Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion's title?
Make the expiry limit of things given by /gift longer
Suggestion Details:
A lot of people play survival, and a lot of them use /gift, in order to give someone something, however, if they cannot get online in 7 days, the gift expires, this can cause important items to be gone.
Increasing this limit or removing it altogether will help a lot of players, having personally faced this problem, it is very frustrating if you lose an item using /gift.
Increasing this limit or removing it altogether will help a lot of players, having personally faced this problem, it is very frustrating if you lose an item using /gift.
How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
This can help a lot of players who are offline for extended periods of time get their things, and not lose them, this also ensures that new players who are not aware of their expiry, do not accidentally make this mistake and lose their items.
Extra Information:
There is no reason for it to be denied, because overall, it is a very useful addon and will help a lot of people