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Skyblock Dream Massive SBD re-build


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Staff Member
December 30, 2020
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What is your suggestion's title?
Massive SBD re-build​

Suggestion Details:
For the last 2 seasons of playing Skyblock Dream, there has noticeably been more and more complaints over time, and the majority of the skyblock community here has not had a positive experience with the recent updates, which is why I would like to suggest a massive re-build of SBD. These suggestions may contain a lot from the older versions of sbd, but there will also be some new ideas for the gamemode.​
1) Starting off with the main thing that needs to be changed - the sets. Currently any set that isn't Divine basically has no use, since if you use anything other than Divine, you will get 1 tapped. The concept of the armor and weapons having stats like power, strength, defense, etc seems like a cheap rip-off of another skyblock some people may already be familiar with, and while those stats work there, they have absolutely no place in JartexNetwork. I suggest going back to old, basic, plain sets, with basic and custom enchants on them (custom enchants will be talked about more later), while also containing some special sets that do give out some sort of perks like a 15% damage increase (just bringing back the old special sets work too). With these kind of sets anyone could actually put up a fight and it would be fun and fair for everyone playing.​
2) Custom enchants - Skyblock was always known for it's variety of custom enchants you could use, whether that would be to pvp, grind, or even mine/fish/farm. The past 2 seasons have had very minimal amounts of custom enchants, most being stuff like protection, sharpness, fire aspect which should be vanilla enchants and should not be a part of the custom enchants. I suggest going back to old ways with this and bring back all the old custom enchants, because they were the real standout while playing sbd for most people, it serves as a very unique feature to skyblock and most people know skyblock for it's enchants, which there has been a lack of as of recently. I do not suggest adding any new enchants with the old ones but there should be some freedom to experiment on some new ones too. One more thing about custom enchants is that I think there should be a rotation of in-meta enchants, like an enchant that has been buffed/nerfed and now has gotten better/worse, this should be rotated every season.​
3) Removal of collection - The current collections on skyblock are very over-the-top and require too much work to be put in just so you can place down some more minions. Since the minions play a key part in every season of payouts for Skyblock, players obviously go for the maxed out collections. The problem with the collections is how you could easily p2w and max out most of it by just spending money (it's not even a small amount of money), which makes the long grind for collections in order to compete in payouts very unfair when someone comes in and pays to max it. So removing collection entirely would be a positive direction for Skyblock.​
4) Player levels - The current player levels on Skyblock have been very repetitive, since after you reach level 25, every 25 levels are the same with the same tasks, but they just get a bit harder than they were the last 25 levels. I suggest focusing on 100 player levels with more unique tasks that do not repeat themselves every cycle of 25 levels. Adding stuff like claiming minions for levels, enchanting items, etc so a player explores every dynamic of the game just by doing levels would be nice.​
5) Island levels - Introducing island levels, where just like player levels, you will be doing level tasks and earning rewards, but instead your island does those levels together. Bringing in a 2nd level system for the whole island while also being able to do normal player levels would be a pretty unique addition. I suggest making these difficult like the levels we have from 201-250 currently, but the twist is that islands cannot use level skips on these and have to work as a team and grind together to complete these tasks and level up. Rewards from island levels will mainly contain essential items for winning payouts, like legendary spawners, more minion slots, maybe even sprinkle in a seasonal key reward there too for the island leader to share with the island members. There should be 35 or 50 island levels for the islands to work on, and there are no premium level passes for these.​
6) Improving koth loot - Koth loot did get supposedly "improved" this season but that's really not the case. The totems that got added really do not improve anything but worsen the koth loot, since now the valuable rewards get rarer and the single totem you get from koth can be obtained in 1 minute of work without having to risk going into pvp. I suggest adding something like a seasonal key to koth loot since that's a thing on other gamemodes already and it wouldn't hurt adding more valuables to koth, because a player risks their items in order to win a koth and the loot has to be worth the trouble.​
7) Improving seasonal keys - seasonal keys after the first 2 weeks of reset are not worth it at all, all the skyking ranks have been obtained by then, there are no useful gkits you can get from the keys since minion gkit is the only gkit you can get from them and it's probably the worst gkit on Skyblock. So adding something like a random gkit voucher back to keys or a better gkit, for example, keys/special/treasure gkits would improve seasonal keys and they would actually be worth the grind or price. The other items in seasonal keys are fine since they do have their own use, but seasonal keys need to be improved by adding more rarer and greater rewards like a better gkit.​
8) Changing the meta for skyblock payouts - The last 3 seasons have been revolved around maxing out your collection, getting as much boss drops as possible and then popping boosters repeatedly in order to gain value. I suggest making a change on this based on 2 of my previous suggestions by removing collections and focusing on a new feature like island levels which would be the new meta for minion slots and payouts in general.​
9) A bigger map for pvp - Skyblock needs a bigger map to pvp in since the current one the community has is too tiny, only structure it has is the koth and that's it. I suggest adding a more massive map for /warp pvp and also adding a smaller pvp map like /warp fps for a more tighter space to fight in. I also suggest adding the /warp fps map that Skyblock Fantasy has always had into this Skyblock since I think it's a very fun and simple warp fps design and I think it would fit very nicely in Skyblock.​
Additional suggestions I have:​
1) Bringing back the old versions of gkits once the custom enchant system is back in place.​
2) Add god keys back into summer gkits.​
3) Improving the reward quality in god and ultra keys.​
4) Making the new horror gkit into a special set like santa gkit once the old custom enchant system takes place.​
5) Bring back /trade.​
6) Make brand new pets you can activate in your inventory for some small buffs like in some other gamemodes.​
7) Potentially make shorter seasons like a 2 month season so the players don't get bored.​
8) Bringing back stars in order to get the galaxy enchants.​
9) Bring back mobcoins and /transfer.​
EDIT: There are some other things that members of the community have reached out to me as feedback about, on the way suggesting some more improvements to my suggestions, here are some notable things that I also agree on:​
Edit 1) Making level skips rarer - If my suggestion of cutting down levels to only 100 again happens, then level skips should be removed from things such as seasonal keys, and make them accessible through an npc like the older days, when you needed to trade 16 ghoul auras for a skip as an example. Because with only 100 levels, if level skips are as common as they are in these seasons, we would finish levels within the first 5 days. That's why more in-depth 100 levels and less level skips would be nice.​
Edit 2) The god key and ultra key improvement - I did suggest this but I should've written down what to actually improve in the keys. To start off, if mobcoins do get brought back based on my suggestion, they should also be put back into keys. If we're also taking in account my suggestion about custom enchants, then technically scrolls gkits have uses again and should be brought back and the ScrollsV2 gkit should be added to god keys again as it was there before removal. In ultra keys I would like to see some more useful items like totems in them (gold and diamond tier ones), maybe add in some enchanted orbs if the enchants do get brought back, and if the sets go back to normal it would also be nice to have special sets in ultra keys too (as an example the old adidas, bape, armani, gucci sets). With god keys I think the same things should be added but more compact. In god keys there are way too many normal spawner rewards, and I think it would be nice to cut them down and make them into a singular container as a reward with all of them. In god keys it would also be nice to have the gold and diamond totem rewards but just have a larger amount than there would be in ultra keys. If sets do become the old ones then the same could be said with special sets - I think god keys should have better special sets than the ultras as rewards, for example, ultra keys would contain armani, adidas, bape, but god keys on the other hand would contain sets like also bape, gucci, versace, and adding something like a special set container with all 3 at once would be a nice one too. There should be a mystery gkit container reward in the god keys, which can give you any gkit container in the game (not the gkit itself), it would be useful in order to obtain containers which most people do not have access to like santa, summer, slayer, christmas, horror, etc.​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
I think these suggestions would let people have a more positive experience on the gamemode and it would also bring back the people that said they dislike these recent seasons.​
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Staff member
Team Reports
Staff Member
March 13, 2022
Great suggestion, with the current state of SBD, i don't believe it will survive much longer, if some things were reverted back along with some new things like mentioned in this suggestion, then It might be active again.
+1 Upvote


July 22, 2020
I think i speak for alot of players on sbd when i say this, just bring back the old seasons, we were doing just fine without the new "additions", which basically destroyed the already small playerbase the gamemode had.


New Member
February 19, 2025
sbd now is dead and i think the reason is the new updates, as an sbd player i totally agree on this, past 2 seasons where good, pvp is alive and some old players still play, unlike now mostly randoms only play and its dead. i hope that they bring back the old season stuffs like the old pvp enchants and map


January 18, 2025
You see the answers from players who have played sbd for years and you already understand everything, Bring back the old skyblockdream, they wanted to renew it and they destroyed it, they killed skyblock, it's time to revive it for good! Very good suggestion my friend, I'm always with you but much more now that you're right! +1descarga (1).jpg Kayne.


February 8, 2024
I really liked the old way that SBD revolved around, so +1
It is so much like gens now for some reason
