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Gens Improving gens for all types of players out there


December 8, 2021

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Improving gens for all types of players out there​

Suggestion Details:
hi i joined gens for about 10 days now and i see ups and down on the server i am a old sbf player and i see manny servers and ideas before but this gens (skyblock) update is a good change for me ...

the first note of this sugestion will be that manny players come and go but the the magic that make a player play for is gone after level 35 the ... the levels you progress are so tideos hard from my perspective i like the grind but past 60 manny players stop grinding i know the gens is a fresh section but it can be improved for evryone .

sugestion 1 Make levels easyer ( not requiring lesss xp for 1 levelup ) make a quest sistem that reset and is random per day and other perks that give you xp by finishing them .

sugestion 2 Add pvp on Gens for players that play pvp i know there are aloot of pvp base section Prison skf skd etc
but this will improve the players to the point that is not enough slots on server :D this .

sugestion 3 related to pvp arena make an uniq pvp style based on the enchantment and level increse Like lets put
the tools avabile . ( HOE AXE SWORD PICKAXE } add an armor section + battle axes shilds swords for pvp that can be purchased on a bether tier from wood to netherite at diferent level and can be upgraded base on the material like tier 1 2 3 4 5 and the enchants to be the same tier as the material like example Custom enchants ... like whe have now on Hoes EXPERTISE HASTE LINEAR EXPLOSION LUKY etc have the a few enchants on the armors and pvp related wepons this will asure players to grind for somthing not only for leveling for bether gens and farm wood for 4h for 1 level will make it worthed with the idea you can pvp

sugestion 4 Related to pvp arena add 2-3 events at pvp arena so peopple will be intrested on pvp for a purpose not only for murdering eachother Add : TOP kills , top streak , add events like Air crates spawns 10 crates on the arena and make peopple fight for them ... the crates shood contain gens slots vote keys rank vouchers shards that can be exchanged to a ssnl rank later or somthing like this devs know theyr stuff add an event dayli with a boss that spawns at pvp and who kills it gets xp trough level so it makes the leveling easyer balancing the boss by giving the xp too all players that participate on beating it based on dmg dealed . example boss spawns at diferent tiers
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 lets say tier 1 has 100k hitpoints and tier 5 has 2 milion the amount of xp shood be shared base on the dmg dealed on the specific boss by specific player and the xp to be given to the players = with the dmg amount and can be boosted by xp boosters and the drop shood be a crate for the one who killed it with an key on it add a new crate on the warp crates with name " BOSS CRATE " with good items on it only can be get 1 time per day at the event .

sugestion 5 Make builders out there do theyr best .
make a rate system for islands
add an payout montly Bonus for the best looking island based on the rates of players
add rate system Clasic with 1 start to 5 stars
Rewards the server montly same as payouts with top3 players with the most rate stars
this will increse the interaction with island and made the game more played for the build style players out there

sugestion 6 recap on all bast 5 sugestion short
ADD daily quests for easyer levelup
add Pvp arena
add armor and wepons base on level with enchants for pvp
add events on pvp drop party boss event (with specific xp giving for killing )
add new crate for boss crate for the loot from boss
add leaderbords for player kills top streak and boss kils
Add a rate system for island and a specific top for it with specific reward montly for the builders out there ( ^-^)
this will increse the interactions on the island and players with creative minegames and builds out there not a simple hub ( box ) with shops and gens.

My own ideas for incresing player base is here old stuff seen in 10 years of playng minecraft i know how a section works right now Gens is stable but is gona die slowly cuz of repetitive and the amoung of grinding for pointles .

Ps it takes 2 h to grind birch with max level god dog 2.5x xpbooster and best axe enchanted thats for maxed for 1 level

i dont know past 70 i think is just hell
but imagine witout boosters or pets the amount of grinding needed ( manny players dont have more boosters crate keys pets past 60 and they stop grinding cuz is point less .​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
Improving the amount of players playng on gens now and for the future :

1# Pvp players will enjoy a fresh pvp system and grind gladly for it
2# builders will actualy play for a rewarding reason and make creative players interact more with the island intself not only a factory with gens and some chests
3 alll types of players will enjoy the section and the Level system will have a purpose for all type of players
4 imagine alll the players Specialy will grind to level 100 becuz of the pvp for bether armor wepons enchantments
5 the questing system will be incresing the base players too cuz of the daily misions
Thats all my ideas and sugestions old stuff But freshh all togheter :D i know is long and is read on a UGA BUGA style by me but i hope you take your time whos reading this ...
it took me 1 h of writing this down and all is not scripted is just reading along with the ideas coming in my head ^-^ !

Extra Information:
Hello my name is diamondust i am on this comunity for about 5 years not counting the old days of minecraft ...
P.s sorry for my writing english skils english is not my main language and i learn it by doing it not from scholl scuse me .​
