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Minigames Minigames


February 14, 2022
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Clan Improvements​

Suggestion Details:


Clan Fixes and Improvements

There should be top 10 rewards
As you know that you get top 1, 2, 3 and then top 50 rewards, I think being in top 10 is also a big competition and top 10 Clan deserves much higher rewards too​
The rewards should be
Clan Rewards
  • 12,000 Coins
  • 10,500 Experience
Player Rewards (distributed)
  • 100,000 Coins
Player Rewards
  • 700 Brains
  • 50,000 Coins
  • 2x Legendary Clan Loot Box
  • 8x Epic Clan Loot Box
  • 6x Rare Clan Loot Box
  • 4x Common Clan Loot Box
You must be at least Mythic tier (7500+ Trops)​
You can upvote this top 10 Suggestion
An Enhanced Clan Shop
An Improved clan shop, featuring enticing benefits such as increased chances of double XP, double coins, more slots, double brains and a chance to get Clan cosmetics!​
  • Double XP
    As default it will be 0.5% chance to get double XP, after that you can upgrade it by spending clan coins, each will cost a good amount of coins since people just don't max it in 2-3 months and the max should be 33.5% as every upgrade is

  • Double Coins
    As default it will be 0.5% chance to get double coins, Just like "Double XP" it should be upgrade through coins, max should be 33.5%

  • More Slots
    Max Slots are 16 right now (including clan leader) and I think it should be 22, if Jartex wants space in their servers for 22 slots, they can do is lock the clan behind Gold ranks only, People without gold ranks shouldn't be allowed to make clans

    You can Get gold ranks from voting or from Store

    *you can give opinion about this one in comments

  • Chance To Get Double Brains
    The default one should be 0.5% and ou can max it to 33.5% as all upgrades, you can get a chance to get double brains from this upgrade

  • Random Chance To Get Cosmetic (Clan)
    This rare feature could be made exclusive by locking it initially, requiring 120k coins to unlock. The chance to acquire it would start at 0.1% and could be upgraded up to a maximum of 0.7% with seven costly upgrades

    You can upvote a suggestion made by elfo05 elfo05

    [*]Fix this bug

    Numerous bug reports have been submitted regarding the 'Color Tags' issue, but we haven't received any response yet. While the bug remains unresolved, a few days ago, my friend sent me a screenshot showing that a developer has gained access to color tags. This suggests that the bug has been fixed, but we, as users, are still awaiting access to the tags


    Clan Prestige

    There should be a prestige for clans, each prestige will give you a good amount of coins/brains/experience on each 100 level!
    • 1st Prestige
      1st Prestige should give 500K coins, 1k Brains and 10k Clan experience (Coins should be distributed)
    • 2nd Prestige
      2nd Prestige should give 750k coins, 1.5k Brains and 12k Clan experience (Coins should be distributed)

    Each Prestige should increase 250k coins, 500 brains and 2k Clan experience

    These are my suggestions, you can add me on Discord: alfeir

  • How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
    This will improve Jartex clans and will let us grind more for upgrades and stuff​

    Extra Information:
    JustThiemo JustThiemo You should look at this ^​
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