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What is the suggestion about?
New island top way
It will be similar to head top season but something more.
So to begin with I'd like to start with spawners, So spawners will be the main income of money + is top value, People will have to grind mobs (Regural & epic) to get heads, Heads will be redeemed on your /is heads or /is storage, next an /head shop will be added, to buy new heads or items that will be counted for island top.
~Heads~ the heads that could be placed on /head shop could be named ~Advanced <Name Head>~in order to buy that head you will have to get 10 regural heads or 5 epic, this way will be harder for people to win island top since you will have to do a lot of stuff in order to go into the final step which is items from /head shop.
~Heads~Another option it could be to disable /blocks & way to craft blocks and buy the blocks with the heads you have, so it will be a kind of mixed island top. Same price as above to buy the Blocks. and you could also add new block for island value for the spawners that don't give blocks.
Add new island upgrades
Something that I would really like to see is new island upgrades and especially spawners upgrades.
So in the start your spawners will be weak, and for my way for island top there it comes ~Money Usage` so money could be used to buy new spawners but not only, you can buy spawners upgrades that will help you have a faster way to gain island value.
~Spawn Increase rate~ This will help into spawners spawning faster mobs for heads.
~Heads Increase rate~ This will help into producing more heads.
~Loot Increase rate~ This will help into spawners droping more incomes.
~XP increase rate~ This will increase the xp you gain from mobs
This upgrades would cost 20 - 50 million In-Game cash as it will make your incomes faster, and on the next level 100 million and last lever 1t
Something more that could be added for island top value is XP, so there are 2 options that xp could be added as:
~Spawner Shop~ Xp could be used to buy spawners what I mean is that spawners will be bought with money, but only a certain price
Like 50 / 100. In order to buy more you will have to use about 1 million xp (could be less, you decide) to buy the next 50 / 10 (you decide for this too)
~/head shop~ Xp could also be used to buy /head shop stuff so yo will have to buy the ~Blocks~ or ~Advanced Heads~ with the prices are said above and a short amount of xp, You can either / both add the Grinder set / grinding enchants or / and read above on island upgrades
Reduce the Heroic price book cost by 15k stars, as it is really expencive and new people can't get access into it really easy.
Add new ~GRINDER~ enchants such as Experience, Grinder, Heroic Inquisitive.
Add a new Special set ~Grinder Set~ this will help people into getting xp.
~XP~ could also be used for a sword, With that being said I mean thaton the start of the season and ok /kit starter whenever you claim it you will get a sword with some upgrades so it will have the ~GRINDING~ enchants you will decide to add and you will be able to /upgrade them HOW? you will have to gain Experience which will be obtainable by Grinding, that will actually make it really hard to be gotten so it will make it even harded to win more incomes.
This would be added because it is a new way of island top, I never saw this way of island top and it is really complicated wich for me it makes look better, and more people will decide to play it as they know it not something basic they have already played but something knew and for sure it will make people love it.
But people might not like it for the reason above, and much more I don't have the ability to know as I can't be on their head, but enough explainations I would like to see your opinion about it and if you like this island top way.
So to begin with I'd like to start with spawners, So spawners will be the main income of money + is top value, People will have to grind mobs (Regural & epic) to get heads, Heads will be redeemed on your /is heads or /is storage, next an /head shop will be added, to buy new heads or items that will be counted for island top.
~Heads~ the heads that could be placed on /head shop could be named ~Advanced <Name Head>~in order to buy that head you will have to get 10 regural heads or 5 epic, this way will be harder for people to win island top since you will have to do a lot of stuff in order to go into the final step which is items from /head shop.
~Heads~Another option it could be to disable /blocks & way to craft blocks and buy the blocks with the heads you have, so it will be a kind of mixed island top. Same price as above to buy the Blocks. and you could also add new block for island value for the spawners that don't give blocks.
Add new island upgrades
Something that I would really like to see is new island upgrades and especially spawners upgrades.
So in the start your spawners will be weak, and for my way for island top there it comes ~Money Usage` so money could be used to buy new spawners but not only, you can buy spawners upgrades that will help you have a faster way to gain island value.
~Spawn Increase rate~ This will help into spawners spawning faster mobs for heads.
~Heads Increase rate~ This will help into producing more heads.
~Loot Increase rate~ This will help into spawners droping more incomes.
~XP increase rate~ This will increase the xp you gain from mobs
This upgrades would cost 20 - 50 million In-Game cash as it will make your incomes faster, and on the next level 100 million and last lever 1t
Something more that could be added for island top value is XP, so there are 2 options that xp could be added as:
~Spawner Shop~ Xp could be used to buy spawners what I mean is that spawners will be bought with money, but only a certain price
Like 50 / 100. In order to buy more you will have to use about 1 million xp (could be less, you decide) to buy the next 50 / 10 (you decide for this too)
~/head shop~ Xp could also be used to buy /head shop stuff so yo will have to buy the ~Blocks~ or ~Advanced Heads~ with the prices are said above and a short amount of xp, You can either / both add the Grinder set / grinding enchants or / and read above on island upgrades
Reduce the Heroic price book cost by 15k stars, as it is really expencive and new people can't get access into it really easy.
Add new ~GRINDER~ enchants such as Experience, Grinder, Heroic Inquisitive.
Add a new Special set ~Grinder Set~ this will help people into getting xp.
~XP~ could also be used for a sword, With that being said I mean thaton the start of the season and ok /kit starter whenever you claim it you will get a sword with some upgrades so it will have the ~GRINDING~ enchants you will decide to add and you will be able to /upgrade them HOW? you will have to gain Experience which will be obtainable by Grinding, that will actually make it really hard to be gotten so it will make it even harded to win more incomes.
This would be added because it is a new way of island top, I never saw this way of island top and it is really complicated wich for me it makes look better, and more people will decide to play it as they know it not something basic they have already played but something knew and for sure it will make people love it.
But people might not like it for the reason above, and much more I don't have the ability to know as I can't be on their head, but enough explainations I would like to see your opinion about it and if you like this island top way.
How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
~My opinion~ I think it will be a really good way to make the is top fair, as no one will know what to do (I know that this sounds stupid) but every season we know what to do exactly which for me it makes it boring, knowing nothing about it will make it mysterious and everyone will have a chance to win, also a merge / bost couldn't really be done as you have to go through a lot of stuff to gain the island value but it is not impossible.
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