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Accepted Prison More Prison Suggestions Part 1

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Addicted Member
January 2, 2020
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My Latest Prison Suggestions (Ongoing updates)

Suggestion Details:
1. Dark Soul Shop Items: The Dark Soul Shop has been around for a while now, but the shop is still lacking in variety of items. The normal Soul Shop has enough items and some are renewable, whereas in the Dark Soul Shop there are only pets on sale for Dark Soul Gems, and everyone eventually reaches a point where they no longer need to buy pet eggs from here. The money booster is absolutely pointless because we can get boosters from other sources easily and the Soul Sword looks incredibly uninspired, it's just another OP diamond sword(geez it couldn't hurt to use a different tool or materials for once?), it doesn't even have either of the Soul enchants for swords applied. Add more items that will prove the "must-have in order to become the best prison player" statement true, because as of now, the Dark Soul Shop is pretty lackluster. As well as adding the following items, double the available stock slots to 4 instead of 2 items every day so that the people have more options to choose from in such a huge list.
Hustler Special Set: 1,350 Dark Soul Gems
Gang Special Set: 1,350 Dark Soul Gems
Lifer Special Set: 1,350 Dark Soul Gems
Worker Special Set: 1,350 Dark Soul Gems
Juvenile Special Set: 1,350 Dark Soul Gems
Rat Special Set: 1,350 Dark Soul Gems (these are all priced evenly since they are more or less equal to one another)
Shadow Pickaxe: Stone Pickaxe (Efficiency: 2000, Fortune: 2000, Explosive: 3500, Jackhammer: 3500, Unbreaking 5000, Token Greed: 350, Soul Luck: 15, Experience: 20, gives Haste III when held, Pickaxe Abilities: Soul Gem Boost 3x, Token Boost 2.2x, Exp Boost 1.8x): 7,250 Dark Soul Gems
Runed Halberd: Golden Axe, (Sharpness 50, Unbreaking 5000, Soul Bane 5, 10% chance to give Weakness II for 10 seconds): 3,000 Dark Soul Gems
Ancient Scythe: Iron Hoe, (Sharpness 60, Soul Bane 10, Soul Leech, 10% chance to give Wither III for 5 seconds): 5,500 Dark Soul Gems
Ghast Autominer Skin: Throws Ghast Fireballs occasionally as it mines, exploding blocks in a radius about the size of TNT: 1,250 Dark Soul Gems
AbyssalTag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
Spooky Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
Code is: &d&l〔&1☬&f &5&l&oSp&8&l&ooo&5&l&oky &1☬&d&l〕
[::☠::] Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
Code is: &f&k::&f☠&f&k::
Wither Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
Code is: &c&l【&0☣&8&lWi&7&lth&8&ler&0☣&c&l】
( Unholy ) Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
Shadow Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
[ Reaper ] Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
Soulless Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems Code is: &f&l[&9&l❛&b&l&oSoulless&9&l❜&f&l]
[Immortal ] Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
Code is: &1&l[&5✦ &d&lI&c&lm&d&lm&c&lo&d&lr&c&lt&d&la&c&ll &5✦&1&l]
Herobrine Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
Code is: &c&l『&4&l&o&mH&c&l&o&me&4&l&o&mr&c&l&o&mo&4&l&o&mb&c&l&o&mr&4&l&o&mi&c&l&o&mn&4&l&o&me&c&l』
::Ominous::Tag: 10,000 Dark Soul Gems
Code is: &7《&0&k::&f&8&lO&c&lm&4&li&8&ln&4&lo&c&lu&8&ls&0&k::&7》
(The tags are permanent, they lose value if they are too cheap and easily bought, so they are expensive for a reason)
PvPing Gkit Container: 1,500 Dark Soul Gems
Explosive Gkit Container: 250 Dark Soul Gems
Soul Crate Key x3: 850 Dark Soul Gems
Treasure Booster (Personal) x3.0 15 mins: 750 Dark Soul Gems
Pickaxe Orb Bag: 1,250 Dark Soul Gems
Mystery Chat Color Box: 450 Dark Soul Gems
Lethal Kill Message Voucher(Exert your killer instinct in the warzone): 500 Dark Soul Gems
Seasonal Thug Rank: 2,500 Dark Soul Gems
Seasonal Criminal Rank: 5,000 Dark Soul Gems
Seasonal Blackhat: 7,500 Dark Soul Gems

Below here will be the list of items that will remain in the normal Soul Shop:

Key Finder Gem Voucher

Kit Bundle
Soul Tag
Snitch Special Set
Dealer Special Set
Jump Suit Special Set

2. Scrolls Gkit: The Scrolls Gkit is the weakest Gkit and is really lackluster, it is in dire need of an update after being exactly the same since the beginning. I also realized the Immortal scrolls have lost their purpose now that pickaxes are now virtually unbreakable. The Immortal scroll can be repurposed to be applied on armor, swords, & Prison suits to prevent them from being destroyed by failed enchantment books. I also think the Omni-tool scroll could be applied onto swords so we can change what tool it is for aesthetic purposes by crouching and left clicking to cycle(when the combat tag is off of course). I think maybe include a scroll that hides (not disable) the numerous enchantments flooding the pickaxe(or just simply add an option to /settings or something). There are a dozen scrolls listed in the scroll toggle menu, all waiting to be implemented into a drop table of some form. So as well as adding more scrolls, implement the ones that are unobtainable at the moment, like as loot from treasure chests & lucky mining boxes, buyable from the mystery man, and add a few to the Scrolls Gkit.

3. Key Finder Checks & Balances:(Rejected) For numerous seasons now, Key Finder has been facing controversy as people to this day are still debating about the famed enchantment's functionality. The problem is how Key Finder worked in the first place wasn't disclosed to the public, making people speculate and question if it really works since we have multiple ways to find keys while mining now. I figured out long ago that it activates 2x within every hour or so, but even with that knowledge people are confusing it with the treasure chests that also give keys(albeit excluding the Ultra & God keys).

Firstly, change it so it's not limited to just 2 random keys per hour, instead it will have a 5% chance to give activate a key instance below upon mining raw blocks(though the Wizard pet and Soul Luck could boost this chance), though it can only happen 2x and then goes on a 2 hour long cooldown, and the kind of keys available is dependent on the enchantment's level like before(but the difference is that the keys get better and you no longer find the lower tier keys after reaching the higher levels). Third, add a Key Finder Gem into the Vote Crate(level 1), Rare Crate(level 2), and Prestige Crate(level 3) as Epic tier rewards. Lastly, the Key Finder gems found from the crates should stick with tacking on +1 level per gem, but the gems have a better chance of successfully applying the enchantment with each rising level, as well as increasing the max level for the Key Finder enchantment from 5 to 30:

Key Finder Gem Levels: Level 1= 10% apply, Level 2= 20% apply, Level 3= 30% apply, Level 4= 40% apply, Level 5= 50% apply.
(Also, The Key Finder enchantment can only be used at Pickaxe Prestige 2 and higher, Any level of Key Finder can be used at this point.)

Key types per level:
Level 1 = 3x, Token Keys, 8x Token Keys

Level 5 = 5x Token Keys, 10x Token Keys, 3x Mining Keys, 6x Mining Keys
Level 10 = 10x Mining Keys, 1x Vote Key, 3x Vote Keys
Level 15 = 3x Vote Keys, 5x Vote Keys, 1x Rare key
Level 20 = 5x Vote Keys, 1x Rare Key, 3x Rare Keys, 1x Ultra key
Level 25 = 1x Rare Key, 3x Rare Keys, 5x Rare Keys, 1x Ultra key, 3x Ultra Keys
Level 30 = 3x Rare Keys, 10x Rare Keys, 1x Ultra Key, 3x Ultra Keys, 1x God key

4. Pet Skins To Prisoner Suit Skins: A few seasons ago, a Pet skins feature were mentioned, and there is a section in /pets that shows all of the skins we can get, though it has yet to be committed to. But the thing is we don't always have our pets out and following us, at times they get in the way more than help so we just equip them and that's it. So I think instead of skins for the pets, these can be skins for our Prisoner Suit Helmets, because we are almost always wearing our suits so our fancy skins will be visible a lot more. I also think they shouldn't be nearly impossible to get because they are purely cosmetic, it should be a random chance of getting these from a reliable source. Instead of only being bought from the Mystery Man or whatever method that was planned to obtain them from, they should be compiled into a Mystery Prisoner Skin Box that gives a random Prisoner Helmet skin, they're found within the Soul Crate as a legendary drop and can be bought from the Mystery Man, similar to how the Auto Miner Skins can be found from the Ultra & God Crates.
5. Money Pot/Token Bowl Rework(Implemented): These two vouchers are dropped pretty frequently from the vote and rare crates, but a lot of people don't bother opening them because of how annoying it is to wait through the roulette for both of these just to receive a small amount of tokens and money that could easily be mined for in a shorter amount of time than the roulettes in bigger quantity. Either completely remove the roulette animations in the money pots and token bowls and make them give the tokens and money automatically or allow players to exit out of the animation with the esc key to get a random amount of tokens/money like we can with the mystery bomb crates from the vote and rare crates that gives random bombs, it will make opening these so much easier and worth our time opening.
6. Adventurer Skill Rework(Implemented): The Adventurer Skill is a useless skill as of now, because not only are the perks not working(and one of them being totally useless), the amount of experience we gain from killing the mobs in the Soul Cave is so miniscule that we barely make any progress toward unlocking any of the perks, even after killing 200 mobs we can't go up 1 level. I have stated before that we do not need an ability that breaks ores instantly when everyone has a pickaxe with over level 25 efficiency, easily mining the ores in a tap. The Soul Cave mobs themselves could also really use an improvement because they are so boring and not worth stabbing 50 times just to get an item that is traded in for something not helpful at all. Here are some better ways to balance the skill, provide good and useful perks, and make it possible to level it up:
Ability I (Level 1):
Bloodlust: (Has a 5% chance to trigger upon hitting mobs, lasts 3 seconds. +1 second every 5 levels)
Deal Double Damage to Soul Cave mobs.
Ability II (Level 25):
Harvester: (+0.5% chance every level)
Drops Triple Soul Gems from ores.
Ability III (Level 50):
Plunderer: (+0.15% chance every level)
Chance of finding Experience from mining ores
7. Soul Cave Mob Modifications
(650 Health) Ender Ghoul: Can stay as a Zombie(It’s basically the Void Hound with a name change.)
(200 Health) Stone Creeper: Change from Zombie to Creeper
(1600 Health) Wicked Witch: Change from Zombie to the real Witch from Vanilla Minecraft
(1000 Health) Iron Fish: Change from Zombie to Guardian
(2000 Health) Dreadlord: Change from Zombie to Wither Skeleton and give them a diamond axe(I actually really liked this mob name before, it just needed to be a more menacing mob.)

(Even if they have to remain as undead types, there are four undead mobs that can be used to make the mobs standout from each other: Zombie, Skeleton, Zombie Pigman, and Wither Skeleton, just please use more mobs besides zombies.)
Soul Mob Experience and Drops:
Ender Ghoul: Drops 100 Adventurer Experience and a Void Stone(Endstone)
Stone Creeper: Drops 200 Adventurer Experience and a Radiant Gunpowder(Glowstone Dust)
Wicked Witch: Drops 250 Adventurer Experience and a Corrupted Cauldron
Iron Fish: Drops 350 Adventurer Experience and an Armor Shard(Prismarine Shard)
Dreadlord: Drops 400 Adventurer Experience and an Omega Star(Nether Star)

Black Market: (I've said enough times that tokens will NOT motivate us to kill these mobs, we have MANY ways of getting them outside of the cave and the effort it takes to kill the mobs just for tokens is not worth it at all.)
Instead this can be an another way to obtain Soul Crate Keys:
Fuels for EXP:
64x Common Fuels = 1,000 EXP
64x Uncommon Fuels = 5,000 EXP
64x Rare Fuels = 10,000 EXP
2x Legendary Fuels = 10,000 EXP
1x Mythic Fuel = 25,000 EXP

Special Mob Drops for Keys(Only applies if my Soul Mob Suggestion is accepted):
32x Void Stone = 2 Soul Crate Keys
20x Cobbled Gunpowder = 2 Soul Crate Keys
10x Corrupted Cauldron = 3 Soul Crate Keys
16x Armor Scale = 3 Soul Crate Keys
8x Omega Star = 3 Soul Crate Keys

Soul Crate Key Drop Chance: The harder mobs should have a slightly higher chance of dropping Soul Crate Keys
Ender Ghoul: -0.15%
Stone Creeper: -0.10%
Wicked Witch: base +0.0%
Iron Fish: +0.10%
Dread Lord: +0.15%
7. Pickaxe Orbs Update: The pickaxe orbs were introduced a year ago, but these orbs aren't very powerful and the absurd cooldown for using them made them not worth using, not even for the fun aspect. For one, the potency of the orbs we have now should is too weak(because to be quite frank, most of, if not all the custom enchantments on our pickaxes, are way more powerful and efficient than these orbs are), so I came up with improvements on the orbs we currently have. Now, to name some new pickaxe orbs that will make buying orb bags and collecting orbs more worth it:
(also change the textures of the orbs to firework stars so they aren't mixed up with the pickaxe enchant gems.)

Existing Orbs
Mega Tornado: Casts a tornado that will expand and destroy even more blocks, counting lucky blocks, beacons, and treasure chests. Requires Pickaxe Prestige 1, Cooldown: 20 minutes

Duking Nuke: Throws a bomb that explodes in a radius 3x that of explosive 5,000.
Requires 320 Frag Bombs(5 stacks),Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Turbo Black Hole: Pulls in all special blocks(Lucky blocks, beacons, and Treasure chests) in an explosion that collects them all.
Requires 320 Blackhole Bombs, Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Fruit Mania: Doesn't need to be changed mechanically, but make it so it applies on farming hoes.

New Orbs

Beacon Blast: Tosses a white bomb that bounces around 8 times and explodes with each bounce, every explosion turns random blocks in its radius into beacons, the number of beacons formed depends on the enchantment level.
Requires Beacon Finder Enchantment, Cooldown: 2 hour
Level 1000 = 1-3 blocks, Level 2000 = 2-4 blocks, Level 3000 = 3-6 blocks, Level 4000 = 4-8 blocks, Level 5000 = 5-10 blocks

Lucksplosion: Tosses a yellow bomb that bursts into mini bombs that scatter and explode, every explosion turns random blocks in its radius into Lucky Blocks(sponges), the number of lucky blocks formed depends on the enchantment level.
Requires Token Greed Enchantment, Cooldown: 30 minutes
Level 300 = 1-3 blocks, Level 600 = 2-6 blocks, Level 900 = 3-9 blocks, Level 1200 = 4-12 blocks, Level 1500 = 5-15 blocks

Treasure Quarry: Tosses a green bomb that explodes and turns random blocks around it into treasure chests, the number of chests spawned depends on the enchantment level. Requires Treasure Seeker Enchantment, Cooldown: Mine 2 hour
Level 500 = 1-2 chests, Level 1000 = 2-4 chests, Level 1500 = 3-6 chests, Level 2000 = 4-8 chests, Level 2500 = 5-10 chests

Experience Geode: Tosses a blue bomb that forms a geode of Packed Ice blocks that give between 500-1000 experience points, the number of experience blocks formed depends on the enchantment level.
Requires Experience Enchantment, Cooldown: 45 minutes
Level 10 = 1-2 blocks, Level 20 = 2-6 blocks, Level 30 = 3-9 blocks, Level 40 = 4-12 blocks, Level 50 = 5-15 blocks

Machhammer: Upon activation, for 1 minute the Jackhammer enchantment's range extends to break 5 layers of blocks instead of 1. Requires Pickaxe Prestige 3, Cooldown: 30 minutes

Charity Rain: Upon activation, for 10 minutes, the Charity enchantment will have a much higher chance to activate.
Requires Pickaxe Prestige 4, Cooldown: 1 hour

Giga Laser: Upon activation, the radius of the lasers is increased to 5 block width for 1 minute.
Requires Pickaxe Prestige 2, Cooldown: 30 minutes

8. Prisonsuit Upgrades: We have had the Prisoner Suit for a good while now, and we have gotten used to upgrading it as we play along. I feel though that there is room for a few more perks to fit in with the available upgrades on the suit.

Prison suit Upgrades: (#)=price in experience

+25% (440,000) -> +50% (920,000) -> +75% (2,150,000) -> +100% (5,000,000) Star Crate Find Chance

+3% (60,000) -> +6% (210,000) -> +9% (750,000) -> +12% (1,400,000) Skill Exp Boost

9. QoL features: This is a list of Quality of life additions & fixes that will overall improve the quality of Prison in several departments:
Reroute the keys found from the Treasure Chests to go into our Key Backpacks instead of the Mail delivery so they don't clutter our Mail Delivery.
Add an unenchanted hoe into the fruit farmer's menu, so that anybody can harvest fruit without having to rely on the Token Shop's RNG, it also helps remedy the problem of fruit quests being impossible without a hoe when we can't control which quests we get.
Add a reroll toggle feature in /settings so we have the option to choose when we want to use the reroll tokens we accumulated and whether we want our pets to reroll our rewards(also when we hover over the setting it shows us how many reroll tokens we have).
I noticed that the Soul Leech enchantment is almost never bought, I believe it's because the number of Soul Gems obtained from killing players doesn't justify its price, and the fact that people can gather 10x more from mining soul gems the normal way. To make this enchantment worth buying, make it give 20 Soul Gems on player kills and increase the chance of getting Soul Gems from player kills from 5% to 40%. (Or alternatively keep the low activation chance but increase the number of gems given from kills to 50.)
Change the Token Greed Sword Enchantment in the EXP shop to a different enchantment called Enlightenment, which has a chance to give 1000 experience from killing the Soul Cave mobs because AGAIN, we do NOT need a token source in the Soul Cave. It takes way more effort to get a couple hundred tokens in this when we can easily get tens of thousands from mining and from other outside sources which also give tens or even hundreds of thousands.
Change the blocks in the Kingpin mine from emerald blocks to endstone to make it look different from the godfather mine (it gives the mine a more special, exclusive feel).
Just for Aesthetic purposes, add the Color Signs command as a perk for Blackhat->Kingpin so we can color our signs and even our shops.
Fix the Cell Shops not allowing more currencies than just money (It should allow Tokens, Experience, and Beacons too like it was intended).
Add a section to /menu and /help that talks about /skills so people can also take notice of that when looking for help.
Reduce the cooldown for the starter kit to 1 hour so new people won't have to wait for half a week for replacement equipment if they stumbled into PvP(not the PvP part of the kit, just the mining portion of the starter kit).
Allow a Mass /Merchant option when crushing our pickaxes into tokens, because sometimes we end up collecting a lot of pickaxes we don't need and can benefit from their token value, this works similar to the /tinkerer system for crushing PvP books and enchant gems.
Honorable Mentions: These are some suggestion pages I found aside from mine that really stood out, they had a lot of thought put into their ideas and didn't just make a bland page about a broad topic or an idea that has been repeated 100x. They addressed features that not many people talk about so I figured I would list them here so they have a better chance of being recognized.
There are a bunch of good Ideas by iSixez that I didn't list here that I would consider checking out.
I also like Vivekjat062's idea about changing Beacons into Obsidian. (If this suggestion is accepted as well as mine, adjust any of the features above related to Beacons to be Obsidian instead.) (Of course in this case, Obsidian mined in cells do not add to the scoreboard.)

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
1. The Dark Soul Shop is limited in demand, adding more items gives more incentive for collecting Dark Soul Gems
2. This Gkit is in desperate need of an update with new and updated scrolls
3. To make sure the enchant functions right and the gems will have more value
4. A better way to obtain cosmetic skins
5. Makes these two vouchers worth opening
6. Rebalances the Adventurer skill to make it worth leveling up and address the content slog with the Soul Cave
7. This will give the orbs more purpose and worth acquiring
8. This adds more boost options to the ever improving Prisoner Suit
9. These are all features that will increase quality for the better

Extra Information:
Please look on the suggestion forums more often for ideas for all future seasons so that we, the community, will feel like we're contributing to the growth of the gamemode.
Last edited:


April 29, 2022
Suggestion - UPVOTED

 Hello  SuperMariobrine SuperMariobrine

After reviewing your suggestion, I've decided to Upvote/+1 for the following reason(s):

  • Dark Soul Shop is boring, some new tags & general items would be nice to be seen once in a while
  • Scrolls G-kit is just a joke right now
  • Key Finder & Pet Skins have both been prolonged, they're needed!
  • Orbs are extremely useless atm, (I'd suggest a bombs backpack) & then the following changes stated above.
  • QoL Features, It'll definitely stop the constant spam & fill ups in inventories due to opening keys, & having a toggle for rerolls would allow the already very time consuming task to be significantly more efficient.
  • (Oh & Thanks for the credits, Gladiator Pet is Too OP, needs to be NERFED)
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!


June 6, 2021
Suggestion - Upvote (+1)

Hey SuperMariobrine,

I decided to give your Suggestion “More Prison Suggestions Part 1” an
Upvote (+1)

“Maybe do separate Posts for every Suggestion, seems to overwhelming”

I hope that this Gets Accepted, And Goodluck with this.



April 16, 2021
SUGGESTION - Upvote (+1)

Hey SuperMariobrine,

After reviewing your suggestion, I've decided to give you an Upvote (+1)

  • The Dark Soul shop is a little dry and would see much benefit in adding all these new items nonetheless, better to grind Dark Soul Gems.
  • As for the Scrolls Gkit, I agree with everything except adding the Immo scroll to armor, which would be very unbalanced in PvP.
  • One aspect that piqued my interest are the orbs, I agree with all the new ideas but heres one: What if there was a certain block count to be reached in order for the orb to proc/ be reactivated?
  • The Prisoner suit is fairly new, but the following changes above would seem to benefit the suit overall as well.
  • QoL features are great as always, especially when it comes to compacting armor and other in-game items.
As always, such fire suggestions and hopefully they will be implemented!!!


June 28, 2019
very detailed suggestion and I would really like to see this items in prison


Active Member
May 15, 2021
+1 from me very good ideas
dark soul shop really needs some rework


April 10, 2023
I will strongly agree with the soul gems shop and gkit containers. But I would like to say that scroll gkit is useless than above mentioned items, having no importance at all and autominer are same as scrolls gkit container. So, in the end I would say that prison need some rework to become even more better.

Yours sincerely,



December 31, 2022
But I think Treasure crates should not be in soulshop since it is the only gkit which is a bit good
People who bought Treasure gkit will Suffer the most


Game Producer
Staff member
July 3, 2023
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello, SuperMariobrine​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. I am glad to inform you that your suggestion is accepted and it is going to be implemented very soon!​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind Regards,​
~ QuFox
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