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New Forums Reaction
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It is required that the Forums have this emoji as a reaction for any message or post:
How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
It can help improve the communication within the forums very much so. Here is an example of Bread being used to engage in fun activities:
Extra Information:
+1 I upvote this post because of bread. Let's take a moment to discuss bread and how important it is to human life and proper civilization. Water is vital for all forms of life, however, bread should also be regularly consumed to ensure that the human body remains properly healthy to continue to sustain life. Bread is a staple food that is made from a dough of flour (wheat, and water), by baking. Bread, throughout most recorded history and currently around the world, has been a highly crucial part of many cultures' diets. Bread, also, is one of the oldest known man-made foods. Bread has been recorded in history since the beginning of homo sapien agriculture. This period of time took place roughly 12,000 years ago and has been dubbed the "Neolithic Revolution." This period of time also meant that humans become more in favor of permanent settlements where agriculture was the prime aspect rather than living a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Not only does bread play an important role in human life, but it also plays an essential role in both religious rituals and secular culture. Everyone, no matter what they believe in or how they live, requires bread. Bread is such an amazing part of life. I am not saying this as an opinion, bread is simply one of the best things to happen to human beings. I love bread, you love bread, your parents love bread, and most importantly, Rodagave loves bread. What else does Rodagave love? Bread. Rodagave loves bread. Matter of fact, I think Rodagave loves bread. Let's talk about the process in which bread is made. Bread can be created by naturally occurring microbes, such as sourdough, chemicals like baking soda, industrially produced yeast, or high-pressure aeration, which creates the gas bubbles that make the fluffiness of that beautiful food known as bread. I love bread. In a lot of countries, the ones that allow it, commercial bread often contains additives to improve the flavor, texture, color, lasting duration, nutrition, and ease of production. I must say once again, I love bread. The world loves bread. I love bread, too. I hope to see the addition to bread on the forums. I love bread.