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KitPvP: A suggestion thread for the inevitable upcoming reset.
I would like to begin by saying Jartex's KitPvP is fun and although I haven't played on Jartexnetwork for a long time, I can say the KitPvP community is competitive and unique PvP experience. Upon recently hearing rumors of a reset, which I am sure is on the horizon I have compiled a few suggestions that I believe the KitPvP community strongly resonates with. This suggestion thread will be broken down into several sections.
- Access to the /help command and server tips
- Players including myself, when joining any server need access to basic commands that are essential to playing any minecraft server. /help should be enabled on KitPvP with appropriate knowledge pertaining to KitPvP. For example, how to choose a kit. Most often I see new players in chat ask "how to get armour" or "how to get kit". Most of the time, their messages go ignored
- A more effective method would be to update the server tips around spawn area with game-play information like how to access the /help, /ah, /spawn and /shop commands.
- Players including myself, when joining any server need access to basic commands that are essential to playing any minecraft server. /help should be enabled on KitPvP with appropriate knowledge pertaining to KitPvP. For example, how to choose a kit. Most often I see new players in chat ask "how to get armour" or "how to get kit". Most of the time, their messages go ignored
- Reduced cooldowns
- The fix commands in the game are essential to KitPvP as it allows players to repair their damaged gear. That being said, the 3 hour cooldown for fix all is too long of a cool down for the command. KitPvP is a fast paced gamemode. In PvP, it doesn't take too long for your set to get worn down. Something more practical and applicable would be 1 hour. If I go into combat with a Yijki set, it'll get worn down in less than 10 minutes. If I use Yijkis at that rate, that means I can use 24 Yijki sets in a span of 3 hours before my cool down is up. I just used this as an example to show the effect of a exaggerated cooldown has on the PvP experience.
- One hour cooldown is much more practical and is perfectly balanced for players that don't have alternate accounts with fix command or don't need to rely on other players to repair for them.
- The fix commands in the game are essential to KitPvP as it allows players to repair their damaged gear. That being said, the 3 hour cooldown for fix all is too long of a cool down for the command. KitPvP is a fast paced gamemode. In PvP, it doesn't take too long for your set to get worn down. Something more practical and applicable would be 1 hour. If I go into combat with a Yijki set, it'll get worn down in less than 10 minutes. If I use Yijkis at that rate, that means I can use 24 Yijki sets in a span of 3 hours before my cool down is up. I just used this as an example to show the effect of a exaggerated cooldown has on the PvP experience.
- Spawn timer
- The twenty second spawn timer is too long for players. If someone is facing a hacker and runs to a saferoom, waiting 20 seconds is too long for them to get back to spawn. The hacker will have already found them and be hitting them through doors
- 15 seconds is reasonable and practical because KitPvP is a fast paced gamemode where players are constantly in combat the second they leave spawn.
- The twenty second spawn timer is too long for players. If someone is facing a hacker and runs to a saferoom, waiting 20 seconds is too long for them to get back to spawn. The hacker will have already found them and be hitting them through doors
- Saferooms
- Pressure plates in saferooms can prevent players from exiting the saferoom when entities are on the pressure plate.
- Change all pressure plates in saferooms to stone pressure plates.
- Pressure plates in saferooms can prevent players from exiting the saferoom when entities are on the pressure plate.
- Item Filter
- Item filter is a useful command to filter out unwanted items which is useful for looting a kill. The command should be allowed in combat tag because players can have itemfilter toggled to filter for armour and if they are tagged in the process and need potions, they should be able to un-toggle and pick up potions.
- Statistics & Kill streaks
- Statistics and kill streaks should be viewable by using a command (Ex. typing /ks or /stats. PracticePvP has /stats).
- Allow players to view their kill streak and statistics by typing a command instead of having to type in chat. Players that are muted suffer from the current system as they cannot view their statistics.
- Statistics and kill streaks should be viewable by using a command (Ex. typing /ks or /stats. PracticePvP has /stats).
- Earning money
- Currently, there are two ways to make money (that I know of and I have been playing for about 1- 1/2 months) and that is through opening crate keys-most commonly vote crate keys- and player kills. First, vote keys do not guarantee players to pull money from the crate. The crate can reward a player with $100 as a reward which is barely enough to buy even the common items on the server (Ex. You can get a vote sword on the auction house for $500). Player kills do not reward enough money to players and the multiplier for kill streaks is minuscule. For a new player to earn money through a killstreak, they would have to have decent gear (Like protection 3+ and sharpness 4+) to earn a decent kill streak or use strength potions (which cost money). Furthermore, having a high kill streaks attract attention from other players seeking to end someone's streak or even the possibility of a bounty getting added to a player on a killstreak. Players who dupe keys don't have to worry about this because they can generate an infinite amount of money from opening keys and it is hard to trace. In fact, duping keys could be understood as a response to the terrible progression mechanism in KitPvP. They then can hike the prices of rare items to their liking because they have control over the economy and trade system. Bounties are voluntary, and iirc, it takes money to initiate a bounty so this isn't sufficient enough as a means to earn money.
- Implement a quest/contract/mission system. Players can accomplish objectives depending on the difficulty of the objective to receive rewards of money. For example, achieving a 25 kill streak would automatically award $500 and so forth up to a reasonable cap. Players could earn a set amount of kills with a specific kit for a quest (ex. 50 kills with archer kit for $250). I understand there are several complications with this such as using archer kit for speed 3 then equipping Yijki armour. I'm sure staff and other members of the community can help me come up with other examples that are plausible.
- Increase the amount of money/multiplier we get per kill and killstreak.
- Implement a level-up reward system that rewards players with money or items at specific levels (Ex. 4 God apples and $25,000 upon reaching level 50) This sort of reward system entices players to push beyond regular PvP, and grind for a reward. It will also be beneficial for server growth as players will play longer and the experience will be more enjoyable.
- Currently, there are two ways to make money (that I know of and I have been playing for about 1- 1/2 months) and that is through opening crate keys-most commonly vote crate keys- and player kills. First, vote keys do not guarantee players to pull money from the crate. The crate can reward a player with $100 as a reward which is barely enough to buy even the common items on the server (Ex. You can get a vote sword on the auction house for $500). Player kills do not reward enough money to players and the multiplier for kill streaks is minuscule. For a new player to earn money through a killstreak, they would have to have decent gear (Like protection 3+ and sharpness 4+) to earn a decent kill streak or use strength potions (which cost money). Furthermore, having a high kill streaks attract attention from other players seeking to end someone's streak or even the possibility of a bounty getting added to a player on a killstreak. Players who dupe keys don't have to worry about this because they can generate an infinite amount of money from opening keys and it is hard to trace. In fact, duping keys could be understood as a response to the terrible progression mechanism in KitPvP. They then can hike the prices of rare items to their liking because they have control over the economy and trade system. Bounties are voluntary, and iirc, it takes money to initiate a bounty so this isn't sufficient enough as a means to earn money.
- Shop items
- If staff decide to continue with buying enchanted gear, then we should be allowed to buy the max level enchants directly from the shop. As I have explained above, money isn't easy to obtain on KitPvP and if players do not possess items to trade with other players to get good gear then they must use the shop. Players are willing to spend their earned money on enchants for their gear it's just that the way it is now, there are too many additional steps and unnecessary spending involved to do so.
- It would be a lot easier and efficient if max level enchants would be put in the shop. It would be beneficial if there were sub categories in the shop. For example Under "Enchants" you would have "Armour enchants" and "Weapon enchants". Specifically under each sub category, you could have all the vanilla levels for that specific enchant (Ex. Under Enchants>Weapon enchants>Sharpness> Sharpness 1-5).
- Add more vanilla enchantments. There is no point of using the enchantment table if you already added the ability to directly purchase enchantment books from the shop. It should be removed in my opinion, because the purpose of the enchantment table is to randomize enchantments increasing the difficulty to get desired gear. It would be more practical to allow all enchantments to be purchasable from the shop since there already are enchantments in the shop. It feels like using a beta version of KitPvP having few enchantments in the shop and the rest in the enchantment table. Players are willing to pay the price, dev's just need to make it happen.
- If staff decide to continue with buying enchanted gear, then we should be allowed to buy the max level enchants directly from the shop. As I have explained above, money isn't easy to obtain on KitPvP and if players do not possess items to trade with other players to get good gear then they must use the shop. Players are willing to spend their earned money on enchants for their gear it's just that the way it is now, there are too many additional steps and unnecessary spending involved to do so.
- Koth command
- Koth command should list the coordinates alongside the available koths. Majority of other servers' koths do this already and it can be confusing for new players to find out where the koths are. I know there is an automated message that says 'Come capture <koth> at <x,y,z> but implementing this into the command makes navigating throughout the server a whole lot easier.
- Koth loot
- Koth loot should reflect the difficulty it takes to successfully capture a koth. Not sure exactly what it should look but maybe someone down in the replies can expand on this with detail.
Balancing issues
- Kits and accessibility
- Donors have access to kit that give them advantage's over regular members in PvP. If we look through a member's perspective for an instance, we can understand how unbalanced the game is. Protection 3 in the shop costs about $3,000 per book. You need two books and two armour pieces to make one protection 4 armour piece. A diamond helmet costs $2,000. It costs total of $8,000 for all the things to make the helmet plus the extra cost for the anvil to combine them together ($6,000). That total's to $14,000 for one protection 4 and unbreaking 3 helmet. If we go back to the current economy situation, we can get maximum $5,000 reward from a vote crate with 6 chances per day (5 if you are cracked) and that itself is a uncommon vote reward. In terms of the server economy, you can get a whole immortal kit from an immortal donor for around $10,000. It shows how a member as little to none accessibility to the rare items on the server. With that being said, kits should be revamped to adjust to the overall player experience of every member. Having control in the hands of the people that pay starts to turn it into a pay-to-progress experience. Since jartex is a cracked server and we can assume that a good portion of the player base does not own the game, they probably cannot afford or choose not to pay for the OP perks from donating.
- Reduce donor kit perks or provide members with one time kits of decent items (such as protection 2 sharpness 3). I understand the second suggestion presents the issue of duping one time kits through alt spam + vpn. However, Jartex has a VPN blocker that blocks majority of VPNS so I do not think this will be much of an issue considering the one time reward isn't super op gear.
- Donors have access to kit that give them advantage's over regular members in PvP. If we look through a member's perspective for an instance, we can understand how unbalanced the game is. Protection 3 in the shop costs about $3,000 per book. You need two books and two armour pieces to make one protection 4 armour piece. A diamond helmet costs $2,000. It costs total of $8,000 for all the things to make the helmet plus the extra cost for the anvil to combine them together ($6,000). That total's to $14,000 for one protection 4 and unbreaking 3 helmet. If we go back to the current economy situation, we can get maximum $5,000 reward from a vote crate with 6 chances per day (5 if you are cracked) and that itself is a uncommon vote reward. In terms of the server economy, you can get a whole immortal kit from an immortal donor for around $10,000. It shows how a member as little to none accessibility to the rare items on the server. With that being said, kits should be revamped to adjust to the overall player experience of every member. Having control in the hands of the people that pay starts to turn it into a pay-to-progress experience. Since jartex is a cracked server and we can assume that a good portion of the player base does not own the game, they probably cannot afford or choose not to pay for the OP perks from donating.
- Crate Rewards - Rank vouchers
- Rank vouchers should be awarded in giveaways or server events only. Players can still dupe infinite amount of keys and spam crates for rank vouchers. This is more of a server-side suggestion as it doesn't greatly impact player experience.
- For example hosting a PvP contest once a week on a given day. The winner would get a rank voucher. This way it's competitive and players have an equal chance of winning.
- Rank vouchers should be awarded in giveaways or server events only. Players can still dupe infinite amount of keys and spam crates for rank vouchers. This is more of a server-side suggestion as it doesn't greatly impact player experience.
Bugs & Glitches
I understand there is a separate section on Jartex for reporting bugs and glitches but this is a suggestion thread on this we can agree on to be fixed for the launch of the next kit map and I will be listing them here (I will also be creating tickets for these in the appropriate forum section).
- Chug Jug glitching
- Not sure how it works but I've heard that in chat it still isn't patched after Thiemo "patched" it.
- Auction house
- Several times when I sell things on the auction house on KitPvP while offline, I do not receive the money for it when I log on. The items are not expired; they are either sold or magically removed from the auction house. I tested this with an alt and I was able to purchase a sharpness 1 sword for $1 on my alt and when logging into my main I did not receive the $1 but my alt received the purchased item.
- New kit map
- A new, fun and exciting kit map that is different and unique from the current one. Pretty sure the map creators already know this so do your best
- A new, fun and exciting kit map that is different and unique from the current one. Pretty sure the map creators already know this so do your best
- KitPvP Rewards
- KKitPvP is popular gamemode amongst other gamemodes on Jartex (averaging around 80 players online at a given time which is on par with skyblock and prison).
- That being said, there should be KitPvP top rewards for most kills earned in that season (Ex top kills #1 receives 50 euro PayPal and 100 euro web-store gift card and so forth).
- KKitPvP is popular gamemode amongst other gamemodes on Jartex (averaging around 80 players online at a given time which is on par with skyblock and prison).
These are my suggestions that I feel would make the kitpvp a much more enjoyable experience for all users that play on Jartex. I feel that the ideas I put forth in this thread resonate with most of the players on KitPvP hence why I spent time writing this thread and I look forward to reading the responses from staff on these topics.
How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Improve the overall gameplay experience of players on Jartex's KitPvP gamemode.
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