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Forums Minor additions to the forums


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
August 19, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Minor additions to the forums​

Suggestion Details:
Followers Pages
Pretty simple, just add the buttons ''Previous Page'' and ''Next Page'' when checking Followers/Following list​
This is how it currently looks like​
It is kind of annoying to just refresh the page just so you could get back to the certain or the beginning follower/following page​
Able to Edit before posting your suggestions
I am sure that people have noticed that you were able to edit in your suggestions before posting, but for some reason this was removed, i am not sure if it was mistakenly removed but bring that back​
Changes to the rule ''Reaction Spamming/Boosting'' (for the third time)
(no i do not care about badges) So basically there needs to be some changes to this rule, since these badges have been added​
Why? Well people could try bypassing this rule and add ''Friendly'' reactions to other users just to get them all of the badges, this should be included in the rule description.​
It's either these get reworked, removed or to add this in the Reaction Spamming Rule​
''Abusing Alts'' in the rules list
It is already punishable, although i think it should be listed so people could know that they'd get permanently banned for that. Description:​
''Using alts maliciously for boosting your reaction score, followers, badges, troll apps and more will get your account alongside with other accounts permanently banned.''​
First Offense -> Permanent Ban​
Change the YT Role Logo
Use the new YT Logo instead of the old one, and improve the quality of it as well​
More Blog Post information
Yeah i know this was just released less than 3 days ago, but i think there should be for each gamemode, at the moment there is only for the gamemodes that are extremely popular for some reason​
New icons for the Minigames SubForums
There subforums should get their own icons for it
Bedwars would obviously have a Red Bed
Skywars should have a Bow
TheBridge can have either the Nexus or the Gold Pickaxe
Search Improvements
Let's say that, you want to suggest Invisibility Potions in bedwars for example, but you are not sure if this is already suggested or not, so you decide to search for ''Invisibility Potions'', but to your surprise, majority of the highlights with the word ''Invis Pots'' are from other subforums, but not suggestions. You should be able to highlight a SubForum so the messages/threads that were sent/made specifically there would appear
This is how it would look like, and the ''Posted By'' option would be below the ''SubForum'' one
Badge Loss
You should be able to lose a badge, pretty simple
For example you need 20 friendly reactions on your profile, and if you reach 20, but go below it, you will get a notification saying:
''Oh no! You lost your ''Name'' Badge because you do not meet the requirements anymore!''​
Disallow Downvote Targeting
So, if this is not happening, why not make it as a rule instead?
Team Suggestions will be able to check The Votes (No, not the author before you ask), and the author can report the person for downvote targeting, then the Suggestions Team Member will remove the vote
Credit to DROGON623 DROGON623 for suggesting this in the other suggestion
Badge Progress
Simple, it'll show your progress on the badges you don't have, once you acquired it, the progress bar will be removed
Credit to R rLilJesus for suggesting this
New Notification
You should be able to get notified if the author's suggestion you replied on was updated, e.g.:
''Lolguy376 has just recently updated the suggestion you've replied on, check it out here!''
The link will be in the word ''Here''
Able to edit a prefix in your thread
The name says it all, make it so you are able to edit your prefix, by simply removing/adding
You will be able to do that in any subforum that contains prefixes (Community Assistance, Suggestions, Map Submissions incase if you make a mistake)
Editing Suggestion Titles
Now i'd like to just answer this already, yes it was already suggested and was denied for an excuse, why do i think it's an excuse?
(SS of the denial reason)
Because, just like how staff punishes for posting messages that are considered behaving inappropriate, why not punish them for doing that in their suggestion titles as well?
Anyways, you should be able to edit your suggestion title, as well as adding onto the ''Inapp Behavior'' rule on the forums list that changing the title to something inappropriate would result in getting punished, Team Suggestions would be able to change the title
of the suggestions to what it was inside of the thread.
Switching Account
Just like how we have it on Discord, Twitter, Insta etc.
I think the forums should have the same thing, it's just annoying how you have to write your email and password

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
(Followers Page) Less annoyingness, easier to navigate​
(Able to Edit before posting your suggestions) - // -​
(Changes to the rule reaction spamming/boosting) Needs an update​
(Abusing alts in the rules list) People would know that it is punishable​
(YT Role Logo) It'll look a bit better​
(More Blog Posts) I mean it's purpose is to help new people out when they visit the server for the first time and want to check this gamemode but do not know how to play it​
(MG SubForum Icons) Decorative and would look better​
(Search Improvements) It'll be easier to find already suggested suggestions​
(Badge Loss) There are some people who have the badges even tho they don't meet the reqs anymore​
(Disallow Downvote Targeting) Cures my mental problems and insanity against downvotes​
(Badge Progress) idk really pete just wanted it here so ask him​
(New Notification) It'd be good to get notified for updated suggestions​
(Editing Suggestion Titles) Less confusion, for the rule, it'd be good to add that in so people would not say ''this aint in rules bro''​

Extra Information:
Credits to the following people:​
DROGON623 DROGON623 R rLilJesus
Note: This will get updated many times so make sure to keep checking​
Rodagave115 Rodagave115
Last edited:


September 2, 2019
I agree with all these suggestions, they seem like it would be a cool addition to the current forums. +1


Addicted Member
November 12, 2020
What does discord have to do with this? Stop making things up to look like you're right. This is a suggestion and I can disagree even without a reason. You better know how suggestions work and what they are, Mr. Masri123 aka camel rider.
?? surely it's your genetics that make you delusional to talk like that, go talk in discord to randoms like you ... shut ur irrelevant delusional ass up and dont talk, im sure you sound like a 10 year old indian. add me on discord Masri#4902 and lets talk there


Active Member
December 23, 2020
?? surely it's your genetics that make you delusional to talk like that, go talk in discord to randoms like you ... shut ur irrelevant delusional ass up and dont talk, im sure you sound like a 10 year old indian. add me on discord Masri#4902 and lets talk there
I am not even Indian and what does this have to do with L*lguy's suggestion? Stick to the topic instead of trying to change the topic and I won't add a camel rider on discord. Go clean your pyramids as they get easily dusty.


Addicted Member
November 12, 2020
I am not even Indian and what does this have to do with L*lguy's suggestion? Stick to the topic instead of trying to change the topic and I won't add a camel rider on discord. Go clean your pyramids as they get easily dusty.
add me on discord ?? Masri#4902 , idiot random and im not even egyptian


August 15, 2018
Hello, these are interesting suggestions, although being away for a month I lost much and the blog creation. However I had a very similar idea which has been dmed to Rodagave115 Rodagave115 so when he checks his dms he’ll find out about it. It’s a far better choice if there are going to be more posts about it. And the forums definitely need some improvements and up to date fixes well done.


Known Member
Known Member
July 2, 2019
Search ImprovementsLet's say that, you want to suggest Invisibility Potions in bedwars for example, but you are not sure if this is already suggested or not, so you decide to search for ''Invisibility Potions'', but to your surprise, majority of the highlights with the word ''Invis Pots'' are from other subforums, but not suggestions. You should be able to highlight a SubForum so the messages/threads that were sent/made specifically there would appear View:
This is how it would look like, and the ''Posted By'' option would be below the ''SubForum'' one
this is how you're meant to do this, but i agree this sucks. have made a suggestion about improving it


Staff member
Great Reporter
Team Appeals
Team Mentorship
Team Reports
Team Social Media
June 18, 2021
Will look at the rest of the suggestions later however I'm with -1 regarding the change of the YouTube rank. In my opinion, it looks fine as it is.


July 19, 2019
This content does not follow the official rules of the JartexNetwork forums.
Will look at the rest of the suggestions later however I'm with -1 regarding the change of the YouTube rank. In my opinion, it looks fine as it is.
nah. ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎


Addicted Member
May 26, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Minor additions to the forums​

Suggestion Details:
Followers Pages
Pretty simple, just add the buttons ''Previous Page'' and ''Next Page'' when checking Followers/Following list​
This is how it currently looks like​
It is kind of annoying to just refresh the page just so you could get back to the certain or the beginning follower/following page​
Able to Edit before posting your suggestions
I am sure that people have noticed that you were able to edit in your suggestions before posting, but for some reason this was removed, i am not sure if it was mistakenly removed but bring that back​
Changes to the rule ''Reaction Spamming/Boosting'' (for the third time)
(no i do not care about badges) So basically there needs to be some changes to this rule, since these badges have been added​
Why? Well people could try bypassing this rule and add ''Friendly'' reactions to other users just to get them all of the badges, this should be included in the rule description.​
''Abusing Alts'' in the rules list
It is already punishable, although i think it should be listed so people could know that they'd get permanently banned for that. Description:​
''Using alts maliciously for boosting your reaction score, followers, badges, troll apps and more will get your account alongside with other accounts permanently banned.''​
First Offense -> Permanent Ban​
Change the YT Role Logo
Use the new YT Logo instead of the old one, and improve the quality of it as well​
More Blog Post information
Yeah i know this was just released less than 3 days ago, but i think there should be for each gamemode, at the moment there is only for the gamemodes that are extremely popular for some reason​
New icons for the Minigames SubForums
There subforums should get their own icons for it
Bedwars would obviously have a Red Bed
Skywars should have a Bow
TheBridge can have either the Nexus or the Gold Pickaxe
Search Improvements
Let's say that, you want to suggest Invisibility Potions in bedwars for example, but you are not sure if this is already suggested or not, so you decide to search for ''Invisibility Potions'', but to your surprise, majority of the highlights with the word ''Invis Pots'' are from other subforums, but not suggestions. You should be able to highlight a SubForum so the messages/threads that were sent/made specifically there would appear
This is how it would look like, and the ''Posted By'' option would be below the ''SubForum'' one
Badge Loss
You should be able to lose a badge, pretty simple
For example you need 20 friendly reactions on your profile, and if you reach 20, but go below it, you will get a notification saying:
''Oh no! You lost your ''Name'' Badge because you do not meet the requirements anymore!''​
Disallow Downvote Targeting
So, if this is not happening, why not make it as a rule instead?
Team Suggestions will be able to check The Votes (No, not the author before you ask), and the author can report the person for downvote targeting, then the Suggestions Team Member will remove the vote
Credit to DROGON623 DROGON623 for suggesting this in the other suggestion
Badge Progress
Simple, it'll show your progress on the badges you don't have, once you acquired it, the progress bar will be removed
Credit to R rLilJesus for suggesting this
New Notification
You should be able to get notified if the author's suggestion you replied on was updated, e.g.:
''Lolguy376 has just recently updated the suggestion you've replied on, check it out here!''
The link will be in the word ''Here''
Able to edit a prefix in your thread
The name says it all, make it so you are able to edit your prefix, by simply removing/adding
You will be able to do that in any subforum that contains prefixes (Community Assistance, Suggestions, Map Submissions incase if you make a mistake)
Editing Suggestion Titles
Now i'd like to just answer this already, yes it was already suggested and was denied for an excuse, why do i think it's an excuse?
(SS of the denial reason)
Because, just like how staff punishes for posting messages that are considered behaving inappropriate, why not punish them for doing that in their suggestion titles as well?
Anyways, you should be able to edit your suggestion title, as well as adding onto the ''Inapp Behavior'' rule on the forums list that changing the title to something inappropriate would result in getting punished, Team Suggestions would be able to change the title
of the suggestions to what it was inside of the thread.
Switching Account
Just like how we have it on Discord, Twitter, Insta etc.
I think the forums should have the same thing, it's just annoying how you have to write your email and password

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
(Followers Page) Less annoyingness, easier to navigate​
(Able to Edit before posting your suggestions) - // -​
(Changes to the rule reaction spamming/boosting) Needs an update​
(Abusing alts in the rules list) People would know that it is punishable​
(YT Role Logo) It'll look a bit better​
(More Blog Posts) I mean it's purpose is to help new people out when they visit the server for the first time and want to check this gamemode but do not know how to play it​
(MG SubForum Icons) Decorative and would look better​
(Search Improvements) It'll be easier to find already suggested suggestions​
(Badge Loss) There are some people who have the badges even tho they don't meet the reqs anymore​
(Disallow Downvote Targeting) Cures my mental problems and insanity against downvotes​
(Badge Progress) idk really pete just wanted it here so ask him​
(New Notification) It'd be good to get notified for updated suggestions​
(Editing Suggestion Titles) Less confusion, for the rule, it'd be good to add that in so people would not say ''this aint in rules bro''​

Extra Information:
Credits to the following people:​
DROGON623 DROGON623 R rLilJesus
Note: This will get updated many times so make sure to keep checking​
Rodagave115 Rodagave115
nice suggestion, i +1'd, one thing is from my experience its better to keep suggestions small, if there is one thing players dont like in the suggestion then they will downvote it, and staff will deny it if there is one bad part of the suggestion
