first of all my friend Temonanava got muted for rudeness thats fair but then he got muted 5 times for char spam he didnt even know what he was doing wrong maybe it would've been better if staff told him what he was doing and he wouldn't have done it anyomore but sure staff dosent care and first of all you cant even spam on the server its impossible because you need to wait a bit before sending another message so its impossible to spam but then he got banned for trading papers with text on it... bruh like tf papers with text how is that bannable what is staff thinking banning players for trading papers with text on it but straight up 1 month ban is the most unfair thing i've ever seen just give him a warning so he knows what he's doing wrong so he doesn't do it again how would've known that trading papers with text is bannable and before that staff procceds to mute him for shating "Sheeeeeeesh" once and call it spam bruh i've seen hundreds of players saying that multiple times and dont get muted but whenever my friends says it once its game over like wtf fix your staff or establish better rules.