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What is the suggestion about?
How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
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What is the suggestion about?
Knocking someone with fireball/TNT should count as a kill.
So if you knock someone with TNT and he somehow died, then it should count as a kill for a person who placed TNT. Same goes for fireball. You can already get kill if you knock someone with fireball but it sometimes doesn't count it as a kill. Simple as that, if you knock someone with fireball (on bridge, he dies of fall damage etc.) it should count as a kill and if you placed TNT and your opponent died (because of blast, he fell into void, he died because of fall damage etc), then it should count it as a kill for you.
How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
More ways to kill someone. This would make game fair and fun.
Extra Information:
As I said in suggestion: I KNOW that you can already get a kill if you knock someone of the bridge with fireball but it doesn't count it as a kill sometimes.