually is good without a tray pick.
15. Ehhh koth in grace ? I don't really think it should be enabled in grace, tho this is just my personal opinion and it makes sense not to enable it in grace because there are people who gri


Staff member
April 26, 2016
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello Arrydzn,​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network.​
I am glad to tell you that some of your suggestion are accepted and it is going to be implemented very soon!​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind regards,
