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Update KitPvP - Reset | July the 4TH 2020

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June 26, 2020

KitPvP - JartexNetwork 2020

July 4th 2020, 11:00 GMT / 5:00 EST / 4:00 CST / 3:00 MT / 2:00 PST

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

After a long time, is an extraordinarily required reset finally here.

We are happy to finally report that we will be resetting our KitPvP server. The server has had a future of very nearly 2 year. Inside this reset, we've not hesitated to fix up specific issues and incorporated a lot of new features that are listed further on in this post.

This reset was exceptionally required, a great deal of the plugins was not up to date, a ton of players has joined through those years. it essentially simply should have been updated.
For this update did we read through the entirety of your suggestions and concerns, and those were alot. There were a ton of suggestions the equivalent, yet we attempted to make a blend of numerous suggestions inside this reset.

A brand new map is set up, with a lot of new traps are put in to place to make your pvp experience to some degree better, an exceptionally mentioned feature was to include a team or gangs feature. This suggestion was made multiple times, so we had no other option than including this feature inside this reset.

Of course, those are not all the updates we have created more is listed underneath, we have chosen to release this update forthcoming Saturday, July the 4th, in the interim an overpowered mode will be added to kitpvp, free overpowered gear, free gapples etc. will be added. To give kitpvp a little extraordinary and fun way of playing kitpvp the last days.

It's with joy that we can report that this all will be released this Saturday (July 4, 2020) we are expecting the discharge around 1 PM CET.

Saturday 4tj July 2020
11:00 GMT / 5:00 EST / 4:00 CST / 3:00 MT / 2:00 PST

Please note:
The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 1 PM CET.

If you do encounter any bugs or any issues be sure to make a bug report as we shall be closely looking at that section to fix things as soon as possible on the new reset!


End of the world event

There will be an end of the world event on kitpvp. Lets quickly explain what this event is about; to celebrate the coming reset we will put around 3 days before the reset signs at spawn, if you click those signs there will open a menu and you can get tons of free items, think about free sets, millions of in-game money, tons of free experience to make the overpowerest armor ever! You can finally pvp to everyone without the fear of losing your gear, you have worked weeks for. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on kitpvp and have fun!


There may be additions to this over the next few days, or there may be things we've forgotten to add. So, let's not make it longer and go straight to what we have updated:

  • NEW! Builds
    • The new map will feature a brand new spawn/warzone.
    • 5 brand new KOTHs
    • Alot of traps have been added inside the warzone
  • Rebalanced all kits to be more in offset with all kits.
    • Added feather falling IV on every kit
    • Added a weekly kit
    • Added a monthly kit
    • Updated the protection on starter kits to make it more balanced.
  • NEW! Statics kitpvp is generally about kills, this is the reason the statics of kills and killstreaks are significant. We added new features to get more data about your stats, The commands additionally deal with different players, so you can look at their insights.
    • You are now able to see your overall statics
    • You are able to see your weekly statics
    • You are able to see your monthly statics
    • This command can be utilized on others to see their statics.
  • UPDATED! Crates
    • Removed & added new items.
    • Updated the armor from voting & rare keys
    • Updated the rewards.
  • NEW! leaderboards with also in-game commands
    • /topkills | Players with the most kills
    • /baltop | Players with the most money (Its recoded for better performance.)
    • /streaktop | Player with the highest killstreak
  • NEW! Coinflip is now finally also added to kitpvp after being suggested alot
  • NEW! Teamsare exceptionally mentioned suggestions so we had no other choice at than including it, beneath this is a rundown with commands that can be used with our custom team plugin.
    • /t create (name)
    • /t show
    • /t perms
    • /t desc
    • /t ally
    • /t neutral
    • /ta
    • /t disband
    • /tc
    • /t promote
    • /t demote
    • /t invite
    • /t mute
    • /t unmute
    • /t kick
    • /t top
    • /t focus
    • /tl
    • /t help
Every time you kill someone in your team kills someone, your team will get 1 point.
Every time someone in your team caps a Koth, Your team will get 50-100 points and the allies will get 25-50 points
Every time you kill someone who is in /t top 1,2and 3 your team will get 25-50 points and allies will get 5-25 points

  • NEW! Now finally also added an updated version of auction house to kitpvp.
  • UPDATED! Aesthetic Changes
    • We've worked on a bunch of aesthetic changes to things such as a new spawn, messages, vouchers, scoreboard, and announcements. In general, we've made things a bit more easy to understand and read, and made things look a bit more modern. We also added a lot of new helps commands to make it easier for new players to understand the gamemode.
  • UPDATED! All the permissions
  • Allowed the following command in combat
    • All item filter commands
    • Team commands like chat and focus
  • NEW! Anti Cheat
    We have heard your feedback and frustrations about the current state of the AntiCheat at JartexNetwork, we are happy to announce an AntiCheat Improvement. We will run an new anti-cheat this new season of kitpvp!
  • NEW! Refill sings at spawn
  • Misc Changes
    • Updated all plugins so it's up to date
    • Potion bottles to be instantly removed from inventory once consumed
    • Fishing rod added to the shop
    • You can now see the armor of a person with .invsee
    • Added money rewards for reaching certain killstreaks.
    • Fixed speed bug you get with the archer kit.
    • Added coinflip
    • All statics will be reset.
    • Each rank has a different cooldown on the use of /spawn
    • Added boosters
    • Added elevator signs
    • Added speed potions and health potions to item filter
    • Fixed a bug with combat and rank up bar interfering with each other.
    • Added chat color command.
This is only a few of the additions we will be implementing into the new server. You'll need to play to find out more! Stay tuned for some upcoming Sales. Soon to be announced!
That's about it from our end, and a big thanks to you all for being so patient!

Please note: Any suggestions for changes feel free to leave them in the comments.


Questions & Answers

Q: What will be kept after the reset?

  • Ranks
  • Purchase or won out of crates commands
Q: What will be lost with the reset?

  • Kills
  • statics
  • balance
  • Items

Too much information? Ready to play Jartex?!
Log onto and just select your gamemode and PLAY!

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
Please remove cooldown /fix all and /fix hand and make so u can /fix all /fix hand in combat!


Staff member
January 28, 2019
Most of the community have been waiting for this reset, but now, it is not just a reset. It is an improvement to the game-mode, everyone will have more fun playing KitPvP now, after a lot of hard work from the owners and developer, they have achieved this incredible new version of KitPvP, with awesome new commands and features most of you have been waiting for!

I wish the best of luck to everyone!


Active Member
May 29, 2018
"Added money rewards for reaching certain killstreaks." - This is awesome

"Fixed speed bug you get with the archer kit."- And this is awful
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